Maat Expansion During Portal Openings 2018

Good Rising Grand Opening and Great Awakening!

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This is just a short report about a few alignments that are NOT in Retrograde. It seems to me that this is of significance as well. You can read the comprehensive

Retrograde Season is Here,

the Solar Eclipse  Review,

as well as the Lunar Eclipse Report.


I initiated this report on my Mom’s birthday, July 31, and it took this long to complete and upload the video. But not too much has changed, so please enjoy the corresponding video on youtube.


July 31, 2018


Dua Ra Khepera Dua Juno Khepera (Sun Juo Sidereal Cancer)

Dua Sedna Apis (Sedna Sidereal Taurus)

Dua Maat Dua Heru Tamet Ammon Witnessing Consciousness Observing Maat without Judgement or Attachments
(Pallas Athena Uranus in Sidereal Aries)

Dua Chiron Rx Dua Sesheta PiCot Sahu. (Chiron Opening, Moon Sidereal Pisces)

Dua NebtHet Rx KuUrKu (Neptune Retrograde Sidereal Aquarius)

Dua Set Rx Hupeneius (Mars Retro Sidereal Capricorn)

Dua Asar Rx Dua RePhan (Geb) Rx Asar (Pluto Retro, Saturn Retro, in Sidereal Sagittarius)

Dua Vesta Imhotep (Vesta Sidereal Ophiuchus)

Dua PiCheus Amun Maat (Jupiter Ideal Libra) MAAT EXPANSION

Dua HetHeru Dua Aset Dua Djehuty Rx Sekhmet

Here is KemeTones youtube channel video about Maat Expansion During Portal Openings from Good Rising TV:

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