Festival at Abu Simbel October 2018


Udja. Uben Un Nefer. Nehast. Beautiful Existence Rising. Great Awakening.

Welcome to one of the MOST Magical Moments of My First Musical Initiatic Journey. Only fragments were captured, so I will do my very best to convey the event.

Here in the West, when I hear the word festival, I imagine a large stage, with live music, vendors selling wares, lots of delicious food, and a fantastic turnout, which means the organizers, producers and sponsors will be happy…..in fact, producing, participating, organizing, volunteering, vending, healing, working, touring, and especially performing: the festival life is for me. Festivals in alignment with Celestial Events are considered to be Sacred Events amongst First Nations and Original Peoples. The Abu Simbel Festival has opened my eyes and expanded my heart in so many ways.

You might be wondering, what is sacred about October 22? The Fall Equinox is on or around September 21, and the Winter Solstice is on or around December 21. What is going on Celestial on October 22???? Let me interrupt here: as you may well know, one of my passions in life is Cultural Astronomy, similar to Astrology in many ways, but in many ways very different.

When I was able to travel to Machu Picchu, one of the Temple Guardians told me that the Equinox does not actually occur in March or September. There is an equinoctial marker there that has been “doing its thing” for thousands of years. This should be obvious, because due to the Precession OF the Equinox, the Zodiac Constellations are different than they were 4,000 years ago when the calendar was fixed in time by religious authorities. So, it makes since that the Equinox is not where we have been told it to be. I now wonder if the Equinox occurred at this time of year when the Temple was built…

What is the Festival at Abu Simbel? On October 22 and also February 22, the Temple of Abu Simbel is the location for a celebration of longevity, royalty, precision, wonder. It is a festival of the Sun. And, the most fun I had had in along time…On these days, at sunrise, the light from the Sun enters into the Temple, and lights 3 out of 4 seated statues in the inner sanctuary. The 4 statutes are Ramses II, Amun, Ra, and Ptah. On these days, only the statues of the gods are illuminated, leaving Ramses in the dark. I have read elsewhere where they describe Ramses and his architecture as egotistical, and that Ptah is left in the darkness. But they are totally incorrect, as this Temple was to HONOR Amun Ra Ptah, not idolize Ramses II. It is said that these days were chosen to observe the time of his birth, and the time of his coronation.

Back to the festival part: I tried writing to someone at the webpage for the festival ahead of time, to see if they were still accepting bands. HA! Not that kind of festival! There were a few music groups playing music, and there were a few traditional dancing groups present. But there is no stage, in fact, there is no organization except for natural Order! EVERYONE present wants to get inside the temple to see the Sunlight illuminating 3 out of 4 statues. We are all wondering how was this achieved? AND, it only lasts for 22 minutes!!! EXACTLY!! There are screens outside so you can watch it in case you do not make it in.

Tchiya Outside Abu Simbel

I remember trying to hold onto my companion’s hand, and almost getting crushed by the weight of the people around me. I remember singing and playing my instruments outside, and wondering what would happen if I sang once inside! LOL!! And my friend asking me if I am SURE that I have the headdress/veil on correctly. I responded that this is the way I want to wear it. Of course, some would say that I have it on backwards… anyway, I remember the moment the sun started to break over the horizon, and wondering how would ALL of these people get inside? The entire event was mind blowing, because think about HOW LONG HAS THIS FESTIVAL BEEN TAKING PLACE?????? with no commercialization, nothing outside of security, busses, ticket collection just like any other temple site. Nothing out of the ordinary or special no t-shirts, no trash! No vendors. Everyone present came to witness this amazing event. And now, I am determined to join them at least once a year! BUT THIS IS ONLY THE INTRODUCTION!!

  • Outside Abu Simbel
  • Outside Abu Simbel
  • Outside Abu Simbel
  • Tchiya Outside Abu Simbel
  • Tchiya Outside Abu Simbel
  • Tchiya Outside Abu Simbel
  • Sunrise Outside Abu Simbel
  • Sunrise Outside Abu Simbel
  • Sunrise Outside Abu Simbel
  • Outside Abu Simbel

Okay, so it is time to go in. the line is moving. I immediately begin chanting Om Amun Ra Ptah at the top of my lungs, playing my little hand drum as loud as I can. Ae we are walking past police officers and security guards, they are all smiling and laughing with me, giving me the thumbs up. Clapping! I am in shock because usually, we are not allowed to sing or chant inside of the temples. Nothing that resembles prayer or meditation is allowed unless you give the guards some money….So, I just keep chanting. And each time we pass a security guard or police or any official, they just keep encouraging me to continue. People around e also let me know that they enjoy it. People want to know my name or where I am from: I TELL THEM THAT I AM FROM KEMT AND ASKL THEM IF THEY KNOW WHERE IT IS !!! LOL!!! Jamaica, the Caribbeans, the Islands, someplace in Americas, some place in Africa. I get amazing answers btw whenever I ask this question in Aswan!!!)

Now it is time to go inside. I keep chanting, expecting to be reprimanded or thrown out. I am the only person dressed in white, with a veil, with locks, with a drum and sistrum. The only person chanting Om Amun Ra Ptah as loudly as possible. I am getting a rush, my adrenaline is pumping. Then it happens: BAM! We are attacked by a white supremaciist, right there in Kemet, in the temple at the festival at Abu Simbal on October 22, 20187. Although, if you ask her, she would probably say that she hates ALL Americans, not just Black ones.,…how I wish we had footage of this…..sigh.

Out of nowhere, this short, pink porky pig looking woman with a thick Australian accent jumps out in front of us, we are inside the temple, but not yet to the inner shrine, there are people everywhere, the place is packed. And as she starts yelling things like at us: “did it occur to you that nobody wants to hear that! Go back to America where you came from. You don’t belong here.” stuff like that. Every time she says to go back where we came from, Raquel and I start cracking up uncontrollably because we KNOW that we came from Kemet!!!! LOL!!! Everyone there told us that we look like Nubians, that we are same color as them and look like we are family. They said they liked my singing and my music. But she hated it! She was saying all kinds of dreadful things. Raquel had had enough and turned to her and said that because of the way she was treating us and behaving, that she and her family would be cursed for 100 years! Oh dear, I asked her to stop, because we don’t need to attract negative energy to ourselves by sending it to this demonic entity. But it was getting very heated and this woman would not stop.

So, we had each just recently purchased a sistrum in Abydos, so we pulled them lout and kept chanting LOUDLY! The Patty Porky Pig GRABBED Raquels sistrum and bent it! We were furious. Our tour guide Adam had to keep intervening to protect us from getting hurt and also from hurting this entity. Finally, we were separated and it was our turn to go inside the inner shrine. I am still chanting Om Amun Ra Ptah and NO ONE ELSE asked me st stop or told me to leave. The security guards kept giving me smiles, laughing, dancing, taking photos with us, clapping. It Was incredible. and thrilling.

You only get a few seconds to see the Illumination, and you know what? It is worth it! It is actually unbelievable while you are standing there, and then the next person nudges you to remind you that this is actually happening and your time is up and you must move on….Next time, I will be mentally ready for the viewing.

So, as soon as we leave the inner shrine, our Australian friend reemerges, still spewing negativity and hatred. This time, many Nubian people stop us to take photo with us as we admire the artwork and iconography in both temples. She is like following us around telling us to go back where we came from while the locals are telling us that we are Nubian. Talk about union of the opposites! LOL!! Reality and illusion. When she realizes that Adam is with us, she says, “What, you are with them? I feel sorry for you”. We are all laughing and chanting Om Amun Ra Ptah…..of course, every now and them Sekhmet appears and flames come out of our mouths in response and reaction to poison from our attacker

Once we get back outside, Adam is all smiles! While this was going on inside, he looked really serious and concerned. He told us that he had to look that way, because of his job, but that on the inside, he was very happy. That we went inside and helped to reveal a very dark energy and we cast it out with the chanting and drumming. I am not sure why the security guards did not stop us, no one else was singing inside. None of the musicians or dancers from outside could be seen inside. I wonder how long it has been since people were allowed to worship inside the temple at the festival or anytime for that matter. I wonder what will happen when I return there and start chanting again???? I will let you know.

Of course, once we were leaving the festival, porky patty found us again. I got some of the altercation in audio. I also recorded our experiences right after the incident if you care to listen.

Here is the audio where you can hear her voice. But no video….

Australian Dog Attack in Kemet

Abu Simbel Experience: Raquel

Abu Simbel Experience Tchiya aka Arit

Perhaps one day, you will join make on this adventure…..HOTEP.

Dua RePhan M PiMaere: Saturn Direct in Sidereal Sagittarius


Welcome to HeruScopes.

Whew! We now get 105 days of peace while Geb gives us a break from the intensity of structures being dissolved, replaced, reconstructed. Saturn goes Rx again on January 1, so let’s take a moment to reflect and express gratitude for all of the crazy changes we have been through. Changes in environment, finances, schedules. Relationships. Any ties that bind us….

Personally, during the last few weeks of this RePhan Portal Opening (Saturn Retrograde), I have felt huge energetic shifts, in my Ari (Karma) especially in regards to finances. It feels like I have been living like a Mountain in Chains, and that the chains are falling apart. Of course a mountain is stronger than the chains, but I had forgotten….

What changes did I make or tools did I use that resulted in this transformation you might ask? Lots of Chanting! Om Geb Asar. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JmFqWyFzJpA

That helped a lot. I learned how to Travel Beyond Limitations. Basically chanted my way through transformation. That was the lesson of this Portal Opening. Especially since I am in my second Saturn Return, In Sagittarius, things were definitely intensified.

I also started working with the Power of Intention again. So tired of hiring crooks and dating abusers, I started writing out and speaking out loud: “I surround My Self with Light Beings that Support my Dream and Share My Vision”. I actually met a contractor and a real estate broker that actually care about what happens to me and my daughters. I had almost given up on finding honest people to work with….I am taking an extended leave of absence from dating…

What fueled this journey? Trust And Surrender: Uhau. Instead of freaking out every time a new obstacle presented itself, instead of trying to fix things, and make things go “my” way, I learned how to apply Amun consciousness: wait and see what happens without limited ego-driven consciousness. And also Khak Ab: letting go of attachment to the outcome. Letting go of control.

Now that the Sun has moved into Sidereal Virgo. Aspolia, the widest constellation of the Zodiac, and the Sign with the most number of days: 45, the time is ripe for Planting Seeds of Intention in the Garden of Your Life. Remember to plant Seeds of Freedom, Freedom from Limitations, Boundaries, Sufferation that no longer serve you. Get your ticket so that you can Travel Beyond Limitation. With Meditation. I read that the Rings of Saturn are dissolving. Visualize all obstacles, limitations dissolving evaporating right before your eyes. Step into the new reality that awaits you, overflowing with Freedom. Visualize yourself walking away, floating away from mighty Geb: away from materialism, worldliness. Heaviness, until your heart feel as light as a feather, no longer weighed down by heaviness that is actually an illusion.

Of course, we need obstacles and boundaries in place for protection and conservation of our energies. Already a change has taken place: no longer willing to tolerate any level of abuse to protect relationships. I am prepared to walk away instead of apologizing for things that I did not to to maintain peace. If the other person cannot handle it when I stand in my Truth, they have no place in my life.

This is the magic of Saturn Direct in Sidereal Sagittarius. Inner Joy!

Zing into Spring with KemeTones Cosmic Sound Healing



Zing into Spring!

Today is March 3, which means that there are approximately 18 days until the Equinox. The Spring Equinox takes place this year March 20 at 4:58 pm Central Time. Astronomically, this is the first day of Spring. Day and Night are said to be equal, although this has actually changed due to Precession of the Equinox. It might actually happen in February! And it is also said that the Sun moves into Aries. However, in reality, this does not happen until sometime in April. It is said that during the Equinox, the poles of the Sun’s orbit line up with the Galactic Axis and coordinates, and so, there is a great and wonderful Galactic alignment that takes place at this time.

In honor of this great alignment, KemeTones Cosmic Sound Healing is offering a tremendous deal in the form of a package, and a sale on all services.

You will benefit from these Spring Zingers because the session(s) will

  • remove blocks
  • release trauma, tension, pain and stress
  • open the way for new beginnings
  • bring you into alignment with your true purpose
  • eliminate pain and discomfort
  • cut energetic cords with people, relationships, trauma, situations
  • bring you into alignment with Cosmic Forces of Nature, Ancestral Forces, the Neters, the Orisha, etc

Here’s the Deal!

For those of you ready to take your healing experience to the next level, here is


Chart, Analysis and One-on-One Consultation
Energy Reading



ONLY $400!

That Spring Zinger is a Hum Dinger.
You can schedule your sessions for anytime between now and the Summer Solstice, June 20, 2019. We can even work out a custom payment plan for you…..

In addition, the individual Solar, Galactic and Cosmic Tune-Ups are available at about15% discount when you book and pay for your session between NOW and the Equinox on March 20. You may schedule your session(s) for this Spring, ie, before the Summer Solstice on June 20.

That means the Solar Tune-Up, regularly $65 is now priced at $50

the Galactic Tune-Up regular price is $100, now priced at $80,

and the Cosmic Tune-Up regular price is $150 now on sale for $120. Includes one Chart and one mini analysis.

Zing into Spring with KemeTones Cosmic Sound Healing!!

Book Your Session TODAY!

This offer vanishes with the Equinox on March 20 at 5 pm CST



Full Snow Moon 2019

Full Snow Moon 2019
The next full moon will occur on February 19th, 2019 at 10:54 AM ET and will be a Full Snow Moon.

When the Moon is Full, that means that the Sun and Moon are in Opposition, or opposite signs. That is western approach. At HeruScopes, they are in Complimentary Signs! The Battle is against the Evil that lives within us, not against one another!

Snow from my front window in Chicago

They call this the Full Snow Moon. If you are in Chicago, this is obvious, because it snowed so much yesterday, right in time for the Full Moon. When we say the Moon is Full, it actually appears to be full for 3 days and nights. Similar to the way the Solstices and Equinoxes last 3 days. So in this case, the moment of fullness is on Tuesday, February 19, at 9:54 am Cst, but the moon will appear to be full Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights.


The Full Snow Moon, or the Full Moon in February occurs when the Sun is In Sidereal Aquarius, and the Moon is in Sidereal Leo.  Dua Ra N KuUrKu. Dua Djehuty Sekhmet.

KuUrKu is ruled by Uranus/Heru, and so we are aligning with using our creativity for VICTORY. Actually, programming our creativity for victory. Setting our intentions for undefetible victory. When I first began the Good Rising TV Series, I had just been lectured about using spells, which are actually intentions that rhyme and have rhythm. Remind you of anything? Hekau: Chants, The Power of the Sacred Word. This gives them extra power, just like saying them with positive emotions. That is definitely one excellent way of programming our words, our creative forces for victory.

Another way that comes to mind is that of charging the water, as Aquarius is known as the Water Bearer. In particular, I am referring to the works of Dr. Emoto, who worked with the effects of words and intentions on water. Here is a short video. I first learned about Dr. Emoto in the movie “What the Bleep Do We Know”.


Ever since I purchased a Berkey water filter, I have been using my intentions more with the water that I drink. I have affixed labels to the glass water bottles that I now use instead of buying plastic water. I mean plastic bottled water. I charge them with crystals, and place them under the pyramid.

Victorious in what? In the battle over our lower Ego, Victory over Set, because that is the only battle there is. And this battle gets played out over and over, individually, and nationally. Once it becomes a global battle, perhaps we will unite when the time comes to fight something other than each other…..


The Full Moon. Talk About Opposites, I mean complimentary: The Sun, Hot Raging Fire and the Moon, Coooool and Reflective. Who does that remind you of? Sekhmet and Djehuty of course! After HetHeru was asked to come to earth to help rid the world of the people that had forgotten their divinity their origin, their purpose for being alive, etc, she took on her form as Sekhmet. She was very good at her job, and enjoyed the power so much that she became the very thing she was a sent to destroy. Ra sent Djehuty to talk some sense into her. Fortunately, the Cosmic Mind was able to remind the goddess of love and beauty of her divine origin as the Daughter of Ra, and she returned to her naturally high state of consciousness. This is what we go through almost daily, until we simply no longer need to have this experience. Until the time comes that we are able to remember our divine origin at all times, in all places, with all kinds of people, in all types of situations, both in times of prosperity and adversity. In times of desperation and in times of joy.

Here is a very good summary: from  http://www.hethert.org/wandering.htm

“One of the myths connected with Het-Hert describes how she became angry with her father, Ra, and wandered into the desert becoming a wild lioness, the Mistress of the Desert. Ra missed his Eye and tried to convince her to come home to Egypt. He eventually had to enlist the skills of Djehuty (Thoth), and Het-Hert was lured home by a magic potion and promises of a life dedicated to music, dance, and drunken happiness. Philae was the first stop on her way home, and her appearance there was celebrated at the island temple by priests playing the harp and oboe and by priestesses shaking the sistra and offering flowers. In this way, Het-Hert was transformed from the savage lionness into the gentle Netjert (goddess) of love, presiding over the birth house of Philae in her benign aspect.

The text in the above relief from the Temple of Dakka reads:

Caption above the baboon: “Djehuty from Penubes, great, powerful God who came from Nubia.”
Caption for the lioness: “Tefnut, Daughter of Ra in Abaton.”

The scene in the relief above refers to the part of the story in which Het-Hert was coming back from Bugem, in Nubia.  She appears as Het-Hert/Tefnut fully in the form of a wild lioness, the form she had taken while wandering throughout the desert.  She raises up her tail while carrying the sun disk with the uraeus upon her head. Djehuty approaches her as a baboon, a form which she had trusted in her homeland. He raises his arms in henu, the praise gesture, luring her with promises of festivals and joy if she returns. Shu accompanies and is identified in other nearby texts as the “Son of Ra, who came out of Nubia, great in power, whose limb is strong.”


Image of Het-Hert as lioness with Djehuty (as baboon) and Shu, from the Southern Wall of the Roman chapel at Dakka, in M. Günther Roeder’s Der Tempel von Dakke (Les Temples Immergés de la Nubie series), vol. 2 (planches), Cairo, Service des Antiquités de l’Égypte, 1930, plate 115.

Junker, Hermann, “Der Auszug der hathor-Tefnut aus Nubien,” Abhandlungen der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Philosophische-Historische Classe), Berlin, 1911.”

The Moon from my backyard in Chicago.

And so, it is with this Celestial Occurrence that we also have the great fortune of the Venus Saturn Conjunction in Sidereal Sagittarius, which began on February 18, the day before.

With these 3 alignments, we have the excellent opportunity to
1. Use the Divine Intellect as the Warrior Healer, writing, thoughts, meditations that can bring about healing transformations in the personality.
2.Travel beyond limitations in loving relationships and attachments to physical reality, and
3. Programming our creativity for victory, using creativity when setting intentions for efficacy power boosts.
  The ultimate victory is the viceroy over our lower nature, our lower ego, Stein Nature. Conquering Chaos for example. Facing Fear. Mending Relationships.

Stay Tuned for KemeTones and Ancient African Adorations for this Celestial Event from Good Rising TV. For more info, visit www.heruscopes.com.


Dua HetHeru Dua Geb N PiMaere Venus Saturn Conjunction

Dua HetHeru Dua Geb N PiMaere! Venus snd Saturn Conjunction in Sidereal Sagittarius. February 18, 2019. At HeruScopes, we focus on how we can be the Heru/Hero in the Myth of Our Own Lives. By aligning with the Cosmic Forces, ie, the Neters. This can be interpreted as worship, or by doing activities that resonate with their personality, or even becoming like the personality.

Today Venus moved into Sidereal Sagittarius and is currently conjunct with Saturn at 20 degrees. This means that limitations in and of relationships can be intensified. Boundaries, attachments, co-dependency, jealousy, etc. With both in sign of Sagittarius, this can signify an expansion in knowledge and wisdom. Sagittarius also signifies travel, so perhaps a bit of extra detachment is the remedy to gain clarity. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and all the more wiser.

HetHeru goddess of love and beauty. She is the Power of the Life Force Energy. Saturn corresponds to Geb, the Cosmic Force of the Earth. Gravity. The Material Realm, Desires. These are things that can hold us back from achieving spiritual aspirations. Even being attached to love and beauty can be a distraction.

To win the battle against lower nature, Set, we must learn to appreciate love and beauty of this world, loving relationships, without becoming attached. Like Sekhmet became attached to her new job! We must remember our Divinity and Travel beyond physical limitations that are actually an illusion. We can appreciate the beauty of physical and also transcend them and not be weighed down by our love of beauty. So if you are being tempted by an illusion, remember your divinity and move on!

For more information, visit heruscopes.com. Stay tuned for Full Snow Moon Report, KemeTones Self Care and New Music from Good Rising TV. #lightbeingwellness #lightbeingwellnesscenter #tchiyaamet #kemet #arit #cosmic #kemetic #lightbeing #kemetones #neters #lightbeingwell #hetheru #venus #saturn #geb #conjunction #sidereal #sagittarius #pimaere #love #beauty #earth #boundaries #kemetones #goodrisingtv #cosmicsoundhealing #soundhealing

Coming out of a Cave after Mercury Retrograde with the New Moon in Ophiuchus.


Udja. Good Rising Great Awakenings, Grand Openings and Closings.

First allow me to my express gratitude for these HeruScopes and Good Rising TV reports. And for those of you that actually follow them. They really are all about self care and global healing. I am so very grateful for the wisdom, music, and healing that comes through. Although it is very time consuming due to low wifi, this work is so worth it Especially when I reflect on the unfolding of events that occurred last week. These reports also show how the energies are played out in our reality. Last week, with Mercury Retrograde in Ophiuchus, and even before that when the Moon lined up with Sirius and Orion, I knew that something truly magical was about to happen. I was in fact preparing myself to “go to battle” with a former partner involving the festival called Reggae Wellness. I was literally giving my self a tune-up, to prepare to speak out and stand in my truth. I had no idea how far and wide my voice would travel back then.

If you are at all interested, please take a moment to watch the previous videos, the earlier HeruScopes Analyses, Then read the news articles about the Rape Case and watch the news reports, on the story of my personal trauma, and healing journey, about the need to be heard and listened to. in fact, just do a search for #endthesilence #bluelotusspeaks or just search tyson at my website for more info on the early chapters of this healing journey. So what is this, chapter 13?

This HeruScopes Analysis for the New Moon in Ophiuchus contains an update to my very first blogpost on this issue. So, I will start there,. Then after I have posted all of the pertinent links to articles from various media sources that covered the story, will begin the HeruScopes Analysis for the New Moon in Ophiuchus, along with Mercury Direct update as well. The Analysis will later be accompanied by a video featuring KemeTones Self Care with Tuning Forks, Global Prayer with Cosmic Chimes, Chanting and Singing for Ancient African Adorations: Devotional World Music all in alignment with the HeruScopes 13 Month Sidereal Kemetic Astrology Reading.

One Portal Closes, Another Door Opens:

Retrogrades are referred to portal openings and closings. I have written at length about Portal Of Djehuty Openings here on this blog and many HeruScopes reports. This one is about Venus Direct and Mercury Retrograde. The Good Rising TV Videos are posted on that page, and here as well…

And here are the Good Rising TV Videos from that time, leading up to the incredible media adventure that soon followed…

Healing Sounds for Mercury Retrograde

Here are the pertinent articles and news videos

End the Silence, End the Violence Chapter 6: Austin, Texas 1983-1984: I Survived RAPE by Neil de Grasse Tyson; The Blue Lotus Speaks!

I posted an update about my healing: 

About the Concert for Tchiya Amet Day June 7 2014 in Austin Texas

In January 2016, i retweeted my post during the #astrosh movement. Azeen Ghorayshi from buzzfeed reached out to me and went on to write an article in 2018 after an extensive investigation. The only other writer/blogger/ or scientist that spoke out publicly was Hontas Farmer who showed and expressed enormous support throughout the entire journey. This is the first article of many from this Quantum Gravity

Neil DeGrasse Tyson Accused of Rape: #astroSH Was Mainly Silent.

Time travel forward to November 2018.

During Portal of Djehuty Opening/ Mercury Retrograde

Exclusive: Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Rape Exclusive: Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Rape Accuser Gives First Public Interview

This article contains video of an interview by David McAfee. This is his second article on the case. He was once a huge fan of Tyson…

Last Day of Mercury Retrograde in Ophiuchus

Two More Women Accuse Neil deGrasse Tyson of Sexual Misconduct

This article is also by David McAfee. My story got zero attention until these two brave souls spoke out. I pray that they have received as much healing as I have as a result of their actions.

Neil deGrasse Tyson Breaks Silence, Denies Sexual Misconduct Accusations

His facebook post made him look so much worse than he already did.

Mercury Direct

In A Crowded Theater, She Accused Neil DeGrasse Tyson Of Rape. Eight Years Later, Her Story Is News

Bill Bradley at huffingtonpost.com focused his report on the confrontation at the Palace of Fine Arts in April 2010 on National Sexual Assault Awareness Day.

Nobody Believed Neil deGrasse Tyson’s First Accuser. Now There Are Three More

This article is by Azeen Ghorayshi, at buzzfeed.com. She conducted a very thorough investigation that lasted almost 3 years. She is the woman that broke the #astrosh story about sexual harassment in astronomy departments. I am so grateful to her and her staff for seeing and listening to me as I chose to stand in my truth. She did an excellent job telling all of our stories.

Neil deGrasse Tyson Rape: Fox and Nat Geo Must Have Known.

From Quantum Science Hontas Farmer

Fourth woman accuses Neil deGrasse Tyson of sexual assault, claiming he groped her after drunkenly propositioning her at a museum party in New York

New Moon


Chicago woman who accused Neil deGrasse Tyson of sexual assault shares her story

NBC Today Show

Neil deGrasse Tyson accused of sexual misconduct by multiple women

Sexual Misconduct Allegations Against Neil deGrasse Tyson Reveal the Complexity of Academic Inequality

Scientific American. A post by a Black Female Physicist. Many are bringing to light the loss of a career and of a dream. Loss of Income. This is the current phase of healing. Acceptance of what is no longer and will never be.

Neil deGrasse Tyson and the Careers That Weren’t

The Atlantic

Neil deGrasse Tyson: Proved Scientist Are Not Infallible. A Learned Opinion.

Quantum Scoence

I know that some people cannot take me seriously because of all the ancestral and celestial resources and references. This goes against their own beliefs and spiritual practices. But what does that have to do with rape?

The news broke on the last day of Mercury Retrograde. The TV News videos were taped December 6, the first night of the New Moon. Also would have been 32nd wedding anniversary for the marriage that was affected by the rape. At the moment of the preparation of this report, The Sun and Moon are In Ophiuchus, and Mercury is Direct in Libra.

This very long report will serve as a reminder and testimonial to us all about the healing power of the sacred word when aligned with the Cosmos. The chants that cane thru were very helpful in moving through all of these communications and revelations. I am humbled by and in awe of the synchronicity.

People ask why did I take so long? It took so long because my throat chakra ( in Kemet, known as Aritu or Sefech Ba Ra) had been closed down due to all of the trauma. The creativity chakra and throat chakra are connected. When we are traumatized, we are in effect, silenced. Sometimes it takes decades to heal the womb chakra and so it takes that long to speak. Every single body, every single light being trapped in a watery encasement, vibrates at different frequencies, so recovery times cannot, should not, must not be compared, only observed. But when judgement is projected, the healing environment is no longer safe. Once I had done a significant amount of clearing energy blocks in both my womb and throat chakra, in alignment with the cosmos, the healing process reached a climax and resulted in a breakthrough. Rape and assault also affect the Root Chakra, which is what connects us to the Earth, it is the Grounding Force. When imbalanced, this affects our sense of stability, security and financial freedom. When this chakra is brought into alignment, abundance, prosperity and bountifulness can at last be experienced.

How did I find the courage? It was either my life or his. I was ready to kill myself and so obviously, I chose to live, and stop protecting my rapist and all of his fans. To be an authentic healer, I had to be able to discuss my own trauma with transparency. Up until recently, I still carried the fear of what would happen if he found out that I had told anyone. So I just decided to speak instead of remaining silent. To live instead of dying slowly day by day.

In addition to all the yoga, prayers, meditation, energy dancing to eliminate blockages and toxins, hours of Ho’oponopono (Ancient Indigenous Hawaiian Spiritual Technology of Forgiveness), Therapy, gallons of Chamomile Tea ( Calming and Soothing) and Red Raspberry Leaf Tea ( for Womb Wellness) writing in my journal, the Trip of 2014 ( visited scene of crime, put on an event to draw attention to the issue of sexual assault on college campuses, visiting a shelter, visiting the Astronomy Department, swimming in the healing waters of the Hill Country around Austin, Tx, and filing the police report), ten day fast. ( which was supposed to be 40 days, and was actually a cover-up for attempted suicide…), training for and participating in a half marathon race, traveling to sacred sites as on a pilgrimage seeking enlightenment and healing not just as a tourist, “Sacred Woman” work with Queen Afua, decades of therapy, practicing Japanese Buddhism for 20 years, recording and performing Reggae and World Music Artist for over 30 years, what has brought the MOST transformative healing to my life has been Music ( naturally!), Sound Healing and Egyptian Yoga: studying the Teachings of Shetaut Neter and working with Dr. Muata Ashby and Dr. Karen Dja Ashby. In fact, it has been the super powerful combination of all three in these Good Rising TV episodes that has really created an opening for me to climb out of the tower of emotions and cave of darkness that has silenced me for years. Decades. These practices have allowed me to let go of attachments, let go of judgement, let go of the illusions of the material world. Let go of anger and frustration. Let go of the pain. Let go of fear. Let go of people that I no longer need to know. Enabled me to stand in my truth without crying, without fear. In fact I am learning how to use fear as a weapon to pierce through the veil of illusion and be victorious. I now look for the Gift in Every Adversity, am learning how to Turn Poison Into Medicine. And have finally stopped seeking justice in a world of corruption.

As for the rape case with Mr. Tyson, at this New Moon, there is a New Attitude. I have let go of physical pain, (2005-2010). I have faced my fear of him finding out that I knew it was a rape. I am now free to discuss my healing journey with others, free to explain why I dropped out of grad school because it is now public record. I first spoke my truth publicly in 2010, then again in 2014. Finding my voice, my power. This empowered me to let go of emotional pain. I achieved my goal of finding others that experienced his brutality and wickedness in 2018.

The next phase of this process will be healing from the loss: loss of career(s): my Astronomy career was ended like a miscarriage, and because my Reggae Music Career ended with my marriage. I once tried to keep it going, but whatever was, is over and now something else must take its place. Loss of income, loss of my marriage, loss of relationship with oldest daughter, the loss of my Mother also in 2010. in fact all relationships have been affected because of the loss of trust in humanity. Especially men. I now have trust in My Self and in the Divine that exists within all of us, all life. But as far as individuals go, those days are long gone. At any moment, someone can come out of a bag on you and cause destruction. Can lie, steal. Yes they can love, but hopefully, that doesn’t hurt! Lol! I have learned to stop trusting people and rather be prepared for them to betray, deny, cheat, rob, or violate. No one in human form is free from suspicion. I have also learned to stop seeking justice in a world of corruption. And, I no longer accept things from men that I did not ask for: every time that I do, it ends in disaster.

From now on, preparing myself to respond to any situation while Being Enlightened. Striving to live as A Truly Peaceful Warrior. No longer seeking friends or any type of relationships unless they can help me achieve this goal. Otherwise, it is a distraction, put in place to keep me stuck in a material world of delusion ignorance violence and depravity.

This concludes the Update on the Healing Journey of Tchiya Amet that Began in 2005, Opened Up in 2010, Sprang Forth in 2014, Culminated during Mercury Retrograde and Reached a Plateau During the New Moon in November-December 2018, in Ophiuchus the 13th Zodiac, the Season of Imhotep.

Now for the HeruScopes

Here is the 13 Month Sidereal Astrology Chart for the New Moon in Ophouchus which happened on December 7 at 1:21 am cst. I thought I would be producing this analysis and accompanying video then. However, I was on the phone all morning with reporters and was being interviewed for television broadcasts late into the evening. I am looking to this analysis to shine light on what is to come for this Moonth ( Moon Cycle) Winter Solstice Alignment ( December 19-22 or around that time) and Sirius Culmination ( December 31). Letz Dive Right In! For more information, visit heruscopes.com and download the HeruScopes Manual and Resource eGuide for reference.

Letz Begin with Imhotep, Ophiuchus.

Sun and New Moon in Ophiuchus. The Sun is in Ophiuchus from November 30-December 18.

Dua Ra Dua Sesheta M Imhotep.

Creativity Expressed, and Writing to bring about Purification and Healing. Well all of the communications that went on and revelations experienced while Mercury was Retrograde in Ophiuchus can now continue to do the healing work. Sesheta, representing the New Moon, New Beginnings, the Goddess of Writing and Record Keeping, of Math, Astronomy, Astrology, Engineering, Architecture and Sacred Geometry. In the sign of healing, until the Next New Moon, this will be the focus of creative outlets.

Jupiter is still in Scorpio, Observing and Expanding Our Purified Desires, see previous posts about this

However Mercury has moved on to Sidereal Libra, along with Ceres. Dua Djehuty Dua Aset M Maat. Maat is the Goddess of Truth, Justice, Balance, Order, Righteousness, Reciprocity, Harmony, etc. I have recorded and posted several songs and chants for this Cosmic Force over the years….some of them will be in the Good Rising TV session.

This alignment lights the way for communications and divine intuition and nurturing that brings Peace to your Life. That Restores Maat to the World. Perhaps an increased awareness and connection to the Cosmic Mind. Surrender to the Cosmic Will. Stay Close to the Goddess Aset that lives within your heart. Live With Maat. Stand For Maat. When living in tune with these Cosmic Forces, you can Trust that the Words coming out of your Mouth have been carefully selected and chosen by higher power, and that your words will be received by others as Lotus Blossoms for the Mind, leading us all to Enlightenment.

Dua HetHeru Dua Maat Dua Lilith M Aspolia. Venus, Pallas Athena and Lilith in Sidereal Virgo. Susan Harmon inspired me to begin including the Asteroid Lilith to these reports. She represents uncovering secrets and truths being revealed. Also referred to as the Dark Side of Femininity. Aspolia is illustrated by a Seed, and at HeruScopes, it signifies planting Seeds of Intention in the Garden pf Life. Planting Seeds if Love and Beauty, Loving What Is, Acceptance. Seeds of Maat: Taking Right Action will bear the Fruits of Maat. Maat Anu, Maat Ari. Right Relations, Right Partnerships. Not just with other people, having an authentic relationship with oneself, and also with the world, with society, with the environment and with the Earth. Taking actions today that will bring one into closer alignment with Maat with Truth. As for Lilith, Speaking Ones Truth Today will Reveal Hidden Lies that will lead to a Brighter Tomorrow for oneself and others.

Please remember, the whole point of HeruScopes is so we can align ourselves with the Movement of the Cosmic Forces, with the Ancestors, so that we can be victorious like Heru, in the Myth of Our Own Lives. So that We Can Win! There is a time for everything on Earth. When we can see beyond time, time becomes a tool we can use to create, rather than a weapon used to control and imprison us….

The other Planets have not really changed too much so will close for now.

Here is the Olmec Mayan reading for December 7, the Ophiuchus New Moon:

Of course my sign 10 Ix, meaning I that my life resonates with this Galactic Tone of 10. However, Ix is a Black Jaguar. That is another story…

And for Today December 8, the day of this posting…

I love how the Olmec/Mayan readings, which are Galactic, somehow manage to consistently summarize these cosmic planetary details. Which is why HeruScopes personal analyses always end this way….

Stay tuned for the Good Rising TV session with KemeTones Cosmic Sound Healing Self Care and Global Prayers with Devotional World Music: Ancient African Adorations


Tchiya Amet El Maat


Arit Neter S Mery Maati

A Side Note: You may have noticed that I am going through a name “uplevel”re-branding etc name change. A few years before the news story broke, I could not find easily find my music, articles, wellness products or anything at my own website tchiya.com with a simple google search. Only articles that were linked to the rape. Since I have embarked on a second musical journey that reflects the current spiritual path of Devotional World Music and Ancient African Adorations, I now use a Kemetic Name to refer to this music project and also Kemetic Research and Tchiya Amet for the Cultural Projects, Reggae-Fusion-Jazz, etc. You can read more about it in New Moon New Tune So now, you might see me listed as Arit Neter S Mery Maati aka Tchiya Amet El Maat. Same Light Being, simply operating at a Lighter Frequency.

One Portal Closes, Another One Opens


Good Rising and Great Awakenings. Grand Openings and Graceful Closings.

Portal Of HetHeru (Venus Retrograde) comes to an end today. 4:51 am cst.


Portal of Djehuty (Mercury Retrograde) depending on the source, begins 9:33 pm est on November 16, 17 or 18, and will remain this way until December 6.

part 1

This is the GOOD RISING TV Video for this Celestial Event.

At HeruScopes, we are not fearful of these moments when the portals are open. We recall that there is a Gift in Every Adversity, and Trust as we inhale and exhale. riiiigggghhhhhtttt? Thankfully, the reports and Good Rising TV sessions exist so that we can remember that the most important thing to do during these times is To Be Enlightened. To remember that we are all Light Beings. Even tho some may not be able to live as Light being, think, feel, behave as a light being, they still are Light beings trapped in Watery Encasements. Even as this is being typed, it is helping me to remember.

Relationship issues left unresolved can be a source of heavy heart, but it does not have to be that way. They can just remain unresolved. Remain unattached to the outcome, and just sail on down the River of Hapi, also known as the River Nile. (Hapi is Kemetic Name, Nile is Arab name). If you are like most people, several relationships came to an end during this Portal Opening. And ones that had already ended may have been given another look, to see if the relationship could be saved. But not all of them were ready to be rekindled.

So if that wasn’t painful enough, along comes Djehuty to stir things up. If you are in line with the Cosmic Mind, and can allow the Cosmic Will to be expressed rather than the lower nature, than all is well. However, once worldly affairs are considered, things can get messy really fast, like when making a pot of soup, when the heat is too high, it starts to boil and splatters all over the place! During the time of Mercury Retro, try a different approach and let things unfold. No need to speak from emotions, in the heat of a moment. If it has taken this long to resolve, what is wrong with waiting a few days until there is clarity. As I am typing this, wanting so much to follow this guidance, I reflect on all the times that  I did my very best to express myself, and yet my words were not heard, or the other person heard just the opposite of what I wanted to say! Perhaps during this portal opening, the essence of my words will find a way to penetrate the hate and the illusion, the deception, with an honest reception, and we will find peaceful resolution.

Alright, let’s dive right into the HeruScope for this Celestial Event!

`heruscopes banner

Friday November 16, 2018 8:33 pm cst

hetheru closing.jpg

and also Friday November 18 8:33 pm cst just to be sure we have this covered….

djehuty opening 11-18-2018.jpg

BREAKDOWN.. duh duh duh duh, duh duh, duh duh! (Rick James Bassline….) Now that we know there are usually several planets in Retrograde, it should feel less ominous… at the moment, 5 planets are Retrograde, and Mercury will make 6. There are also a few Paths of Djehuty that are opened i at any given moment in time, but have yet to address them properly, coming soon….

Dua HetHeru Dua Aset Dua Maat Em Aspolia
Venus, Ceres and Pallas Athena in Sidereal Virgo
HetHeru Portal Opening
Takes place in Aspolia (Sidereal Virgo), along with Aset (Ceres) and Maat (Pallas Athena)
Planting Seeds for powerful relationship with our Divine Intuition will bear the Fruits of Maat: Balance, Truth Order, Harmony, Justice, Reciprocity and Righteousness. Although I have stopped looking for Justice in a world of Corruption…. I am open to receive and experience when it comes. I have stopped trusting human beings for the time being. Light beings get one chance to show who they truly are, but people? Eh! This means PLANTING SEEDS OF TRUSTING THE DIVINE. Trusting the Process. At this time, we are being gently livingly, and forcibly moved/inspired to Trust. Groundbreaking, Earth shattering levels of Trust are needed at this time. Without attachment to the outcome! No judgement.

Of course on the mythical level, we are dealing with the vibrations of Djehuty and HetHeru, as Virgo is ruled by Mercury. Devotion, Listening to the Teachings, and Meditation can bring one back to a place of centeredness and steadfastness. Watch the corresponding episode of Good Rising TV for all of this plus Cosmic Sound Healing.

Sedna Rx and Juno Rx in Apis, Sidereal Taurus. Healing from abuse, domestic violence, trauma. Healing from Daddy Drama. Business partnerships gone terribly wrong (HELLO!) These Portals are open, so this is an excellent opportunity to dig deep, pull out, reveal, expose, transform, release and heal from old wounds. This will bring about self-confidence, stability, abundance, grounding, prosperity. But if left unresolved, or ignored any longer, can lead to great ruin, more pain and suffering. This is the time to put your own well-being ahead of protecting any perpe-traitors, abusers, etc with your silence. Especially when you look at the Mercury Retrograde that is about to open up….

Dua Heru (Portal Opening) Tamet Amon (Uranus Rx in Sidereal Aries) Victory over Lower Nature, Allowing the Witnessing Consciousness to Experience and Direct your response. Victory over Enemies by leading them to face the death of their OWN lower Nature, like the scene from the Movie Countryman, and I quote: “That’s why there is no need to slay the wicked: just lead them to face death, and they will perish”. THIS is how to proceed. Whew! Thanks, I really needed this! LOL!! ( as you can probably tell, I am going through something that is resonating with this analysis…)

Here is the entire quote. If you have never seen this movie, the clock is ticking!

“Death is a force of nature Jah, just like lightening. The righteous face it everyday and pass it by, But those with evil in their hearts fear it. That is why there is no need to slay the wicked, just leave them to face death and they will perish.” Quote by Jahman from the film Countryman

Yes, this is indeed the strategy for these portal openings and closings, mark my words….
Dua Chiron (Portal Opening; Rx) Em PiCot Sahu (Sidereal Pisces)
Dua NebtHet Portal Opening (Neptune Rx) Em KuUrKu (Sidereal Aquarius) have already discussed these at length, please refer to previous Retrograde Posts…..
Basically, healing from expressing our feelings and emotions is far healthier than keeping them locked up inside, which leads to physical health issues. The KEY (Chiron) is to release them with control and grace. When we are fully transparent, and share our healing journey, it has dual benefits, for ourselves, and this that receive the message and apply the wisdom….
Ahhhh Dua Sesheta Dua Set Em KuUrKu
Well now, writing about experiences involving conquering lower nature, again, sharing aspects of The Journey, leads us all towards Being Enlightened. This is the perspective that I am seeking: the correct response to what appears to be and feels like betrayal, abuse, violation, fraud, deception. It is all energy, all airyu (karma. impressions and toxic residue left from previous experiences and situations) ,  but it is not WHO we are, it is only What we are going through. Remaining steadfast and unattached to our emotions or to the outcome. Just expressing our truth. AFFIRM: I am not responsible for how another person feels or reacts WHEN I EXPRESS MY TRUTH, WHEN I STAND IN MY TRUTH. This is crucial  aspect of this strategy.  It is time for me to Journal about what happened with a project from last year, and share publically my truth of what happened. The last time I did this, it was very empowering and liberating, and I expect nothing less this time around…
Dua Vesta Dua Asar (Pluto) Dua RePhan (Saturn) Em PiMahi (Sidereal Sagittarius)
Now look at Djehuty, before going Retrograde: Imhotep! Mercury in Ophiuchus. COMMUNICATION THAT LEADS TO PROFOUND HEALING. Remember to Be Enlightened WHILE IN THE PROCESS OF Communicating and Expressing your truth. Remember that Djehuty IS the Cosmic Mind, and be open to receive these transmissions. Resist the urge to express your limited mindset that can only perceive things of the limited world of time and space…. when you open to the Cosmic Mind, there is so much more to be gained…..
Dua PiMaere (Jupiter) Em Ip (Sidereal Scorpio)
Expansion of Consciousness by Observing Our Desires. Where do they come from? Are they really ours? WILL THESE FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS LEAD US TO ENLIGHTENMENT? Can we be enlightened while observing our emotions and processing our feelings instead of acting erratically upon our emotions and taking actions that will tAke us away from our purpose, away from our enlightenment? Away from our Inner Peace?
Last but not least: Dua Ra Em Maat
Sun in Sidereal Libra.
Been around the blocks more than a few times. FINALLY got it through my thick skull, and unending love for Humanity, for Blackness that THERE IS NO JUSTICE TO BE FOUND IN A WORLD OF CORRUPTION. Righteousness is not rewarded in a world of Decepticons. And so, I have simply stopped expecting this from ordinary human beings. We are all light beings having worldly experiences, however, the majority of the people are either ignorant of this, or live in denial. Have stopped projecting my values onto others, trying to understand why they behave a certain way, I have stopped expecting to be treated fairly by anyone. The truth is that at any moment, anyone of us can come out of a bag on someone, that means, act TOTALLY OPPOSITE to how they have been portraying themselves, even for decades! This has lessened the heaviness in  my heart. Feeling Lighter everyday, more light-like. Maat is a vibration, not a destination. That was my problem I believed that eventually, everything would work out fine, that justice would be served. WRONG! Please watch this video that expresses this wisdom
So rather than fighting injustice and all of that save the world hype, the very wise choose to focus on Creating Maat, Living By Maat, Being Maat. what you want to see, rather than creating more of what you do not want, because where attention goes, energy flows. Just express your truth and move forward. Not remaining silent, or playing the victim role, and yet, creating the vision that resides in a purified heart and consciousness.
So, what about this Mercury Retrograde? Remaons in Ophiuchus, only now the Portal of Djehuty is Open for Business, and will remain open until December 6.
The Moon will be in PiCot Sahu, or Sidereal Pisces.
That is all for now. Be sure to watch the Good Rising Tv Episode when it is ready….
In summary, remember the quote from Countryman:
“Death is a force of nature Jah, just like lightening. The righteous face it everyday and pass it by, But those with evil in their hearts fear it. That is why there is no need to slay the wicked, just leave them to face death and they will perish.” Quote by Jahman from the film Countryman
part 2
This is the GOOD RISING TV Video for this Celestial Event.

BONUS! Here is the link to the Documentary about the Real Countryman, he was more than just a character in that movie. He WAS the movie!

here is mini version of documentary

double bonus added on December 6: HEALING SOUNDS FOR MERCURY RETROGRADE


Retrograde Season is Here! HeruScopes Review

GREAT Rising and Awakening. I started saying Good Rising years ago, because I was tired of mourning the day. Now, people are saying GREAT Rising, as if being Good isn’t Good Enuff! LOL! So, I am trying it out for Now.THIS IS A JAM PACKED REPORT, Hope you enjoy a cup of tea while reading this analysis….In Western Astrology, Mercury Retrograde usually means poor communications, technology malfunctions, don’t sign any contracts, don’t make major decisions or changes, or start anything new. Very difficult to live in this way, especially since Mercury Retrograde happens 3 times per year, and lasts 3 weeks or even longer sometimes.When a planet is considered to be in Retrograde, it means that for a limited time, the object in question appears to move backwards, then head back in it’s true direction. It is actually just an illusion, based on our perception from the Earth. Even though it does not really move backwards, it appears to do so, and thereby, has an effect on humans living on Earth.If you have been following these HeruScopes for while now, you may have read the post about the Portal Of Djehuty, seeing Mercury Retrograde in a totally different light.

New Strategy for Mercury Retrograde starting with June 7, 2014

That has been working very well. In fact, as Djehuty and Mercury deal with Communication, it is worth noting that this was the same year that I first began posting about sexual assault, as well as the same year that we lost Misty Upham, and also during this time, the #metoo movement began picking up more speed.I received this memo last week: Now, is the time to explore the Open Portals of each one of these Cosmic Forces known as Planets and also The Neters. In most simple terms, even though this period is viewed as something to be dreaded, at HeruScopes, we see these moments without Judgement, and strive to appreciluv them for powerful openings and breakthroughs. I have noticed that these portal openings are incredible periods for breakthroughs and deep understanding. For instance, today, I saw very clearly that things like attitude, confidence, joy, happiness, remaining calm, trust, excitement, etc even enlightenment, also fear, agitation, desire, ego, etc, can be activated or deactivated. Like a light switch, turned on or off. Everything is frequency, and we can learn how to tune in and turn these switches on and off, at will. Chakras, Meridians DNA Activation, Rewiring your Brain, Changing thoughts and thought patterns in the Mind, etc. It came to me in a flash. This is an example of a tiny breakthrough, that will soon lead to bigger breakthroughs in consciousness. The next step is application and integration.Another fascinating breakthrough: I have been using a new-to-me website for the 13 Month Sidereal Astrology charts. I began to notice some symbols and terms that I had not paid attention to previously. I noticed that one of them looked like the Rx symbol for prescriptions In the old days prescriptions were herbal and medicinal. In recent times, it became associated with artificial pharmaceuticals. Rx in Astrology means RETROGRADE!!! Isn’t it peculiar that they share the same symbol, and yet, a Retrograde in Astrology is usually considered to be a bad almost scary thing. And yet, it is the same symbol as something that is to be taken in order to heal and feel better.

from quota: Rx: A medical prescription. The symbol “Rx” is usually said to stand for the Latin word “recipe” meaning “to take.” It is customarily part of the superscription (heading) of a prescription.

from history.con
Commonly seen on doctor’s prescription pads and signs in pharmacies, Rx is the symbol for a medical prescription. According to most sources, Rx is derived from the Latin word “recipe,” meaning “take.”

Among several alternative theories, however, is the belief that the Rx symbol evolved from the Eye of Horus, an ancient Egyptian symbol associated with healing powers. What is known for certain is that the practice of pharmacy, the preparation and dispensation of drugs, has been around for thousands of years. The world’s first recorded prescriptions were etched on a clay tablet in Mesopotamia around 2100 B.C., while the first drugstores were established in the ancient city of Baghdad in the eighth century A.D.


from astrologysymbols.com: From our perspective on earth there are times when planets appear to move backwards in their orbit. Planets don’t really move backwards but due to this apparent backward motion they can have a prolonged and or more reflective effect in certain areas of the natal chart. Read more and see a diagram of retrograde motion at AstroWiki

lots of info from wikipedia

The sun and moon do not have this effect of backwards or retrograde motion, but the other planets all go through phases of retrograde motion, as viewed from the earth. In astronomical reality, the planets do continue to move in the same direction, anticlockwise around the sun.

Mercury and Venus, the only two planets which orbit the sun inside the earth’s own orbit, are retrograde when they appear to be in front of the sun from a geocentric perspective (Their motion is direct when they are behind the sun.) Although Mercury and Venus appear to move faster than the sun, by turning retrograde periodically, they always stay within one or two signs of the sun.

Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, whose orbits all lie outside the earth’s own orbit, appear to turn retrograde during periods in which the earth is moving more quickly than they are. This occurs when they form an opposition to the sun.

In ephemerides planets in retrograde motion have an “R” printed next to them.

Before a planet changes its direction from either retrograde to direct or vice versa its motion becomes increasingly slower until it appears to come to a stop. This is called the stationary phase.

The planets have different periods of retrograde motion[1]:

  • Mercury 3 times a year for 3 weeks, 19.2% of the time,
  • Venus roughly every 18 months for 40 to 44 days, 7.3% of the time,
  • Mars roughly every 26 months for 60 to 80 days, 9.5% of the time,
  • Jupiter roughly every 13 months for about 4 months, 30.4% of the time,
  • Saturn roughly every 12 1/2 months for about 4 1/2 months, 36.6% of the time,
  • Uranus roughly every 12 months for about 5 months, 41.2% of the time,
  • Neptune roughly every 12 months for 5 months and 6 days, 43.1% of the time,
  • Pluto roughly every 12 months for 5 to 6 months, 43.4% of the time.
  • Chiron is stationary 5.1%, and retrograde 39.7% of the time.


Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are retrograde for nearly half the year. They are very common in horoscopes, to the point where they probably need no special interpretation, as so many people have them.

The core meaning of a retrograde planet is that its basic energies are turned inward. A retrograde planet can therefore be beneficial in encouraging people with natal retrogrades to be introspective. At the same time, the person may find it difficult to express the retrograde planet’s basic nature in an outward, straightforward way.

For example, a person with natal Mercury retrograde may become a deep thinker, while simultaneously having difficulty in expressing his ideas in a logical fashion. Saturn can show where and how a person feels inadequate or frustrated, but with Saturn opposite the sun, Saturn will be retrograde, heightening self-esteem issues, as Saturn’s natural critical proclivities are turned inward.

To put it shortly: Especially a retrograde Mercury is usually a good time for things that start with “re”, such as reviewing, reassessing, redoing, renovating, repairing, rebuilding, relaxing, recovering, reflecting, renewing, retreating, revisiting, reconciling, rewording, recollecting, recycling, refinishing, recuperating etc.


Mars Retro June 26-August 27 Sidereal Capricorn/ SET Hupeneius:
Freedom from the Fetters of Set, Self Liberation

notes from allure.com
You might feel lazy and lethargic, or like nothing is happening when it comes to cash and your sex life. You may feel stuck in a rut, wishing some hot warrior would come to rescue you — but they won’t, because the ruling planet of warriors is busy retreating and taking a break from giving us power.

don’t let a retrograde squash your dreams…remember that seasons change. Everything passes. There is a time to rest and a time for action. Retrogrades are also a wonderful excuse not to take anything personally,

Neptune Rx: June 19- November 24 NEBTHET KuUrKu Sidereal Aquarius TRIGGER AND RELEASE

from astrologyking.com: Natal Neptune retrograde suggests that some area of life is so painful that you prefer to escape this reality through your own imagined dream world. It is likely that this tendency to avoid pain through illusion is strongly rooted in a tragic past life experience such as torture, where your only option to escape physical pain was to transcend from a physical to a more spiritual plane of existence.

No matter the reasons, you come into this life with some justified fears and anxieties. Although not exactly as real or extreme now, certain experiences will trigger those more painful memories. Your natural reaction is to get rid of the pain by accessing that higher spiritual dimension. The quicker the better and you probably don’t care whether it is through meditation, prayer, your imagination or drugs.

The release of pain relieving hormones in your brain is addictive so you could easily resort to escapism more often and for less critical reasons over time. You may use illness to gain sympathy or to avoid the harsh realities of life. Perhaps you are more subject to confusion and deception than most, or have a tendency to become involved in intrigues and scandals.

Jupiter Retro: March – July 10 Sidereal Libra: PICHEUS MAAT EXPANSION WITHIN
When I was at Teotihuacan in 2006, at the Black jaguar temple, I received this message: I will see Justice in the World, when I can see Justice in my own life. It has taken me a very loooong time to fully grasp this wisdom. Previously, I was fixated on an incorrect perception of Maat and Justice. I now see that Maat is the SCALE of Justice, not a limited or fixed value: there is both Justice and Lack of Justice in everything, in every moment. Justice is not what I think it should be! The Union pf Opposites, or the elimination of duality. And. I have seen developments in this area this Spring and Summer. It is more about embracing what is and Trusting in Divine Will and Cosmic Mind, not about how painful it is, or how terrible it sounds, Not getting caught up on my emotions…Vesta Retro: May 8- August 1 Imhotep/Sidereal Ophiuchus
notes: In earliest times, Vesta represents the sacred flame and high Priestess energy. Then during Roman times, the sexual energy was toned down, almost captured by dominating male energies, and became associated with the Home, and chaste and purity, less emphasis on female sexual energy, and more male domination energy. Now associated with repression of sexual nature.

from carolbarbeau.com: Often sexual repression, rape and the disassociation of sexuality from spirituality lies at the root of difficulties in us living passionately and intensely. Vesta is the energy which will help cure pain from the past and open us to being more sexually expressive and creative if we harness this power within ourselves.

RETROGRADE energy is another lifetime when this lesson was either overdone or underdone and you have to look at other things within the chart to see what the lesson is this lifetime so it is a bit more complex.

from http://www.biopscinst.com/bpi/RZVesta.html
Vesta rules over a core sense of identity and independence, a kind of faithfulness to yourself that allows no compromise or selling out. You are focused or centered in yourself, able to tap into the great powers of the self when you act out of truthfulness and integrity. When Vesta is in reverse, this fidelity to yourself is tested. Situations come up that force you to decide how much integrity really means to you and how much you’d rather “slide through life”. She teaches us to be beholden to nobody, to stand up and be responsible for ourselves, to demand the best of every experience.

Saturn Rx  April 17- August 6: GEB ASAR REPHAN PI MAERE Sidereal Sagittarius
Death and Rebirth: Transformation of the Soul through The Karmic Journey of  Wisdom.
Karma, Ariyu. Does not necessarily mean that certain situations repeat because you were a horrible person in the past and now getting payback. No, these impressions or patterns occur so that we can change our response, reaction, and actions. We cannot change our past, but we CAN change our response and thus, change our future.Society is beginning to change the response and reaction to rape and sexual assault, to police brutality, to racism, caucasity, and immigration. The world IS changing, but we have to experience so much pain and grief before we actually make these big changes.

notes from spiritdaughter.com
Saturn creates and governs the rules and regulations we live by as a society. He reminds us of our responsibilities to ourselves, our life and to others. He also teaches us our hard life lessons and helps us work out our karma in various ways. Karma is energetic attachment, it’s neither positive or negative- it’s just energy we are “stuck” with until we work it out.

Often times we say yes because we are afraid of saying No. Saturn retrograde teaches us to clearly define what is acceptable and what is not in our life, so we can spend our energy on what really matters to our soul. Use this period to become clear about what you are allowing into your life and energetic field. If you don’t want something, or someone, figure out the karma that brought it to you. Learn the lesson of why you called it in the first place, then let it go.

Here’s a little checklist of things to think about over the next 4 months while Saturn retrogrades:

  • Define your boundaries
  • Reevaluate you commitments, especially time commitments (Saturn rules time)
  • Reorganize your systems (including routines/disciplines- is that yoga schedule really working for you?)
  • Keep yourself motivated- Retrograde can make us feel tired, inspire yourself with new activities.
  • Get to the root of your karmic attachments and be open to your life lessons- This will probably take more than one cycle of retrograde, but you need to start somewhere.

Find appropriate response to a very old trigger is current personal lesson. in the past, I would remain silent to avoid conflict. FREEZE, take no action. Wait for someone else to take action. I would let relationships and situations linger, needlessly suffering in silence, until dangerous eruptions took place. I am learning to stop tolerating bs and it is getting easier to walk away from situations that are causing me pain. It is also easier to speak out against or to the entity or cause of the pain. With less attachment to the outcome. MORE FREEDOM. Just saying NO, feels terrific. A wise colleague told me recently: “don’t let people choose you, choose them!”(Did I mention that I have Saturn in Capricorn, and going thru second Saturn Return? I could feel all these shifts going on, but had not realized so much retro activity until I saw the meme, because I had not learned about the Rx Symbol yet!!! Seeing them in writing is really confirming and clearing away chaos. DEFEATING APEP.Pluto Rx NUK PU NUK ASAR ASAR! I Am Asar. PiMaere Sidereal Sagittarius
Although the physical life of Asar ended, his reign in Eternity began, and continues. When one door is closed, another door opens. But we cannot be in both places at the same time. In order to move forward, must release and let go of the past. There is no way around it.Like the Dog and the Shadow, one of Aesop’s Fables, the dog sees his reflection in the water. Thinking he sees another bone that he wants, he reaches for the illusion of a new bone, and instead he loses both bones. Ugh. Just Be Grateful for What We already have in our possession…..What about “the South Indian Monkey Trap”: from the Guardian.com

Illustration: Paul Thurlby for the Guardian

The trap “consists of a hollowed-out coconut, chained to a stake. The coconut has some rice inside which can be grabbed through a small hole”. The monkey’s hand fits through the hole, but his clenched fist can’t fit back out. “The monkey is suddenly trapped.” But not by anything physical. He’s trapped by an idea, unable to see that a principle that served him well – “when you see rice, hold on tight!” – has become lethal.

LOL!!  TIME TO  MOVE ONWARD INTO THE PRESENT FUTRE BY LETTING GO OF THE PAST. THIS IS THE WAY TO TRANSFORMATION. How is this showing up for me personally? PAINFULLY, BECAUSE I DID NOT WANT TO LET GO and leave behind what has been the biggest part of my music career, since it’s inception; MAKING THAT MOVE AWAY FROM THE REGGAE WORLD  TO THE WORLD OF DEVOTIONAL WORLD MUSIC. Since 2014, each time that I have made the determination to focus on a different authentic spiritual genre of music, 3 times, I have been distracted by another Reggae opportunity, and three times, I have experienced some form of violation and/or assault/harassment. I almost entered into yet a fourth Reggae relationship just as the 3 rd one ended, and said NO after thinking about it for a week! WHEW!! This is very sad, become I LOVE Reggae. However, the Reggae Environment is not safe for me. Has been this way for at least a decade, which is why I rarely perform. The Devotional Spiritual music scene is where I belong, and now going to focus on this. Not ruling out fantastic wholesome Reggae Opportunities, however,  I am no longer seeking them or producing them….This woman is certainly NOT going to play keyboards for someone singing songs about Pussy and Pum Pum!! (Can you even imagine this happening?????)

from astrology king.com 

With natal Pluto retrograde you may have difficulty transforming your life due to fear of letting go. The internalization process of retrogrades can slow you bringing your intense drives and needs to the surface. You will probably have difficulty expressing your personal power and influence.

Depending on the particular past life conditions, you may have a fear of death, poverty, manipulation, torture, imprisonment, being committed to a mental institution, exile or betrayal. Power and control issues may also involve the psychic realms, sex and inheritance.

Pluto retrograde 2018 is ideal for taking a direct, even aggressive approach to dealing with your Pluto retrograde power and control issues. Unleash your inner warrior and confidently stand up for your rights if you have been dominated or abused. Intense determination, willpower and fighting spirit will help you overcome adversity, addiction or illness. Using the power of your mind you can transform a personal crisis into a success story. Miracles are possible.

Looking ahead…
Uranus Rx August 7, 2018 – January 6, 2019 Sidereal Aries HERU TAMET AMON
The Hero and Rebel must become the Witnessing Consciousness in order to Defeat Set.Take Inner Actions, make inner changes that result in huge shifts in outer reality.notes from astrology king.com:

But retrograde motion does affect Uranus. It seems to make it harder to restrain the erratic and impulsive urges of Uranus. This could show as abruptness, aloofness or an agitating nature. Retrograde motion can also internalize the disruptive, electric energy of Uranus, This could lead to nervous anxiety, spasms, neurotic behavior or rapid personality changes.

Uranus at its best is intuitive, ingenious and original. A healthy Uranus is eccentric yet comfortable in self-expression. But Uranus retrograde makes it harder to be yourself without causing distress to yourself or others. Uranus retrograde may also have some association with autism and Asperger’s Syndrome.

Often the changes you seek are to allow more personal freedom. Whatever the case, Uranus retrograde lets you process things internally before you manifest the external change once Uranus turns direct.

Another possibility is that you have been disruptive and rebellious, trying to force radical change. Whether your revolution was based on ignorance or the innocence of youth, Uranus retrograde will bring higher self-awareness and insights about the error of your ways. A period of less chaotic internal changes should follow.

As quoted earlier, Retrograde Periods are times to turn inwards, not times to avid conflict or discomfort. If your computer crashes during the Portal of Djejhuty Opening, then it is time to reset and reorganize your system. It is an opening for communication and technology to resolve themselves or to be resolved. I liked what the author said about everything with re: recycling, re-inventing, renewing, refreshing, etc. So let’s take a brief REVISIT of this REVIEW and look through the Eyes of the Neteru! Revison, Reflect, Retrospect, this is fun!Retrograde Recommended Prescription: RxRx Take Daily, in every Waking Moment,
with Gratitude and Love.Mars Sidereal Capricorn. Set Hupeneius.
Break Free of Internal Limitations. Freedom from Fetters of Set. Stop waiting or searching for someone to rescue you; FREE YOURSELF, BY CONQUERNG LOWER EGO AND LOWER NATURE. Remember, Heru always defeats Set! It takes awhile, several battles. But in the end, the Divine Rules over all low level vibrations.Neptune Sidereal Aquarius NebtHet KuUrKu
Putting House In Order: Spiritual, Mind, Inner Temple Space. Letting go of clutter: unwanted unnecessary, outdated thoughts, values, desire, habits, ways, methods, concepts. Attachments. Past Life Triggers bring things into light so that they can be identified and released. TRIGGER RELEASE. CONTINUALLY. If it looks like it, feels like it, end it and get rid of the triggered emotions that resurfaced.BIT DO NOT REPEAT! LOL!!! Change actions, change response, get new present and future. THIS REMEDY HAS EXPIRED. PAST THE EXPIRATION DATE, THROW IT OUT.Jupiter Sidereal Libra PiCheus Maat MAAT EXPANSION WITHIN.
Shift Perception to See that Maat Is In Everywhere You Are, even if, especially when, you do not like it or think it is Just. View the situation with Eyes of Maat! Not your own. Then you will see the Maat Expansion that starts in your life, expand to the entire world. It begins within, not in some decree from an unjust shitstem. Heart must be Light as the Feather of Maat, not weighed down with coulda woulda shoulda. Surrender to Divine Will, not forcing own perception which is limited, onto the situation or other person. This takes a tremendous amount of Trust, Faith Courage and Detachment. Let’s be Real, ONE MUST BE ENLIGHTENED IN ORDER TO EXPERIENCE THIS LEVEL OF MAAT EXPANSION.Vesta Sidereal Ophiuchus IMHOTEP
Intense healing and purification of the Inner Flame: remain true to Self when put to the test. Feels like being burnt alive, yet never giving or in. Responding from truth and integrity no matter what is going on in environment. Even if no one is standing with you. Of course, someone is! This is about your identity, what you will stand for: MAAT!  Especially potent time for healing from past violations. Let them go. Fire BreathsSaturn Sidereal Sagittarius GEB ASAR REPHAN PIMAERE
Death and Rebirth: Transformation of the Soul through The Karmic Journey of  Wisdom.
Set boundaries, only focus on what makes your soul sing. If it does not bring you joy, it is taking you in a direction that you are not meant to travel. Time to say farewell and keep it moving. If it don’t feel right, it ain’t right. If you hold on, will experience more pain and loss. In other words, don’t wait for the 4th red flag. First red flag, speak up. if it cannot change, then GET OUT. Stop trying to save the whole world, and focus on saving yourself, this will make the world a better place, and will happen in your lifetime!  In fact, it can happen instantly. Remember the switch: TURN ON ALL THE LIGHT THAT YOU WANT, AND KEEP THE THINGS YOU DON”T WANT TURNED OFF.Pluto Sidereal Sagittarius ASAR ASAR PIMAERE.
One door closes, another opens. Death can also mean Birth. But the attachment to the past must die so the present future can live. It is a battle that must be won, and the way to victory is to let go. And be grateful for what we already have, rather than trying to hold onto past and reach for the future at the same time…Uranus Sidereal Aries HERU TAMET AMON
Take Inner Actions, make inner changes that result in huge shifts in outer reality. Fight the Inner Battle and Win, and you will see everything else shift to match your new reality.And of course, Mercury Retrograde/Portal of Djehuty Opens JULY 26!!!Preparing this analysis has been most enjoyable. It caused me to look and to laugh at myself, attitude and behavior, especially over the past few weeks, when it FELT like all of these forces were literally squishing me down into a tiny box, and I could not see the way out. It felt like I was about to give up on everything. Especially the Identity Crisis, Values and Standards that I have held close for decades, healing from Rape and Violation, in this lifetime and past lifetimes. ALL AT ONCE. The entire Planet is also going through these changes, and the #metoo movement is not slowing down. #MMIW is not slowing down. As  the Hopi Prophecy States: “TO LIVE IN THIS TIME IS A GREAT HONOR. IT’S ALSO THE MOST DIFFICULT TIME TO BE LIVING IN. GREAT PURIFICATION OF ALL THINGS”. Even in the darkest moments, there was  tiny spark of Trust that would somehow break through: BELIEVE IT OR NOT, THIS HAS BEEN A NEW EXPERIENCE FOR ME. Now that I have seen this analysis, I feel ready for a GREAT NEW DAY. This report comes at the perfect moment for re-alignment: Summer Solstice, Kemetic New Year July 21/Sirius Rising July 23, and even my EarthDay August 5. Must also acknowledge Sacred Second Saturn Return.I have started seeing these Energetic Attachments as Fractal Patterns, and looking forward to learning more about shifting these patterns directly with COSMIC SOUND HEALING from KemeTones. Please stay tuned and watch the accompanying video with the interpretation,  tones and chants that correspond to this HeruScopes Analysis. I know this report contains a great deal of info, but what did you expect when there are 6 planets retrograde at the same time? Now we know why things are so craaaaaazzzzzeeee and have can formulate a strategy about how to rise to the challenge. Watch the video to see how this all comes together….

UPDATE 07-06-18:

THIS JUST IN!CHIRON RETROGRADE JULY 4-DECEMBER 8 2018! Time for the Wounded Healer to Turn Within and HEAL THY SELF. This is indeed a most profound Portal Opening for Healers. I am still blown away that it went retro shortly after this initial posting. EVEN THAT IS RETRO!!Also, at the time of this posting, The Moon is also in PiCot Sahu, Sidereal Pisces, Ruled by Neptune, associated with NebtHet at HeruScopes.It is deeply profound due to the Myth of Chiron, the Wounded Healer that could heal everyone except himself. NOW WE HAVE THIS PORTAL OPENING TO DIG DEEP and bring about tremendous healing for ourselves, and for the entire world. Past lives, ancestral healing, family healing, you name it, It is all possible during this Chiron Retrograde/Portal Opening. Even more incredible is that this portal opened on a day celebrated for Liberation, and closes during the time of Imhotep/Sidereal Ophiuchus, both associated with Healing.NOW is a most auspicious  TIME TO BE A HEALER., AND TO BE HEALED.

From spirit daughter.com

When retrograde, he slows us down and urges us to look into our tender areas to find their true source, which may be from another lifetime.

Legend has it Chiron was the wisest of the centaurs, whose tale is not a pleasant one. He was abandoned by both parents (his father was Saturn) only later to get struck by an arrow in a “wrong place, wrong time” scenario. The wound caused by the arrow, thrown by his friend Hercules, never healed. Chiron was forced to live with his wound and his pain. Being immortal, not even death could be his relief. Chiron was a silver lining type of guy though, and found ways to work around his wound. In learning to live with, and accept, his pain, he was able to teach others how to accept theirs. Generally, unless their pain came from Hercules’ arrow, this acceptance healed them. This is why Chiron is known as the wounded healer, he had the power to heal those who were fortunate enough to cross his path. His journey ended when Hercules struck a deal with Zeus and Chiron was finally freed from his pain.

The moral of Chiron′s story is that he suffered great wounds in his life through no fault of his own. In many ways Chiron was a victim, but since he was a demigod he never allowed himself to play the victim role. He lived with strength, wounds and all. His energy teaches us to accept our trauma as part of us, a part that has made us the person we are, good or bad. As long as we like ourselves, the wounds can be healed. Furthermore by not becoming a victim, and falling pray to self-pity, we retain the power to heal ourselves. Healing is no one else’s job but our own. Through this ownership, we can learn to find strength in our pain, and acknowledge it as part of our life plan – even the shitty stuff, which was no fault of our own. It all has made us the unique, amazing individual we are, and furthermore has given us wisdom to help others.

And last but not least, here is the accompanying video from Kemetones: Cosmic Sound Healing. Tuning Forks, Chimes, Chanting and Singing! Watch and like on yotube:https://youtu.be/o5FgC-GQbNYplaceholder://OnenessTchiya Amet El Maat

From First Base to Rape

In response to an article by Teresa Jusino:

What Aziz Ansari’s “Apology” Says About How Men View Their Encounters With Women


This is a very interesting article, because it deals with first base that unfortunately some men take to mean home run. Even at my age and after all I have experienced, even saying “take it slow”, “I really like you, but lets wait til we get to know each other better”, “let’s go to couples counseling before going further,” things can still go too fast. Even if you say “not now”, the very thing you do not want, is what you get. Then you are stuck with trying to transform this violation into a relationship. But in reality, it was a violation. It will always feel like a violation. No matter how much you like the person, no matter how pleasurable, it was still against your wishes…. and can never give you a real relationship.

What do we as women have to do before our feelings wishes intentions are heard and respected? Obviously keeping women covered from head to toe does not make things better. Why does kissing, dancing, affection, a conversation, an energetic connection or attraction, a glass of wine or a beer, a glass of water, give a man the right to TAKE what could eventually be offered with love, integrity and consciousness? Why is this behavior accepted tolerated and yet not discussed? Why are people looking forward to movies where this scene is played out over and over but not addressed in society? Why are rapists in public office? Making movies? Running planetariums and talking about the Cosmos on television? Because we live in a #rapeculture . Because the average person is addicted to violence and enjoys the privilege of convenience that comes about due to the suffering of others. Because the average spiritually enslaved person is so jaded, so disconnected from Spirit that they are able to block out the pain of their global family members. Do we need to take a witness or a referee when we decide to be alone with a man?

Basically, we go against ourselves in that moment out of fear of what that boy will do if you actually punch him or kick him or just keep saying no. He could get angry, or stop talking to you altogether. If he is not hearing you, then maybe you go along with it so that he will stop HARASSING you, or might you get raped, or end up dead. Sometimes after reporting rape, especially if it was by a celebrity, it gets much worse and you end up dead at the hands of authorities trying to keep you silent like #MistyUpham. Or maybe you just accept a glass of water, with no interest in sex or affection, and because you have been rendered unconscious, are not even in a position where you can say, ” No way in hell do I want to have sex with you. You are ugly and gross. Do not touch me.”

I want you to see that it only takes one second to go from “Not Tonite” to DEAD ON ARRIVAL, because we cannot control men once the monster in them has been activated. This is what needs to change, from birth, we need to raise boys to be Actual Men, not predators. But these days, sexual predators control every aspect of the game in this rape culture. For Women, there is nowhere to run. Fortunately in this day and time, for Rapists and Sexual Predators, there is nowhere to hide either.

For more info,

End the Silence, End the Violence Chapter 6: Austin, Texas 1983-1984: I Survived RAPE by Neil de Grasse Tyson; The Blue Lotus Speaks!


The Blue Lotus Speaks Chapter 5: OBERLIN FUCKING COLLEGE




Tchiya Amet El Maat

Who is the Blue Lotus and why does she speak? The Blue Lotus is the Collective Consciousness of All the Sadness and Sense of Loss from The Womb that holds the memories and stories of My Bloodline and all of My Past Lives. It is the Voice of ALL Wombs that know violation. She is Speaking because she can no longer carry the pain and it must be released. This Voice, This Song must be heard. She sings in Ancient Tongues and Languages. She brings Healing and Consciousness that becomes the Oneness. Hotep

HeruScopes©: Raising Sexual Assault Awareness, and Healing from it, is in the Stars!


Today is December 2, 2014.


When the Imhotep Portal is open, November 30-December18, when the Sun is in Ophiuchus, there is a tremendous opportunity for healing, growth, and enlightenment. The effects of this can be felt globally. When one is also aligned with the cosmic forces known as Sedna and Chiron during this time, the healing potential is enhanced and increased. In 2014, the spotlight is on SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS. I refer to this as SAA. Saa is a Kemetic term for Knowledge with Feeling. Wisdom with Understanding.


Sun in Ophiuchus FROM ASTROLOGY13.COM


Ophiuchus is the 13th constellation along the ecliptic, the 13th sign of the Zodiac of the HeruScopes© and other sidereal systems. For more information  on Ophiuchus, visit
Celestial Wisdom: True Zodiac has 13 Signs. Is Ophiuchus in your chart?

The sidereal astrologers use the actual motions of the Sun and Planets along the ecliptic. The Western or Babylonian system is completely man made, and is based upon the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, having nothing at all to do with stars . Except for the Sun of course!.They simply named each section of the earth’s orbit around the Sun after a constellation along the ecliptic, leaving out Ophiuchus.

HeruScopes© is an original sidereal system, coming from a Kemetic perspective. Kemet is the Ancient African Egyptian (Indigenous to Nubia and Nile Valley) name for the land, culture, and her people. HeruScopes © Handbook and Guide 2014 for details.

Why do I state that Ra Imhotep is an opening for global healing and sexual assault awareness? Don’t we officially have the month of April to address sexual assault?

You can view the original post on this subject from the New Moon in Scorpio from last week:

The Blue Lotus Speaks: HeruScope© for Ip Sesheta
(Sidereal Scorpio New Moon) 2014


Let’s take a momemt and review the HeruScope for this portal:

Om Ra Imhotep.

At HeruScopes,The Cosmic Force known as Imhotep represents the ability of humankind to heal and rise above our lower nature, especially our sexual nature. To rise above the sting of passion and desire that Scorpio can bring. To elevate our consciousness.

Rho Ophiuchi


In the illustration below, Ophiuchus is seen to be wrestling with a snake between his legs. This represents the ability of humanity to become untangled from our lower nature.  This is symbolized even further by the Hero stomping on the back of the Scorpion, thus stamping out the lower nature, such as oassions and desires. In other words, the fetters of Set, the Ego.



Imhotep has his own symbology, that is still used for the healing arts and professions to this day: The Caduceus. The Dual Snakes represent Aset and Nebt Het, the dual Goddesses of Truth of above and below, Heaven and Earth. They are cosmic forces that are here to assist us as we obtain Nehast, Spiritual Enlightenment.





Heru son of Aset and Asar, and Djehuty making adorations to the Djed-Pillar representing Asar from the coffin of the God’s Father of Amon and Priest of Hermonthis, NespanetjerenpeRa, 945-718 bc, now in the Brooklyn Museum



Aritu (Chakras) and Caduceus Relationship










Once we are able to take control of our lower nature, purify and activate our Aritu, our Chakras, thanks to Ra Imhotep, we now focus our intention and our attention to the other cosmic forces that are present during this Portal Opening of SAA.


OM SESHETA  APIS:  Full Moon on December 6 in Sidereal Taurus.

from the old farmer’s almanac

“December’s Full Moon is called the Full Cold Moon. It is the month when the winter cold fastens its grip and the nights become long and dark.

This full Moon is also called the Long Nights Moon by some Native American tribes.

The Moon is full on December 6 at 7.27 am est”

Time for building nurturing and healing systems for our communities. Initiating Self Care Practices. This is an excellent time to write in one;’s journal. If you do not currently have one, this is the time to begin.

The Moon is in Taurus from December 5 thru December 7. It will spend a few hours in ASAR (ORIION), leading the way for transformation and rebirth. Renewal.

Mercury in Ophiuchus December 3 thru 14, then moves on to PI MAERE (Sagittarius).

Powerful time for communications about healing. Standing in your Truth, and Speaking your Truth. At this moment, I am overcome with intense emotions and devotional feelings and living in awe at the harmony and synchronistically of the Divine. The alignment is beyond weds or description. I will just post a few images and move on….


Mercury djehuty caudecus

#EndTheSilence  #BeenRapedNeverReported  #BlueLotusSpeaks


To learn more about Djehuty, visit

HeruScopes © Handbook and Guide 2014

HeruScopes © Celestial Update: Aspolia 2014 Full Moon and The Portal Of Djehuty

End the Silence, End the Violence Chapter 6: Austin, Texas 1983-1984, including Neil de Grasse Tyson; The Blue Lotus Speaks!

Dua to my Spiritual Preceptors, Sebai Maa and Seba Dja.
Here is another resource at egyptianyoga.om

HETHERU IMHOTEP Even Venus is in Ophiuchus now, up until the end of the Fiull Moon, December 7.

More confirmation that now is the time to raise awareness, understanding and knowledge about the issue of rape and Sexual Assault. HetHeru, the Great Goddess of Beauty and the Life Force Energy. The Divine Mother Calling out to us for Healing in alignment with the Sun, Mercury and the communications we will receive during this Cold yet Nurturing Full Moon this weekend.


RaPhan Maat

learning lessons in life by either aligning with Maat, or going against Maat. There are 2 Roads in Life, which one will Humanity choose? RIGHTEOUSNESS OR UNRIGHTEOUSNESS? WISDOM AND ENLIGHTENMENT OR IGNORANCE? Where is the Justice Of Maat. Even if it is the Ariyu or Karma, or Soul Contract of the people involved, THAT DOES NOT MAKE IT RIGHTEOUS IN THIS TIME. Then again, all is in Divine Right Order. Very difficult to comprehend this one….

PiCheus Sekhmet for rest of month and beyond.
Wisdom and Expansion in the areas of Healing and the Life Force energy. Learning how to tame and control our own Sekhemn or Kundalini. Learning about our own healing abilities.

Heru PiCot Sahu
Making  efforts and taking courageous action to save water:  What should be our most cherished resource on Earth, is sadly, our most misused. Both Emotions and Higher consciousness are activated and utilized for the highest good.. Even going so far as taking heroic stance against corruption.

Heru/Uranus, represnts the Hero. Heroine i all of us. Each one of us is the Shero/Hero of our OWN myth.

What does Water symbolize? The Divine Feminine. The Goddess. The Womb. Yemaya.  Now that we are in Ophiuchus, aligned with a potent healing energy. NOW IS THE TIME TO RAISE AWARENESS AND ADDRESS THE ISSUE OF SEXUAL ASSAULT. RAPE. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. And not only raise awareness, but also, how to heal from it, and how to prevent. Education.

Asar Pi Maere
Through Mid-December and beyond.
Transformation is achieved through expansion, beyond any preconceived notions, opinions, limitations, or beliefs.

Chiron KuUrKU
Self healing through the power of water. How ironic: the water that can heal we the people is the thing the corporations enjoy destroying the most. This is the time to heal the water and to protect the water. Now is the time to learn and gain knowledge from the water. Chiron is in the sign of KuUrKu until  December 25, then moves into PiCot Sahu, another watery sign. During this time,  emotions , energy in motion, can be healed and purified,  with water, and vice versa.  Yes, remembering the work of Dr. Emoto and the effect we can have on water.

Sedna Apis
Sedna is the archetype for survivor of assault and family violence. Turning poison into medicine. Sedna: represents overcoming Trauma and betrayal through self love and forgiveness. Fortunately, with the energy of Apis, we are loved, nurtured, adaptable, eloquent, and establishing value. WE have along time to work with this energy, so let’ do this! All the signs are pointing to this time as being the time for facing and heralding from sexual assault. Find a way to transform the predominant culture from a rape culture to a healing culture. This is what Imhotep/Ophiuchus is all about: a shift in humanity towards natural healing and confronting and conquering our lower sexual nature. NOW IS THE TIME!!!


from falcon astrology.com

“Here is what Dr. Kathleen Jenks says about Sedna. “When victimization moves to the goddess-level as it does with Sedna, (it) signals us that there’s an extra depth of compassion for the abused. It also tells us that this goddess-archetype has the wherewithal to make a difference and empower that person whose (planets) are resonating with Sedna’s sphere of power. Sedna may come to represent an extreme terrain of the unconscious, one where issues of power, authority and respect for life do not separate from a respect for oneself.”

Sedna was discovered on November 14th, 2003 at 17 Taurus 58. Hapi Anniversary!!!!


ASTEROIDS: raising awareness of the Divine Feminine Principle.

Aset/Ceres in Imhotep until December 30: The Divine Mother is the Ultimate Healer and Nurturer.

Maat/Pallas Athena in Uraeus/ Serpens,  until Mid-December: dealing with one’s sexual nature, health. The serpent also represents the twin goddesses, Aset and Nebt Het. There is so much symbolism with the Uraeus, that I cannot go into right now…The Uraeus is associated with the energy of Virgo due to the proximity. Balance in consciousness of the material realm and the spiritual realm.  Being aware of both realities at the same moment.

Juno is in another serpent, the water serpent, Hydra!
More messages and confirmation that this is a time of healing from sexual assault, and obtaining Justice in the process.

Vesta:  Pi Maere
Time for expanding our relationships, possibly leading to travel. or taking on leadership roles.



This weekend, with the Full Moo in Sidereal Taurus, and so many signs in Ophiuchus, provides the perfect opportunity for healing rituals dealing with the Chakras, the Womb, the Divine Feminine, and Water. Healing for all that have been affected by the #rapeculture that has taken over this planet. The Continuous Raping of Mother Earth and all of Her children. Including Mike Brown, and his mother and family. Including each one of us.. Offer your prayers for healing for all survivors of rape, seal assault, and domestic violence.



Thank you for talking the time to soak in this wisdom and information. My intention is that you will spend sometime in reflection and prayer during the Full Moon. And if you are on your healing journey, may this also bring you alignment, comfort and peace.
Also, please ask to join the Facebook group: Blue Lotus Speaks. 


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Cosmic Sound Healing Mailing List


M Mer N Khut. Hotep. Tchiya Amet El Maat, S.E.