Sacred Hoop Wolf Moon Eclipse: January 2020 Full Moon



From HeruScopes

This is one of my favorite Full Moons because the Moon is inside of the Sacred Hoop.  And also, because I identify with the Wolf Clan. This time last year, a beautiful song came through: Asar Aah, about the Full Moon in alignment with Sirius, which it is when inside of the Sacred Hoop. 

In the 13 Month Sidereal Astrology System that is HeruScopes, The Full Moon is in the sign of PiMahi, Sidereal Gemini, the sign of the Lovers: Lovers of Life, Lovers of the Divine, beyond the Human Experience of Physical Love.  Eclipsed by the Sun in Sidereal Sagittarius, PiMaere, along with SIX OTHER PLANETS! (Ra, Asar, Aset, Amun, Net, Geb, and Djehuty: Sun, Pluto, Ceres, Jupiter, Pallas Athena, Saturn, and Mercury) What is really unusual is that there is only one planet in Retrograde, Sedna, and we are STILL dealing with and healing from sexual assault, etc on a global scale…..

13 Zodiac Astro Chart for Wolf Full Moon
EventUTC TimeTime in Chicago*Visible in Chicago
Penumbral Eclipse beginsJan 10 at 17:07:44Jan 10 at 11:07:44 amNo, below the horizon
Maximum EclipseJan 10 at 19:10:02Jan 10 at 1:10:02 pmNo, below the horizon
Penumbral Eclipse endsJan 10 at 21:12:19Jan 10 at 3:12:19 pmNo, below the horizon

Back to the Eclipse.

This is a Penumbral Eclipse, which means that it will not be seen easily, because the moon merely turns a shade darker than normal during the maximum phase.

“Lunar eclipses can be visible from everywhere on the night side of the Earth, if the sky is clear. From some places the entire eclipse will be visible, while in other areas the Moon will rise or set during the eclipse.”

This eclipse will not be visible from Chicago.

However, we will feel the effects. Remember, eclipses come in pairs: the Solar Eclipse was at the last New Moon.  And can their effects last weeks, or even months…..

”The years that hold eclipses in your sign or rising sign will be vital for you and trigger fascinating turning points”

Read more:

Wolf Moon? According to Who?

Some say it is called Wolf Moon because it is the first of the year. I find that hard to believe because Full Moons have been experienced from times long before colonization. Perhaps named Wolf Moon due to mating season of wolves in nature, I am sure this caused a great deal of howling at the Moon….

According to Indigenous Sources, however, every nation had its own name. At, no nations call this the Wolf Moon! The Cherokee call this the Windy Month, and here in Chicago, it certainly has been cold and windy. Dunolvtanv or Cold Moon.

Gichimanidoo-giizis according to the Ojibwe Nation (Great Lakes region) Great Spirits Moon 

Here are 10 things to expect during an Eclipse from


1. Eclipses bring news of life’s big events.

2. With all eclipses, something ends and something else begins.

3. Each eclipse in a series is united in theme and is strung together like pearls on a necklace.

4. Eclipses will bring a random event you do not expect, didn’t know about. It will be triggered by an event happening elsewhere, and that is completely outside your control, but at eclipse time bring vast changes will come straight to your doorstep.

5. Eclipses speed your sense of time and change the timetables.

6. The job of an eclipse is to shine a glaring ray of truth to the part of your life that is being touched, and truth will likely arrive in a startling way.

7. An eclipse, especially a full moon lunar eclipse, will help you to see the true character of someone close – brace yourself, you may not like what you see. Occasionally, an important person to you will be “eclipsed out” of your life.

8. Take any message you hear from an eclipse as non-negotiable and firm, so accept it, and then move on. A message brought to you by an eclipse is usually delivered on the day, or within a week of the actual date of the eclipse – but not always.

9. Take notice of all news and signals you get near an eclipse, and take them seriously, even if news comes as subjective and ambiguous as gossip.

10. It’s vital you guard your health if an eclipse falls within five days of your birthday, or if the eclipse falls almost exactly opposite your birthday.

Read more:

During this Lunar Eclipses  be on the lookout for Expansion of Consciousness through Love of the Divine. Traveling beyond the human experience of love, beyond limitations, beyond illusion, beyond illusoriness of lack, beyond family, beyond motherhood, beyond death and into transformation, beyond all of the energies that are currently in PiMaere, Sidereal Sagittarius.

The Sacred Hoop 

“What is in the stars is on earth and what is on earth is in the stars.” This idea unites the ceremonial map in the circle of stars, not only with sites in the Black Hills, but with a round of ceremonial actions at sacred sites there, ending with a Sun Dance at the Bear’s Lodge (Devil’s Tower) June 21 (summer solstice). “As above, so below” that is, what occurs in the stars is mirrored on earth is a very old idea now forgotten by Western culture. It is expressed in Alchemy and the even older idea that humankind and our events are a microcosmic mirror of the macrocosm. The Lakota elders believed this, and some of that knowledge did survive.

The Sacred Hoop comes to us from Lakota Star Knowledge. It is a Circle of Stars and Constellations that reflects a Circle of Sacred Sites near and including the Black Hills. These Constellations in Modern Terms includes: Sirius, Gemini, Orion, the Pleaides, and Taurus. In Lakota Spirituality, the Sacred Hoop is a Giant Medicine Wheel in the Sky. At HeruScoipes, it is a Cosmic Portal Opening for Healing. During the Windy Cold Moon, also known as Wolf Moon, the Full Moon appears within the Sacred Hoop and is a most auspicious time for prayers, intentions, meditation and healing.

  • 13 Zodiac Astro Chart for Wolf Full Moon

As Above So Below……

Having the Eclipse Occur while the Full Moon is within the Sacred Hoop Intensifies the Healing Power and the Opportunity for Transformation. In these crazy times, when an impeached president calls for war in order to block his impeachment, let us see this as a sign that THE TIME HAS COME TO STOP SEEKING JUSTICE FROM CORRUPTION, TO STOP TRYING TO BATTLE WITH SET ON HIS OWN TERMS. IT IS TIME TO SEEK SPIRT BASED SOLUTIONS FOR OUR CHALLENGES INSTEAD OF BEING COMPLIANT WITH UNRIGHTEOUSNESS AND IGNORANCE.

Let Us Dive Deep into the Trust of the Divine, receiving guidance from the Cosmic Mind of Djehuty, the Divine Intuition that is Aset (Isis/Sirius), as we break free of the Illusion called Creation (Ra). We can activate the Sacred Hoop as a Cosmic Magnifier of our Prayers and Intentions, as we send our prayers through the Sacred Hoop, they will rain down on the earth and manifest our Purest Desires.

Asar Aah: Lyrics


I. Asar Aaah 
Khensu Sept
Aah Djehuty 

II. An haaAn Ani
Uah Qaa-f

III. Ar-t Aabt



IV. Aabi, Aabit

Aah Meh Utchat


I. Osiris, the Moon
Moon God of Eastern Delta; Sept: Sothis/Sepdet/Sopdu/Sirius, Emma Ya, Po Tolo, etc

Moon God

II. Moon God

Form of Asar the Moon God

He Who Increases His Form: a Title of the Moon God

III. Left Eye of Heru
Site of a Moon Temple

The Home of the Eye of Heru, the Moon

IV. Left Eye of Heaven, Left Eye of Ra

Left Eye of Heru; Moon God

I wanted to have a song to sing about the Full Moon. So, I looked up the words for Full Moon inn the Budge Hieroglyphic Dictionary. I made a List of terms, and this song was born. A Kemetic Rock Song. On its own, it reminds me of Jim Morrison and the Doors. And, when Tim plays the guitar, it reminds me of Jimi. Dua Djehuty. Hotep.

We will be holding a Reiki Sound Healing Ceremony for the Full Moon Eclipse on Friday at 4 pm central at the Promontory Point Fire Pit in Chicago. Inbox me for details….we are asking a $10 donation. I will sing this song as an offering.


Arit Neter S aka Tchiya Amet

or, Arit Tchiya

Falling Into Alignment at the Fall Equinox


Udja. Uben Nefer Nehast.

Greetings, Good Rising and Great Awakening.

Welcome to the HeruScopes Analysis for Fall Equinox 2019.

Of course, we begin with the Equinox Song, originally composed by John Coltrane. His birthday is actually September 23, same as my granddad’s. This song was recorded in Rio de Janeiro. But that is another story for another day…

And live version at Concert for Human Harmony

According to Babylonian /Western Astrology, the Fall Equinox takes place when the Sun moves into the sign of Libra. However, according to Sidereal Astrology, 13 Month Sidereal Astrology NASA and HeruScopes, the Autumnal Equinox, usually around September 21-23, occurs while the Sun is in the Constellation of Sidereal Virgo. This analysis is NOT an attempt to explain the difference between the systems. All I can say is that I am going to follow the guidance of the Stars, not a gang of thieves and liars. I prefer to use a system that is based on the ACTUAL motion of the Sun and Planets through the Constellations, as opposed to a man-made system created by terrorists and plagiarists, that is based on Earth’s orbit around the Sun instead….

One of the main reasons for this difference is due to the Precession of the Equinox, which we all experience as the Change of the Seasons, due the the Earth’s Tilt. Precession of the Equinox causes time to move forward one day every 70 years. A system that acknowledges seasons changing, and yet ignores the Precession of the Equinox is well, INSANE as well as IN DENIAL and DECEPTIVE. Keeping the masses locked into a system of artificial time, is evil, especially when we know that time does not exist: it is a tool to help us navigate and coordinate through life, but it is also something created by man, not Nature. 

Fall Equinox occurs on Monday September 23 at 2.5 hours after midnight/2:50 am, central time. The Equinox actually lasts 3 days. Same as the New and Full Moons as well as the Solstices. Equinox is supposed to be the time where day equals night,. My research has shown me that Fall Equinox, when the hours of night and day are equal, might actually occur in October, and the Spring Equinox is in February. More to come on that subject.

The Equinox represents putting things in alignment with All That Is, with the Cosmos. It is a time of Acceptance of what Is, and Letting Go of what no longer serves you. This can show up as ending relationships, jobs, anything that is holding you back. 

In my case, I am working on letting go of a huge heartache. Letting go of wishing that relationships that ended long ago would be resolved. Funny thing is, I do not miss the actual person, I miss having interactions with people that I do not miss! THAT SOUNDS INSANE, doesn’t it? This longing is based on the fact that I am related to these people, and on what I thought these relationships should be like. On what Family is supposed to be like. This is a judgement that I have placed on my self, my life, my choices, my spiritual path, my character. This in turn causes much doubt and more unhappiness. And, this line of thinking is not serving me, and is indeed holding me back, weighing me down, because it feels sad to move forward without them in my life. So, I am working on letting go of attachments to what I wanted to happen, and to be more present with what is actually happening. This applies to habits, thoughts, environments….Sometimes, I also feel guilty for how my trauma affected these relationships. And there is absolutely not one thing that I can do about this. Fall Equinox cuts through the crap, and we can either align, or get turned into compost for the New Day. 

On with the HeruScopes Analysis…..

Dua Ra Dua HetHeru Dua Djehuty M Aspolia

Sun, Venus and Mercury in Sidereal Virgo. 

Aspolia is the Ancient Egyptian (possibly with Greek influence) name for this constellation, and it means literally, the Seed. At HeruScopes, this very long month (45 Days) is seen as the time to PLANT YOUR INTENTIONS IN THE GARDEN OF YOUR LIFE. With the Equinox taking place during this time, it makes sense to bring align your life by working with the Power of Intention. There are so many practices for this, here are 2 examples:

1. Everyday, write out one intention 10 times or
2. Everyday, write out a list of 10 different intentions.

It is also important to write them out, but not go back and look at them or tweak them. Just Set them and forget them, let the Universe do the magic. Being stressed about them is not part of the practice. 

Virgo is associated with Order, Detail, Organization. Structure. It is crucial to make sure that these structures do not become a prison for you, in other words, it is important to BE FLEXIBLE. Set goals, state intentions, but do not allow yourself to become attached to the results. The Seeds of Intention to Plant at this time correspond to the Planets that are in Virgo at this time: Seeds of Creativity that bring Order. Seeds of Love and Beauty, seeing the beauty in Structure and order. Loving the discipline it will take to take your life to the next level, rather than dreading it, or even escaping  it. Ahhh, Mercury: communications, Divine Intelligence. The Cosmic Mind of Djehuty. Thank goodness, it is NOT retrograde!!! The thing about Djehuty: allow the Cosmic Mind to write out these intentions: start away from the Lower Ego attempting to m are decision or take control. The ongoing battle….

Establishing systems of order & organization, creating a structure that will serve and empower me towards sustaining an enlightened lifestyle filled with music and sound healing plus the other wellness products and services I am here to provide. This is my focus for the coming year. These are the seeds of intention that I am planting with this Fall Equinox. 

These are the details that have been missing in running the Temple and participating in the Music Business. I was not fully grounded in the details, I had a great deal of animosity towards all of the digitalization of the music industry, and attempted to live life as if these things, mainly marketing, promotions, sales, did not matter, because the music is so spiritual, healing. Such strong deep cultural roots. Can only go so far with this, then the whole thing comes to a stop.

Digging deep, planting seeds of intention, fully embracing this Virgo energy. Sun is in Sidereal Virgo until October 31. Dua Aspolia.

Dua Juno, Dua Set M Sekhmet

Juno and Mars in Sidereal Leo.

Juno deals with marriage, partnership, soulmates. It represents the partner we NEED in life, not the same as the one that we desire. Leo/Sekhmet represents the Warrior, the Healer. Let’s look at this from a different angle: the relationship with Our Self, Our Higher Self. The Divine within. How can we be a better partner to Our Self? To the Divine. We are Co-Creators, remember???? 

With the Sekhmet energy, we find the ability to cut ties that bind, bringing us liberation and freedom. Slicing away habits and reactions that cause more problems. During this time, we can find the courage to carry out our intentions in regards to this relationship. Finding the Courage to Stand in One’s Truth. This might not look like anyone else’s path, however, and that is where the courage comes in again. We can carve out time for more Self Care, putting us in the position for starting healthy NEW relationships with those that are also willing to do the work.  

Juno in Leo from cafe
:Juno in Leo: You can be utterly offended if others treat you as if you’re petty, calculating, stingy, not worthy, or not generous. These are triggers. You prefer that people treat you with respect and courtesy more than anything. You want to give off the air of success and being above pettiness, and you become frustrated if people expect or think less than these things about you.” 

wow, I just had this experience with a colleague the other day. Just imagine how this would show up in your partnership with the Divine. Yep, PURE EGO! 

Mars in Leo addresses our drive to win, our will and determination to succeed. Set is of course associated with the Lower Ego, and knowing how to control, not kill the Ego. The Ego also has it place, and is here to serve Creation. 

Mars/Set in Sidereal Leo/Sekhmet: Set and Sekhmet are 2 of the most powerful Neters because they were able to sublimate their lower nature and find peace and inner balance. They found or rediscovered their Divinity. During this time, we are assisted by the Celestial Forces as we carry out this mission in our own lives. Using the knife of Sekhmet to cut away those negative tendencies, thoughts, and create new patterns new levels of awareness. Remember, it was the Wisdom of Djehuty, the Cosmic Mind, that allowed Sekhmet to reawaken to her Divinity, and it is the same for us. In the case of Set, he and all other accepted the fact that no one can escape Death, and that it is wiser to live in alignment with the Universe, than it is to follow egoistic desires and fight against Reality. Both of these can be very difficult, and yet essential in order to WIN AT LIFE, which is the purpose of these HeruScopes! To be the Heru/Hero of our own Myth, Our Story of Life. 

Planting seeds of intention for healthy relationship with Self, leading to healthy relationships and partnerships with healthy people. “I surround My Self with Light Beings that support and share in my Vision”. BY healthy, I mean physical and spiritual health and wellness.

Dua Sesheta M PiMahi

Moon in Sidereal Gemini.

In modern times, this constellation has been represented as the Twins. However, in Kemet, it was called The Lovers. Again, let us look at our relationship with the Self: Self Love. Sesheta is the Goddess of Writing. Gemini is ruled by Mercury/Djehuty, her Partner. Another match made in heaven. Pick up your pen and write if you want to learn more about your Self. Or type if your pen is nowhere to be seen . The Moon is about the Personality, about building one’s character. Writing, journaling, music, poetry, etc, these are all excellent ways to KNOW THY SELF. Writing intentions has already been discussed, and in essence, when you write or speak your intentions, you are bringing them into physical existence, you are manifesting the life of your dreams. Since the Moon is in Gemini, how about when doing your writing, write a love letter to Your Self. Write out a letter addressing the Self about the Life of your dreams, as is talking with the Love of Your Life, because YOU ARE! 

Honestly, I have never tried this. Usually when I do my journal work, or write intentions, it is more like I am the executive CEO of my Life. Like I am a life professional or something! LOL! It is all about the business. This will be something new for me to try. Writing a Love Letter to My Self, with the intention of getting to know my Self better as well as manifesting the Life of My Dreams, the Life of My Vision. 

When the Moon is in Gemini, it is close to my favorite star, Sirius. In fact, anytime the Moon is inside of the Sacred Hoop, it is a very special time….

The other planets have not changed much, so read previous reports for their analysis. Fortunately, both Saturn and Mercury are Direct for a few months.

In Summary: Fall Equinox, Fall into Alignment

Sidereal Virgo: Sun, Venus, Mercury

  • Creating Beautiful Systems of Order, Organization, Structure and Consistency
  • Allow the Cosmic Mind to Write out Your Intentions; not the Ego.
  • Plant Seeds in the Garden of Your Life.

Sidereal Leo: Juno, Mars

  • Examine your Partnership and relationship with Your Highest Self

Sidereal Gemini: Moon

  • Write a Love Letter to Your Self as you
  • Co-Create and Manifest your Intentions, Goals, Dreams and Visions.

For the KemeTones Cosmic Sound Healing Self care, use Yin Wei and Dai Mai for heartbreak and getting unstuck.

Here is the Cosmic Attunement for the Fall Equinox: Dua Ra Dua HetHeru Dua Djehuty.

Harvest Full Moon


Dua Ra Dua Juno Dua Set M Sakhmet

Sun, Juno, Mars in Sidereal Leo

Utilize Creatives Forces for healing and destroying evil/ignorance/unrighteousness/for taming the Ego, controlling, subduing/sublimating. Direct all of your will, your drive, in this same direction: healing and disrupting ignorance and unrighteousness.. Juno rules commitment, marriage, partnership: relationships where there is a balance of power. Juno despises imbalance and injustice, unrighteousness, and does what is called for to make things right. In Sidereal Virgo, we run the risk of overanalyzing things, and trying to control the outcome. Instead, focus on the things you want to manifest in regards to relationships, equity, balance, etc. Prepare to plant your seeds of intention in a few days when Ra moves onwards…what is your level of commitment to  controlling the lower ego in you when it arises?

Ta-Urt: Taurus

Ascendent. Dua Sedna, Dua Vesta

Still great deal of focus on healing from Sexual Assault and Harassment, Freeing children and people from sex trafficking and even organ harvesting. Dealing with global traumas and assaults.  This is the central core, the hearth, the heart of the earth. Planetary Healing from violence at the deepest level, at the root of all suffering is this trauma. Time is NOW to shift the frequency at global level. Sedna is still retrograde, meaning the opportunity for real and lasting change is still within our grasp. 

Sun moves into Aspolia on September 15. Aspolia is represented by a seed: The Seed of Intention in the Garden of Your Life. Sidereal Virgo is the month for intentions. During this Harvest Full Moon, express gratitude for the harvest. Begin to gather the Seeds of Intention for your Garden of Life and be ready to plant at the New Moon. 

Dua Heru M Tamet Ammon (Amun)

Uranus in Sidereal Aries.  In Kemetic System, This constellation is ruled by Amun, the Witnessing Consciousness. However in Greek systems, this sign is ruled by Mars, which corresponds to Set. We have the opportunity to witness Heru in victory over Set, the Lower Nature is defeated by Spiritual Nature,  bringing about the Redemption of the Soul.. 

Chiron is still Retrograde in Sidereal Pisces: The Key is to release our fears and brings our negative oughts and feelings to the surface, to say farewell pr purification. Retrograde means intensified examination of Self and experiences.,

Dua Djahuty, Dua NebtHet Portal Opening m KuUrKu

Full Moon and Neptune Rx in Sidereal Aquarius,

Harvest Full Moon in Sidereal Aquarius..Giving Thanks for all of the wondrous miracles that have happened for and within our Human Family. Always remembering the Gift that exists within every adversity.This is the Full Moon at the time of the Equinox. This is a time of Illumination of what needs to be put in Order. Or what must fall into alignment with Divine Right Order. NebtHet is the Lady of the House who maintains Order in physical realm. 

PiMaere Sidereal Sagittarius

Dua Asar Dua Rephan/Geb M PiMaere Portals are Open. 

Pluto Rx and Saturn Rx in Sidereal Sagittarius. Fortunately for us, Saturn goes Direct on September 18. But for this full moon, the portal is still open. 

Transcendence beyond death, beyond endings.Beyond limitations or perceived limitations. Grounded by transformation and change. 

Dua Amun Dua Aset M Imhotep

Jupiter/PiCheus and Ceres in Ophiuchus

Witnessing Consciousness approach to healing and Nurturing. Wait and see what happens. Let the Divine perform the healing, not the Ego. 

Dua Net, Dua Djehuty, DUa HetHeru M Aspolia.

Sun moves into Aspolia on September 15. Aspolia is represented by a seed: The Seed of Intention in the Garden of Your Life. Sidereal Virgo is the month for intentions. During this Harvest Full Moon, express gratitude for the harvest. Begin to gather the Seeds of Intention for your Garden of Life and be ready to plant at the New Moon.

Gather the Seeds of Protection, Divine Intelligence, and Love and Beauty. Plant these when the Sun moves into Virgo, and this is what you will harvest this time next year…..

Birthday Lunch Recap and Review: Althea’s Vegan Fine Cuisine


My BeEarthDay was Monday August 5. 58 and Life is Great! I am filled with Gratitude. I wanted to do something different: I usually travel out of the country for my birthday, however this year, I stayed home. My daughter Via Rosa chose this restaurant: ALTHEA. Chef Matthew Kenney plant-based fine dining. Located on the 7th floor of Saks Fifth Avenue on the Magnificent Mile.

Althea Vegan Plant Based Restaurant

BTW, Vegan is a different category from Plant Based.: Vegans will eat Oreos ( now made vegan, without animal products and not so much toxic stuff) but a Plant Based Diet person might eat meat or eggs. I am def a plant based vegan….LOL!!! I eat Oreos sometimes, and sometimes, while out and about, might eat a pastry that was made with eggs. But overall, plant based vegan.

The restaurant is on the 7th floor of Saks Fifth Avenue!  I haven’t been there since I was a young girl. My Dad used to love to shop there. It looks alot different! Lol!  The view is nice and the food is incredible! 

Golden Milk Spice Tea

Golden Milk Spice Tea. Of course, I thought it would have been made with coconut milk. I was wrong. It was super gingery and black peppery. I chose to add some Agave and it became super yummy.

Fancy Blue Gem Shoes, get it Gem Shoes! LOL!! I just got it….instaed of gym shoes.,.. duh.

The lady sitting at the table next to us was wearing the most fascinating shoes, and her suit also. However, I could not stop staring at these shoes. Are these real gems or just rhinestones? I dunno, but perhaps when I am 85, I will have a pair of shoes like this..LOL!!! My daughter was very embarrassed when I took this photo. I wanted to compliment her on the shoes when she was getting up to leave, However, she looked right through me as if I wasn’t there, so I said nothing.

Kimchi Dumplings

We wanted to order this because it got great reviews. Then decided not to get it, because of our budget. Then the waittress said they were treating us because IT’S MY BIRTHDAY!!! Kimchi Dumplings, Beet Sauce and Ginger Foam. Please don’t ask me how they make foam out of ginger. This was so delicious. Will order this again…

Mushroom Tacos

Aaaahhhh, the Mushroom Tacos! When we were getting on the elevator, some ladies were getting off. They were taking photographs of the sign! They were raving about the food. Especially these mushroom tacos! Now, we know why!!! The food @altheas is delicious and filling, yet everything is so light. We were amazed at how much we ate, we felt full, yet not stuffed. I especially love how it is plant based as opposed to vegan: vegan can mean lots of meat substitutes. Plant based means it came from the earth, not processed to be something that it is not…every dish was a work of art, and all senses are involved in the experience, not just taste..

Crab Cakes

Now the Crab Cakes were outta this world. I have not tasted any other crab cakes, so I have no way of comparing them to cakes made from dead sea creatures or fake sea creatures. I have only tasted these, and will be ordering them again. Why don’t we meet there for lunch? I cannot tell you what they taste like, because I have never tasted anything like them!!! Lol! I recognized green onion, but that was all.


Plant-based Gnocchi. WOW! And the sauce was so yummy. I am not really a foodie. In fact, I am not at all. However, looking at these photos, I am recalling the fun and joy that we experienced at this restaurant. Maybe because I was there with my favorite vegan and/or plant-based chef, Via Rosa, which helped make everything taste even better. I also learned how to pronounce Gnocchi. 

And now for the Main Entree: RAW PLANT BASED LASAGNE. It looked like a piece of wedding cake. I did not want to cut it or mess up the artwork. The “cream cheese” looked like little clouds. The SAUCE? Magnifico!!! You really have to be there…this is Chef Matthew’s specialty. You have to try this. The menu is seasonal, so that means we will go at LEAST 4 times per year.

Banana Creme Pie and Chocolate Ice Cream.

Dessert was also on the house. The waittress brought out with candle lit, but i guess i was do excited it went out before the photo was taken. The Banana Cream Pie, also raw,  stole out hearts. Magicsl is best way to describe the experience. The ice cream tasted good, but was not creamy enough for our tastes. 

All in all, we will definitely be going there every season….I have a feeling that it’s always yummy season at Althea! 

Stay tuned for more reviews from Light Being Wellness Center. One Love!

Where is the Sun on the Summer Solstice 2019?


Good Rising. Great Awakenings. Beautiful Existence Arising.

Uben Nefer NEHAST Uben UN nefer!!!

While preparing for the presentation tomorrow, Call to Consciousness, something was brought to my attention. It has been stated that the Summer Solstice occurred at 10:54 am CDT. This would normally coincide with the Sun moving into Cancer….

Look at the position of the Sun: STILL IN TAURUS!!! So, I checked with the NASA Horizon site, to see exactly who the Sun moves into Gemini:

TODAY! June 22 at 2:09 am CDT.

And the class tomorrow

This causes me to wonder about so many things. Have the solstices and equinoxes changed due to the Precession of the Equinox? When I was in Heru, at Macchu Pichu, the Celestial Shaman there the Guardian of the Equinox marker told me that the equinoxes were now in February and October. When I went to Kemet last fall, it was to witness the Sun shining into the door way at the Temple at Abu Simbel on October 22, for 22 minutes, a very ancient fest8val celebration. I feel this is the time of the actual Equinox, but I have not really begun my investigation as of yet. I would like to measure the realtime number of daylight hours and see exactly when is the longest day. But does it have anything to do with the Sun moving into Sidereal Gemini? In the Babylonian system, it begins when the Sun moves into Cancer…..Solstice means Sun Stops, after the Solstice, the days grow shorter until the Winter Solstice, when the Sun Stops, and the days grow longer again. At the Solstice, the Sun Stops moving on one direction, and starts moving in the opposite direction….it is a time of powerful alignment.

anyway, GOOD SUMMER SOLSTICE TO YOU!!! Stay tuned for more from HeruScopes and Good Rising TV. For more info, visit


Waya Equoni Pejuta: My Personal Cangleska/ Medicine Wheel



Waya Equoni means Wolf River. This is my Tsalagi or Cherokee Name. My Maternal Grandfather, Bernard Henri Johnson,  was called Wolf. His Mother, Eliza Jane Davis, was a full blood Cherokee woman that ended up living in Chicago . HIs Father was named Henri Jean Baptiste, son of  the infamous plantation owner of same name in New Orleans, and one of his slaves, one of my maternal great great grand mothers. River of course refers to the Great River, Mayu, The Tree of Life,  The Milky Way, our Galactic Home.

I have had a Medicine Wheel in my life for over 20 years, maybe even longer. The Medicine Wheel is from the Lakota. I am Saponi (Blackfoot) on my Father’s maternal; side. My grandmother Ruth would be classified as tri-racial. She was from Mississippi. Many people are shocked to learn that some of the Lakota Nation ended up in Mississippi. My lineage is physical proof.

What is a Medicine Wheel? Please visit
the Medicine Wheel page at 

What is Pejuta?
from The Lakota Way: Stories and Lessons for Living
By Joseph Marshall

I found the term here in an excerpt, plus much more valuable information…

When something is “having pejuta or medicine, can mean possessing a certain power or ability.”

I first became aware of the Medicine Wheel when I first learned about the Hopi Prophecy and the Lakota 4 Directions Song. Now I have songs about these same subjects!

Great Purification of All Things (from Celestial Folk Music)

Lakota : 4 Directions (from Rise Again Truth)

Waya Equoni Medicine Wheel has gone through many changes, just like my life. The first one that I vividly recall was at our home in Blanco, Texas. I could really stretch out there. I was highly influenced by the book called

Star Medicine: Native American Path to Emotional Healing (Native American (Sterling Paperback))
Wolf Moondance  (Author), Jim Sharpe (Illustrator),
Sky Starhawk(Illustrator)

star medicine cover


I used my medicine wheel as a celestial clock, I kept track of planetary and other cosmic motions and cycles. I was living on a 3400 acre ranch at the time… life was a lot different for me back then…..

When I lived in the city, I had a small indoor medicine wheel. You can just use stones and other artifacts. Can use a drawing. Or, create a small outdoor one, like an area within your vegetable or flower garden. It does not have to be large like at Bighorn!

When I first moved to California, I created a Medicine Wheel Garden. My guide was the book

The Cherokee Herbal by  J.T. Garrett
you can read a portion of the book here!
(not sure why, but let’s just be grateful!)

cherokee herbal cover

But there was no room for dancing, and when the weeds took over, it was well, a mess. So, I moved the medicine wheel to an area that could combine  the Dancing Ground with the Medicine Wheel.

This Waya Equoni Medicine Wheel is unlike any other that I know about. I use the Hopi alignment for the directions.

and, I add a fifth element: SOUND!

Warrior/ North/ Fire/ Spirit/ White

Visionary/ East / Air/ Mind/ Yellow

Grounding / West / Earth/ Body/ Red

Nurturer/ South / Water/ Soul, Emotions/ Black

And SOUND is the fifth element. Each stone around the wheel represents something that I am praying for. 

Many moons passed, and I stopped tending the medicine wheel. I stopped watering the garden. I forgot the meaning or the significance of the stones. Weeds took over, and the entrance on the southeast side had become blocked by weeds. Flowers and other plants had been growing inside of the wheel, and I was just letting them grow, saying things like, “It is such a pretty flower, I cannot kill it.” I even stopped my daily dancing.

before photos.

earth b4


air B4

pejuta B4

Beginning the Purification Process with fire…
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Panoramic view of Cherry Tree that has fallen over…


The Cherry Tree fell over, yet it did not die. I allowed blackberries to overtake the tree, and almost choked the life out of it. There was so much Lemon Balm growing like crazy inside the Medicine Wheel, that there was not enough room to dance!


One day, during the New Moon Aspolia (Sidereal Virgo) Fall Equinox 2014, it dawned on me that the state of my Medicine Wheel affected and reflected the state of my life: I had established boundaries, but I was not honoring them. An entrance was complexity blocked, and I was letting all kinds of unwanted vegetation thrive in what was supposed to be a sacred space to heal and meditate and dance.


fountainTo make matters worse, there was a broken down fountain, IN THE WEALTH CORNER! Not that I suggest combining feng shui with Native American spirituality, but come on now, a broken fountain in the wealth corner????? LOL!!!

On top of everything else, at the Winter Solstice I realized that the alignment with the directions was off by about 45 degrees. I had changed it inside, but not outside for the medicine wheel.


Imagine my horror when all of this dawned on me in one moment. I thought I was just going out to sit in the Medicine Wheel for the Equinox. I had no idea that I was about to rebuild the entire structure…Removed all rocks, they had to be washed off, and smudged, and set in place with alignment and new intentions. This time, I made a diagram! Used a compass to locate true East. Pulled up so many plants that were just growing crazy inside the medicine wheel. Bought a few colorful flowers, and now, it is perfect! I still need to add flags for the north and south, but other than that, it is fully activated! There is a special garden section devoted to My Clan and My Bloodline in particular, my two lovely daughters. My “nephew” from Chicago was here visiting, and he was able to rescue the Cherry Tree from the gigantic blackberry bush that was slowly taking over the entire area! GalLiELiGa Seneca. Wado Seneca!



Fire; North; Creativity; Spirit; KNOWLEDGE


AIR; East. Thoughts; The Mind; Also the WEALTH CORNER!


Earth; West; Grounding; Body; HELPFUL PEOPLE


Water; South; Emotions; The Soul; RELATIONSHIPS

Sound! Southeast; Vibrations; Movement; FAME


What do I do? How is it activated?

1. I have the elements in each “corner”.
Begin by lighting a candle in the North, then light the incense in the East. Place live food offering to the West. Offer Water Libations (Ancestors) in the South. then I hang up my drum. I placed the Sound Element in between Air and Water. It looks like a Peace Symbol. Pick up sticks, clear the dance path of any debris. Remember to Give Thanks!

2. Next, Sing the Lakota 4 Diirections song. Opening of the way.

3. Waya Equoni Medicine Wheel Ritual:

a. start a fire in the Fire Pit at the center of the Medicine Wheel. write out anything you need to release, and toss it into the fire. offer prayers, meditate, reflect as you throw onto the fire and watch prayers being released.
b. Smudge entire area: each rock, the dancing path, and yourself and any others present. The rocks contain the intentions, so each time you are purifying the intentions and offering them to the Creator.
c. Water the Garden and all of the rocks/intentions. Be sure to pour water for yourself to drink later.
d. Plant seeds of Intention, or make prayer ties or some other type of craft or gardening activity.
e. Drum, Sing, Chant, and DANCE THE INTENTIONS INTO MANIFESTATIONS! Remember to Give Thanks!
f. Reflection. Sit down in a particular element, and just sit in silence for awhile. Offer more prayers if you have them. Be sure to drink the water! It has been blessed just by being in the medicine Wheel. You are drinking your prayers and intentions. Making them real in your body, and soon, they will manifest in your life.
g. Partake of your offering. Make sure the fire is put out, and enjoy the rest of your day.


Flowers to be planted!


I have made a vow to keep up with the maintenance. As I stated earlier, it is a reflection of my life. Honoring Boundaries; Trust, Integrity, Protection. Guidance. Healing. Staying connected to my Indigenous Ancestors. All that and more is experienced in the Waya Equoni Medicine Wheel. My Spirit Guides informed me that it is very important for me to keep working with this Sacred Medicine. That they have been unable to reach me since I neglected my duties as Keeper of this Wolf Clan Medicine Wheel.

I am not suggesting combining Native American Spirituality with Kemetic Truths, but I will say this: THIS MEDICINE WHEEL IS A DEVICE THAT ENABLES ME TO PHYSICALLY FEEL MAAT: SAA MAAT; UNDERSTANDING WITH FEELING: FEELING THE BALANCE OF LIFE. MAINTAINING BALANCE AND ORDER IS UNIVERSAL. MAAT IS UNIVERSAL. According to my Teachers, Ancestors and Spirit Guides, All Indigenous Cultures have same root, same source, same origin. With many different cultures running through my life,  my blood and my veins, it is only natural to see the common thread that exists in all Indigenous Practices. I love and respect them all dearly for their uniqueness and individuality, as well as for the connection that is shared.


Presently, the Herbs and Flowers living at the Waya Equoni Medicine Wheel:

Lemon Balm
Blue Chicory
Poke Weed

I will be adding more soon, in accordance with the Cherokee Herbal. Will be starting White Sage seeds very soon….

Other activities or items associated with the Waya Equoni Pejuta:
Prayer Ties, Medicine Songs. and the Medicine Bundle. Offering Tobacco.


Ga LI E LI Ga. I am grateful.
Wado. Dohiyi. Thank You. Peace.

Waya Equoni, aka Tchiya Amet El Maat