Festival at Abu Simbel October 2018


Udja. Uben Un Nefer. Nehast. Beautiful Existence Rising. Great Awakening.

Welcome to one of the MOST Magical Moments of My First Musical Initiatic Journey. Only fragments were captured, so I will do my very best to convey the event.

Here in the West, when I hear the word festival, I imagine a large stage, with live music, vendors selling wares, lots of delicious food, and a fantastic turnout, which means the organizers, producers and sponsors will be happy…..in fact, producing, participating, organizing, volunteering, vending, healing, working, touring, and especially performing: the festival life is for me. Festivals in alignment with Celestial Events are considered to be Sacred Events amongst First Nations and Original Peoples. The Abu Simbel Festival has opened my eyes and expanded my heart in so many ways.

You might be wondering, what is sacred about October 22? The Fall Equinox is on or around September 21, and the Winter Solstice is on or around December 21. What is going on Celestial on October 22???? Let me interrupt here: as you may well know, one of my passions in life is Cultural Astronomy, similar to Astrology in many ways, but in many ways very different.

When I was able to travel to Machu Picchu, one of the Temple Guardians told me that the Equinox does not actually occur in March or September. There is an equinoctial marker there that has been “doing its thing” for thousands of years. This should be obvious, because due to the Precession OF the Equinox, the Zodiac Constellations are different than they were 4,000 years ago when the calendar was fixed in time by religious authorities. So, it makes since that the Equinox is not where we have been told it to be. I now wonder if the Equinox occurred at this time of year when the Temple was built…

What is the Festival at Abu Simbel? On October 22 and also February 22, the Temple of Abu Simbel is the location for a celebration of longevity, royalty, precision, wonder. It is a festival of the Sun. And, the most fun I had had in along time…On these days, at sunrise, the light from the Sun enters into the Temple, and lights 3 out of 4 seated statues in the inner sanctuary. The 4 statutes are Ramses II, Amun, Ra, and Ptah. On these days, only the statues of the gods are illuminated, leaving Ramses in the dark. I have read elsewhere where they describe Ramses and his architecture as egotistical, and that Ptah is left in the darkness. But they are totally incorrect, as this Temple was to HONOR Amun Ra Ptah, not idolize Ramses II. It is said that these days were chosen to observe the time of his birth, and the time of his coronation.

Back to the festival part: I tried writing to someone at the webpage for the festival ahead of time, to see if they were still accepting bands. HA! Not that kind of festival! There were a few music groups playing music, and there were a few traditional dancing groups present. But there is no stage, in fact, there is no organization except for natural Order! EVERYONE present wants to get inside the temple to see the Sunlight illuminating 3 out of 4 statues. We are all wondering how was this achieved? AND, it only lasts for 22 minutes!!! EXACTLY!! There are screens outside so you can watch it in case you do not make it in.

Tchiya Outside Abu Simbel

I remember trying to hold onto my companion’s hand, and almost getting crushed by the weight of the people around me. I remember singing and playing my instruments outside, and wondering what would happen if I sang once inside! LOL!! And my friend asking me if I am SURE that I have the headdress/veil on correctly. I responded that this is the way I want to wear it. Of course, some would say that I have it on backwards… anyway, I remember the moment the sun started to break over the horizon, and wondering how would ALL of these people get inside? The entire event was mind blowing, because think about HOW LONG HAS THIS FESTIVAL BEEN TAKING PLACE?????? with no commercialization, nothing outside of security, busses, ticket collection just like any other temple site. Nothing out of the ordinary or special no t-shirts, no trash! No vendors. Everyone present came to witness this amazing event. And now, I am determined to join them at least once a year! BUT THIS IS ONLY THE INTRODUCTION!!

  • Outside Abu Simbel
  • Outside Abu Simbel
  • Outside Abu Simbel
  • Tchiya Outside Abu Simbel
  • Tchiya Outside Abu Simbel
  • Tchiya Outside Abu Simbel
  • Sunrise Outside Abu Simbel
  • Sunrise Outside Abu Simbel
  • Sunrise Outside Abu Simbel
  • Outside Abu Simbel

Okay, so it is time to go in. the line is moving. I immediately begin chanting Om Amun Ra Ptah at the top of my lungs, playing my little hand drum as loud as I can. Ae we are walking past police officers and security guards, they are all smiling and laughing with me, giving me the thumbs up. Clapping! I am in shock because usually, we are not allowed to sing or chant inside of the temples. Nothing that resembles prayer or meditation is allowed unless you give the guards some money….So, I just keep chanting. And each time we pass a security guard or police or any official, they just keep encouraging me to continue. People around e also let me know that they enjoy it. People want to know my name or where I am from: I TELL THEM THAT I AM FROM KEMT AND ASKL THEM IF THEY KNOW WHERE IT IS !!! LOL!!! Jamaica, the Caribbeans, the Islands, someplace in Americas, some place in Africa. I get amazing answers btw whenever I ask this question in Aswan!!!)

Now it is time to go inside. I keep chanting, expecting to be reprimanded or thrown out. I am the only person dressed in white, with a veil, with locks, with a drum and sistrum. The only person chanting Om Amun Ra Ptah as loudly as possible. I am getting a rush, my adrenaline is pumping. Then it happens: BAM! We are attacked by a white supremaciist, right there in Kemet, in the temple at the festival at Abu Simbal on October 22, 20187. Although, if you ask her, she would probably say that she hates ALL Americans, not just Black ones.,…how I wish we had footage of this…..sigh.

Out of nowhere, this short, pink porky pig looking woman with a thick Australian accent jumps out in front of us, we are inside the temple, but not yet to the inner shrine, there are people everywhere, the place is packed. And as she starts yelling things like at us: “did it occur to you that nobody wants to hear that! Go back to America where you came from. You don’t belong here.” stuff like that. Every time she says to go back where we came from, Raquel and I start cracking up uncontrollably because we KNOW that we came from Kemet!!!! LOL!!! Everyone there told us that we look like Nubians, that we are same color as them and look like we are family. They said they liked my singing and my music. But she hated it! She was saying all kinds of dreadful things. Raquel had had enough and turned to her and said that because of the way she was treating us and behaving, that she and her family would be cursed for 100 years! Oh dear, I asked her to stop, because we don’t need to attract negative energy to ourselves by sending it to this demonic entity. But it was getting very heated and this woman would not stop.

So, we had each just recently purchased a sistrum in Abydos, so we pulled them lout and kept chanting LOUDLY! The Patty Porky Pig GRABBED Raquels sistrum and bent it! We were furious. Our tour guide Adam had to keep intervening to protect us from getting hurt and also from hurting this entity. Finally, we were separated and it was our turn to go inside the inner shrine. I am still chanting Om Amun Ra Ptah and NO ONE ELSE asked me st stop or told me to leave. The security guards kept giving me smiles, laughing, dancing, taking photos with us, clapping. It Was incredible. and thrilling.

You only get a few seconds to see the Illumination, and you know what? It is worth it! It is actually unbelievable while you are standing there, and then the next person nudges you to remind you that this is actually happening and your time is up and you must move on….Next time, I will be mentally ready for the viewing.

So, as soon as we leave the inner shrine, our Australian friend reemerges, still spewing negativity and hatred. This time, many Nubian people stop us to take photo with us as we admire the artwork and iconography in both temples. She is like following us around telling us to go back where we came from while the locals are telling us that we are Nubian. Talk about union of the opposites! LOL!! Reality and illusion. When she realizes that Adam is with us, she says, “What, you are with them? I feel sorry for you”. We are all laughing and chanting Om Amun Ra Ptah…..of course, every now and them Sekhmet appears and flames come out of our mouths in response and reaction to poison from our attacker

Once we get back outside, Adam is all smiles! While this was going on inside, he looked really serious and concerned. He told us that he had to look that way, because of his job, but that on the inside, he was very happy. That we went inside and helped to reveal a very dark energy and we cast it out with the chanting and drumming. I am not sure why the security guards did not stop us, no one else was singing inside. None of the musicians or dancers from outside could be seen inside. I wonder how long it has been since people were allowed to worship inside the temple at the festival or anytime for that matter. I wonder what will happen when I return there and start chanting again???? I will let you know.

Of course, once we were leaving the festival, porky patty found us again. I got some of the altercation in audio. I also recorded our experiences right after the incident if you care to listen.

Here is the audio where you can hear her voice. But no video….

Australian Dog Attack in Kemet

Abu Simbel Experience: Raquel

Abu Simbel Experience Tchiya aka Arit

Perhaps one day, you will join make on this adventure…..HOTEP.

Falling Into Alignment at the Fall Equinox


Udja. Uben Nefer Nehast.

Greetings, Good Rising and Great Awakening.

Welcome to the HeruScopes Analysis for Fall Equinox 2019.

Of course, we begin with the Equinox Song, originally composed by John Coltrane. His birthday is actually September 23, same as my granddad’s. This song was recorded in Rio de Janeiro. But that is another story for another day…

And live version at Concert for Human Harmony


According to Babylonian /Western Astrology, the Fall Equinox takes place when the Sun moves into the sign of Libra. However, according to Sidereal Astrology, 13 Month Sidereal Astrology NASA and HeruScopes, the Autumnal Equinox, usually around September 21-23, occurs while the Sun is in the Constellation of Sidereal Virgo. This analysis is NOT an attempt to explain the difference between the systems. All I can say is that I am going to follow the guidance of the Stars, not a gang of thieves and liars. I prefer to use a system that is based on the ACTUAL motion of the Sun and Planets through the Constellations, as opposed to a man-made system created by terrorists and plagiarists, that is based on Earth’s orbit around the Sun instead….

One of the main reasons for this difference is due to the Precession of the Equinox, which we all experience as the Change of the Seasons, due the the Earth’s Tilt. Precession of the Equinox causes time to move forward one day every 70 years. A system that acknowledges seasons changing, and yet ignores the Precession of the Equinox is well, INSANE as well as IN DENIAL and DECEPTIVE. Keeping the masses locked into a system of artificial time, is evil, especially when we know that time does not exist: it is a tool to help us navigate and coordinate through life, but it is also something created by man, not Nature. 

Fall Equinox occurs on Monday September 23 at 2.5 hours after midnight/2:50 am, central time. The Equinox actually lasts 3 days. Same as the New and Full Moons as well as the Solstices. Equinox is supposed to be the time where day equals night,. My research has shown me that Fall Equinox, when the hours of night and day are equal, might actually occur in October, and the Spring Equinox is in February. More to come on that subject.

The Equinox represents putting things in alignment with All That Is, with the Cosmos. It is a time of Acceptance of what Is, and Letting Go of what no longer serves you. This can show up as ending relationships, jobs, anything that is holding you back. 

In my case, I am working on letting go of a huge heartache. Letting go of wishing that relationships that ended long ago would be resolved. Funny thing is, I do not miss the actual person, I miss having interactions with people that I do not miss! THAT SOUNDS INSANE, doesn’t it? This longing is based on the fact that I am related to these people, and on what I thought these relationships should be like. On what Family is supposed to be like. This is a judgement that I have placed on my self, my life, my choices, my spiritual path, my character. This in turn causes much doubt and more unhappiness. And, this line of thinking is not serving me, and is indeed holding me back, weighing me down, because it feels sad to move forward without them in my life. So, I am working on letting go of attachments to what I wanted to happen, and to be more present with what is actually happening. This applies to habits, thoughts, environments….Sometimes, I also feel guilty for how my trauma affected these relationships. And there is absolutely not one thing that I can do about this. Fall Equinox cuts through the crap, and we can either align, or get turned into compost for the New Day. 

On with the HeruScopes Analysis…..

Dua Ra Dua HetHeru Dua Djehuty M Aspolia

Sun, Venus and Mercury in Sidereal Virgo. 

Aspolia is the Ancient Egyptian (possibly with Greek influence) name for this constellation, and it means literally, the Seed. At HeruScopes, this very long month (45 Days) is seen as the time to PLANT YOUR INTENTIONS IN THE GARDEN OF YOUR LIFE. With the Equinox taking place during this time, it makes sense to bring align your life by working with the Power of Intention. There are so many practices for this, here are 2 examples:

1. Everyday, write out one intention 10 times or
2. Everyday, write out a list of 10 different intentions.

It is also important to write them out, but not go back and look at them or tweak them. Just Set them and forget them, let the Universe do the magic. Being stressed about them is not part of the practice. 

Virgo is associated with Order, Detail, Organization. Structure. It is crucial to make sure that these structures do not become a prison for you, in other words, it is important to BE FLEXIBLE. Set goals, state intentions, but do not allow yourself to become attached to the results. The Seeds of Intention to Plant at this time correspond to the Planets that are in Virgo at this time: Seeds of Creativity that bring Order. Seeds of Love and Beauty, seeing the beauty in Structure and order. Loving the discipline it will take to take your life to the next level, rather than dreading it, or even escaping  it. Ahhh, Mercury: communications, Divine Intelligence. The Cosmic Mind of Djehuty. Thank goodness, it is NOT retrograde!!! The thing about Djehuty: allow the Cosmic Mind to write out these intentions: start away from the Lower Ego attempting to m are decision or take control. The ongoing battle….

Establishing systems of order & organization, creating a structure that will serve and empower me towards sustaining an enlightened lifestyle filled with music and sound healing plus the other wellness products and services I am here to provide. This is my focus for the coming year. These are the seeds of intention that I am planting with this Fall Equinox. 

These are the details that have been missing in running the Temple and participating in the Music Business. I was not fully grounded in the details, I had a great deal of animosity towards all of the digitalization of the music industry, and attempted to live life as if these things, mainly marketing, promotions, sales, did not matter, because the music is so spiritual, healing. Such strong deep cultural roots. Can only go so far with this, then the whole thing comes to a stop.

Digging deep, planting seeds of intention, fully embracing this Virgo energy. Sun is in Sidereal Virgo until October 31. Dua Aspolia.

Dua Juno, Dua Set M Sekhmet

Juno and Mars in Sidereal Leo.

Juno deals with marriage, partnership, soulmates. It represents the partner we NEED in life, not the same as the one that we desire. Leo/Sekhmet represents the Warrior, the Healer. Let’s look at this from a different angle: the relationship with Our Self, Our Higher Self. The Divine within. How can we be a better partner to Our Self? To the Divine. We are Co-Creators, remember???? 

With the Sekhmet energy, we find the ability to cut ties that bind, bringing us liberation and freedom. Slicing away habits and reactions that cause more problems. During this time, we can find the courage to carry out our intentions in regards to this relationship. Finding the Courage to Stand in One’s Truth. This might not look like anyone else’s path, however, and that is where the courage comes in again. We can carve out time for more Self Care, putting us in the position for starting healthy NEW relationships with those that are also willing to do the work.  

Juno in Leo from cafe astrology.com
:Juno in Leo: You can be utterly offended if others treat you as if you’re petty, calculating, stingy, not worthy, or not generous. These are triggers. You prefer that people treat you with respect and courtesy more than anything. You want to give off the air of success and being above pettiness, and you become frustrated if people expect or think less than these things about you.” 

wow, I just had this experience with a colleague the other day. Just imagine how this would show up in your partnership with the Divine. Yep, PURE EGO! 

Mars in Leo addresses our drive to win, our will and determination to succeed. Set is of course associated with the Lower Ego, and knowing how to control, not kill the Ego. The Ego also has it place, and is here to serve Creation. 

Mars/Set in Sidereal Leo/Sekhmet: Set and Sekhmet are 2 of the most powerful Neters because they were able to sublimate their lower nature and find peace and inner balance. They found or rediscovered their Divinity. During this time, we are assisted by the Celestial Forces as we carry out this mission in our own lives. Using the knife of Sekhmet to cut away those negative tendencies, thoughts, and create new patterns new levels of awareness. Remember, it was the Wisdom of Djehuty, the Cosmic Mind, that allowed Sekhmet to reawaken to her Divinity, and it is the same for us. In the case of Set, he and all other accepted the fact that no one can escape Death, and that it is wiser to live in alignment with the Universe, than it is to follow egoistic desires and fight against Reality. Both of these can be very difficult, and yet essential in order to WIN AT LIFE, which is the purpose of these HeruScopes! To be the Heru/Hero of our own Myth, Our Story of Life. 

Planting seeds of intention for healthy relationship with Self, leading to healthy relationships and partnerships with healthy people. “I surround My Self with Light Beings that support and share in my Vision”. BY healthy, I mean physical and spiritual health and wellness.

Dua Sesheta M PiMahi

Moon in Sidereal Gemini.

In modern times, this constellation has been represented as the Twins. However, in Kemet, it was called The Lovers. Again, let us look at our relationship with the Self: Self Love. Sesheta is the Goddess of Writing. Gemini is ruled by Mercury/Djehuty, her Partner. Another match made in heaven. Pick up your pen and write if you want to learn more about your Self. Or type if your pen is nowhere to be seen . The Moon is about the Personality, about building one’s character. Writing, journaling, music, poetry, etc, these are all excellent ways to KNOW THY SELF. Writing intentions has already been discussed, and in essence, when you write or speak your intentions, you are bringing them into physical existence, you are manifesting the life of your dreams. Since the Moon is in Gemini, how about when doing your writing, write a love letter to Your Self. Write out a letter addressing the Self about the Life of your dreams, as is talking with the Love of Your Life, because YOU ARE! 

Honestly, I have never tried this. Usually when I do my journal work, or write intentions, it is more like I am the executive CEO of my Life. Like I am a life professional or something! LOL! It is all about the business. This will be something new for me to try. Writing a Love Letter to My Self, with the intention of getting to know my Self better as well as manifesting the Life of My Dreams, the Life of My Vision. 

When the Moon is in Gemini, it is close to my favorite star, Sirius. In fact, anytime the Moon is inside of the Sacred Hoop, it is a very special time….

The other planets have not changed much, so read previous reports for their analysis. Fortunately, both Saturn and Mercury are Direct for a few months.

In Summary: Fall Equinox, Fall into Alignment

Sidereal Virgo: Sun, Venus, Mercury

  • Creating Beautiful Systems of Order, Organization, Structure and Consistency
  • Allow the Cosmic Mind to Write out Your Intentions; not the Ego.
  • Plant Seeds in the Garden of Your Life.

Sidereal Leo: Juno, Mars

  • Examine your Partnership and relationship with Your Highest Self

Sidereal Gemini: Moon

  • Write a Love Letter to Your Self as you
  • Co-Create and Manifest your Intentions, Goals, Dreams and Visions.

For the KemeTones Cosmic Sound Healing Self care, use Yin Wei and Dai Mai for heartbreak and getting unstuck.

Here is the Cosmic Attunement for the Fall Equinox: Dua Ra Dua HetHeru Dua Djehuty.

Sunjunki Purple Tye-Dyed Cotton Yoga Pants: LBW Review


Womens Yoga Pants, Festival Leggings, Tie Dye Stretch, Cotton Full length Exercise Pant, Fold Over, Flared Tights, Gym Pants, Workout Pants

from Etsy.com. WOW THESE PANTS ARE AMAZING!!! Even after washing several times, the color is still wonderful, the cotton still feels great, and they still fit perfectly. I highly recommend these pants. The colors alone are motivation to keep practicing yoga daily. With natural fibers, no plastic or anything artificial here. Although, I have not asked about the dyes, I was assured these are eco-friendly. FREE SHIPPING in US. These are size medium. Oh, and Purple is absolutely my favorite color.

These pants are hand made and hand dyed by Sunjunki: Michelle Marie

Next, I must work on my “menopause middle”!!! Whew! Came from nowhere, I guess it arrived when I stopped doing yoga everyday…. thank goodness I am back on track!

Check out the first review here: Sustainable Yoga Pants Review

Come join me at Avalon Park for Kemetic YogaRun: Every Wednesday Rising at 7:30 am followed by a run (or walk) around Avalon Park. Weather permitting of course. If raining or brrrr cold, join me at Light Being Wellness Center 8008 S. Ellis Ave #2.


Arit Neter S aka Tchiya Amet

Dua RePhan M PiMaere: Saturn Direct in Sidereal Sagittarius


Welcome to HeruScopes.

Whew! We now get 105 days of peace while Geb gives us a break from the intensity of structures being dissolved, replaced, reconstructed. Saturn goes Rx again on January 1, so let’s take a moment to reflect and express gratitude for all of the crazy changes we have been through. Changes in environment, finances, schedules. Relationships. Any ties that bind us….

Personally, during the last few weeks of this RePhan Portal Opening (Saturn Retrograde), I have felt huge energetic shifts, in my Ari (Karma) especially in regards to finances. It feels like I have been living like a Mountain in Chains, and that the chains are falling apart. Of course a mountain is stronger than the chains, but I had forgotten….

What changes did I make or tools did I use that resulted in this transformation you might ask? Lots of Chanting! Om Geb Asar. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JmFqWyFzJpA

That helped a lot. I learned how to Travel Beyond Limitations. Basically chanted my way through transformation. That was the lesson of this Portal Opening. Especially since I am in my second Saturn Return, In Sagittarius, things were definitely intensified.

I also started working with the Power of Intention again. So tired of hiring crooks and dating abusers, I started writing out and speaking out loud: “I surround My Self with Light Beings that Support my Dream and Share My Vision”. I actually met a contractor and a real estate broker that actually care about what happens to me and my daughters. I had almost given up on finding honest people to work with….I am taking an extended leave of absence from dating…

What fueled this journey? Trust And Surrender: Uhau. Instead of freaking out every time a new obstacle presented itself, instead of trying to fix things, and make things go “my” way, I learned how to apply Amun consciousness: wait and see what happens without limited ego-driven consciousness. And also Khak Ab: letting go of attachment to the outcome. Letting go of control.

Now that the Sun has moved into Sidereal Virgo. Aspolia, the widest constellation of the Zodiac, and the Sign with the most number of days: 45, the time is ripe for Planting Seeds of Intention in the Garden of Your Life. Remember to plant Seeds of Freedom, Freedom from Limitations, Boundaries, Sufferation that no longer serve you. Get your ticket so that you can Travel Beyond Limitation. With Meditation. I read that the Rings of Saturn are dissolving. Visualize all obstacles, limitations dissolving evaporating right before your eyes. Step into the new reality that awaits you, overflowing with Freedom. Visualize yourself walking away, floating away from mighty Geb: away from materialism, worldliness. Heaviness, until your heart feel as light as a feather, no longer weighed down by heaviness that is actually an illusion.

Of course, we need obstacles and boundaries in place for protection and conservation of our energies. Already a change has taken place: no longer willing to tolerate any level of abuse to protect relationships. I am prepared to walk away instead of apologizing for things that I did not to to maintain peace. If the other person cannot handle it when I stand in my Truth, they have no place in my life.

This is the magic of Saturn Direct in Sidereal Sagittarius. Inner Joy!

Birthday Boat Ride with the Seadog!


After such a fabulous Birthday Lunch (read the recap and review of ATHEA’S), what could possibly top that? HOW ABOUT AN EXTREME SPEED BOAT RIDE ON LAKE MICHIGAN, AT NAVY PIER?????

There is little bit of background info that you must have: when Lluvia was 8 years old, our family: Mom, Brother, his Wife (before their children were born), both of my daughters, their dad, and my self went on a similar boat ride. It was also at Navy Pier. We missed the 5 pm ride and had to catch the 6 pm boat. Its was unseasonably chilly for August, and we did not have jackets or coats. The Sun was already going down when we started the ride. It was very cold out there on the water, and Lluvia got really sick. It appeared to have been caused by a combination of things: food poisoning, staying in a n apartment with heavy cigarette smokers that never opened their windows, and the cold boat ride. In fact, we almost lost her. She could not breathe through her nose, or her mouth. I realized that she would not get well within city limits, so we ended our trip early and headed south, back to Texas. As soon as we were out in the countryside of Illinois, she started breathing normally again,. It was terrifying. …. so going on this speed ride was actually about facing fears AND having fun while dong it!!!

Once we had purchased our tickets, we began to regret our decision, because just at the next dock, was a huge sailboat! We wished that we had seen that one first, and vowed to return for that ride…..of course after the ride, we did not mention the sailboat again!


Before getting on the boat, they take your picture. Lluvia was like, we don’t need a picture. But it was policy, to take everyone’s photo. Later on I reflected how this mis probably for safety measures as well as commercial ventures. We were told that the ride would be wet, and by the looks of the folks that got off the boat before us, this would be inevitable. It was so hit, that we were all ready to cool off. Of course, I ended jus buying the photos after the ride, because it was SO MUCH FUN!!! I especially love the fact that the photo is dated, with my birthdate.

At this point, we were just 2 people sitting on a boat, waiting for the ride to begin. I apologize in advance for the crazy video shots, because the boat was going really fast, and I was laughing uncontrollably. At times, I thought it was recording, but it was not, then, when I thought it was off, it was recording… sigh. It has been one entire week, and I am still laughing inside, can still feel the water pouring all over us, and the music they played just added to the experience.. Anyway, here come some video clips…

By the way, the announcer survives on tips, so have some cash in your pocket….

This is our after photo. We were drenched. had to walk around to dry off! LOL!! WAAAAAAY MORE FUN THAN A ROLLER COASTER…

After then ride, I was impelled to buy the official “before” photograph. Then we went on that crazy swing ride. I kept thinking, “what happens if one of these chains were to break?” But it was too much fun to worry about it. Here is a clip of the ride, no we are not in the swing, no photos allowed!

We ended this spectacular day by shopping at one of our favorite thrift shops. This was a fantastic fun day, and an excellent way to start off year 58.

If you are ever looking for something fun to do on birthdays, or when people come to visit you in Chicago, I would definitely recommend the Seadog. But only on a hot sunnier day….

thanks for checking out yet another Light Being Wellness Product review…..stay tuned for more to come.

Birthday Lunch Recap and Review: Althea’s Vegan Fine Cuisine


My BeEarthDay was Monday August 5. 58 and Life is Great! I am filled with Gratitude. I wanted to do something different: I usually travel out of the country for my birthday, however this year, I stayed home. My daughter Via Rosa chose this restaurant: ALTHEA. Chef Matthew Kenney plant-based fine dining. Located on the 7th floor of Saks Fifth Avenue on the Magnificent Mile.

Althea Vegan Plant Based Restaurant

BTW, Vegan is a different category from Plant Based.: Vegans will eat Oreos ( now made vegan, without animal products and not so much toxic stuff) but a Plant Based Diet person might eat meat or eggs. I am def a plant based vegan….LOL!!! I eat Oreos sometimes, and sometimes, while out and about, might eat a pastry that was made with eggs. But overall, plant based vegan.

The restaurant is on the 7th floor of Saks Fifth Avenue!  I haven’t been there since I was a young girl. My Dad used to love to shop there. It looks alot different! Lol!  The view is nice and the food is incredible! 

Golden Milk Spice Tea

Golden Milk Spice Tea. Of course, I thought it would have been made with coconut milk. I was wrong. It was super gingery and black peppery. I chose to add some Agave and it became super yummy.

Fancy Blue Gem Shoes, get it Gem Shoes! LOL!! I just got it….instaed of gym shoes.,.. duh.

The lady sitting at the table next to us was wearing the most fascinating shoes, and her suit also. However, I could not stop staring at these shoes. Are these real gems or just rhinestones? I dunno, but perhaps when I am 85, I will have a pair of shoes like this..LOL!!! My daughter was very embarrassed when I took this photo. I wanted to compliment her on the shoes when she was getting up to leave, However, she looked right through me as if I wasn’t there, so I said nothing.

Kimchi Dumplings

We wanted to order this because it got great reviews. Then decided not to get it, because of our budget. Then the waittress said they were treating us because IT’S MY BIRTHDAY!!! Kimchi Dumplings, Beet Sauce and Ginger Foam. Please don’t ask me how they make foam out of ginger. This was so delicious. Will order this again…

Mushroom Tacos

Aaaahhhh, the Mushroom Tacos! When we were getting on the elevator, some ladies were getting off. They were taking photographs of the sign! They were raving about the food. Especially these mushroom tacos! Now, we know why!!! The food @altheas is delicious and filling, yet everything is so light. We were amazed at how much we ate, we felt full, yet not stuffed. I especially love how it is plant based as opposed to vegan: vegan can mean lots of meat substitutes. Plant based means it came from the earth, not processed to be something that it is not…every dish was a work of art, and all senses are involved in the experience, not just taste..

Crab Cakes

Now the Crab Cakes were outta this world. I have not tasted any other crab cakes, so I have no way of comparing them to cakes made from dead sea creatures or fake sea creatures. I have only tasted these, and will be ordering them again. Why don’t we meet there for lunch? I cannot tell you what they taste like, because I have never tasted anything like them!!! Lol! I recognized green onion, but that was all.


Plant-based Gnocchi. WOW! And the sauce was so yummy. I am not really a foodie. In fact, I am not at all. However, looking at these photos, I am recalling the fun and joy that we experienced at this restaurant. Maybe because I was there with my favorite vegan and/or plant-based chef, Via Rosa, which helped make everything taste even better. I also learned how to pronounce Gnocchi. 

And now for the Main Entree: RAW PLANT BASED LASAGNE. It looked like a piece of wedding cake. I did not want to cut it or mess up the artwork. The “cream cheese” looked like little clouds. The SAUCE? Magnifico!!! You really have to be there…this is Chef Matthew’s specialty. You have to try this. The menu is seasonal, so that means we will go at LEAST 4 times per year.

Banana Creme Pie and Chocolate Ice Cream.

Dessert was also on the house. The waittress brought out with candle lit, but i guess i was do excited it went out before the photo was taken. The Banana Cream Pie, also raw,  stole out hearts. Magicsl is best way to describe the experience. The ice cream tasted good, but was not creamy enough for our tastes. 

All in all, we will definitely be going there every season….I have a feeling that it’s always yummy season at Althea! 

Stay tuned for more reviews from Light Being Wellness Center. One Love!

Call to Consciousness: The First Session


On June 23, 2019 the very first Call to Consciousness session took place at the Light Being Wellness Center. We had an active intimate audience, and are looking forward to our next session. These sessions will repeat during every season and mid-season. This is the perfect blend of Ancient African Spirituality and Contemporary Healing Wisdom, with Modern Strategies for Managing Racism. The next event is scheduled for Sunday August 24, 2019 at the Light Being Wellness Center. 8008 S. Ellis Ave. #2 Chicago, IL. 50519

The KemeTones Correspondences Lecture #1

Today’s presentation featured the Cosmic Forces of the Summer Solstice: Dua Ra Djehuty: Sun in Sidereal Mercury and Dua Aset Ip, Ceres in Sidereal Scorpio.

KemeTones Demonstrations

Attendees were invited to come forward to receive a sound healing demonstration.

Managing Racism Presentation

These powerful sessions are not only a lecture, but an ongoing conversation. The participant will leave with a clearer understanding on how to dismantle racism, piece by piece, or peace by peace. We are standing on the shoulders of the giants, our great ancestors and educators, such as Frances Cress Weaseling and Neely Fuller, Jr.


Naturally, after both of the presentations were completed, the conversing continued…..

In the near future, the Video of these sessions will be available to view online for a minimal fee or donation. Stay tuned for further announcements and updates. Be sure to sign up for the mailing list.

You can purchase ticket online for next event here:

or at the door on August 24, 2019. Doors open at 2 pm. Event ends at 6 pm.
8008 S. Ellis Ave #2 In Chicago.

Saturn Retrograde in Sidereal Sagittarius: Dua Geb M PiMaere


Saturn Retrograde in Sidereal Sagittarius: Dua Geb M PiMaere

HeruScopes for the Geb Portal Opening Asar Portal Opening M PiMaere:
Saturn Retrograde (4-29-2019 7:54 pm CST) with Pluto Rx in Sidereal Sagittarius


Saturn in Sagittarius, ah, I am all too familiar with this alignment, even the
Retrograde Part! LOL!! I have Saturn Rx in Sagittarius, AND Jupiter Rx in Capricorn!!! Double LOL!!! 

Saturn is known as the Limiter, The Restricter.  Deals with learning lessons in Life by how we deal with obstacles. Saturn is connected to Geb, the Physical Earth, the exact opposite of Sidereal Sagittarius, which is about expansion, travel, wisdom, fiery passion. 

But when opposites are in retrograde? What is this all about????

As you know, we do not view retrograde as a negative. At HeruScopes, the Retrograde is a Portal Opening, an intense experience of openings and breakthroughs. So this would mean an opening or a breakthrough in dealing with obstacles and limitations that keep us from expanding and attaining higher consciousness. Saturn, or Geb, is a force that holds us back, or we feel it when we become distracted by materialism. Like when you are trying to leave the house,  but at the last minute, you cannot find your keys. Just getting into your meditation, and the phone rings with an important call you have been waiting for. Saturn can feel like a heaviness, like gravity, that keeps you connected to the Earth, whereas Sagittarius is all about expansion and movement. This Retrograde is an opportunity to travel  WITHIN, beyond boundaries that no longer serve us, and break free of these limitations. Transcend the Restrictions of Saturn, with the One Pointedness, towards the Wisdom of Enlightenment, of Sagittarius.

During the next few months, we will be challenged by obstacles, barriers, limitations and boundaries. Until September 18, 2.019, the Portal will be open. This is our opportunity to see them as illusions, and break free of them. Sagittarius is the Hunter, seeking Freedom from limitation.

On the mythical level, we are dealing with the forces of Geb Asar and Amun. Metaphysically, Geb the Earth, Asar the Soul, and Amun, the Witnessing Consciousness. we are dealing with expanding our consciousness beyond limitations that were put in place so that we could have this experience of shattering the illusion of limitation. Anticipate contracts that will be broken and lead to better situations for all parties. Relationships ending resulting in stronger ones being established. On a mundane level, Saturn, Geb also deals with our finances. Our debt. Another technique is to be Amun (corresponds to Sagittarius, Jupiter), and observe and respond,  rather than react

Dua PiCheus Portal Opening Aset in Imhotep,
Jupiter Rx Ceres in Ophiuchus.

Jupiter Pi Cheus

More Expansion, this time, in the area of Natural Healing. Wellness. Nurturing and Divine Intuition. Jupiter is Retrograde, so whatever has been stuck, delayed, postponed, immobilized, is now going to manifest. To be revealed. Perhaps it will feel like it is happening at Light Speed after having been stalled for so long. Due to the expansion of consciousness that occurs during this Portal Opening. Increase of Wisdom. The Witnessing Consciousness already knows all things. Trust Divine Intuition, especially during Healing Process. Be open to what may be contrary to Western Medicine. 

Jupiter is also associated with Abundance and Prosperity, so with all of the commercial interest in Wellness these days, why should it be any different for you or I?

Dua Net M AspoliaPallas Athena in Sidereal Virgo
Protecting and Nurturing the Intentions, The Seeds in the Garden of Your Life. Aspolia is the Seed.

Net also weaves things together.
Establishing a positive healthy bond in Father-daughter relationships 

This is a shift: previously, considered Pallas Athena to be Maat; however, today, I was informed that she is actually Net….

Dua Juno M PiMahi
Juno in Sidereal Gemini
Divine Partnership, The Wisdom of Being In Love with Self

Dua Set Dua Sedna M Apis
Mars and Sedna in Sidereal Taurus

Taming, sublimating lower nature to end abuse and violations, worldwide.
End trafficking, pedophilia, 

Dua Ra Dua Heru M Tamet Amon
Sun and Uranus in Sidereal Aries
Creativity, Victory and Freedom of the Witnessing Consciousness; In harmony with Lower Nature.

Dua Djehuty, Dua Anuket, Dua Hetheru, Dua Chiron M PiCotSahu
Mercury, Vesta, Venus, Chiron in Sidereal Pisces
Communications that are from the Heart, Remembering the Beauty of the Divine when we forget who were truly are, and Bringing Self Healing through Emotional Release

Ankuet, Vesta
HetHeru, Venus

Dua NebtHet, Dus Sesheta M KuUrKu
Neptune and Crescent Moon in Sidereal Aquarius
Putting Things in Divine Right Order Brings about Changes in Personality that lead to Universal Harmony and Oneness. Victory over Ignorance and Unrighteousness. 

These are the forces at play during this window of opportunity for Abundance and Wellness (Jupiter Retrograde in Ophiuchus) and Traveling beyond Limitation (Saturn Rx in Sidereal Sagittarius)

Stay tuned for the Good Rising TV Episode for this Celestial Event! Oneness

Little Purapple: Cotton Bell Bottom Yoga Pants LBW Review


About 4 or 5 years ago, a friend asked me to write an article about yoga pants. I assured her that I was about to order some for myself, and that I would let her know when the article was complete. Little did I know that it would take so long for this to happen. It took me this long, because it took me this long to firmly establish my personal yoga practice. In January of this year, I began 100 days pdf yoga, devotion, meditation, juice, and Music Shedy. towards the end of this cycle, as if to commemorate the accomplishment, I made the time to do some research and order organic, sustainable yoga pants.

The same day that shot the video for the first review, I saw a post about how yoga pants are destroying the environment.

Yoga Pants are Destroying the Planet


Ironically, the pants people wear while meditating about world peace are polluting the ocean with microplastics

With New Agey names like Awake, Enlight, Balance and Align and a $100 price tag, you’d think those $100 Lululemon yoga pants  would be made of recycled, organic hemp in a fair-trade factory under a rainbow. But, alas, they’re made of 100% petroleum-based polyester, aka plastic.
And just like all other plastics, they end up in the ocean, via your washing machine…

I ordered from many different vendors from the Etsy.com website. I ordered various sizes as well, to determine which ones fit me the best.

So, I will begin a series of posts about the results. A series of youtube videos actually, and we shall see what happens next.

The first pair to be reviewed comes to us from littlepurapple.com. I found them on Etsy.com.. Women’s Premium Cotton 32″ bell bottom yoga pants.

These bells are so swell, that I call them GONG pants, because they are bigger than any bells I have seen! LOL!!

I ordered medium and large, because each brand has differences. This first pair is a large, and they fit very well, I think the medium will be even better. Sometimes, the mediums are too small for my derriere, so it is hit or miss. These fit well enough to keep however. They are suuuuupersoft! and the color is so lovely. I did not have to pull them up, they never got scrunchy, and the bells did not get in the way during the postures.

As for the top, believe it or not, it is from Target! I was there looking for a small table, and saw these called “bralettes”. I love them because there is no padding, perfect for tiny ladies like me, and liberating for ladies that usually wear bras all day. These are made from modal and cotton, plus a bit of lycra. Modal is made from bamboo, so these are definitely eco-fashion.

If you would like to buy these pants, visit here, and please tell them that Arit (aka Tchiya Amet)sent you their way!
little purapple at Etsy.com

They even offer discounts if you post a photo of you wearing their clothing! These pants feel great, looking forward to the next review! Dua for taking the time to care about what we wear….HOTEP



Comfrey is one of the main ingredients in the Dr. Christopher Bone, Flesh and Cartilage Formula. (Also known as BF&C, Bone Formula or Regeneration Tea) This Bone Formula is in  many of the TeaChiya Medicinal Salves.  Dr. Christopher came up with this formula when a mother came into his office with her teenage daughter. The daughter had a strange skin condition, that conventional doctors had given up on, and had given her a week to live. He describes it as gruesome: the flesh was literally falling off of her bones. He said he was horrified, and had no idea what to say to the mother. He tried really hard to not show his emotions, and prayed to God for something to say to this woman. What came to him was the now infamous BF&C Formula. He wrote it down, told her to “Try This” and handed her the piece of paper.

The mother and daughter returned a week later, and the condition had improved! By the end of a few months, the young girl was back to her normal state of health!

Many of my friends and clients, as well as myself,  have also had amazing results with the BF&C Formula. Some are even miraculous. Now that the formula is included in some of the TeaChiya line of Light Being Wellness Products, I decided it was time to investigate further into the healing properties of the individual herbs and learn why the TeaChiya Salves are so effective.


So, let us begin this wellness journey with COMFREY…..

People have been using this herb for generations. Some call it a folk remedy. Native Americans called it “Knit Bone”.  One thing that I did not know is that Comfrey is related to Borage, which is a blood purifier and helps make yummy breast milk.


from Mountain Rose Herbs:
Comfrey leaf has been used since Roman times, dating back thousands of years. This herb has been utilized in folk medicine throughout Europe and North America and has been widely cultivated. Much debate surrounds the safety of comfrey due to various parts and preparations containing potentially toxic alkaloids. It is important to understand that the part used, species, and time of harvest all come in to play when determining the safety of this herb. A large body of traditional use supports its safety and efficacy if used intelligently and cautiously.


from verywellfit.com

Comfrey Tea Health Benefits

Comfrey root and comfrey leaf benefits are widely promoted because of the herb’s long history of use. These rumored benefits include:

  • wound healing
  • relief from excessive menstrual flow
  • diarrhea
  • bloody urine
  • scar reduction
  • burn relief
  • treatment of bronchitis
  • treatment for rheumatoid arthritis
  • treatment for rashes or insect bites
  • treatment of broken bones, sprains, strains
  • relief from general aches and pains
  • improved dental health (stronger teeth)
  • better blood circulation
  • smoother skin
  • acne treatment
  • cancer prevention


“The leaves or roots applied as a wash, poultice or ointment are used for bruising, sciatica, boils, rheumatism, neuralgia, varicose veins, bed sores, wounds, ulcers, insect bites, tumours, muscular pain, pulled tendons, gangrene, shingles and dermatological conditions.” The list of internal uses includes: “Indigestion, stomach and bowel problems, excessive menstrual flow, hoarseness, periodontal diseases, bleeding gums, thyroid disorders, diarrhea, gastrointestinal ulcers, hernia, glandular fever, coughs, lung conditions, hemorrhaging, cancer, catarrh, anemia, sinusitis, lupus, lowering blood pressure, hiatus hernia, blood purifier, and to ease inflammation of the joints and mucus membranes.” Comfrey leaves are rich in chlorophyll, which has been scientifically proven to help rejuvenate old cells and promote the growth of new ones. The plant also contains allantoin, which increases white blood cells.


Now this next website has more information on the “scientific study”. Here are some excerpts: Is It Safe to Use Comfrey?

Comfrey is Banned in Foodstuffs

Let’s start with comfrey’s status as a banned herb in South Africa as reported by one of our daily newspapers. Fact is, it is banned as an ingredient in foodstuffs. Yes that is right, you may not sell a foodstuff containing comfrey. And if you are into legal stuff then please read Regulation R1541 dated 13 December 2002 in terms of Act 54 of 1972 to see if there is any mention of growing it, having it, making a poultice or ointment, or any of the other ‘banned’ things as hyped up by the media.

The reason for its ban as a foodstuff ingredient is simple. Comfrey contains a class of substances called pyrrolizidine alkoloids or PA’s for short. Under certain conditions they apparently can cause the destruction of liver tissue by creating a condition known as hepatic veno-occlusive disease (HVOD), in which the cells lining the veins in the liver proliferate and choke off the veins.

Are You Human or a Rat?

So in comes our scientific method. To proof, or disproof, this to be the case, researchers fed a bunch of infant lab rats a diet of comfrey, twenty-eight times their body weight, over a period of nine weeks. During this time they were also injected isolated comfrey extracts. When the poor infants perished it was discovered that they did indeed had HVOD and, lo and behold, it was proven that comfrey was the cause.

Now since policy and law makers think that our human metabolism is identical to that of the rat which is susceptible to these PA’s, and not to that of the sheep which is resistant to PA’s, they had no choice but to take this scientific research seriously. The fact that you and I, as humans, would have to eat somewhere in the region of 80 comfrey leaves every single day for a period of nine weeks, to produce a similar ‘human experiment’ is of no importance.

THANK YOU FOR THAT. I have the same feelings about this so called scientific study. We are NOT rats, and who would eat 80 leaves per day for 9 weeks??????


The author goes on to state that since 1980’s, there have been 4 cases of toxicity, each one involving basically overdosing: drinking ten cups a day plus taking capsules, also taking other pharmaceuticals and other health issues that probably contributed to the issues. The article also states that BEFORE THE 1980’S THERE WERE NO REPORTED INSTANCES OF TOXICITY! Which explains why the medical industry and FDA decided to conduct these tests on rats…..

Basically, anything that works naturally, the medical industrial complex will do their very best to discredit or ban the product. Then they will say that their artificial version is better. This of course we already know leads to side affects and a lifetime of addiction to harmful substances.

SimpleUnhookedLiving.com has lots more detailed info on the scientific studies

Testimonials from grassroots comfrey users

Elderly woman corrects anemic blood with comfrey. Emsie du Plessis, 78, was among the comfrey eaters in the Doubleday trials conducted by Dr. Clare Anderson. After feeling weak and dizzy in her garden one day, she went to the doctor who said she was a bit anemic. Ms du Plessis began consuming three to four leaves of raw comfrey every day, and when she went back for a checkup a few weeks later, the doctor said her blood was perfect.

89 year-old comfrey user claims MD says he’s in perfect health. In 1991 Andrew Hughes, a comfrey user, published Comfrey, Nature’s Healing Herb and Health Food, which includes anecdotal stories of the benefits of ingesting comfrey. The 89-year old Hughes had been taking from 85 to 135 grams of comfrey in tablet form daily for 28 years, at the time of writing, and he says his regular check-ups revealed perfect health. Hughes first discovered the power of comfrey in 1956, and upon moving to Japan, became an advocate for it. His efforts led to a comfrey boom in Japan, the plant being widely used by Japanese farmers because it increased productivity enormously.

Australian man’s stock is legendary for its health. Foster Savage, who takes credit for introducing comfrey into Australia in 1954, fed it to his stock in great quantities (and ate quite a bit of it himself.) He found that milk production increased dramatically in his cows, with the bonus of thick cream. He also fed his pigs as much comfrey as they could eat and the quality of his meat became legendary. His butcher remarked that he had never seen pigs with such healthy livers.

I keep reading how sheep are immune to the toxicity, yet the tests were only done on baby rats…..


If it is good enough for human babies, then….

from indigo-herbs.co.uk
Research has now shown Comfrey to contain the plant chemicals allantoin and rosmarinic acid. Allantoin is able to accelerate cellular mitosis (meaning it speeds up the process of new tissue growth), while rosmarinic acid helps to relieve pain and inflammation. Allantoin is even part of the developmental process of a fetus – the placenta contains this compound as the baby grows, eventually dwindling as full maturity is reached. Also present in breast milk, a small supply of allantoin continues to be supplied to the baby after birth.

Product labels and websites must post this warning, and so I will as well:

Warning: Contains Comfrey. For external use only. Do not use if pregnant or nursing.

Now isn’t THAT strange: it is already naturally occurring  in the placenta, as well as breast milk, and yet, pregnant and nursing mothers are advised to not use it at all?????

We are no longer allowed to sell the tonic with Comfrey, but the Tea can still be used for topical applications. Think about it: would the medical industry approve of something called knitbone? For THOUSANDS OF YEARS??? Pinhole glasses were banned for 25 years in the US by the FDA….I can think of another powerful herb that has also been negatively portrayed by the medical industry and the FDA….and now that it has been legalized, the pharmaceuticals only want us to buy it from them, a synthetic version of course!!!

The FDA has tried to make people afraid to ingest Comfrey. They isolated a few elements, then tested on rats, and said it was unsafe for humans even though humans have used this herb for thousands of years. And yet, the same people that tell us this little plant is dangerous, are the same people selling invasive techniques and deadly pharmaceuticals for their profit, not caring about our safety. Such hypocrites. If you are really concerned, then we suggest you also do a liver flush when using the herb, which we should all be doing any ole way…



It appears that the main ingredient in Comfrey, the Allatoin, that is responsible for the powerful healing, mending, growing, great feeling on the skin, etc, is the ingredient that was isolated and overfed to baby rats, and they say is what causes liver damage and cancer. They do NOT mention the fact that the rats were fed the equivalent of 80 leaves a day for 9 weeks! WOW. Mindblown….

Here is a comment from another website:
Straight shooting from the hip Didi, Australia & the USA are world leaders in banning the ‘good stuff’. In Oz you are allowed to buy borage, as a vegetable in a restuarant, yet it is banned as a herb, it’s ok to eat as food but not as a herb?
Comfrey is often eaten in our home, we add a cut up leaf or two to many dishes, we add it to the mince or stew or meal once we remove the pot from the stove or turn the heat off.

I occasionally drink the Tonic, although not everyday. Not because of fear, I just forget! LOL!!

I hope this report has shed some light on why Comfrey is in the Bone Formula, and why the Bone Formula is in TeaChiya Medicinal Salves and Teas.



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TeaChiya: a natural blend of wildcrafted and native herbs found in the
Waya Equoni Medicine Wheel Garden at the California Mountain home of Tchiya Amet. This blend includes:

  • Mint
  • Lemon Balm
  • Motherwort
  • Feverfew
  • Blackberry
  • Dandelion
  • Plaintain
  • Mullein
  • Comfrey
  • Rosemary

We now carry formulas for Bone, Arthritis, Skin, with Cannabis Infusion and without. The most popular formula contains everything!

You can purchase this amazing salve online and also in person at special events, mobile clinics, at The Black Mall (533 E 79th Street) or here at the Light Being Wellness Center in Chicago 8008 S. Ellis Ave #2. Stay Tuned for grand opening of the brand new lightbeingwellness.com website for more information and for placing your order.  You can just email me at lightbeingwellness at gmail.com, or call at 707-972-6831


