Festival at Abu Simbel October 2018


Udja. Uben Un Nefer. Nehast. Beautiful Existence Rising. Great Awakening.

Welcome to one of the MOST Magical Moments of My First Musical Initiatic Journey. Only fragments were captured, so I will do my very best to convey the event.

Here in the West, when I hear the word festival, I imagine a large stage, with live music, vendors selling wares, lots of delicious food, and a fantastic turnout, which means the organizers, producers and sponsors will be happy…..in fact, producing, participating, organizing, volunteering, vending, healing, working, touring, and especially performing: the festival life is for me. Festivals in alignment with Celestial Events are considered to be Sacred Events amongst First Nations and Original Peoples. The Abu Simbel Festival has opened my eyes and expanded my heart in so many ways.

You might be wondering, what is sacred about October 22? The Fall Equinox is on or around September 21, and the Winter Solstice is on or around December 21. What is going on Celestial on October 22???? Let me interrupt here: as you may well know, one of my passions in life is Cultural Astronomy, similar to Astrology in many ways, but in many ways very different.

When I was able to travel to Machu Picchu, one of the Temple Guardians told me that the Equinox does not actually occur in March or September. There is an equinoctial marker there that has been “doing its thing” for thousands of years. This should be obvious, because due to the Precession OF the Equinox, the Zodiac Constellations are different than they were 4,000 years ago when the calendar was fixed in time by religious authorities. So, it makes since that the Equinox is not where we have been told it to be. I now wonder if the Equinox occurred at this time of year when the Temple was built…

What is the Festival at Abu Simbel? On October 22 and also February 22, the Temple of Abu Simbel is the location for a celebration of longevity, royalty, precision, wonder. It is a festival of the Sun. And, the most fun I had had in along time…On these days, at sunrise, the light from the Sun enters into the Temple, and lights 3 out of 4 seated statues in the inner sanctuary. The 4 statutes are Ramses II, Amun, Ra, and Ptah. On these days, only the statues of the gods are illuminated, leaving Ramses in the dark. I have read elsewhere where they describe Ramses and his architecture as egotistical, and that Ptah is left in the darkness. But they are totally incorrect, as this Temple was to HONOR Amun Ra Ptah, not idolize Ramses II. It is said that these days were chosen to observe the time of his birth, and the time of his coronation.

Back to the festival part: I tried writing to someone at the webpage for the festival ahead of time, to see if they were still accepting bands. HA! Not that kind of festival! There were a few music groups playing music, and there were a few traditional dancing groups present. But there is no stage, in fact, there is no organization except for natural Order! EVERYONE present wants to get inside the temple to see the Sunlight illuminating 3 out of 4 statues. We are all wondering how was this achieved? AND, it only lasts for 22 minutes!!! EXACTLY!! There are screens outside so you can watch it in case you do not make it in.

Tchiya Outside Abu Simbel

I remember trying to hold onto my companion’s hand, and almost getting crushed by the weight of the people around me. I remember singing and playing my instruments outside, and wondering what would happen if I sang once inside! LOL!! And my friend asking me if I am SURE that I have the headdress/veil on correctly. I responded that this is the way I want to wear it. Of course, some would say that I have it on backwards… anyway, I remember the moment the sun started to break over the horizon, and wondering how would ALL of these people get inside? The entire event was mind blowing, because think about HOW LONG HAS THIS FESTIVAL BEEN TAKING PLACE?????? with no commercialization, nothing outside of security, busses, ticket collection just like any other temple site. Nothing out of the ordinary or special no t-shirts, no trash! No vendors. Everyone present came to witness this amazing event. And now, I am determined to join them at least once a year! BUT THIS IS ONLY THE INTRODUCTION!!

  • Outside Abu Simbel
  • Outside Abu Simbel
  • Outside Abu Simbel
  • Tchiya Outside Abu Simbel
  • Tchiya Outside Abu Simbel
  • Tchiya Outside Abu Simbel
  • Sunrise Outside Abu Simbel
  • Sunrise Outside Abu Simbel
  • Sunrise Outside Abu Simbel
  • Outside Abu Simbel

Okay, so it is time to go in. the line is moving. I immediately begin chanting Om Amun Ra Ptah at the top of my lungs, playing my little hand drum as loud as I can. Ae we are walking past police officers and security guards, they are all smiling and laughing with me, giving me the thumbs up. Clapping! I am in shock because usually, we are not allowed to sing or chant inside of the temples. Nothing that resembles prayer or meditation is allowed unless you give the guards some money….So, I just keep chanting. And each time we pass a security guard or police or any official, they just keep encouraging me to continue. People around e also let me know that they enjoy it. People want to know my name or where I am from: I TELL THEM THAT I AM FROM KEMT AND ASKL THEM IF THEY KNOW WHERE IT IS !!! LOL!!! Jamaica, the Caribbeans, the Islands, someplace in Americas, some place in Africa. I get amazing answers btw whenever I ask this question in Aswan!!!)

Now it is time to go inside. I keep chanting, expecting to be reprimanded or thrown out. I am the only person dressed in white, with a veil, with locks, with a drum and sistrum. The only person chanting Om Amun Ra Ptah as loudly as possible. I am getting a rush, my adrenaline is pumping. Then it happens: BAM! We are attacked by a white supremaciist, right there in Kemet, in the temple at the festival at Abu Simbal on October 22, 20187. Although, if you ask her, she would probably say that she hates ALL Americans, not just Black ones.,…how I wish we had footage of this…..sigh.

Out of nowhere, this short, pink porky pig looking woman with a thick Australian accent jumps out in front of us, we are inside the temple, but not yet to the inner shrine, there are people everywhere, the place is packed. And as she starts yelling things like at us: “did it occur to you that nobody wants to hear that! Go back to America where you came from. You don’t belong here.” stuff like that. Every time she says to go back where we came from, Raquel and I start cracking up uncontrollably because we KNOW that we came from Kemet!!!! LOL!!! Everyone there told us that we look like Nubians, that we are same color as them and look like we are family. They said they liked my singing and my music. But she hated it! She was saying all kinds of dreadful things. Raquel had had enough and turned to her and said that because of the way she was treating us and behaving, that she and her family would be cursed for 100 years! Oh dear, I asked her to stop, because we don’t need to attract negative energy to ourselves by sending it to this demonic entity. But it was getting very heated and this woman would not stop.

So, we had each just recently purchased a sistrum in Abydos, so we pulled them lout and kept chanting LOUDLY! The Patty Porky Pig GRABBED Raquels sistrum and bent it! We were furious. Our tour guide Adam had to keep intervening to protect us from getting hurt and also from hurting this entity. Finally, we were separated and it was our turn to go inside the inner shrine. I am still chanting Om Amun Ra Ptah and NO ONE ELSE asked me st stop or told me to leave. The security guards kept giving me smiles, laughing, dancing, taking photos with us, clapping. It Was incredible. and thrilling.

You only get a few seconds to see the Illumination, and you know what? It is worth it! It is actually unbelievable while you are standing there, and then the next person nudges you to remind you that this is actually happening and your time is up and you must move on….Next time, I will be mentally ready for the viewing.

So, as soon as we leave the inner shrine, our Australian friend reemerges, still spewing negativity and hatred. This time, many Nubian people stop us to take photo with us as we admire the artwork and iconography in both temples. She is like following us around telling us to go back where we came from while the locals are telling us that we are Nubian. Talk about union of the opposites! LOL!! Reality and illusion. When she realizes that Adam is with us, she says, “What, you are with them? I feel sorry for you”. We are all laughing and chanting Om Amun Ra Ptah…..of course, every now and them Sekhmet appears and flames come out of our mouths in response and reaction to poison from our attacker

Once we get back outside, Adam is all smiles! While this was going on inside, he looked really serious and concerned. He told us that he had to look that way, because of his job, but that on the inside, he was very happy. That we went inside and helped to reveal a very dark energy and we cast it out with the chanting and drumming. I am not sure why the security guards did not stop us, no one else was singing inside. None of the musicians or dancers from outside could be seen inside. I wonder how long it has been since people were allowed to worship inside the temple at the festival or anytime for that matter. I wonder what will happen when I return there and start chanting again???? I will let you know.

Of course, once we were leaving the festival, porky patty found us again. I got some of the altercation in audio. I also recorded our experiences right after the incident if you care to listen.

Here is the audio where you can hear her voice. But no video….

Australian Dog Attack in Kemet

Abu Simbel Experience: Raquel

Abu Simbel Experience Tchiya aka Arit

Perhaps one day, you will join make on this adventure…..HOTEP.

A Day In Cairo


Udja. Uben Un Nefer Nehast.
Greetings. Beautiful Existence Rising. Great Awakening.

Of course, the usual way to travel in Kemet is to land in Cairo first, then travel along the Nile or to other locations. This is very practical, as it costs less to land here than other cities. Many people only come to Cairo, thinking that the Pyramids and the Sphinx are all there is to see. They could not be further from the Truth. These are excellent tourist spots of course, and there are so many great deals to make with the vendors. Besides, the museum is also there in Cairo. However to the Aspirant, the museums are seen as simply the places where most of the stolen treasures from around the world are stored. Then the descendants or guardians are forced to pay money to see them! But that is another story for another day.

Our first day in Cairo was perfect. Of course we stayed at La Meridien Pyramids Hotel and Spa, which is very close to the site. Even though I have been inside the Pyramid of Giza before, and had said that I did not need to go again, it is so much fun to go with someone when it is their first time. So of course, I went in! LOL!! The experience that you have inside of the these sacred sites really depends on who is working that day. We had to leave our cameras at the gate with the security guard. And a box of incense! Yes, be prepared to tip generously, unless of course you pay your tips in advance for the entire visit to the Tour Guide.  The guards usually have a great sense of humor, but you never know, things can change in an instant I have been told, so it is best to not let your guard down too much or feel too comfortable there….Just know that tourists are always being watched, for safety, yes, everyone’s safety, the government, the sites, and the tourist industry. in that order. “You” are actually part of the Tourist Industry…

The Local People of Egypt are very warm and friendly, and always ready to make new friends, and make a good deal at the Markets. Many of  them recognize us to be family, and that is always so touching, because I feel the same way about them. I have come to see time spent in the markets as a ritual, an offering so that the people can continue to live and will continue to take care of the sacred sites. It is Reciprocity with a bonus, because I get to come home with many lovely items, and wonderful memories….


Here are some photos from our Day in Cairo. There is so much more to see, we did not stay here very long at all.

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The story with that vendor at the Pyramid is kinda funny: First he tried to strike up conversation with me, by stating he had family in Chicago. Riiiight!! Then he tried to give me something that I did not ask for, by placing it in my bag, THEN DEMANDED TO BE PAID! LOL!!! Yes, the some of vendors may appear to be living in poverty, but many of them make a good living and own their own business I have been told….still, I support artists and women and children vendors whenever I can….

You might have the thought of traveling without a tour guide. However, having the RIGHT Tour Guide is the way to go. They deal with the government, the Tourist Police, they can get you into areas of the sites that are off limits to regular tourists for a small fee, they deal with the soldiers at the check points. They provide protection from vendors and others trying to make a tourist dollar. Of course, I work with Adam from


If you are interested in a trip to Kemet, with a spiritual perspective, beyond Tourist Attractions, then just send me an email at lightbeingwellness@gmail.com and we can get you started. There are other Shetaut Neter Temple group trips scheduled for June  and July and you can also have personal adventure with Sacred Journey, for the Sacred Journey of a Lifetime.

We are currently planning our  next adventure for October, so let me know if you are interested. The focus of these travels is Music and Healing. Planning on visiting a Perfume Factory, where we get these amazing flower essences from, and also see some Nubian Style Belly Dancing. Talking about going to the BEACH for the last day!!! One of the highlights will be the Concert on the Nile, with Ancient African Adorations. Of course, we will attend the festival on October 22….stay tuned for more from this Kemet Travel Journal: Musical Initiatic Journey 2018.



Arit Neter S Mery Maati

aka Tchiya Amet

UPDATE: 4-29-2019 More photos added….more memories…

The Etihad Flight and the Airport at Abu Dhabi

Good Rising.

  • At first, I was hesitant to book the flight with Etihad, because
  • 1. I had never heard of this airlines
  • 2. I had never heard of Abu Dhabi. I had heard of Dubai, however did not really know where it was….
  • 3. I had never been to what is called the Middle East.
  • After my recent flight, I would have to say that I will definitely travel with Etihad again. It was one of the most beautiful airports that I have been in. No, I have not been to the Dubai airport yet LOL!
  • Airport Lobby at Abu Dhabi

    Vegan Meal In Flight

    Indian Food at Airport. Yummy!!!

  • The flight and service was great. The vegan meals were delicious. When you are booking a flight to the Arab States or India, be sure to check Etihad and book your layover in Abu Dhabi. Your boarding pass is good for discounts throughout the airport and all over the city. Next time, I will book an extended layover so that I can explore.
  • Also, when I got to the Cairo Airport, was happy to see recycling bins.
  • Recently people tell me that the recycling programs actually cause more harm than good. Either the companies just throw it in with the trash anyway, or people dump out the trash in the streets to get to the recycling items. Not to mention the trucks snd machinery used for processing. At this point, I think that as long as we make an effort, it is better than doing nothing to change thereby making it worse. We must stop cutting down trees and we must stop killing people and polluting the earth to get petroleum.
  • While leaving the airport and headed home ( ha!) I mean to La Meridien Hotel, a man was just walking down the highway. I was trying to get a shot of the Sunset, it was HUGE! But in this photo it looks tiny…
  • When we got to La Meridien, I was informed that my brand new suitcase was busted. 😞 Getting it exchanged. It was packed very lightly so that I could bring back gifts and music instruments etc. Next time will put one suitcase inside the other.
  • Next episode will be the Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. DUA Special Thank You to Adam at SacredJourneyofaLifetime.com, for making the necessary arrangements for this experience to unfold.
  • Bellydance Fashions from Aswan and Beyond….


    The focus of my travels these days is to get closer to the Goddess by learning about, and experiencing more Kemetic Music, Dance, and Healing. Meret is the Goddess of Music, Rejoicing, Dancing, etc. she is the wife of Hapi, the Hod if the River Nile. Hapi is actually the INDIGENOUS name for the Nile. Nile is Arabic name. Hapi represents Abundance, Boutifulness. Mery means Beloved. HetHeru is the Goddess of Love and Beauty. Bes is the God of Music. The Son of HetHeru and Heru is another Musical God. My recent journey was to serve as a Musical Initiation as Heset Shemayet, a Singing Priestess.

    As you may know, I began taking Kemetic Dance classes with Khalidah Kali North African Dance Experience since my birthday this Summer ( which was an Extra Sirius BeEarthday this year….). Yes Egyptian Bellydancing from Aswan!!!! So when I told her I was going to Kemet, she asked me to bring back a few items…..

    Here are a few photos of what we found. Only the tip of the pyramid, so much more to explore. Letz begin with Khalidah Kali and her personal favorite Costume Shop. This is where I was SUPPOSED to go, but we ended up at a shop across the street unfortunately….only received the map later that night. Next time, this is the place to go. Tell them that Khalidah Kali sent you!

    Here are some of the items that were seen. If you see something you like, contact me. We will be bringing many wonderful items back in the future, and some items we will be getting directly from the designers and manufacturers….

    This is my FAV outfit so far! NUBIAN Style! Bought a few others.

    I love these bags. Can never have too many! They make great gifts!

    Nubian Queen. Divine Traveler. My Sistar!!!

    I got the feeling that This vendor wanted me to try on more than his dresses..

    Bought a bellydancing video in Luxor, so here I am trying out some moves and my purple outfit….

    This is a Nubian Folkloric Style Dancing Dress

    I bought a yellow one! Fits like a glove….

    People ask me when I am going back. Hey, I NEVER LEFT! Lol! Kemet is my Spiritual Home: I am ALWAYS singing or making offerings in the Temples….

    I will be going back PHYSICALLY in the Spring 2019 to conduct research. Then in October, will be taking a group of like minded light hearted light beings that want to know more and to experience the spirituality, devotional music, dancing and healing of Ancient Kemet, in modern times. We are also planning a KemeTones Cosmic Sound Healing Training and Initiation Tour in Kemet, probably in Spring 2020.

    When you go to Kemet, be sure to spend time in Aswan, Southern Egypt, where the Indigenous Nubians still reside. Less Arab Occupation there. Spend your money THERE! That is where it ALL began, where the alabaster came from, the granite, the Obelisks. The tourism economy needs your support! Aswan (Temple of Asar) and Abydos ( Temple of Asar) are my favorite places!

    So keep checking back here for more updates, sign the mailing list, subscribe to KemeTones youtube channel, connect with Arit Neter S Mery Maati @aritneters and/or KemeTones @kemetones on instagram, KemeTones and Tchiya Amet Music on fb, and tchiya on twitter. Stay connected, stay in tune, and prepare to join us in Kemet soon: October 2019.

    Until then, Keep Dancing, Keep Singing, Keep Chanting, Keep Making Music, Keep Healing!

    Dua Meret

    Dua HetHeru

    Dua Aset


    Arit Neter S Mery Maati

    aka Tchiya Amet