Falling Into Alignment at the Fall Equinox


Udja. Uben Nefer Nehast.

Greetings, Good Rising and Great Awakening.

Welcome to the HeruScopes Analysis for Fall Equinox 2019.

Of course, we begin with the Equinox Song, originally composed by John Coltrane. His birthday is actually September 23, same as my granddad’s. This song was recorded in Rio de Janeiro. But that is another story for another day…

And live version at Concert for Human Harmony


According to Babylonian /Western Astrology, the Fall Equinox takes place when the Sun moves into the sign of Libra. However, according to Sidereal Astrology, 13 Month Sidereal Astrology NASA and HeruScopes, the Autumnal Equinox, usually around September 21-23, occurs while the Sun is in the Constellation of Sidereal Virgo. This analysis is NOT an attempt to explain the difference between the systems. All I can say is that I am going to follow the guidance of the Stars, not a gang of thieves and liars. I prefer to use a system that is based on the ACTUAL motion of the Sun and Planets through the Constellations, as opposed to a man-made system created by terrorists and plagiarists, that is based on Earth’s orbit around the Sun instead….

One of the main reasons for this difference is due to the Precession of the Equinox, which we all experience as the Change of the Seasons, due the the Earth’s Tilt. Precession of the Equinox causes time to move forward one day every 70 years. A system that acknowledges seasons changing, and yet ignores the Precession of the Equinox is well, INSANE as well as IN DENIAL and DECEPTIVE. Keeping the masses locked into a system of artificial time, is evil, especially when we know that time does not exist: it is a tool to help us navigate and coordinate through life, but it is also something created by man, not Nature. 

Fall Equinox occurs on Monday September 23 at 2.5 hours after midnight/2:50 am, central time. The Equinox actually lasts 3 days. Same as the New and Full Moons as well as the Solstices. Equinox is supposed to be the time where day equals night,. My research has shown me that Fall Equinox, when the hours of night and day are equal, might actually occur in October, and the Spring Equinox is in February. More to come on that subject.

The Equinox represents putting things in alignment with All That Is, with the Cosmos. It is a time of Acceptance of what Is, and Letting Go of what no longer serves you. This can show up as ending relationships, jobs, anything that is holding you back. 

In my case, I am working on letting go of a huge heartache. Letting go of wishing that relationships that ended long ago would be resolved. Funny thing is, I do not miss the actual person, I miss having interactions with people that I do not miss! THAT SOUNDS INSANE, doesn’t it? This longing is based on the fact that I am related to these people, and on what I thought these relationships should be like. On what Family is supposed to be like. This is a judgement that I have placed on my self, my life, my choices, my spiritual path, my character. This in turn causes much doubt and more unhappiness. And, this line of thinking is not serving me, and is indeed holding me back, weighing me down, because it feels sad to move forward without them in my life. So, I am working on letting go of attachments to what I wanted to happen, and to be more present with what is actually happening. This applies to habits, thoughts, environments….Sometimes, I also feel guilty for how my trauma affected these relationships. And there is absolutely not one thing that I can do about this. Fall Equinox cuts through the crap, and we can either align, or get turned into compost for the New Day. 

On with the HeruScopes Analysis…..

Dua Ra Dua HetHeru Dua Djehuty M Aspolia

Sun, Venus and Mercury in Sidereal Virgo. 

Aspolia is the Ancient Egyptian (possibly with Greek influence) name for this constellation, and it means literally, the Seed. At HeruScopes, this very long month (45 Days) is seen as the time to PLANT YOUR INTENTIONS IN THE GARDEN OF YOUR LIFE. With the Equinox taking place during this time, it makes sense to bring align your life by working with the Power of Intention. There are so many practices for this, here are 2 examples:

1. Everyday, write out one intention 10 times or
2. Everyday, write out a list of 10 different intentions.

It is also important to write them out, but not go back and look at them or tweak them. Just Set them and forget them, let the Universe do the magic. Being stressed about them is not part of the practice. 

Virgo is associated with Order, Detail, Organization. Structure. It is crucial to make sure that these structures do not become a prison for you, in other words, it is important to BE FLEXIBLE. Set goals, state intentions, but do not allow yourself to become attached to the results. The Seeds of Intention to Plant at this time correspond to the Planets that are in Virgo at this time: Seeds of Creativity that bring Order. Seeds of Love and Beauty, seeing the beauty in Structure and order. Loving the discipline it will take to take your life to the next level, rather than dreading it, or even escaping  it. Ahhh, Mercury: communications, Divine Intelligence. The Cosmic Mind of Djehuty. Thank goodness, it is NOT retrograde!!! The thing about Djehuty: allow the Cosmic Mind to write out these intentions: start away from the Lower Ego attempting to m are decision or take control. The ongoing battle….

Establishing systems of order & organization, creating a structure that will serve and empower me towards sustaining an enlightened lifestyle filled with music and sound healing plus the other wellness products and services I am here to provide. This is my focus for the coming year. These are the seeds of intention that I am planting with this Fall Equinox. 

These are the details that have been missing in running the Temple and participating in the Music Business. I was not fully grounded in the details, I had a great deal of animosity towards all of the digitalization of the music industry, and attempted to live life as if these things, mainly marketing, promotions, sales, did not matter, because the music is so spiritual, healing. Such strong deep cultural roots. Can only go so far with this, then the whole thing comes to a stop.

Digging deep, planting seeds of intention, fully embracing this Virgo energy. Sun is in Sidereal Virgo until October 31. Dua Aspolia.

Dua Juno, Dua Set M Sekhmet

Juno and Mars in Sidereal Leo.

Juno deals with marriage, partnership, soulmates. It represents the partner we NEED in life, not the same as the one that we desire. Leo/Sekhmet represents the Warrior, the Healer. Let’s look at this from a different angle: the relationship with Our Self, Our Higher Self. The Divine within. How can we be a better partner to Our Self? To the Divine. We are Co-Creators, remember???? 

With the Sekhmet energy, we find the ability to cut ties that bind, bringing us liberation and freedom. Slicing away habits and reactions that cause more problems. During this time, we can find the courage to carry out our intentions in regards to this relationship. Finding the Courage to Stand in One’s Truth. This might not look like anyone else’s path, however, and that is where the courage comes in again. We can carve out time for more Self Care, putting us in the position for starting healthy NEW relationships with those that are also willing to do the work.  

Juno in Leo from cafe astrology.com
:Juno in Leo: You can be utterly offended if others treat you as if you’re petty, calculating, stingy, not worthy, or not generous. These are triggers. You prefer that people treat you with respect and courtesy more than anything. You want to give off the air of success and being above pettiness, and you become frustrated if people expect or think less than these things about you.” 

wow, I just had this experience with a colleague the other day. Just imagine how this would show up in your partnership with the Divine. Yep, PURE EGO! 

Mars in Leo addresses our drive to win, our will and determination to succeed. Set is of course associated with the Lower Ego, and knowing how to control, not kill the Ego. The Ego also has it place, and is here to serve Creation. 

Mars/Set in Sidereal Leo/Sekhmet: Set and Sekhmet are 2 of the most powerful Neters because they were able to sublimate their lower nature and find peace and inner balance. They found or rediscovered their Divinity. During this time, we are assisted by the Celestial Forces as we carry out this mission in our own lives. Using the knife of Sekhmet to cut away those negative tendencies, thoughts, and create new patterns new levels of awareness. Remember, it was the Wisdom of Djehuty, the Cosmic Mind, that allowed Sekhmet to reawaken to her Divinity, and it is the same for us. In the case of Set, he and all other accepted the fact that no one can escape Death, and that it is wiser to live in alignment with the Universe, than it is to follow egoistic desires and fight against Reality. Both of these can be very difficult, and yet essential in order to WIN AT LIFE, which is the purpose of these HeruScopes! To be the Heru/Hero of our own Myth, Our Story of Life. 

Planting seeds of intention for healthy relationship with Self, leading to healthy relationships and partnerships with healthy people. “I surround My Self with Light Beings that support and share in my Vision”. BY healthy, I mean physical and spiritual health and wellness.

Dua Sesheta M PiMahi

Moon in Sidereal Gemini.

In modern times, this constellation has been represented as the Twins. However, in Kemet, it was called The Lovers. Again, let us look at our relationship with the Self: Self Love. Sesheta is the Goddess of Writing. Gemini is ruled by Mercury/Djehuty, her Partner. Another match made in heaven. Pick up your pen and write if you want to learn more about your Self. Or type if your pen is nowhere to be seen . The Moon is about the Personality, about building one’s character. Writing, journaling, music, poetry, etc, these are all excellent ways to KNOW THY SELF. Writing intentions has already been discussed, and in essence, when you write or speak your intentions, you are bringing them into physical existence, you are manifesting the life of your dreams. Since the Moon is in Gemini, how about when doing your writing, write a love letter to Your Self. Write out a letter addressing the Self about the Life of your dreams, as is talking with the Love of Your Life, because YOU ARE! 

Honestly, I have never tried this. Usually when I do my journal work, or write intentions, it is more like I am the executive CEO of my Life. Like I am a life professional or something! LOL! It is all about the business. This will be something new for me to try. Writing a Love Letter to My Self, with the intention of getting to know my Self better as well as manifesting the Life of My Dreams, the Life of My Vision. 

When the Moon is in Gemini, it is close to my favorite star, Sirius. In fact, anytime the Moon is inside of the Sacred Hoop, it is a very special time….

The other planets have not changed much, so read previous reports for their analysis. Fortunately, both Saturn and Mercury are Direct for a few months.

In Summary: Fall Equinox, Fall into Alignment

Sidereal Virgo: Sun, Venus, Mercury

  • Creating Beautiful Systems of Order, Organization, Structure and Consistency
  • Allow the Cosmic Mind to Write out Your Intentions; not the Ego.
  • Plant Seeds in the Garden of Your Life.

Sidereal Leo: Juno, Mars

  • Examine your Partnership and relationship with Your Highest Self

Sidereal Gemini: Moon

  • Write a Love Letter to Your Self as you
  • Co-Create and Manifest your Intentions, Goals, Dreams and Visions.

For the KemeTones Cosmic Sound Healing Self care, use Yin Wei and Dai Mai for heartbreak and getting unstuck.

Here is the Cosmic Attunement for the Fall Equinox: Dua Ra Dua HetHeru Dua Djehuty.

Falling Awake: Fall Equinox and Full Moon

September Full Moon 2018:

When to See the ‘Harvest Moon’ The full moon of September, called the Harvest Moon, will grace the skies Sept. 24, just two days after the autumn equinox. The moon becomes officially full on Sept. 24 at 10:52 p.m. EDT (0252 GMT on Sept. 25), according to NASA’s SkyCal.

Choctaw Nation call this Hash Tek Inhasi, the Courting Moon. I can see how this would bring out a little romance: gets a little bit chilly around here as soon as the Sun goes down…

The Equinox is Upon Us, lasts 3 days
September Equinox, Chicago, Illinois, USA is on

Saturday, September 22, 2018 at 8:54 pm CDT (Change city

Although, not exactly equal
Fall equinox 2018: Not as ‘equal’ as you may think | CNN Travel


So why isn’t the equinox exactly equal?

It turns out you actually get a little more daylight than darkness on the equinox, depending on where you are on the planet. How does that happen?

As the US National Weather Service explains, the “nearly” equal hours of day and night are because of the complex way a sunrise is measured and the refraction of sunlight in our atmosphere.

This bending of light rays “causes the sun to appear above the horizon when the actual position of the sun is below the horizon.” The day is a bit longer at higher latitudes than at the equator because it takes the sun longer to rise and set the closer you get to the poles. So on fall equinox, the length of day will vary a little according to where you are:”

“For the truly equal day/night split, you have to wait some days after the official equinox. That’s called the equilux. In 2018, that will happen on September 28.”

Watch Youtube video with Music by John Coltrane, Lyrics by Tchiya Amet, recorded in Rio de Janeiro on the Celestial Folk Music CD

Happy Birthday to John Coltrane and My Grandfather Bernard Henry Johnson, 2 very wonderful VIRGOS, that’s correct, not Libras at HeruScopes.

heruscopes banner

Here are the Chart  and Reading for the Equinox and scroll down for the Full Moon

Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at 2.21.09 PM


Illustration: Ra stricken with poison, and Aset providing relief….watch video for more information.

Dua Ra Dua Djehuty Dua Aset M Aspolia 

Sun, Mercury, Ceres in Sidereal Virgo 

Tap into Creativity and utilize to Express Cosmic Mind and to Hear Divine Intuition. this will lead to bountiful harvest, as Aspolia is The Seed.

Dua Maat M Sekhmet. Pallas Athena in Sidereal leo.

uh oh. Is this the Warrior Goddess Defending Maat? Standing up for fairness in relationships and partnerships? This is not the time to remain quiet and hope the challenge will go away. Now is the time to practice speaking up, and standing for Maat. You are either Living with Maat, or you are not. There is no grey area on this…..

Dua Juno Dua Sedna (Portal Opening) M Apis

Juno and Sedna Rx in Sidereal Taurus.
I read today that there is even a #yogametoo hashtag: some yoga instructors are actually rapists. This means that our sacred relationships and covenants, marriages have been violated, thoroughly, and with the Rx activity, now is the time for action and healing, which comes with letting go. Speaking and expressing, It is also important to be heard, and criminalizing the survivor will backfire in time. We are going to establish our groundedness and steadfastness in our truth, and we refuse to be silenced, we will not remain silent, not until this trial has ended.  

Dua Heru (Portal Opening) M Tamet Ammon

Uranus Rx in Sidereal Aries

True Leadership  and Victory comes by Observing\  

    Dua Chiron (Portal Opening) PiCot Sahu

Chiron Rx in Sidereal Pisces

This portal opening is pushing us to cleanse and to heal from deep seated emotional wounds, even from past lives or ancestral wounds, which are harder to heal from than physical injuries. As the Cherokee Wisdom Teaches us: “Wash Your Spirit Clean”. Let go of heartache, forgive self and others. Surrender to Spirit and trust the Universe. these are indeed the actions of the Revolutionary that lives within all of us. .

Dua NebtHet (Portal Opening) Dua Sesheta M KuUrKu

Neptune Rx ALMOST Moon in Sidereal Aquarius

NebtHet is the Lady of the House, and represents Light beings or Spirit in a Watery Encasement, a physical exisence. She is symbolized by a vessel of water. And KuUrKu is depicted pouring water, or wisdom and knowledge, from one vessel to another.
What I am sensing now is an overwhelmingly strong and powerful luvibration that can heal all estranged family relations. This is based upon the Mythical Relationship of Heru and NebtHet. Sesheta is there urging us to write out our emotions, get them out of us and out them to good use. Putting things in order also means getting rid of what no longer serves us. Taking out our emotional waste. This process is healing for the writer as well as those that have the good fortune to see, hear or read these experiences. This kind of writing, from an authiic place, is indeed purifying to the heat and mind. It helps us build character and strengthen our personality.

Dua Set M Hupeneius
Mars in Sidereal Capricorn.

No longer Retrograde, now is the time to establish a strong, positive material foundation. Not for conquest or amassing great financial wealth, but so that you can be in the position to take better care of health, and have time to invest to gain greater knowledge of Self. Time to get back to consistent yoga practice, mediation, exercise, time and space for family and loved ones. whatever it takes, because without a strong mind body soul and spirit, you will not be able to enjoy all that wealth you have w=amassed, and there will be no one to share it with either. Taking steps towards your freedom, not further enslavement. 

Dua Asar (Portal Opening) Dua Rephan Geb Dua Vesta
M PiMaere
Pluto Rx, Saturn, Vesta in Sidereal Sagittarius

Nuk Pu Nuk Asar Asar: Expanding, traveling, outgrowing beyond all limitations is the Central Core that keeps us shining bright. Things end and begin again, yet our goal is always the same: to Be Enlightened. 

Dua PiCheus Amun Dua HetHeru M Maat

Jupiter and Venus in Sidereal Libra

Now in addition to the experience of Maat Expansion, we add the Love, Joy and Beauty to the Equation. Balance and Harmony instead of struggle. This could mean that it is no longer a battle, it is an unfoldment, a blossoming. Again, remain seated on Inner Throne, the Great Observer that sees all, and says nothing.

The Equinox is a time of Alignment on a Grand Scale. The axis of the Earth’s Orbit lines up with the Galactic Axis. By aligning with nature, we can align with Maat. Our lives flow because we are in tune with the Divine. If your life is not going the way you want it to, look at it from a different peseoctive, and see how life is flowing in alignment with itself, and your wishes only matter, ir come true, when they are ALIGN WITH THE DIVINE. If you are ignorant of Self, and ignorant of the celestial movements, then, your life will just get bounced around not really moving forward….-

Here is the video for the Fall Equinox Session. Full Moon will be added later tonite…

FULL MOON:  The Courting Moon.

Moon in Sidereal Pisces.

Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at 2.20.18 PM

The only object that changes is the Moon. Now in PiCot Sahu, Sidereal Pisces.  Will be posting tonite during the Full Moon Time…

Full Moon pt 1: Energy in Motion Video

KemeTones Self Care and Global Healing


Pt 2: Devotion in Motion

Ancient African Adorations
Devotional World Music


The Page of the Equinox at tchiya.com: Teachings, Music and Lyrics


Great Balancing!

This is the page of the Equinox. These lyrics were written years ago when my daughters were studying the seasons at our Home School. You might recognize the melody, that classic tune by John Coltrane.

Day equals night

Night equals day

The World turns with a tilt

Spring or Fall it’s the Equinox.

Night equals day

Day equals night

The Sphinx’s gaze is truly East

When there’s no shadow it’s the Equinox.

The Spring point moves

Opposite the Sun

Aquarius has just begun.

It’s the Precession of the Equinox.

Spring or Fall it’s the Equinox

When there’s no shadow it’s the Equinox.

It’s the Precession of the Equinox!

Tonight (Saturday September 22, 2012), the Equinox Quarter Moon is soooo lovely: perfectly symbolizing the Balamce of Lightness and Darkness….


Oh, you mean Maat? Balance, Truth, Order, Harmony, Justice, Reciprocity, and Righteousness

John Coltrane was born on September 23, 1926 in Hamlet, North Carolina. As a child he played clarinet as well as alto saxophone. During his early years he played orchestral and march music rather than jazz. In 1943 he moved to Philadelphia and was in a Navy Band by 1945. He recorded and privately issued four songs in 1946. He began his jazz career with King Kolax but left in 1947 to play with Eddie “Cleanhead Vinson.” His first big gig was with Dizzy Gillespie’s Big Band in 1949. They broke up in 1950 but for the next year he worked with Gillespie’s quintet before returning to Philadelphia…..


The equinoxes. As the sun progresses eastward along the ecliptic, it crosses the celestial equator moving northward at the vernal equinox (spring [nothern hemisphere]) and again six months later moving southward at the autumnal equinox (fall[nothern hemisphere]). By definition, the right ascension – declination of the vernal equinox is (0h, 0º).

– Zeilik, M. & E. v. P. Smith. (1987). Introductory Astronomy & Astrophysics.

Saunders College Publishing, PA, US. p. 483


Celestial charts and maps

Everything You Need to Know about the Equinox of 2012

Four Seasons


“The Sun is at its lowest path in the sky on the Winter Solstice. After that day the Sun follows a higher and higher path through the sky each day until it is in the sky for exactly 12 hours. On the Spring Equinox the Sun rises exactly in the east travels through the sky for 12 hours and sets exactly in the west. On the Equinox this is the motion of the Sun through the sky for everyone on earth. Every place on earth experiences a 12 hours day twice a year on the Spring and Fall Equinox.

After the Spring Equinox, the Sun still continues to follow a higher and higher path through the sky, with the days growing longer and longer, until it reaches it highest point in the sky on the Summer Solstice.” From solar physics

Autumn Equinox News
And while the Sun is lying directly above the Equator today, it has risen at the South Pole for the first time in six months!


The official start of fall is the autumnal equinox, which occurs on September 23, 2007 at 5:51 am EST. This is when the sun crosses the celestial equator, making day and night essentially the same length.

When leaves appear green, it is because they contain an abundance of chlorophyll. There is so much chlorophyll in an active leaf that the green masks other pigment colors. Light regulates chlorophyll production, so as autumn days grow shorter, less chlorophyll is produced. The decomposition rate of chlorophyll remains constant, so the green color starts to fade from leaves. At the same time, surging sugar concentrations cause increased production of anthocyanin pigments.

Temperature affects the rate of chemical reactions, including those in leaves, so it plays a part in leaf color. However, it’s mainly light levels that are responsible for fall foliage colors. Sunny autumn days are needed for the brightest color displays, since anthocyanins require light. Overcast days will lead to more yellows and browns.
from topix.com: why leaves change color in the fall

more here…

fall leaf color: chemistry.about.com

from crystal links


Mabon Autumnal Equinox / Mabon

The beginning of the autumn season officially commences in September with the Autumn Equinox. As the sun enters the astrological sign of Libra, the hours of dayand darkness are equal to one another, just like the balanced scales of Libra itself. From this point of the year, with each passing day, the daylight hours become noticeably shorter and the weather starts to cool. Autumn is a season of shadows and a time of wanlight, but it is also a season of abundance, thanksgiving, and harvest.

Ancient people realized the importance of the sun to life on earth. In the time after the equinox, the sun appears to be growing weaker, losing its battle against the darkness. To help the sun regain its former strength, people held harvest festivals of light featuring torches and bonfires as an act of sympathetic magick to encourage the sun to return.

Autumn has always been our colorful season of reward. As the sun began to decline and its yearly job was finished, the people gratefully gathered in the field crops. The grains from the fields, the fruit from the orchards, and the vegetables from the garden were harto be safely stored away for winter. Everyone in the community was involved in the harvest, as folks needed to make sure they could gather in their crops before they spoiled or were ruined by inclement weather.

At the end of the harvesting, the people were worn-out but happy and looked forward to a celebration. No matter where on earth the harvest is celebrated, from mid-August throughout the month of September, there is a basic and profound magick in the hearts of all people as they gather around with friends and family to feast and to celebrate the abundance of the earth.

Autumn Equinox or Mabon?

A Harvest Festival No Matter How You Look At It

The word equinox actually comes from the Latin word aequinoctium, which means “equal night.” September, the seventh month of the Roman calendar, is taken from the Latin word “seven,” septem. In Gaelic the month is identified as An Sultuine, the month of plenty. In Welsh it’s called Medi, the month of reaping. The Anglo-Saxons called this month Gerst moanth, the barley month. Barley was thought to be the first grain grown in Britain.

The majority of magickal traditions do celebrate this second harvest festival of the year as one of the fruits and the late grains. All around us signs are everywhere in nature, hintof the shortening days and cooler nights to come. The leaves are beginning to turn and the birds are beginning to migrate south. Apples and many varieties of squash are ripe and ready to be harvested, and the grapes that were harvested just a few weeks before, in late August-early September, begin to be processed into wine.

Various Harvest Goddess Mythologies

Throughout the world, in many mythologies, a goddess of the grain, the harvest, and the good earth was venerated at the Autumn Equinox. This is not surprising, as the Earth itself is seen as a fertile mother, or Gaia. From this matriarch all life was born. She is a great mother goddess who was known by many names throughout time and in numerous cultures. Some of these names include Astarte and Ishtar (to the Sumerians), Isis in Egypt, Demeter in Greece, and Ceres in Rome. To the indigenous people of the Americas she was known as Old Woman Who Never Dies and the Mother of Maize.
The harvest mother, Demeter, was a Greek goddess of grain and the fertile earth. Her characteristic of being the “spirit of the grain” is well-known in many cultures as Mother Earth’s child. This child was represented by the seeds that fell from the mother plant, which would then be planted for the following year. Demeter would be visualized as the ripe crop of this year while her daughter, Persephone, would be the seed taken from it to be sown the following spring.

The spirit of these future crops could be seen as a daughter, a maiden (such as Perseor as a divine child. In Russia the child was simply called the Corn Baby. In Egypt the spirit of the grain was the goddess’s son, Horus. The Aztecs called the harvest goddess Chicomecoatl, while a goddess named Xilonen was Goddess of the New Corn. Her son was symbolized by the seeds and called the Spirit of the Corn. The Cherokees called the harvest child the Green Corn Girl.


ow is the time to prepare for the darker half of the year. A good time to finish our projects before Winter arrives. It is the half time where night and days are equal. Time for balance! Preparation time of new direction.
Blessed be this season of Mabon, time of the second harvest, the harvest of fruit and wine.
Tonight all things are in balance: Goddess and God, Life and Death, Light and Dark.
Tonight the darkness will conquer the light, leading us deeper into the waning year. [

Blessed Mabon



n Japan, September 23 is a national holiday, marked as Autumnal Equinox Day or Shubun-no-hi. Today the Japanese not just mark the changing of seasons, but also pay their respects to their ancestors.


The Japanese have traditionally called the period around the autumnal and vernal (springtime) equinoxes higan. Higan lasts for seven days – beginning three days prior to the equinox and ending three days after it. It occurs twice a year, once when the blustery winter temperatures give way to spring and again when the heat subsides and the cool, crisp air of autumn arrives.
The Japanese have a saying “Atsusa samusa mo Higan made” (“Heat and cold last until Higan”)

Higan has Buddhist origins. It means the “other side of the river of death.” This side of the river is the world where we live, and the other side is the realm where the souls of those who have passed away dwell. To pray for the repose of deceased ancestors, visits are made to the family grave.

Kati Bihu / Kangali Bihu

Tulsi PujaKati Bihu is also called Kangali Bihu (Poor Bihu). It is held on the last day of Aswin coinciding with the autumnal equinox. The Kati Bihu marks the completion of sowing and transplanting of paddies. At this time, paddy seedlings begin to grow. There is not much to eat at this time of the year. Accordingly the day is named Kahttp://www.indianetzone.com/1/bihu.htmngali Bihu. In the evenings, offerings are made to the `Tulsi` (Basil) plant in the courtyard. Little earthen lamps (`Diyas`) are lighted at the base of the Tulsi plant, for a whole month. Puja`s are offered to God for improved yield of crops.

The significance of this Bihu is more in the villages, where farmers go to their respective fields and light “Akash-Banti” or `sky-lamp` hanging from a tall bamboo, to ward off pests and other insects. Although, Bihu is observed in all parts of Assam, in Goalpara and Kamrup districts of lower Assam and in Darrang district of centt is also called Domahi here), it is not attended with dancing as in upper Assam.


The Kati or Kangali bihu is known as ‘poor’ bihu and held in the month coinciding with the autumnal equinox. The main function associated with this bihu is the worship of the sacred tulsi (basil) plant at the root of which earthen oil lamps are placed. For a whole month lamps are lighted at the foot of the tulsi plant. People pray for a better harvest for the coming year.

During this time of the year, the paddy in the fields are in the growing stage and the granaries of the farmers are almost empty. Thus it can be also referred as the empty bihu. The people fast during the day and in the evening offer prayers to the Tulsi plant and also in the paddy fields by lighting a diya (earthen lamp), with the hope that there is a good harvest and also to ward off any evil eyes. There is also exchange of sweets and greetings at this time.



Beginning of the Egyptian Solar or Sidereal Year.




Luxor Egypt coordinates. Deir el Bahai not used for star charts.

Hatshepsut’s Temple

The following chart is critical, (Tauret img)

it is the Autumn Equinox Zenith/Galactic Crossing.

This is the location of the earth in 4200 BC,
and is clearly a rebirth at the Gateway of Gods.

Crocodile’s mouth opening. This is the grin in Tauret’s mouth.

Out of the mouth is coming the Uadjet serpent,

with Horus on the wings of the Nekhebet vulture.

This is the boundary between death and rebirth, south and north.

Uadjet’s head is toward the future representing the Eye of Re.

Ophiuchus, who was Re on the Denderah Zodiac, stands on the two

horizons of the Milky Way and the Ecliptic, i.e. Tefnut and Shu.

Autumn Equinox Nadir/Galactic Crossing (chart 1)

The bow of the barque with Canis Major and Sirius (Isis) crossing the nadir. (chart 2)

From these charts, it is fairly clear why the Luxor area was of such great importance.

The foundation of the city of Teotihuacan has nearly identical correspondences.

In Teotihuacan the Pale Prophet was the symbol of most reverence.

The Pale Prophet is Ophiuchus and Re and Abraham and the Father of Jesus.

I rarely hear people speak of Ophiuchus. This was quite a find…



both in Egypt and India, the Festival of Dewali is observed: Festival of Lamps


Equinox at Chitzen Itza

“Here’s How It Works:

Fall Equinox Shadows

At the precise time of the spring and fall equinox, the sun casts its rays on the balustrade, in turn highlighting a feathered serpent that seems to be moving or slithering its way down the steps. How the Maya managed to concentrate its energies in building a monument of incomprehensible scale to highlight the time of year when the hours of daylight and darkness are equal is extraordinary.

El Castillo stands as testimony to the Maya’s superiority as builders and mathematicians. The surfaces are massive, detailed, and sharp. The sophisticated Mayan calendar is incorporated in the architecture of this structure. For example, the number of steps on each of the four sides is 91, adding up to 364, which together with the top platform equals the number of days in a year. On the days of spring and fall equinox, the edge of the shadow from the sun, falls exactly on the corner of the pyramid, leaving one side in total sunlight and the other in total shadow. This always provides the shadow on the balustrade which takes on the appearance of slithering snake.

From mexicolesstravelled.com

On September 22 you can witness the incredible accuracy of Mayan astronomy as it was integrated into architecture.

The Mayans planned their lives around the sun; their daily lives centered on the sowing and harvesting of their crops, especially corn. At the fall equinox they harvested the crops while the spring equinox (March 21) was their signal to plant the crops. The Mayan built complex structures using advanced geometry and astronomy to map the cycles of the sun.


The equinox phenomenon can actually be viewed in Chichen Itza on the El Castillo pyramid for up to four days, so if it is raining or cloudy or you just can’t get there, it is visible from the 20th – 24th. During the equinox the sun casts its rays on the pyramid, forming seven isosceles triangles that resemble the body of a serpent 37 yards long slithering downwards until it joins the huge serpent’s head carved in stone at the bottom of the stairway. It is said this snake is trying to make its way to the Sacred Cenote well of sacrifice which is in a straight line from the pyramid.

At the Mayan site of Dzibilchaltun, September 22 at 5 AM is the official day and exact time of the fall equinox when the sun sends its beams through the two windows of the Temple of the Seven Dolls providing a lovely spectacle of Mayan exactitude.

Dzibilchaltun is located 20 km north of Merida and while it doesn’t have the giant pyramids of Chichen Itza and Uxmal, it does have its own special claims to fame such as its museum of the village, Museo del Pueblo, the refreshing cenote where you can take a swim and the Franciscan chapel that blends in with the ruins.

During the fall equinox, you must get there early if you want to see the Equinox at Dzibilchaltun – it is at 5 AM. In Chichen Itza the equinox is at sunset, so you can actually see both in one day. In Dzibilchaltun, it can only be seen on the exact day – September 22 at sunrise.


21st Coxquihui, Veracruz – Fiesta de San Mateo

Voladores, dances and fireworks.


During sunrise and sunset on the Autumn equinox in Mexico (22 September), the Mayan pyramid at Chicen Itza casts a large shadow in the shape of feathered serpent god Kukulkan onto the North staircase, as rays from the sun play upon the edges of the pyramid’s elaborate terraces.

The greatest standing monument of the Mayan civilisation, Chichen Itza also displays the advanced intelligence of the Mayans, who built the Temple of Kukulkan to mark the solstices and equinoxes in a truly unique way that must be seen to be truly appreciated.

Beyond the light and shadow works, the 90 foot high pyramid at Chichen Itza is also a repository of information on one of the most interesting civilizations in South America.

Today, Chichen Itza is a historical site of great importance, and the Mexican pyramid was recently voted by people around the globe as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.


Mike Nelson’s Colorado– Cave Markings Seen Only On Spring, Fall Equinox

Cave Lights Up To Reveal Rare Markings On Spring, Fall Equinox

Deb Stanley, 7NEWS Producer, Avid Hiker and Colorado Junkie

POSTED: 7:46 pm MDT March 20, 2007

UPDATED: 12:01 pm MDT August 8, 2007

The spring Equinox was marked by something unique in far Southeastern Colorado on a foggy March morning.

Markings inside a cave lit up at sunrise for a short time. It is believed the markings were carved into the rock face more than 1,000 years ago. They were discovered in 1976.

There are three panels and they only light up for eight to 12 minutes two days a year — the spring and fall equinoxes.

The cave is in Picture Canyon on the Colorado/Oklahoma border in the Comanche National Grasslands. There is a natural separation in the sandstone that formed a cave known as Crack Cave.

Although it’s a mystery exactly how these markings were placed here, it is certain that these inscriptions, in conjunction with the rays of the sun striking them, precisely mark the equinox.

The cave is locked to prevent vandalism. It is only opened on the equinox in the spring and fall. For more information on when the cave will be open, contact the Springfield office of the Commache National Grassland at 719-523-6591. For more information on Crack Cave, Picture Canyon, and the area, click here.



Fall equinox occurs around September 21. The sunpath is crossing the celestial equator (as it does at both equinoxes), about to enter the constellation Virgo, the Virgin, having left its late summer constellation Leo. Day and night are (as in spring) once more equal in length. From now until winter solstice, days will shorten and nights lengthen.

Ancient and modern sun-in-zodiac. For those curious about the effects of time on the ancient science of astrology, which (thousands of years ago) was also astronomy. As usual, the heavy dashed line represents the plane of the ecliptic.

I have previously shown how the precession of the equinoxes, the 26,000-year cycle through which the earth’s polar axis sweeps a double-cone in the sky, changes the sun’s apparent path through the stars as the earth’s rotational axis changes orientations over long periods of time. The astrological constellations of the zodiac, and their relation to the sun’s path over a year were known more than 2,000 years ago (about the time the Lakota star-determined ceremonial times must have been established). This chart shows the time relationship of the old constellation-positions (which are still used as astrological birth-signs) to the present-day ones. My “sign”(according to those newspaper horoscopes) is Taurus. But in reality, on my birthdate, the sun was just entering the Pleides (not an astrological constellation).

So all those birth-date horoscopes are a month off. If you’re a fan of those little newspaper horoscopes, maybe you should try reading the one given for the month after your birth! But . . . it’s not exactly even months. Because star time differs slightly from sun time, the sun is “fast” for most of April, May, and about half of June; and again most of September, October, November, and most of December; the other months (and parts) it’s slow.




Because of this effect, the days on which the length of day and night are exactly equal, called the equilux, occur a few days before the spring equinox and a few days after the autumn equinox. This date will vary depending on where on Earth you are, and indeed equiluxes do not occur at all close to the equator, whereas the equinox is a fixed instant in time.


But the story doesn’t end there. Even on the days of equilux, the sky will have been bright for some time before the first rays of the Sun hit you, and will remain bright for some time after the last rays disappear from view. This time of day is called twilight, starting at dawn and ending at dusk.