Wellness Music

Udja. Wellness Music is music designed to raise vibrations and eliminate energetic blockages. From cleansing the heart and one’s aryu, to activating chakras. From awakening one to one’s Roots, to projecting one astrally, to the Stars. With lyrics, rhythms, sounds that can liberate the mind from enslavement. Music that can be used during yoga sessions, meditation, devotion, dancing and celebrations.

As I mentioned previously, I have recently started paying attention to my Crystal Connection. Here is a video of a recent session with some new Selenite Crystal Rods and a chant for the Goddess Maat: OM MAATI MAKHERU.

you can buy  cds or download the music here

listen on spotify, cdbaby, pandora, itunes, etc….

visit tchiya.com for the Music of Tchiya Amet