Dua RePhan M PiMaere: Saturn Direct in Sidereal Sagittarius


Welcome to HeruScopes.

Whew! We now get 105 days of peace while Geb gives us a break from the intensity of structures being dissolved, replaced, reconstructed. Saturn goes Rx again on January 1, so let’s take a moment to reflect and express gratitude for all of the crazy changes we have been through. Changes in environment, finances, schedules. Relationships. Any ties that bind us….

Personally, during the last few weeks of this RePhan Portal Opening (Saturn Retrograde), I have felt huge energetic shifts, in my Ari (Karma) especially in regards to finances. It feels like I have been living like a Mountain in Chains, and that the chains are falling apart. Of course a mountain is stronger than the chains, but I had forgotten….

What changes did I make or tools did I use that resulted in this transformation you might ask? Lots of Chanting! Om Geb Asar. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JmFqWyFzJpA

That helped a lot. I learned how to Travel Beyond Limitations. Basically chanted my way through transformation. That was the lesson of this Portal Opening. Especially since I am in my second Saturn Return, In Sagittarius, things were definitely intensified.

I also started working with the Power of Intention again. So tired of hiring crooks and dating abusers, I started writing out and speaking out loud: “I surround My Self with Light Beings that Support my Dream and Share My Vision”. I actually met a contractor and a real estate broker that actually care about what happens to me and my daughters. I had almost given up on finding honest people to work with….I am taking an extended leave of absence from dating…

What fueled this journey? Trust And Surrender: Uhau. Instead of freaking out every time a new obstacle presented itself, instead of trying to fix things, and make things go “my” way, I learned how to apply Amun consciousness: wait and see what happens without limited ego-driven consciousness. And also Khak Ab: letting go of attachment to the outcome. Letting go of control.

Now that the Sun has moved into Sidereal Virgo. Aspolia, the widest constellation of the Zodiac, and the Sign with the most number of days: 45, the time is ripe for Planting Seeds of Intention in the Garden of Your Life. Remember to plant Seeds of Freedom, Freedom from Limitations, Boundaries, Sufferation that no longer serve you. Get your ticket so that you can Travel Beyond Limitation. With Meditation. I read that the Rings of Saturn are dissolving. Visualize all obstacles, limitations dissolving evaporating right before your eyes. Step into the new reality that awaits you, overflowing with Freedom. Visualize yourself walking away, floating away from mighty Geb: away from materialism, worldliness. Heaviness, until your heart feel as light as a feather, no longer weighed down by heaviness that is actually an illusion.

Of course, we need obstacles and boundaries in place for protection and conservation of our energies. Already a change has taken place: no longer willing to tolerate any level of abuse to protect relationships. I am prepared to walk away instead of apologizing for things that I did not to to maintain peace. If the other person cannot handle it when I stand in my Truth, they have no place in my life.

This is the magic of Saturn Direct in Sidereal Sagittarius. Inner Joy!

New Moon and Mercury Direct July 2019: Family Transformations

Udje. Uben  Un Nefer. Beautiful Existence Rising.

This is the Good Rising TV Update for the New Moon and Mercury Direct. July 2019 Family Transformations.

The Reality of the Black New Moon

If you are excited about the upcoming Black New Moon, I want you to know that it is another man-made event, more Babylonian trickery. If there are 13 Moons in a year, how can there only be 12 Suns???? Same thing goes for the Blue Full Moons: just a cover-up about there being 13 constellations along the ecliptic instead of 12.



HeruScopes New Moon Update
To align with this Celestial event, align your actions and make your offerings to the Cosmic Forces of Beauty, Creativity, Writing and Transformation of the Family and Family Relationships. Dua Heteru, Ra, Sesheta M Khepera: Venus, Sun, New Moon in Sidereal Cancer and Mercury is now Direct in Sidereal Gemini, PiMahi.



KemeTones Self Care for New Moon and Mercury Direct

Opening Up to Creating New Positive Habits and Traits, by aligning your thoughts, words and actions with the Cosmic Forces of Writing, Creativity, Love and Beauty, in the area of Family, in conjunction with the New Moon, The Sun, and Venus in Sidereal Cancer. My spiritual guide has advised me to stop setting goals and intentions, which are in essence limiting, and instead, establish habits for an enlightened lifestyle. During this Lunar Cycle. I will use my  pen and my voice to bring this into manifestation and activate discipline to establish these new habits. When I look at my own family, I see sadness, separation and distance. Would love to see that transformed into Hotep, the End of Duality. Supreme Peace.



Cosmic Chimes and Chanting for the New Moon

The Sun and Venus in Sidereal Khepera. Dua HetHeru, Dua Ra, Dua Sesheta M Khepera. Working with the Cosmic Forces of Love and Beauty, Creativity, and Writing in the area of Family Transformations. What can you do to create something loving and of lasting beauty to bring about transformation within the family, physical or spiritual family? When we write out goals, intentions, or habits we want to create, it helps them to manifest. Try It!!! Can write, speak , chant and sing you purified desires into reality.




Cosmic Chimes and Chanting for Mercury Direct

Mercury is now Direct and resting in the sign of Sidereal Gemini. Dua Djehuty M PiMahi. Here is the Cosmic Chimes and Chanting Ancient African Adorations for Mercury Direct. Global Prayer for Direct Communications, Honest Communications for All Nations. And Families of course which are in reality, mini-tribes and nations….

Remember in another episode, when I mentioned writing or saying  things in the positive 40 times to counter the effect of something said with anger or negativity.  This is another exercise worth your time during this celestial event.

One Love 

New Moon New Tune!

The New Moon is always magical. Like starting over with a clean slate. When the girls were young, we observed the Hebrew Tradition of Rosh Hashanah, the Birthday of the World. Times have changed, the Girls are grown and have moved on. I have moved on as well. During this New Moon, I am making some Huge Changes! Kinda scary. Truly letting go of what no longer serves me: spiritually, energetically, traditionally, culturally, etc. Taking actions that will lead me to expressing my Authentic Self. It feels like I am still living to perfect the Woman that I was 28 years ago.

28 years ago, I was deep into my first Saturn Return Experience. It is a miracle that I survived. I changed my name during that time. It wasn’t really a change in meaning or vibration. Just a different frequency. Back then, I moved from Greek to Hebrew: from Staci Alison to Tchiya Amet. Both mean Rise Again Truth, which is the name of my first cd: Rise Again Truth. I wanted to honor my parents, so I simply translated into Hebrew.

Back in 2006, my first trip to Mexico was with Don Miguel da la Ruiz, the Master that wrote the Four Agreements for us. I later went on to write a song about them in Spanish:

During my time with him, I explained that although I really like my name, it feels like I am always dying and starting over and over, never really moving forward, continuous regeneration also means continuous death of something. He suggested that I drop the tchiya, and go by my middle name. At the time I thought, sounds perfect, but I had just changed my name to Tchiya 10 years prior, and had all of these reasons why I could ot. I tried a few times over the years to go by Amet, but it did not feel right.

Now, it has been an entire Saturn cycle of Tchiya and frankly, it feels like it does when your old car just won’t run anymore. As a friend once told me, “you can’t beat a dead horse.” This is how my life feels at the moment. I can keep going trying to patch up all the little things that are not coming together the way I want them to, OR, I can just up level, shift vibration and frequency and get into the flow, not necessarily going along with whatever, but fine-tuning with accuracy and precision, the vibration at which I truly desire to live out the rest of my life. And it certainly does not include fixing the life that i have been living for the past 28 years, because everything has changed since that moment in time.

Which brings me to The Music. It has been an excellent journey. However that journey has expanded and can no longer continue the way that it once was. Reggae has been wonderful for my consciousness, awakening, health, abundance, prosperity, even love. However, all of that has expanded too, and can no longer be contained or confined. So, although I will continue to write, sing, compose and enjoy reggae Music, I am no longer called to live at the standards of the Reggae Music Industry or even the Community. That vibration is now part of my past.  In fact, has been that way for while now, I just did not know how to move forward, or where. The Future and the Present  is ALL PURE LIGHT.

You may have noticed my music has moved into the genre of Devotional World Music. This features Original Roots Reggae of course,  Reggae Fusion Jazz,. It also includes Ancient African Adorations, which consists of Kemetic (Ancient Egyptian) Chanting and Singing, Medicine Wheel Music/Native Reggae, even Live Cosmic Jazz Improv.

Speaking of which, on September 8, I had the excellent fortune of performing Live Cosmic Jazz Improv with SuRa and the Side Pocket Experience. This event takes place every second Saturday of the month at the Silver Room, and I will be there singing and chanting to their live expressions of love and joy. It is pure heaven in sound. If you dig Sun Ra, you will love SuRa!

What about Reggae Wellness? That is going to have to simmer awhile. Things were out of alignment with who I am today in this moment. That must be the priority. So, the first step is getting my practice in order. The renovations at the apartment building will begin soon, and so during this New Moon Phase, I will be working on the website for the LIGHT BEING WELLNESS CENTER AND WELLNESS PRODUCTS. KemeTones,org. HeruScopes.com, and tchiya.com will all be upgraded as well.

The final announcement for this New Moon is My Name. Yes, that is changing too. The vibration of the music has changed because I have changed so much, thanks to these past 4 years of intense healing, much letting go, lots of meditation and self care, etc. and it is time for my name to reflect this , and stop projecting the old energy and having the same experiences over and over again. Plus, I did not really change the vibration of my name, so it has been the same since birth. I will keep Tchiya Amet as the BRAND for my Reggae Music, and from henceforth, shall be known as Arit Neter S Mery Maati which means,

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You can just call me Arit! LOL!!

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This announcement/moved is in alignment with my upcoming trip to Kemet in October, for a Musical Initiation. One of the highlights will  a visit to the Temple of Abu Simel, in Aswan, when the light shines on a statue of Ramses for 22 minutes. My research tells me that this is the actual date of the Equinox, instead of in September. And, the initiation will include offering a Concert on the Nile. You can learn more here:

Musical Initiatic Journey to Kemet


If this is too much for you, or too weird, no worries, I will always answer to Tchiya, just as I still answer to my childhood name. Just wanted to let you know in case you are wondering…..LOL!!!

Check out the HeruScopes Analysis for the New Moon, and you will see how my life mirror this report.


Arit Neter s Mery Maati
aka Tchiya Amet El Maat


UPDATE! Good Rising TV Announcement Video

Maat Expansion During Portal Openings 2018

Good Rising Grand Opening and Great Awakening!

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This is just a short report about a few alignments that are NOT in Retrograde. It seems to me that this is of significance as well. You can read the comprehensive

Retrograde Season is Here,

the Solar Eclipse  Review,

as well as the Lunar Eclipse Report.


I initiated this report on my Mom’s birthday, July 31, and it took this long to complete and upload the video. But not too much has changed, so please enjoy the corresponding video on youtube.


July 31, 2018


Dua Ra Khepera Dua Juno Khepera (Sun Juo Sidereal Cancer)

Dua Sedna Apis (Sedna Sidereal Taurus)

Dua Maat Dua Heru Tamet Ammon Witnessing Consciousness Observing Maat without Judgement or Attachments
(Pallas Athena Uranus in Sidereal Aries)

Dua Chiron Rx Dua Sesheta PiCot Sahu. (Chiron Opening, Moon Sidereal Pisces)

Dua NebtHet Rx KuUrKu (Neptune Retrograde Sidereal Aquarius)

Dua Set Rx Hupeneius (Mars Retro Sidereal Capricorn)

Dua Asar Rx Dua RePhan (Geb) Rx Asar (Pluto Retro, Saturn Retro, in Sidereal Sagittarius)

Dua Vesta Imhotep (Vesta Sidereal Ophiuchus)

Dua PiCheus Amun Maat (Jupiter Ideal Libra) MAAT EXPANSION

Dua HetHeru Dua Aset Dua Djehuty Rx Sekhmet

Here is KemeTones youtube channel video about Maat Expansion During Portal Openings from Good Rising TV:

Please like and Share with your network. ONENESS!

Good Rising TV @kemetones instagram LIVE!

Good Rising and Great Awakenings

Tchiya Amet has launched her newest vehicle for sharing wisdom and healing with the birth of Good Rising TV. These online healing sessions include Astrology, Sound Healing, Chanting, Singing, with either Guided Meditation or Energy Clearings as time allows.These sessions are not even limited to Time and Space. So, whenever you are able to watch the replay, you will still receive the benefits. of course, it is not the same as being there live, but this is true for just about everything. Like listening to a musical recording is still very healing powerful and enjoyable, in it’s own way. Vastly different from attending alive performance. each one has it’s own unique benefits and qualities. Except of course for watching movies or experiencing illusions, these are best when the editing is all done!!! LOL!!


The sessions are spontaneous and impromptu. The only information that I have before the show begins is the chart. I also select the tuning forks ahead of time, that correspond to the chart. The analysis, healing sessions, chanting and singing, energy clearing, and guided meditation are all spontaneous, truly live. Created right on the spot.

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Included in each session is a HeruScopes Analysis of the Moment. Each Planet and Constellation corresponds to a Tuning Fork and also to a Neter, a god or a goddess, Ancestor, or Cosmic Force. HeruScopes is a 13 Zodiac/13 Month Kemetic Sidereal Calendar, that is based upon the actual motions of the Sun and the Planets through the Constellations. The system we are most familiar with is man made, and is based on the orbit of the Earth around the Sun, not the Stars. Maybe we can call it Sunology or Earthology.

Deep space nebulae


KemeTones utilizes Acutonics Tuning Forks, that are tuned to the planets and thereby, constellations as well. KemeTones is similar to Acupuncture, using sound instead of needles. Non-invasive healing modality that is in alignment with Cosmic Sound.

The next level is using the voice and hand instruments to awaken the Cosmic Forces within us, to align with the Celestial Order of the Day, with Chanting and Singing. Different songs for each cosmic force. Plus Spiritual Teachings and Insights, Current Events, Life Experiences, Wellness, etc. Expressing Gratitude, Devotion, and Love for the Divine. Devotional World Music. Ancient African Adorations.

If time permits, we close each session with either Guided Meditation, Energy Reading, or Both. The Energy Reading is called an Energy Flow Analysis. We identify a Block, and then take steps to remove it.

The sessions are currently recoded live @kemetones instagram live. The replays are then posted on youtube, and on Good Rising TV page. At times, audio is available. Even though astrology charts are used, the analysis are not limited to time and space. After the Celestial Event has passed, the healing energy created for that moment, can be listened to and experienced again and again. Each episode has a particular theme and title, and can be applied for particular uses and events. Guided by the Stars, and yet not limited by time and space.

Good Rising TV youtube playlist

Or, Visit Good Rising TV Page  to watch videos


One Love

Tchiya Amet El Maat

Good Rising TV