Falling Into Alignment at the Fall Equinox

Udja. Uben Nefer Nehast.

Greetings, Good Rising and Great Awakening.

Welcome to the HeruScopes Analysis for Fall Equinox 2019.

Of course, we begin with the Equinox Song, originally composed by John Coltrane. His birthday is actually September 23, same as my granddad’s. This song was recorded in Rio de Janeiro. But that is another story for another day…

And live version at Concert for Human Harmony


According to Babylonian /Western Astrology, the Fall Equinox takes place when the Sun moves into the sign of Libra. However, according to Sidereal Astrology, 13 Month Sidereal Astrology NASA and HeruScopes, the Autumnal Equinox, usually around September 21-23, occurs while the Sun is in the Constellation of Sidereal Virgo. This analysis is NOT an attempt to explain the difference between the systems. All I can say is that I am going to follow the guidance of the Stars, not a gang of thieves and liars. I prefer to use a system that is based on the ACTUAL motion of the Sun and Planets through the Constellations, as opposed to a man-made system created by terrorists and plagiarists, that is based on Earth’s orbit around the Sun instead….

One of the main reasons for this difference is due to the Precession of the Equinox, which we all experience as the Change of the Seasons, due the the Earth’s Tilt. Precession of the Equinox causes time to move forward one day every 70 years. A system that acknowledges seasons changing, and yet ignores the Precession of the Equinox is well, INSANE as well as IN DENIAL and DECEPTIVE. Keeping the masses locked into a system of artificial time, is evil, especially when we know that time does not exist: it is a tool to help us navigate and coordinate through life, but it is also something created by man, not Nature. 

Fall Equinox occurs on Monday September 23 at 2.5 hours after midnight/2:50 am, central time. The Equinox actually lasts 3 days. Same as the New and Full Moons as well as the Solstices. Equinox is supposed to be the time where day equals night,. My research has shown me that Fall Equinox, when the hours of night and day are equal, might actually occur in October, and the Spring Equinox is in February. More to come on that subject.

The Equinox represents putting things in alignment with All That Is, with the Cosmos. It is a time of Acceptance of what Is, and Letting Go of what no longer serves you. This can show up as ending relationships, jobs, anything that is holding you back. 

In my case, I am working on letting go of a huge heartache. Letting go of wishing that relationships that ended long ago would be resolved. Funny thing is, I do not miss the actual person, I miss having interactions with people that I do not miss! THAT SOUNDS INSANE, doesn’t it? This longing is based on the fact that I am related to these people, and on what I thought these relationships should be like. On what Family is supposed to be like. This is a judgement that I have placed on my self, my life, my choices, my spiritual path, my character. This in turn causes much doubt and more unhappiness. And, this line of thinking is not serving me, and is indeed holding me back, weighing me down, because it feels sad to move forward without them in my life. So, I am working on letting go of attachments to what I wanted to happen, and to be more present with what is actually happening. This applies to habits, thoughts, environments….Sometimes, I also feel guilty for how my trauma affected these relationships. And there is absolutely not one thing that I can do about this. Fall Equinox cuts through the crap, and we can either align, or get turned into compost for the New Day. 

On with the HeruScopes Analysis…..

Dua Ra Dua HetHeru Dua Djehuty M Aspolia

Sun, Venus and Mercury in Sidereal Virgo. 

Aspolia is the Ancient Egyptian (possibly with Greek influence) name for this constellation, and it means literally, the Seed. At HeruScopes, this very long month (45 Days) is seen as the time to PLANT YOUR INTENTIONS IN THE GARDEN OF YOUR LIFE. With the Equinox taking place during this time, it makes sense to bring align your life by working with the Power of Intention. There are so many practices for this, here are 2 examples:

1. Everyday, write out one intention 10 times or
2. Everyday, write out a list of 10 different intentions.

It is also important to write them out, but not go back and look at them or tweak them. Just Set them and forget them, let the Universe do the magic. Being stressed about them is not part of the practice. 

Virgo is associated with Order, Detail, Organization. Structure. It is crucial to make sure that these structures do not become a prison for you, in other words, it is important to BE FLEXIBLE. Set goals, state intentions, but do not allow yourself to become attached to the results. The Seeds of Intention to Plant at this time correspond to the Planets that are in Virgo at this time: Seeds of Creativity that bring Order. Seeds of Love and Beauty, seeing the beauty in Structure and order. Loving the discipline it will take to take your life to the next level, rather than dreading it, or even escaping  it. Ahhh, Mercury: communications, Divine Intelligence. The Cosmic Mind of Djehuty. Thank goodness, it is NOT retrograde!!! The thing about Djehuty: allow the Cosmic Mind to write out these intentions: start away from the Lower Ego attempting to m are decision or take control. The ongoing battle….

Establishing systems of order & organization, creating a structure that will serve and empower me towards sustaining an enlightened lifestyle filled with music and sound healing plus the other wellness products and services I am here to provide. This is my focus for the coming year. These are the seeds of intention that I am planting with this Fall Equinox. 

These are the details that have been missing in running the Temple and participating in the Music Business. I was not fully grounded in the details, I had a great deal of animosity towards all of the digitalization of the music industry, and attempted to live life as if these things, mainly marketing, promotions, sales, did not matter, because the music is so spiritual, healing. Such strong deep cultural roots. Can only go so far with this, then the whole thing comes to a stop.

Digging deep, planting seeds of intention, fully embracing this Virgo energy. Sun is in Sidereal Virgo until October 31. Dua Aspolia.

Dua Juno, Dua Set M Sekhmet

Juno and Mars in Sidereal Leo.

Juno deals with marriage, partnership, soulmates. It represents the partner we NEED in life, not the same as the one that we desire. Leo/Sekhmet represents the Warrior, the Healer. Let’s look at this from a different angle: the relationship with Our Self, Our Higher Self. The Divine within. How can we be a better partner to Our Self? To the Divine. We are Co-Creators, remember???? 

With the Sekhmet energy, we find the ability to cut ties that bind, bringing us liberation and freedom. Slicing away habits and reactions that cause more problems. During this time, we can find the courage to carry out our intentions in regards to this relationship. Finding the Courage to Stand in One’s Truth. This might not look like anyone else’s path, however, and that is where the courage comes in again. We can carve out time for more Self Care, putting us in the position for starting healthy NEW relationships with those that are also willing to do the work.  

Juno in Leo from cafe astrology.com
:Juno in Leo: You can be utterly offended if others treat you as if you’re petty, calculating, stingy, not worthy, or not generous. These are triggers. You prefer that people treat you with respect and courtesy more than anything. You want to give off the air of success and being above pettiness, and you become frustrated if people expect or think less than these things about you.” 

wow, I just had this experience with a colleague the other day. Just imagine how this would show up in your partnership with the Divine. Yep, PURE EGO! 

Mars in Leo addresses our drive to win, our will and determination to succeed. Set is of course associated with the Lower Ego, and knowing how to control, not kill the Ego. The Ego also has it place, and is here to serve Creation. 

Mars/Set in Sidereal Leo/Sekhmet: Set and Sekhmet are 2 of the most powerful Neters because they were able to sublimate their lower nature and find peace and inner balance. They found or rediscovered their Divinity. During this time, we are assisted by the Celestial Forces as we carry out this mission in our own lives. Using the knife of Sekhmet to cut away those negative tendencies, thoughts, and create new patterns new levels of awareness. Remember, it was the Wisdom of Djehuty, the Cosmic Mind, that allowed Sekhmet to reawaken to her Divinity, and it is the same for us. In the case of Set, he and all other accepted the fact that no one can escape Death, and that it is wiser to live in alignment with the Universe, than it is to follow egoistic desires and fight against Reality. Both of these can be very difficult, and yet essential in order to WIN AT LIFE, which is the purpose of these HeruScopes! To be the Heru/Hero of our own Myth, Our Story of Life. 

Planting seeds of intention for healthy relationship with Self, leading to healthy relationships and partnerships with healthy people. “I surround My Self with Light Beings that support and share in my Vision”. BY healthy, I mean physical and spiritual health and wellness.

Dua Sesheta M PiMahi

Moon in Sidereal Gemini.

In modern times, this constellation has been represented as the Twins. However, in Kemet, it was called The Lovers. Again, let us look at our relationship with the Self: Self Love. Sesheta is the Goddess of Writing. Gemini is ruled by Mercury/Djehuty, her Partner. Another match made in heaven. Pick up your pen and write if you want to learn more about your Self. Or type if your pen is nowhere to be seen . The Moon is about the Personality, about building one’s character. Writing, journaling, music, poetry, etc, these are all excellent ways to KNOW THY SELF. Writing intentions has already been discussed, and in essence, when you write or speak your intentions, you are bringing them into physical existence, you are manifesting the life of your dreams. Since the Moon is in Gemini, how about when doing your writing, write a love letter to Your Self. Write out a letter addressing the Self about the Life of your dreams, as is talking with the Love of Your Life, because YOU ARE! 

Honestly, I have never tried this. Usually when I do my journal work, or write intentions, it is more like I am the executive CEO of my Life. Like I am a life professional or something! LOL! It is all about the business. This will be something new for me to try. Writing a Love Letter to My Self, with the intention of getting to know my Self better as well as manifesting the Life of My Dreams, the Life of My Vision. 

When the Moon is in Gemini, it is close to my favorite star, Sirius. In fact, anytime the Moon is inside of the Sacred Hoop, it is a very special time….

The other planets have not changed much, so read previous reports for their analysis. Fortunately, both Saturn and Mercury are Direct for a few months.

In Summary: Fall Equinox, Fall into Alignment

Sidereal Virgo: Sun, Venus, Mercury

  • Creating Beautiful Systems of Order, Organization, Structure and Consistency
  • Allow the Cosmic Mind to Write out Your Intentions; not the Ego.
  • Plant Seeds in the Garden of Your Life.

Sidereal Leo: Juno, Mars

  • Examine your Partnership and relationship with Your Highest Self

Sidereal Gemini: Moon

  • Write a Love Letter to Your Self as you
  • Co-Create and Manifest your Intentions, Goals, Dreams and Visions.

For the KemeTones Cosmic Sound Healing Self care, use Yin Wei and Dai Mai for heartbreak and getting unstuck.

Here is the Cosmic Attunement for the Fall Equinox: Dua Ra Dua HetHeru Dua Djehuty.

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