Coming out of a Cave after Mercury Retrograde with the New Moon in Ophiuchus.


Udja. Good Rising Great Awakenings, Grand Openings and Closings.

First allow me to my express gratitude for these HeruScopes and Good Rising TV reports. And for those of you that actually follow them. They really are all about self care and global healing. I am so very grateful for the wisdom, music, and healing that comes through. Although it is very time consuming due to low wifi, this work is so worth it Especially when I reflect on the unfolding of events that occurred last week. These reports also show how the energies are played out in our reality. Last week, with Mercury Retrograde in Ophiuchus, and even before that when the Moon lined up with Sirius and Orion, I knew that something truly magical was about to happen. I was in fact preparing myself to “go to battle” with a former partner involving the festival called Reggae Wellness. I was literally giving my self a tune-up, to prepare to speak out and stand in my truth. I had no idea how far and wide my voice would travel back then.

If you are at all interested, please take a moment to watch the previous videos, the earlier HeruScopes Analyses, Then read the news articles about the Rape Case and watch the news reports, on the story of my personal trauma, and healing journey, about the need to be heard and listened to. in fact, just do a search for #endthesilence #bluelotusspeaks or just search tyson at my website for more info on the early chapters of this healing journey. So what is this, chapter 13?

This HeruScopes Analysis for the New Moon in Ophiuchus contains an update to my very first blogpost on this issue. So, I will start there,. Then after I have posted all of the pertinent links to articles from various media sources that covered the story, will begin the HeruScopes Analysis for the New Moon in Ophiuchus, along with Mercury Direct update as well. The Analysis will later be accompanied by a video featuring KemeTones Self Care with Tuning Forks, Global Prayer with Cosmic Chimes, Chanting and Singing for Ancient African Adorations: Devotional World Music all in alignment with the HeruScopes 13 Month Sidereal Kemetic Astrology Reading.

One Portal Closes, Another Door Opens:

Retrogrades are referred to portal openings and closings. I have written at length about Portal Of Djehuty Openings here on this blog and many HeruScopes reports. This one is about Venus Direct and Mercury Retrograde. The Good Rising TV Videos are posted on that page, and here as well…

And here are the Good Rising TV Videos from that time, leading up to the incredible media adventure that soon followed…

Healing Sounds for Mercury Retrograde

Here are the pertinent articles and news videos

End the Silence, End the Violence Chapter 6: Austin, Texas 1983-1984: I Survived RAPE by Neil de Grasse Tyson; The Blue Lotus Speaks!

I posted an update about my healing: 

About the Concert for Tchiya Amet Day June 7 2014 in Austin Texas

In January 2016, i retweeted my post during the #astrosh movement. Azeen Ghorayshi from buzzfeed reached out to me and went on to write an article in 2018 after an extensive investigation. The only other writer/blogger/ or scientist that spoke out publicly was Hontas Farmer who showed and expressed enormous support throughout the entire journey. This is the first article of many from this Quantum Gravity

Neil DeGrasse Tyson Accused of Rape: #astroSH Was Mainly Silent.

Time travel forward to November 2018.

During Portal of Djehuty Opening/ Mercury Retrograde

Exclusive: Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Rape Exclusive: Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Rape Accuser Gives First Public Interview

This article contains video of an interview by David McAfee. This is his second article on the case. He was once a huge fan of Tyson…

Last Day of Mercury Retrograde in Ophiuchus

Two More Women Accuse Neil deGrasse Tyson of Sexual Misconduct

This article is also by David McAfee. My story got zero attention until these two brave souls spoke out. I pray that they have received as much healing as I have as a result of their actions.

Neil deGrasse Tyson Breaks Silence, Denies Sexual Misconduct Accusations

His facebook post made him look so much worse than he already did.

Mercury Direct

In A Crowded Theater, She Accused Neil DeGrasse Tyson Of Rape. Eight Years Later, Her Story Is News

Bill Bradley at focused his report on the confrontation at the Palace of Fine Arts in April 2010 on National Sexual Assault Awareness Day.

Nobody Believed Neil deGrasse Tyson’s First Accuser. Now There Are Three More

This article is by Azeen Ghorayshi, at She conducted a very thorough investigation that lasted almost 3 years. She is the woman that broke the #astrosh story about sexual harassment in astronomy departments. I am so grateful to her and her staff for seeing and listening to me as I chose to stand in my truth. She did an excellent job telling all of our stories.

Neil deGrasse Tyson Rape: Fox and Nat Geo Must Have Known.

From Quantum Science Hontas Farmer

Fourth woman accuses Neil deGrasse Tyson of sexual assault, claiming he groped her after drunkenly propositioning her at a museum party in New York

New Moon


Chicago woman who accused Neil deGrasse Tyson of sexual assault shares her story

NBC Today Show

Neil deGrasse Tyson accused of sexual misconduct by multiple women

Sexual Misconduct Allegations Against Neil deGrasse Tyson Reveal the Complexity of Academic Inequality

Scientific American. A post by a Black Female Physicist. Many are bringing to light the loss of a career and of a dream. Loss of Income. This is the current phase of healing. Acceptance of what is no longer and will never be.

Neil deGrasse Tyson and the Careers That Weren’t

The Atlantic

Neil deGrasse Tyson: Proved Scientist Are Not Infallible. A Learned Opinion.

Quantum Scoence

I know that some people cannot take me seriously because of all the ancestral and celestial resources and references. This goes against their own beliefs and spiritual practices. But what does that have to do with rape?

The news broke on the last day of Mercury Retrograde. The TV News videos were taped December 6, the first night of the New Moon. Also would have been 32nd wedding anniversary for the marriage that was affected by the rape. At the moment of the preparation of this report, The Sun and Moon are In Ophiuchus, and Mercury is Direct in Libra.

This very long report will serve as a reminder and testimonial to us all about the healing power of the sacred word when aligned with the Cosmos. The chants that cane thru were very helpful in moving through all of these communications and revelations. I am humbled by and in awe of the synchronicity.

People ask why did I take so long? It took so long because my throat chakra ( in Kemet, known as Aritu or Sefech Ba Ra) had been closed down due to all of the trauma. The creativity chakra and throat chakra are connected. When we are traumatized, we are in effect, silenced. Sometimes it takes decades to heal the womb chakra and so it takes that long to speak. Every single body, every single light being trapped in a watery encasement, vibrates at different frequencies, so recovery times cannot, should not, must not be compared, only observed. But when judgement is projected, the healing environment is no longer safe. Once I had done a significant amount of clearing energy blocks in both my womb and throat chakra, in alignment with the cosmos, the healing process reached a climax and resulted in a breakthrough. Rape and assault also affect the Root Chakra, which is what connects us to the Earth, it is the Grounding Force. When imbalanced, this affects our sense of stability, security and financial freedom. When this chakra is brought into alignment, abundance, prosperity and bountifulness can at last be experienced.

How did I find the courage? It was either my life or his. I was ready to kill myself and so obviously, I chose to live, and stop protecting my rapist and all of his fans. To be an authentic healer, I had to be able to discuss my own trauma with transparency. Up until recently, I still carried the fear of what would happen if he found out that I had told anyone. So I just decided to speak instead of remaining silent. To live instead of dying slowly day by day.

In addition to all the yoga, prayers, meditation, energy dancing to eliminate blockages and toxins, hours of Ho’oponopono (Ancient Indigenous Hawaiian Spiritual Technology of Forgiveness), Therapy, gallons of Chamomile Tea ( Calming and Soothing) and Red Raspberry Leaf Tea ( for Womb Wellness) writing in my journal, the Trip of 2014 ( visited scene of crime, put on an event to draw attention to the issue of sexual assault on college campuses, visiting a shelter, visiting the Astronomy Department, swimming in the healing waters of the Hill Country around Austin, Tx, and filing the police report), ten day fast. ( which was supposed to be 40 days, and was actually a cover-up for attempted suicide…), training for and participating in a half marathon race, traveling to sacred sites as on a pilgrimage seeking enlightenment and healing not just as a tourist, “Sacred Woman” work with Queen Afua, decades of therapy, practicing Japanese Buddhism for 20 years, recording and performing Reggae and World Music Artist for over 30 years, what has brought the MOST transformative healing to my life has been Music ( naturally!), Sound Healing and Egyptian Yoga: studying the Teachings of Shetaut Neter and working with Dr. Muata Ashby and Dr. Karen Dja Ashby. In fact, it has been the super powerful combination of all three in these Good Rising TV episodes that has really created an opening for me to climb out of the tower of emotions and cave of darkness that has silenced me for years. Decades. These practices have allowed me to let go of attachments, let go of judgement, let go of the illusions of the material world. Let go of anger and frustration. Let go of the pain. Let go of fear. Let go of people that I no longer need to know. Enabled me to stand in my truth without crying, without fear. In fact I am learning how to use fear as a weapon to pierce through the veil of illusion and be victorious. I now look for the Gift in Every Adversity, am learning how to Turn Poison Into Medicine. And have finally stopped seeking justice in a world of corruption.

As for the rape case with Mr. Tyson, at this New Moon, there is a New Attitude. I have let go of physical pain, (2005-2010). I have faced my fear of him finding out that I knew it was a rape. I am now free to discuss my healing journey with others, free to explain why I dropped out of grad school because it is now public record. I first spoke my truth publicly in 2010, then again in 2014. Finding my voice, my power. This empowered me to let go of emotional pain. I achieved my goal of finding others that experienced his brutality and wickedness in 2018.

The next phase of this process will be healing from the loss: loss of career(s): my Astronomy career was ended like a miscarriage, and because my Reggae Music Career ended with my marriage. I once tried to keep it going, but whatever was, is over and now something else must take its place. Loss of income, loss of my marriage, loss of relationship with oldest daughter, the loss of my Mother also in 2010. in fact all relationships have been affected because of the loss of trust in humanity. Especially men. I now have trust in My Self and in the Divine that exists within all of us, all life. But as far as individuals go, those days are long gone. At any moment, someone can come out of a bag on you and cause destruction. Can lie, steal. Yes they can love, but hopefully, that doesn’t hurt! Lol! I have learned to stop trusting people and rather be prepared for them to betray, deny, cheat, rob, or violate. No one in human form is free from suspicion. I have also learned to stop seeking justice in a world of corruption. And, I no longer accept things from men that I did not ask for: every time that I do, it ends in disaster.

From now on, preparing myself to respond to any situation while Being Enlightened. Striving to live as A Truly Peaceful Warrior. No longer seeking friends or any type of relationships unless they can help me achieve this goal. Otherwise, it is a distraction, put in place to keep me stuck in a material world of delusion ignorance violence and depravity.

This concludes the Update on the Healing Journey of Tchiya Amet that Began in 2005, Opened Up in 2010, Sprang Forth in 2014, Culminated during Mercury Retrograde and Reached a Plateau During the New Moon in November-December 2018, in Ophiuchus the 13th Zodiac, the Season of Imhotep.

Now for the HeruScopes

Here is the 13 Month Sidereal Astrology Chart for the New Moon in Ophouchus which happened on December 7 at 1:21 am cst. I thought I would be producing this analysis and accompanying video then. However, I was on the phone all morning with reporters and was being interviewed for television broadcasts late into the evening. I am looking to this analysis to shine light on what is to come for this Moonth ( Moon Cycle) Winter Solstice Alignment ( December 19-22 or around that time) and Sirius Culmination ( December 31). Letz Dive Right In! For more information, visit and download the HeruScopes Manual and Resource eGuide for reference.

Letz Begin with Imhotep, Ophiuchus.

Sun and New Moon in Ophiuchus. The Sun is in Ophiuchus from November 30-December 18.

Dua Ra Dua Sesheta M Imhotep.

Creativity Expressed, and Writing to bring about Purification and Healing. Well all of the communications that went on and revelations experienced while Mercury was Retrograde in Ophiuchus can now continue to do the healing work. Sesheta, representing the New Moon, New Beginnings, the Goddess of Writing and Record Keeping, of Math, Astronomy, Astrology, Engineering, Architecture and Sacred Geometry. In the sign of healing, until the Next New Moon, this will be the focus of creative outlets.

Jupiter is still in Scorpio, Observing and Expanding Our Purified Desires, see previous posts about this

However Mercury has moved on to Sidereal Libra, along with Ceres. Dua Djehuty Dua Aset M Maat. Maat is the Goddess of Truth, Justice, Balance, Order, Righteousness, Reciprocity, Harmony, etc. I have recorded and posted several songs and chants for this Cosmic Force over the years….some of them will be in the Good Rising TV session.

This alignment lights the way for communications and divine intuition and nurturing that brings Peace to your Life. That Restores Maat to the World. Perhaps an increased awareness and connection to the Cosmic Mind. Surrender to the Cosmic Will. Stay Close to the Goddess Aset that lives within your heart. Live With Maat. Stand For Maat. When living in tune with these Cosmic Forces, you can Trust that the Words coming out of your Mouth have been carefully selected and chosen by higher power, and that your words will be received by others as Lotus Blossoms for the Mind, leading us all to Enlightenment.

Dua HetHeru Dua Maat Dua Lilith M Aspolia. Venus, Pallas Athena and Lilith in Sidereal Virgo. Susan Harmon inspired me to begin including the Asteroid Lilith to these reports. She represents uncovering secrets and truths being revealed. Also referred to as the Dark Side of Femininity. Aspolia is illustrated by a Seed, and at HeruScopes, it signifies planting Seeds of Intention in the Garden pf Life. Planting Seeds if Love and Beauty, Loving What Is, Acceptance. Seeds of Maat: Taking Right Action will bear the Fruits of Maat. Maat Anu, Maat Ari. Right Relations, Right Partnerships. Not just with other people, having an authentic relationship with oneself, and also with the world, with society, with the environment and with the Earth. Taking actions today that will bring one into closer alignment with Maat with Truth. As for Lilith, Speaking Ones Truth Today will Reveal Hidden Lies that will lead to a Brighter Tomorrow for oneself and others.

Please remember, the whole point of HeruScopes is so we can align ourselves with the Movement of the Cosmic Forces, with the Ancestors, so that we can be victorious like Heru, in the Myth of Our Own Lives. So that We Can Win! There is a time for everything on Earth. When we can see beyond time, time becomes a tool we can use to create, rather than a weapon used to control and imprison us….

The other Planets have not really changed too much so will close for now.

Here is the Olmec Mayan reading for December 7, the Ophiuchus New Moon:

Of course my sign 10 Ix, meaning I that my life resonates with this Galactic Tone of 10. However, Ix is a Black Jaguar. That is another story…

And for Today December 8, the day of this posting…

I love how the Olmec/Mayan readings, which are Galactic, somehow manage to consistently summarize these cosmic planetary details. Which is why HeruScopes personal analyses always end this way….

Stay tuned for the Good Rising TV session with KemeTones Cosmic Sound Healing Self Care and Global Prayers with Devotional World Music: Ancient African Adorations


Tchiya Amet El Maat


Arit Neter S Mery Maati

A Side Note: You may have noticed that I am going through a name “uplevel”re-branding etc name change. A few years before the news story broke, I could not find easily find my music, articles, wellness products or anything at my own website with a simple google search. Only articles that were linked to the rape. Since I have embarked on a second musical journey that reflects the current spiritual path of Devotional World Music and Ancient African Adorations, I now use a Kemetic Name to refer to this music project and also Kemetic Research and Tchiya Amet for the Cultural Projects, Reggae-Fusion-Jazz, etc. You can read more about it in New Moon New Tune So now, you might see me listed as Arit Neter S Mery Maati aka Tchiya Amet El Maat. Same Light Being, simply operating at a Lighter Frequency.

Ho’oponopono and Venus Retrograde

Good Rising! Here is the video for Preparing for Venus Retrograde with Ho’oponopono.

I will be adding a video on October 5, which is the day that Venus goes Retrograde. Portal of HetHeru will be open from October 5, 2018 through November 16, 2018.

Of course you have been hearing about the Kavanaugh Hearing. This has been an opportunity for me to revisit my own #metoo story. After waking up feeling great sadness after watching the hearing, I have decided to start doing Ho’oponopono again.

For now, please watch the video, and will be back soon with more info. Here are a few images from the first video.


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and here are a few great links


New Moon New Tune!

The New Moon is always magical. Like starting over with a clean slate. When the girls were young, we observed the Hebrew Tradition of Rosh Hashanah, the Birthday of the World. Times have changed, the Girls are grown and have moved on. I have moved on as well. During this New Moon, I am making some Huge Changes! Kinda scary. Truly letting go of what no longer serves me: spiritually, energetically, traditionally, culturally, etc. Taking actions that will lead me to expressing my Authentic Self. It feels like I am still living to perfect the Woman that I was 28 years ago.

28 years ago, I was deep into my first Saturn Return Experience. It is a miracle that I survived. I changed my name during that time. It wasn’t really a change in meaning or vibration. Just a different frequency. Back then, I moved from Greek to Hebrew: from Staci Alison to Tchiya Amet. Both mean Rise Again Truth, which is the name of my first cd: Rise Again Truth. I wanted to honor my parents, so I simply translated into Hebrew.

Back in 2006, my first trip to Mexico was with Don Miguel da la Ruiz, the Master that wrote the Four Agreements for us. I later went on to write a song about them in Spanish:

During my time with him, I explained that although I really like my name, it feels like I am always dying and starting over and over, never really moving forward, continuous regeneration also means continuous death of something. He suggested that I drop the tchiya, and go by my middle name. At the time I thought, sounds perfect, but I had just changed my name to Tchiya 10 years prior, and had all of these reasons why I could ot. I tried a few times over the years to go by Amet, but it did not feel right.

Now, it has been an entire Saturn cycle of Tchiya and frankly, it feels like it does when your old car just won’t run anymore. As a friend once told me, “you can’t beat a dead horse.” This is how my life feels at the moment. I can keep going trying to patch up all the little things that are not coming together the way I want them to, OR, I can just up level, shift vibration and frequency and get into the flow, not necessarily going along with whatever, but fine-tuning with accuracy and precision, the vibration at which I truly desire to live out the rest of my life. And it certainly does not include fixing the life that i have been living for the past 28 years, because everything has changed since that moment in time.

Which brings me to The Music. It has been an excellent journey. However that journey has expanded and can no longer continue the way that it once was. Reggae has been wonderful for my consciousness, awakening, health, abundance, prosperity, even love. However, all of that has expanded too, and can no longer be contained or confined. So, although I will continue to write, sing, compose and enjoy reggae Music, I am no longer called to live at the standards of the Reggae Music Industry or even the Community. That vibration is now part of my past.  In fact, has been that way for while now, I just did not know how to move forward, or where. The Future and the Present  is ALL PURE LIGHT.

You may have noticed my music has moved into the genre of Devotional World Music. This features Original Roots Reggae of course,  Reggae Fusion Jazz,. It also includes Ancient African Adorations, which consists of Kemetic (Ancient Egyptian) Chanting and Singing, Medicine Wheel Music/Native Reggae, even Live Cosmic Jazz Improv.

Speaking of which, on September 8, I had the excellent fortune of performing Live Cosmic Jazz Improv with SuRa and the Side Pocket Experience. This event takes place every second Saturday of the month at the Silver Room, and I will be there singing and chanting to their live expressions of love and joy. It is pure heaven in sound. If you dig Sun Ra, you will love SuRa!

What about Reggae Wellness? That is going to have to simmer awhile. Things were out of alignment with who I am today in this moment. That must be the priority. So, the first step is getting my practice in order. The renovations at the apartment building will begin soon, and so during this New Moon Phase, I will be working on the website for the LIGHT BEING WELLNESS CENTER AND WELLNESS PRODUCTS. KemeTones,org., and will all be upgraded as well.

The final announcement for this New Moon is My Name. Yes, that is changing too. The vibration of the music has changed because I have changed so much, thanks to these past 4 years of intense healing, much letting go, lots of meditation and self care, etc. and it is time for my name to reflect this , and stop projecting the old energy and having the same experiences over and over again. Plus, I did not really change the vibration of my name, so it has been the same since birth. I will keep Tchiya Amet as the BRAND for my Reggae Music, and from henceforth, shall be known as Arit Neter S Mery Maati which means,

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You can just call me Arit! LOL!!

musicians 2  image-23

This announcement/moved is in alignment with my upcoming trip to Kemet in October, for a Musical Initiation. One of the highlights will  a visit to the Temple of Abu Simel, in Aswan, when the light shines on a statue of Ramses for 22 minutes. My research tells me that this is the actual date of the Equinox, instead of in September. And, the initiation will include offering a Concert on the Nile. You can learn more here:

Musical Initiatic Journey to Kemet


If this is too much for you, or too weird, no worries, I will always answer to Tchiya, just as I still answer to my childhood name. Just wanted to let you know in case you are wondering…..LOL!!!

Check out the HeruScopes Analysis for the New Moon, and you will see how my life mirror this report.


Arit Neter s Mery Maati
aka Tchiya Amet El Maat


UPDATE! Good Rising TV Announcement Video

Sekhmet Season 2018: Openings Closing

Good Rising Grand Openings Great Awakenings!

heruscopes banner

Portal Openings are Closing: Retrograde Season Winds Down during this Sekhmet Season. The Sun moved into Sidereal Leo a few days ago Dua Ra Sekhmet. An incredible month of creativity, healing, and warrior initiations.

Dua Ra Sekhmet Sun in Sidereal Leo among other alignments….

august 16.jpg

We are actually in the winding down phase of this amazing time of Portal Openings and  Eclipses. Has been really exciting and revealing. Empowering and Illuminating. 

NebtHet KuUrKu June 19-Nov 24  (Neptune Sidereal Aquarius)
Putting Spiritual House In Order: LET GO. Continuous Trigger, Release

PiCheus Maat closed July 10 (Jupiter in Sidereal Libra)
Maat Expansion, appears to be backwards, yet propelled forward. slingshot effect

Vesta Imhotep ( Vesta in Sidereal Ophiuchus)
Purification of INNER Flame, Identity, Spiritual Housework

RePhan Pi Maere Geb Asar ended August 6, this could be why my birthday felt so exceptional….I have Saturn In Capricorn sigh. (Saturn in Sidereal Sagittarius)
Set boundaries: only do what feels good to you AND leads you closer to enlightenment

Asar Asar (Pluto in Sidereal Sagittarius)
One door closes, another opens. must release the pain of the past to make room for future and present.  then help/teach others.

Set has moved into Asar/PiMaere while Rx June 26-August 27 (Mars in Sidereal Sag): having  broken  free of internal limitations, now time for Ego to guide and protect one’s inner being, as Set guides the Boat of Ra. Self Transformation. Self Realization. 

Chiron PiCot Sahu (Chiron in Sidereal Pisces)
Wounded Healer: Portal Opening to incredible SELF Healing, usually thought impossible. Accept

Djehuty Khepera July 26-August 19 (Mercury Sidereal Cancer)
Transformative Communications in Family Relations

Heru Tamet Amon August 7-January 6, 2019!!!!! (Uranus in Sidereal Aries)
Take inner actions to change outer reality

As most of these portals begin their closing phases, ie, go direct, it will feel the way it does at the end of Summer, with so many activities and special events, trying to get as much in before school starts and the weather changes. Well, that is how the intensity is showing up for us now. If you were being tested or receiving lots of “downloads” before, expect even more during these final days. Again, this does not necessarily mean “bad stuff” will happen. It means that now you have been through all of that training, your response will improve.When the shit hits the fan, you will rise higher, and feel lighter. Just flip on the TRUST switch and exhale. You have already let go of so much, you got this. By the end of August, things will have eased up a bit, providing for a period of smooth sailing until the next adversity appears to teach you another lesson. The Journey IS The Destination: ENLIGHTENMENT. 

Elsewhere, where things continue to move forward….

Sesheta HetHeru Aspolia (Moon and Venus in Sidereal Virgo)
Writing about the Beauty in Life is like planting seeds of Beauty in the Garden of Your Life. Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. Remember the power of the Goddess of Beauty, to tame her ego and remember her true nature, by listening to the Wisdom of the Cosmic Mind, instead of the Individual Mind. 

Once these Rx phases have closed, will investigate the Paths of Djehuty again. 

Truly Grateful and Enjoying Fully these Cosmic Sound Interpretations of the Movements of the Cosmic Forces, the perfect blend of HeruScopes, KemeTones and Ancient African Adorations, all bundled up in episodes from Good Rising TV. Finding ways to remain in alignment with the Neters is one of my passions. 

Here is the video of new #DevotionalWorldMusic #WorldDevotionalMusic #AncientAfricanAdorations BE ENLIGHTENED DUA SEKHMET

KemeTones Session

Retrograde Winds Down

It takes great courage to Trust, to Surrender to Divine Will, To Let Go of Attachments.  To Be Enlightened. We can use the Energy of Sekhmet, The Life Force Energy,  and the Will of hetHeru, The Power of the Life Force Energy to do this work. We absolutely MUST learn to MASTER these Cosmic Forces, not just know about them study them worship them, invoke them align with them, We must BECOME THEM.

One of my Beloved Teachers and Spiritual Guides has offered me much insight regarding the upcoming journey to Kemet for a Musical Initiation. Seba Dja, reminds me that any and all tools of spirituality, like oracles, tarot, divinations, readings, including Astrology, should never become a replacement for trusting one’s insight or Divine Intuition. That some people depend on tools like these and never learn to know or trust themselves. I find them to be very useful in maintaining order and awareness, like a natural energy GPS. I have dressed according to the planetary color of the Day, for decades, even choosing which foods to eat based on their color. I also use HoraWatch, an app that lets us know which planets/Cosmic Forces/Hindu gods and goddess are in exaltation and should be propitiated. She reminds me that even these tools must be let go of eventually. Even the Teachings! I only added that they are most useful and make life fun until one is ready to let go….

Anyway, in addition to learning more about being a Chantress in (Ancient/NOW) Kemet, during the pilgrimage in October,  we will also investigate if, how and why, the Ancient People of Kemet used Astrology system, rather than only knowing of the Greek perspective and uses. HeruScopes uses Kemetic Archetypes and Mythology, whereas Western Astrology only takes the Greek Mtths into account. Same with KemeTones and Acutonics. If there is a more direct source or approach, I want to find it. Hetep. 

Missing Misty Upham

Miisty Upham

Misty said to me “Dad, every time a rape victim comes forward to get justice they become the cause of the matter!” This was not the first time Misty was raped and harassed by an Executive/Producer/Director/Actor etc. And you know who you are!

She is wearing a Teal Blue Dress. Teal is the color for Sexual Assault Awareness. I don’t need to rewrite what has already been written. I have done what I do best, wrote a song about something that really touches my heart.  So that something positive can be done with the pain. But before you hear the song, read more about Missing Misty Upham.

Ellen Page today put out a statement about the humiliation she suffered at the hands of director Brett Ratner. Among the things she mentioned within her statement is the alleged rape of Misty Upham that her father Charles Upham posted about on Facebook on October 15.”

Here is his post:

The recent backlash with regard to Harvey Weinstein’s sexual allegations is blowing up like a NAPA Valley firestorm leaving a trail of victims in its wake. The smoke of this scandal can be seen through out the entertainment industry as many Hollywood insiders release a collective gasp. (Like you didn’t know this was going on!) The only thing bigger than the Weinstein media apocalypse is the hypocrisy that existed since the 1890’s when the casting couch, I mean movie camera was invented. Sure you now have found a sexual harassment poster boy in Weinstein that we can martyr to will ease the conscience of high society for a while. But this is not an isolated incident! This is an institutional problem that exists in in many Organizations and Corporate America including Religious Orders, Law Enforcement, Politics, Education, Federal, State and local Governments. The victims are not just women; they include men, elderly, mentally ill, children (male and female) of all races and even some animals.

My daughter, Misty Upham, was a victim of rape by a Weinstein Executive in 2013 at the Golden Globe Awards. The rapist forced her into the men’s room and had his way while other men in formal wear cheered him on as if he were chugging a beer in a contest. As Misty made the walk of shame back to the event, the Exec was given high fives, bragging rights and another notch in his Weinstein Co. belt. What should have been an auspicious occasion for Misty turned into a nightmare of pain, humiliation, fear and anxiety? Her mom and I pleaded with her to press charges since she still has the torn green dress she wore (Photo Above) with the DNA all over it. Misty was afraid to pursue charges because she knew Harvey Weinstein could protect his constituency and ruin her existence. Misty’s experience with Harvey Weinstein left her with the impression that he was a powerful man with many influential connections and could make people disappear. Once while riding in a limo with Quentin Tarantino, Harvey Weinstein and his assistant, somewhere between Salt Lake City and Park City, Utah, the assistant interrupted Weinstein and Tarantino’s conversation in a matter of urgent business; at which point Harvey Weinstein ordered the driver to stop and subsequently kicked his assistant out of the car in the middle of no where during a snow storm amidst subzero temperatures. Misty commented, “What if he freezes to death?” Weinstein retorted “ Somebody will come along and pick him up!” How could anyone expect a sincere investigation when the Weinstein’s company commander and chief is also a perpetrator? Misty said to me “Dad, every time a rape victim comes forward to get justice they become the cause of the matter!” This was not the first time Misty was raped and harassed by an Executive/Producer/Director/Actor etc. And you know who you are!

How many times have you heard the defense say things like: “She slept around with everyone.” or “She was smiling and flirting while being accosted!” or “She was dressed like a slut!” and “She knew what she was getting into but left with him anyway!” All of a sudden the rape victim become the blame in everyone’s eyes. This has been the trend now amongst Police Officers, Judges, Defenders even Prosecutors and witnesses alike. The rapist is not just a man thing either; this exercise of empowerment exists among every gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation and social class. The characteristic traits of these criminals are usually recognizable from childhood: A Bully, Socially Enabled, Possesses a Sense of Entitlement and Justified by partisan social circles. Sounds a lot like MANIFEST DESTINY (Google It). In many cases the crime becomes a matter of opinion and the rapist becomes the victim. It is no surprise that many rape victims stay silent. Most victims don’t report such crimes because they believe nothing will be done.

In the course of time the majority of the genders has developed a natural affection for the opposite sex or the same sex. In the ritual of courtship you may find yourself attending to your esthetic qualities in order to attract you mate. If this includes dressing provocatively, wearing makeup, flirting or even participating in a conversation that could lead to consummation. So what! That’s what people do! But nowhere in that ritual has the implied meaning been embedded that rape is ok. No means no! People are looking for a lasting relationship that is founded in love, trust and affection. Do you think a woman or her parents would want to have a relationship and have children with a person who raped her? Or would any parent brag on the fact that their child was best rapist in the family?

If Harvey Weinstein has become the poster boy of Sexual Harassment among the rich and powerful then Native American Women should exemplify the most disregarded rape victims in the Americas. According to the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA) Indigenous Women have the highest rates of uninvestigated violent sex and abuse crimes among women per capita. Federal government studies have consistently shown that American Indian women experience much higher levels of sexual violence than other women in the U.S. Data gathered by the U.S. Department of Justice indicates that Native American and Alaskan Native women are more than 2.5 times more likely to be raped or sexually assaulted than women in the USA in general. First Nations women in Canada and Native American women in Border States like Minnesota and North Dakota have become the targets of commercial sex trade with little or no intervention from law enforcement. An intrinsic effort on the part of victims and advocacy groups was necessary to raise awareness so that Judicial, Legislative bodies and Politicians would be shamed into action on the behalf of the Native communities.

I know there are many people that will turn a blind eye, wallow in apathy or even entertain the thought of joining the ranks of sex abusers. Before you do I hope you recognize the emotional harm, life long pain and humiliation that these type of crimes bring to their victims; before you have to learn your lesson by experiencing the same type of abuse in some prison cell yourself.

Now listen to the song Missing Misty Upham by Tchiya Amet

“My name is Misty Upham (age 12), and someday you will know that name as the best living Native American actress.”

…but 20 years later, with her star on the rise after having acted in films with the likes of Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, and Benicio Del Toro…and receiving an Independent Spirit Award nomination in 2008 for Best Supporting Actress (“Frozen River”)…her lifeless body was discovered at the end of a ravine in Washington State in 2014. She had battled depression and alcoholism in recent years, but what has remained puzzling is that her case has never been solved. Her father, Charles Upham, seeks to find answers in a documentary he’s producing and raising money for called “11 Days: The Search For Misty Upham”. #ColorYourVision

RepostBy @terraincognitamedia:
“TW: rape.
This is Misty Upham. She was a promising young Native American starlet who was allegedly raped at the 2013 golden globe awards by an executive from an infamous distribution company in the men’s bathroom, WHILE A GROUP OF MEN CHEERED HER RAPIST ON. She never came forward for fear of her career and her life. About a year later she went missing and was later found dead. It was ruled a suicide, even though the autopsy stated that the cause of death was several blunt force trauma injuries to her head and torso. Her name was not spoken at the Golden Globes this year, and I think it is important that people know who she is. This picture is from the night she was allegedly raped, she was wearing that green dress. She had the green dress at the time she disappeared. The dress had DNA evidence on it. #goldenglobes#timesup #jezebel#harveyweinstein#quentintarantino #mistyupham#sayhername @oprah #hollywood#weinsteincompany #rapeawareness#rainn…/juliette-lewis-misty-upham-feare…/

regram @yaaaschef @indigenousgoddessgang”
(via #InstaRepost @EasyRepost)

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing and text

Juliette Lewis: Misty Upham feared being murdered

misty juliette


Upham Family’s Shocking Statement: ‘Misty Was Murdered by Two Men’

misty short hair

I am still in shock that the same week that I spoke out/posted about being raped by Neil Tyson,  Misty was missing, and running for her life, because someone found out that she still had that teal blue dress with DNA specimens on it. Perhaps this is why I had to write the song. I know that it was given to me by one of Our Lakota Ancestors.

This was her last tweet….

Here is the video slideshow with the song.

It is Good to Share Knowledge and Truth. Even when it is Tragic and Sad.


Tchiya Amet El Maat

From First Base to Rape

In response to an article by Teresa Jusino:

What Aziz Ansari’s “Apology” Says About How Men View Their Encounters With Women

This is a very interesting article, because it deals with first base that unfortunately some men take to mean home run. Even at my age and after all I have experienced, even saying “take it slow”, “I really like you, but lets wait til we get to know each other better”, “let’s go to couples counseling before going further,” things can still go too fast. Even if you say “not now”, the very thing you do not want, is what you get. Then you are stuck with trying to transform this violation into a relationship. But in reality, it was a violation. It will always feel like a violation. No matter how much you like the person, no matter how pleasurable, it was still against your wishes…. and can never give you a real relationship.

What do we as women have to do before our feelings wishes intentions are heard and respected? Obviously keeping women covered from head to toe does not make things better. Why does kissing, dancing, affection, a conversation, an energetic connection or attraction, a glass of wine or a beer, a glass of water, give a man the right to TAKE what could eventually be offered with love, integrity and consciousness? Why is this behavior accepted tolerated and yet not discussed? Why are people looking forward to movies where this scene is played out over and over but not addressed in society? Why are rapists in public office? Making movies? Running planetariums and talking about the Cosmos on television? Because we live in a #rapeculture . Because the average person is addicted to violence and enjoys the privilege of convenience that comes about due to the suffering of others. Because the average spiritually enslaved person is so jaded, so disconnected from Spirit that they are able to block out the pain of their global family members. Do we need to take a witness or a referee when we decide to be alone with a man?

Basically, we go against ourselves in that moment out of fear of what that boy will do if you actually punch him or kick him or just keep saying no. He could get angry, or stop talking to you altogether. If he is not hearing you, then maybe you go along with it so that he will stop HARASSING you, or might you get raped, or end up dead. Sometimes after reporting rape, especially if it was by a celebrity, it gets much worse and you end up dead at the hands of authorities trying to keep you silent like #MistyUpham. Or maybe you just accept a glass of water, with no interest in sex or affection, and because you have been rendered unconscious, are not even in a position where you can say, ” No way in hell do I want to have sex with you. You are ugly and gross. Do not touch me.”

I want you to see that it only takes one second to go from “Not Tonite” to DEAD ON ARRIVAL, because we cannot control men once the monster in them has been activated. This is what needs to change, from birth, we need to raise boys to be Actual Men, not predators. But these days, sexual predators control every aspect of the game in this rape culture. For Women, there is nowhere to run. Fortunately in this day and time, for Rapists and Sexual Predators, there is nowhere to hide either.

For more info,

End the Silence, End the Violence Chapter 6: Austin, Texas 1983-1984: I Survived RAPE by Neil de Grasse Tyson; The Blue Lotus Speaks!

The Blue Lotus Speaks Chapter 5: OBERLIN FUCKING COLLEGE


Tchiya Amet El Maat

Who is the Blue Lotus and why does she speak? The Blue Lotus is the Collective Consciousness of All the Sadness and Sense of Loss from The Womb that holds the memories and stories of My Bloodline and all of My Past Lives. It is the Voice of ALL Wombs that know violation. She is Speaking because she can no longer carry the pain and it must be released. This Voice, This Song must be heard. She sings in Ancient Tongues and Languages. She brings Healing and Consciousness that becomes the Oneness. Hotep

Planetary Healing from Sexual Assault during the Full Moon



The Portal of Imhotep is now open: meaning, the Sun is in Ohpiuchus. In fact, during the upcoming Full Moon on December 6, we have an incredible opportunity to do so planetary healing around the issue of rape and sexual assault. Read about that in my previous blogpost:

HeruScopes©: Raising Sexual Assault Awareness, and Healing from it, is in the Stars!

and also, get the HeruScopes © Handbook and Guide 2014

#endthesilence     #BlueLotusSpeaks


This is a resource for those seeking to heal; from events like rape, sexual assault, domestic violence, invasive womb surgeries, anything that is stuck and outré wombs and not allowing ourselves to heal properly.

Many of these suggestions are things I have learned, tried and experienced during  my heal;ing journey back to balance and womb wellness from my encounters with rape, sexual assault and abuse. Certainly not in any particular order of importance or prescribed order of events. .

Let’s begin with the more obvious responses and actions to take….folowed by the more natural/alternative/spiritual actions.

1. FILE THE POLICE REPORT.  If you have #beenrapedneverreported, NOW IS THE TIME! Even after 30 years, filing that police report was very empowering and liberating. I had been so afraid of what would happen if anyone found out. I was so relieved when I went to the authorities and they listened and supported me a great deal. Once reported, if there are any other cases on the books, or any more come in involving your rapist, your case is on file and united, will have a better chance of seeing justice. You could really be helping a lot of people without even knowing it.

If you were recently raped, you are probably not reading this right after, but best to get medical attention and have the incident recorded. It is very difficult, but again, taking action brings empowerment. I had the great fortune of having good sisters with me.

2. WEAR TEAL. Teal is the door for Sexual Assault Awareness ad it feels great! I especially enjoy noticing she others are wearing teal. I wonder, “I wonder if they are in the ‘Club”” What club is that? SEXUAL ASSAULT SURVIVORS and SUPPORTERS. SASS. 

true teal

When I went back to Austin, TX in June of 2014, to officially embark upon my journey towards healing, “END THE SILENCE END THE SILENCE: Tchiya Amet Day. The Blue Lotus Speaks” I wore teal everyday for like 2 months straight. It was amazing. Very healing. Two months later, I had yet another encounter with sexual assault, this time it was “only” public molestation at a Reggae Festival.  You can read about this later….


end silence

Many people believe that by focusing on issues that are negative like rape, we only bring more of what we don’t want into our lives. I have wrestled with this for several months now, and have come to the conclusion that it is more important, and healthier for me to bring the truth out into the light of day, than it is to remain silent while doing nothing. By raising awareness and promoting healing, we can accomplish so much more. Shining Light to eliminate ignorance and unrighteousness sounds better than living in a cave in meditation 24/7.


3. Find a therapist and start talking about your experience and your feelings. You might even qualify to have your therapy sessions paid for by the Victims Compensation Program. Your Counselor will help you process the events. Talking to friends and loved ones helps you, and them. At the very least, they will know WHY you have changed.


4. START A JOURNAL. START WRITING MUSIC AGAIN. START PAINTING AGAIN. START RUNNING AGAIN, START EATING AGAIN. Start doing whatever it is that you stopped doing when the happened. It’s helpful to talk to friends and family, but the one that knows best is deep within…..

5. Join a women’s support group for sexual assault survivors.


6. TRAIN TO RUN A MARATHON. I actually did this, well, it was a half marathon. It was awesome! My endurance, was tested, my faith in my self was confirmed. I proved to myself that yes, I CAN do anything that I set my mind to. I even came in third place in my age group! well, there were only 3 people in my group, but no one needs to know that! LOL!

peta pack marathon! 2012


6.. Go to a shelter for support. They can help you stay safe, warm, and fed. They can help you find a new place to live. They can allow your children to continue receiving an education.  You will not be alone, there are many others going through the exact same things as you are. Unfortunately.

Once you have worked on your self and your healing for awhile, you can become involved with helping others heal, advocacy, activism, education, and prevention. Donate and/or  volunteer at a local Shelter for survivors, like Safe Place in Austin, TX. .




Now for the less obvious….WOMB WELLNESS. HEART OPEN. MIND CLEAR.

7. I would have to say, begin with SACRED WOMAN by Queen Afua.
Sacred Woman: A Guide to Healing the Feminine Body, Mind, and Spirit
Perhaps you can find some sisters going through the Gateways together. Or, they have a distance coaching program now. Keep in mind, that I HAVE DONE EVERYTHING LISTED OR SUGGESTED IN THIS BOOK. It helped me become the woman and healer that I am today. I know there are many other healers with books and resources out there ow, but this is where it all began for me, and so I can GUARANTEE  THAT THESE TEACHINGS CAN DO THE SAME FOR YOU.


They even have an online facebook program now! Did I even have Facebook back when i first learned about this book? LOL!! Queen Afua herself “will walk serious women through the 12 gateways in a 52 Week Online Program of self actualization.”


Queen Afua’s 52 Week Sacred Woman Online Course!


8. This book is where I first learned about living in alignment with the cosmic forces by eating and dressing by the door of the planet of the day.:
RegularCleansing or Fasting is a MUST!

Living, Eating and Juicing in Alignment with the Cosmic Forces of the Universe!

9. . Spend as much time IN the Water, WITH the Water, as you can. DRINK MORE WATER. So nurturing and purifying…..


spend time with Yemaya.

healing waters














10. Spiral Dance of Sirius Rising!
Great for healing the womb, and also for manifesting your true pure heart’s desires….



11. Purifying, Healing, Activating, Alilging and Atuning, the Chakras, the Ariyu.

HeruScopes©: Raising Sexual Assault Awareness, and Healing from it, is in the Stars!

Especially the Womb Chakra, The Creativity Center, The entire womb area needs extra special care and attention this full moon. As we nurture ourselves, we nurture the Mama Earth.


6 Ways to Balance Your Sacral Chakra

One of my favorite techniques for cleansing my womb: visualize blue light entering your womb as you inhale. hold breath for a few moments, and everything in the womb is turned lavender. as you exhale, the toxins are released, and the womb returns to her natural rose pink color.

Queen Afua said to NAME your womb. My womb is named Sandia!

Taking hot baths, using clay packs, all the tips you need, you will find in detail in SACRED WOMAN.

And the Root Chakra deals with our sense of security and stability.

Techniques to Open Root Chakra




12. People always tell you this. That you must be willing to forgive. It is up to YOU to decide when and if, you are ready to forgive. Do not rush yourself through any of the steps towards your healing. Yes, of course you know forgiving someone is to help YOU heal, not to protect them or  praise or to condone their actions. NO. Not that simple. There is the Co-Creator reality, the Karmic reality. The perpetual victim reality. No matter how you try to explain why, all that matters now is, WHAT COMES NEXT? What are you going to do, RIGHT NOW, IN THIS MOMENT? Well, after you are done reading this anyway. NOW is all we have. So best to spend it in healing and in speaking out rather than trying to figure this out.

I am able to forgive them, because I now know they are ignorant of the Divine. However, Ignorance is no excuse for what has happened, or for what continues to go on: Unrighteousness, Injustice. And so, we must continue to speak out and help bring about healing and raise awareness. Eradicate Ignorance and Eliminate Unrighteousness.


A very powerful heart opening forgiving and healing spiritual technology that I am aware of is HO’OPONOPONO.

Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® (SITH®) is an updated Hawaiian problem solving  process
to release memories that are experienced as problems. SITH® was created and developed
by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, a Hawaiian Kahuna Lapa’au. She was recognized by the State
of Hawaii as a Living Treasure in 1983.

“If we can accept that we are the sum total of all past thoughts, emotions, words, deeds and actions and that our present lives and choices are colored or shaded by this memory bank of the past, then we begin to see how a process of correcting or setting aright can change our lives, our families and our society.” Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona



Ho’oponopono – FEEL IT!


“Self I’dentity through Ho’oponopono is a wonderful tool for self-healing and causes a great improvement in all areas of your life. If you want the music send me a email I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you. :)”

there are lots more on youtube…

Dr. Hew Len leading an Inner Child meditation
Any works by Dr. Hew Len are highly recommended.




13.  LIVE MAAT TODAY AND NOT TOMORROW. Maat is the Cosmic Force of Balance, Truth, Order, Harmony, Justice, Reciprocity, and Righteousness.

MAAT at UShaka, Inc.
Principles, Virtues, and 42 Laws



14. ELIMINATE BLOCKS WITH KEMETONES ©: Cosmic Sound Healing,  Ra Sekhi Kemetic Reiki, ACUTONICS, OR ACUPUNCTURE.. Pain, illness, disease, depression, PTSD, etc, are all symptoms of a block in the flow of energy. Removing the blocks, or the CAUSE of the block,and you eliminate the symptoms. Get the Self Care Kit and HEAL THYSELF!


15. Herbal teas: Red Raspberry Leaf will purify, heal, and tonify your womb. Hawthorne Berry is excellent for the heart. There are many resources to help you find which herbs are best for you. Get to know them…..

Red Raspberry Leaf


16. Spend time in a Medicine Wheel or build one for your own healing.
Medicine Wheel page at

This is my own personal medicine wheel: Pejuta Waya Equoni


17. YOGA. Not just the postures. There are other aspects of yoga that will help you achieve clear mind. These branches or limbs of yoga include the following: Meditation, Breathing Exercises, Knowledge of Self, Listening to the Teachings. MAAT (Right Actions), Devotion, Authentic Spiritual Preceptor, Visit for more information.


here are a few more hekau (chants) that will help!



and from Japanese Buddhism, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

This practice is great for removing obstacles and manifesting miracles. Karma Buster!
I am speaking from experience.


18. LIGHT A BONFIRE. This is a great time to throw negative thoughts, doubts, fears or unfulfilled desires into the fire. releasing you from ties that bind.

This is a clip from recent bonfire. One day I found a few photos, o MY computer, of an unknown “private male body part” laid out on my desk!  I was able to trace it to its owner, one of my FORMER house sitters. It was awful. Ancestors told me to burn it, and send him the bill for a new desk.




Cut the Cords!


19. Cut The Cords. Energetic cords may still exist between you and the perpetrator. Even after years, decades, centuries! Until YOU energetically cut these ties, they will continue to bind you. You can hold a knife in your hand, physical or simply visualize, yourself cutting the cords. They exist in your womb, your heart, your throat, your voice, your first eye. Maybe they are around your feet, or your wrists. Who feels it knows it! You feel them, even if you do not see them. Perform this ritual daily, or whenever you feel constricted or controlled.

For a ritual, you can make a circle around you with sea salt for protection. Visualize not only cutting the cords, but drawing back your power into your energy field, taking back your power, pulling it right put of the atmosphere, back into your solar plexus. It is really powerful….

Cutting Cords Energetically


CLICK HERE to cut All Cords of Attachment for FREE today!




Here are previous posts about my encounters with rape and sexual assault awareness.


HeruScopes©: Raising Sexual Assault Awareness, and Healing from it, is in the Stars!

The Blue Lotus Speaks: HeruScope© for Ip Sesheta (Sidereal Scorpio New Moon) 2014

End the Silence, End the Violence Chapter 6: Austin, Texas 1983-1984, including Neil de GrasseTyson; The Blue Lotus Speaks!

The Blue Lotus Speaks Chapter 5: OBERLIN FUCKING COLLEGE!!!!

The Blue Lotus Speaks: ENDING THE SILENCE, ENDING THE VIOLENCE. Who’s Who of Violations (chapter 4)

The Blue Lotus Speaks: Reggae on the River 2014 Reflections UPDATE!

End the Silence, End the Violence! The Blue Lotus Speaks: Chapter 2

End the Silence, End the Violence! The Blue Lotus Speaks….





That is enough to get you started. Enjoy the Full Moon, and your preccious healing time!

Love and Light!

Tchiya Amet El Maat, S.E.


HeruScopes©: Raising Sexual Assault Awareness, and Healing from it, is in the Stars!


Today is December 2, 2014.


When the Imhotep Portal is open, November 30-December18, when the Sun is in Ophiuchus, there is a tremendous opportunity for healing, growth, and enlightenment. The effects of this can be felt globally. When one is also aligned with the cosmic forces known as Sedna and Chiron during this time, the healing potential is enhanced and increased. In 2014, the spotlight is on SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS. I refer to this as SAA. Saa is a Kemetic term for Knowledge with Feeling. Wisdom with Understanding.


Sun in Ophiuchus FROM ASTROLOGY13.COM


Ophiuchus is the 13th constellation along the ecliptic, the 13th sign of the Zodiac of the HeruScopes© and other sidereal systems. For more information  on Ophiuchus, visit
Celestial Wisdom: True Zodiac has 13 Signs. Is Ophiuchus in your chart?

The sidereal astrologers use the actual motions of the Sun and Planets along the ecliptic. The Western or Babylonian system is completely man made, and is based upon the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, having nothing at all to do with stars . Except for the Sun of course!.They simply named each section of the earth’s orbit around the Sun after a constellation along the ecliptic, leaving out Ophiuchus.

HeruScopes© is an original sidereal system, coming from a Kemetic perspective. Kemet is the Ancient African Egyptian (Indigenous to Nubia and Nile Valley) name for the land, culture, and her people. HeruScopes © Handbook and Guide 2014 for details.

Why do I state that Ra Imhotep is an opening for global healing and sexual assault awareness? Don’t we officially have the month of April to address sexual assault?

You can view the original post on this subject from the New Moon in Scorpio from last week:

The Blue Lotus Speaks: HeruScope© for Ip Sesheta
(Sidereal Scorpio New Moon) 2014


Let’s take a momemt and review the HeruScope for this portal:

Om Ra Imhotep.

At HeruScopes,The Cosmic Force known as Imhotep represents the ability of humankind to heal and rise above our lower nature, especially our sexual nature. To rise above the sting of passion and desire that Scorpio can bring. To elevate our consciousness.

Rho Ophiuchi


In the illustration below, Ophiuchus is seen to be wrestling with a snake between his legs. This represents the ability of humanity to become untangled from our lower nature.  This is symbolized even further by the Hero stomping on the back of the Scorpion, thus stamping out the lower nature, such as oassions and desires. In other words, the fetters of Set, the Ego.



Imhotep has his own symbology, that is still used for the healing arts and professions to this day: The Caduceus. The Dual Snakes represent Aset and Nebt Het, the dual Goddesses of Truth of above and below, Heaven and Earth. They are cosmic forces that are here to assist us as we obtain Nehast, Spiritual Enlightenment.





Heru son of Aset and Asar, and Djehuty making adorations to the Djed-Pillar representing Asar from the coffin of the God’s Father of Amon and Priest of Hermonthis, NespanetjerenpeRa, 945-718 bc, now in the Brooklyn Museum



Aritu (Chakras) and Caduceus Relationship










Once we are able to take control of our lower nature, purify and activate our Aritu, our Chakras, thanks to Ra Imhotep, we now focus our intention and our attention to the other cosmic forces that are present during this Portal Opening of SAA.


OM SESHETA  APIS:  Full Moon on December 6 in Sidereal Taurus.

from the old farmer’s almanac

“December’s Full Moon is called the Full Cold Moon. It is the month when the winter cold fastens its grip and the nights become long and dark.

This full Moon is also called the Long Nights Moon by some Native American tribes.

The Moon is full on December 6 at 7.27 am est”

Time for building nurturing and healing systems for our communities. Initiating Self Care Practices. This is an excellent time to write in one;’s journal. If you do not currently have one, this is the time to begin.

The Moon is in Taurus from December 5 thru December 7. It will spend a few hours in ASAR (ORIION), leading the way for transformation and rebirth. Renewal.

Mercury in Ophiuchus December 3 thru 14, then moves on to PI MAERE (Sagittarius).

Powerful time for communications about healing. Standing in your Truth, and Speaking your Truth. At this moment, I am overcome with intense emotions and devotional feelings and living in awe at the harmony and synchronistically of the Divine. The alignment is beyond weds or description. I will just post a few images and move on….


Mercury djehuty caudecus

#EndTheSilence  #BeenRapedNeverReported  #BlueLotusSpeaks


To learn more about Djehuty, visit

HeruScopes © Handbook and Guide 2014

HeruScopes © Celestial Update: Aspolia 2014 Full Moon and The Portal Of Djehuty

End the Silence, End the Violence Chapter 6: Austin, Texas 1983-1984, including Neil de Grasse Tyson; The Blue Lotus Speaks!

Dua to my Spiritual Preceptors, Sebai Maa and Seba Dja.
Here is another resource at

HETHERU IMHOTEP Even Venus is in Ophiuchus now, up until the end of the Fiull Moon, December 7.

More confirmation that now is the time to raise awareness, understanding and knowledge about the issue of rape and Sexual Assault. HetHeru, the Great Goddess of Beauty and the Life Force Energy. The Divine Mother Calling out to us for Healing in alignment with the Sun, Mercury and the communications we will receive during this Cold yet Nurturing Full Moon this weekend.


RaPhan Maat

learning lessons in life by either aligning with Maat, or going against Maat. There are 2 Roads in Life, which one will Humanity choose? RIGHTEOUSNESS OR UNRIGHTEOUSNESS? WISDOM AND ENLIGHTENMENT OR IGNORANCE? Where is the Justice Of Maat. Even if it is the Ariyu or Karma, or Soul Contract of the people involved, THAT DOES NOT MAKE IT RIGHTEOUS IN THIS TIME. Then again, all is in Divine Right Order. Very difficult to comprehend this one….

PiCheus Sekhmet for rest of month and beyond.
Wisdom and Expansion in the areas of Healing and the Life Force energy. Learning how to tame and control our own Sekhemn or Kundalini. Learning about our own healing abilities.

Heru PiCot Sahu
Making  efforts and taking courageous action to save water:  What should be our most cherished resource on Earth, is sadly, our most misused. Both Emotions and Higher consciousness are activated and utilized for the highest good.. Even going so far as taking heroic stance against corruption.

Heru/Uranus, represnts the Hero. Heroine i all of us. Each one of us is the Shero/Hero of our OWN myth.

What does Water symbolize? The Divine Feminine. The Goddess. The Womb. Yemaya.  Now that we are in Ophiuchus, aligned with a potent healing energy. NOW IS THE TIME TO RAISE AWARENESS AND ADDRESS THE ISSUE OF SEXUAL ASSAULT. RAPE. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. And not only raise awareness, but also, how to heal from it, and how to prevent. Education.

Asar Pi Maere
Through Mid-December and beyond.
Transformation is achieved through expansion, beyond any preconceived notions, opinions, limitations, or beliefs.

Chiron KuUrKU
Self healing through the power of water. How ironic: the water that can heal we the people is the thing the corporations enjoy destroying the most. This is the time to heal the water and to protect the water. Now is the time to learn and gain knowledge from the water. Chiron is in the sign of KuUrKu until  December 25, then moves into PiCot Sahu, another watery sign. During this time,  emotions , energy in motion, can be healed and purified,  with water, and vice versa.  Yes, remembering the work of Dr. Emoto and the effect we can have on water.

Sedna Apis
Sedna is the archetype for survivor of assault and family violence. Turning poison into medicine. Sedna: represents overcoming Trauma and betrayal through self love and forgiveness. Fortunately, with the energy of Apis, we are loved, nurtured, adaptable, eloquent, and establishing value. WE have along time to work with this energy, so let’ do this! All the signs are pointing to this time as being the time for facing and heralding from sexual assault. Find a way to transform the predominant culture from a rape culture to a healing culture. This is what Imhotep/Ophiuchus is all about: a shift in humanity towards natural healing and confronting and conquering our lower sexual nature. NOW IS THE TIME!!!


from falcon

“Here is what Dr. Kathleen Jenks says about Sedna. “When victimization moves to the goddess-level as it does with Sedna, (it) signals us that there’s an extra depth of compassion for the abused. It also tells us that this goddess-archetype has the wherewithal to make a difference and empower that person whose (planets) are resonating with Sedna’s sphere of power. Sedna may come to represent an extreme terrain of the unconscious, one where issues of power, authority and respect for life do not separate from a respect for oneself.”

Sedna was discovered on November 14th, 2003 at 17 Taurus 58. Hapi Anniversary!!!!


ASTEROIDS: raising awareness of the Divine Feminine Principle.

Aset/Ceres in Imhotep until December 30: The Divine Mother is the Ultimate Healer and Nurturer.

Maat/Pallas Athena in Uraeus/ Serpens,  until Mid-December: dealing with one’s sexual nature, health. The serpent also represents the twin goddesses, Aset and Nebt Het. There is so much symbolism with the Uraeus, that I cannot go into right now…The Uraeus is associated with the energy of Virgo due to the proximity. Balance in consciousness of the material realm and the spiritual realm.  Being aware of both realities at the same moment.

Juno is in another serpent, the water serpent, Hydra!
More messages and confirmation that this is a time of healing from sexual assault, and obtaining Justice in the process.

Vesta:  Pi Maere
Time for expanding our relationships, possibly leading to travel. or taking on leadership roles.



This weekend, with the Full Moo in Sidereal Taurus, and so many signs in Ophiuchus, provides the perfect opportunity for healing rituals dealing with the Chakras, the Womb, the Divine Feminine, and Water. Healing for all that have been affected by the #rapeculture that has taken over this planet. The Continuous Raping of Mother Earth and all of Her children. Including Mike Brown, and his mother and family. Including each one of us.. Offer your prayers for healing for all survivors of rape, seal assault, and domestic violence.



Thank you for talking the time to soak in this wisdom and information. My intention is that you will spend sometime in reflection and prayer during the Full Moon. And if you are on your healing journey, may this also bring you alignment, comfort and peace.
Also, please ask to join the Facebook group: Blue Lotus Speaks. 


You can also join the mailing list here:
Cosmic Sound Healing Mailing List


M Mer N Khut. Hotep. Tchiya Amet El Maat, S.E.









The Blue Lotus Speaks: HeruScope© for Ip Sesheta (Sidereal Scorpio New Moon) 2014





Good Rising and Great Awakenings!

Be sure to have the HeruScopes © Handbook and Guide accessible…
Saturday November 22 is the Ip New Moon at 14:43 pst. Ra enters Ip on November  24, leaving behind a month full, and a mouthful of Balance and Truth.  Opening of the Mouth, get it? From Chapter 11 of the Pert M Heru, the Book of Coming Forth by Day by Dr. Muata Ashby.  The Words for Opening of the Mouth.



 1. “These words will open up the mouth of Asar_____________.Oh Ptah! Open my mouth! Loosen the heavy weight of the bandages placed on my mouthy the god of my town. Come Djehuti, filled and equipped with words of power to loosen these double bandages of Set which are shielding my mouth.”

2. “Atum repulses the obstruction of these fetters. My mouth is opening now. As for Shu, he opened the mouth of the gods and goddess with the iron harpoon of heaven.”

From the Pert M Heru
Book of Coming Forth by Day, pg. 210
by Dr. Muata Ashby.



Opening of the Mouth symbolizes  the initiate’s special memory of being one with the Divine.

“If the mouth is bound, there is no memory of the True Self because there is no expansion of consciousness, The mouth is the mystical symbol of consciousness.”  from the gloss on pg. 211 Dr. Muata Ashby


This means that during the Ip New Moon, Ra is still expressing harmony and balance. This will help us tremendously as we continue our journey towards our manifestation of establishing Maat upon the Earth. Ip is the shortest month of this calendar system, as it is only 7 days long. On Novemebr 30, we move into Imhotep (Ophiuchus), the 13th constellation along the Ecliptic that is an integral part of the HeruScopes system.


geb with feathers

What can we expect to experience this week? And what are some ways to observe the New Moon?OPENING OF THE MOUTH! CONSCIOUSNESS,AS WELL AS SPEAKING UP AND SPEAKING OUT. SING A NEW SONG!I


The New Moon is an excellent time to make a list of intentions for the coming moon cycle/. Even if you do not see them manifest by the upcoming full moon, you can best believe that they WILL manifest by the next full moon, or the one after that! Just be sure to hold the space, onto the vision you had when you made the intention. There are so many ways: planting seeds, making a vision board, or mind movie, writing a list and burning the list in the fire. As this new moon is still in Maat, I am going to try something different this Moonth. let’s see…..hmmm, I will keep you posted when the results manifest at the full moon.

Maat is Balance, Truth, Order, Harmony, Justice, Reciprocity and Righteousness.  Ip represents our desires, our truest and purest heart’s desires.

HeruScopes © Handbook and Guide will come in handy for the next section….

November 22, 2014 HeruScope



Ra Maat

Ra Maat
Creating balance by illuminating  where there is darkness and ignorance,
beaming brightly from within the light of justice and truth.

This has been so true for me all month, in so many ways, that I can hardly write them all down. The words of my song, AST MAAT are ringing in my head right now, asking the question,”Am I Sirius Enuf?”, to maintain these standards of integrity, this lifestyle, to hold this space for the Light?

Aset is in our hearts and only needs to be revealed.



Ra moves into the sign of Ip on November 23.  For just 7 days, we have the opportunity to be creative with our desires, and enhance the process of manifestation that was begun duringg Aspolia, when we planted Seeds of intention for the year. As this transition occurs right after the New Moon, we have the extra power of New Beginnings to help us. LIke starting over again, AGAIN!

Sesheta Ra

Ip Sesheta
This alignment suggests that One’s desires are to be brought into alignment with the Divine.  This would be an excellent time to start writing in a journal, as Sesheta is the Female Scribe.  Our mind and emotions, energy in motion, are ruled by the Moon. Our desires are symbolized by the Scorpion. For a brief moment, both Ra and Sesheta are vibrating with Pure Desire. Let’s tune into this frequency.


The New Moon is the time for New Beginnings. This is also an excellent time to write out your new moon abundance checks.

Moon App for iPhone/android

for your desktop

for mac:

android: there are too many to chose from…I am abc girl….



November 22: New Moon
November 23: Ra Ip
November 29: First Quarter Moon
November 30: Ra Imhotep
December 6: Full Moon
December 14: Last Quarter Moon
December 18: Ra moves into Pi Maere


Djehuti Maat until end of November. Ip is next.
Even though Ra is moving on, this is still an excellent time for expressing truths and speaking out against injustice and An Maat (unrighteousness), just as at the time of this post, more and more women are speaking out against sexual assault cases involving Bill Cosby. When Djehuti Ip arrives, will be about expressing one’s desires.

Lisa Bonet Posts Cryptic Tweet About Bill Cosby Scandal — Calls Situation “Karma”

Bill Cosby raped me. Why did it take 30 years for people to believe my story?

OM MAAT GEB: May Maat be restored upon the Earth

HetHeru Ip for 2 more days, then onto to Imhotep.
2 more days of the Beauty Path of Desire. Then the Journey along the Beauty Path of Self Care and Healing  begins. This is an excellent time to begin that health care practice, sign up for that yoga class. Start running, or initiating a fast. Whatever it is that you have been putting off, this is a very auspicious time to begin, during the New Moon.


Set/Muruga Pi Maere, the Archer until first week of December. Then Hupeneius.
Put your focus, direct all of your energy towards your goal during this time. With accuracy and intensity. You will reach your destination. at the Full Moon, right around the time Set moves into the next sign of Hupeneius. Representing the manifestation. Revolution, tenacity,

PiCheus Sekhmet for rest of month and beyond.
Wisdom and Expansion in the areas of healing and the life force energy.

RaPhan Maat
learning lessons in life by either aligning with Maat, or going against Maat. There are 2 Roads in Life, which one will Humanity choose?

Heru PiCot Sahu
Making  efforts and taking courageous action to save water:  What should be our most cherished resource on Earth, is sadly, our most misused. Both Emotions and Higher consciousness are activated and utilized for the highest good.. Even going so far as taking heroic stance against corruption.





NebtHet KuUrKu
Outpouring of truth, wisdom and healing. Creating Order, Maintaining Order.
Again, I am reminded of the women that are choosing to speak out against sexual assault.  Be mindful of the possibility for deception and betrayal. This transit will last until 2022, and then PiCot Sahu, so we may be hearing more about this issue for quite sometime….

NebtHet is symbolized as a vase or vessel, KuUrKu is symbolized as a human pouring out water from a vessel….

Asar Pi Maere
Through Mid-December and beyond.
Transformation is achieved through expansion, beyond any preconceived notions, opinions, limitations, or beliefs.

Chiron KuUrKU
Self healing through the power of water. How ironic: the water that can heal we the people is the thing the corporations enjoy destroying the most. This is the time to heal the water and to protect the water. Now is the time to learn and gain knowledge from the water. Chiron is in the sign of KuUrKu until  December 25, then moves into PiCot Sahu, another watery sign. During this time,  emotions , energy in motion, can be healed and purified,  with water, and vice versa.  Yes, remembering the work of Dr. Emoto and the effect we can have on water.



Sedna Apis
Sedna is the archetype for survivor of assault and family violence. Turning poison into medicine. Sedna: represents overcoming Trauma and betrayal through self love and forgiveness. Fortunately, with the energy of Apis, we are loved, nurtured, adaptable, eloquent, and establishing value. WE have along time to work with this energy, so let’ do this! All the signs are pointing to this time as being the time for facing and heralding from sexual assault. Find a way to transform the predominant culture from a rape culture to a healing culture. This is what Imhotep/Ophiuchus is all about: a shift in humanity towards natural healing and confronting and conquering our lower sexual nature. NOW IS THE TIME!!!


from falcon

“Here is what Dr. Kathleen Jenks says about Sedna. “When victimization moves to the goddess-level as it does with Sedna, (it) signals us that there’s an extra depth of compassion for the abused. It also tells us that this goddess-archetype has the wherewithal to make a difference and empower that person whose (planets) are resonating with Sedna’s sphere of power. Sedna may come to represent an extreme terrain of the unconscious, one where issues of power, authority and respect for life do not separate from a respect for oneself.”

Sedna was discovered on November 14th, 2003 at 17 Taurus 58. Hapi Anniversary!!!!


ASTEROIDS: raising awareness of the Divine Feminine Principle.

Aset/Ceres in Imhotep until December 30: The Divine Mother is the Ultimate Healer and Nurturer.

Maat/Pallas Athena in Uraeus/ Serpens,  until Mid-December: dealing with one’s sexual nature, health. The serpent also represents the twin goddesses, Aset and Nebt Het. There is so much symbolism with the Uraeus, that I cannot go into right now…The Uraeus is associated with the energy of Virgo due to the proximity. Balance in consciousness of the material realm and the spiritual realm.  Being aware of both realities at the same moment.

Juno is in another serpent, the water serpent, Hydra!
More messages and confirmation that this is a time of healing from sexual assault, and obtaining Justice in the process.

Vesta: Imhotep now, then moving into Pi Maere on November 27.
Now is a good time to work on healing relationships, or healing from them. When we move into PI Maere, the energy will shift towards expansion, travel, leadership, etc.  Becoming more goal oriented as well.


With Ra, HetHeru and Sesheta aligned in Maat for a few more days, we can experience the balance just a litlttle bit longer before Ra enters Ip for 7 days. Will be joined by  HetHeru and Djehuti. At beginning of December, we will find Ra, HetHeru and Aset/Ceres all in alignment in the sign of the healer, Imhotep. Emotions, Violation, Healing, Transformation, Water, which represents the divine feminine. All the forces and issues are in our favor. All things are coming into alignment, everything is illuminated. It is a matter of activating them within us, and living with the awareness. At HeruScopes, all the signs are pointing towards a cycle in time of women speaking out against, as well as healing from, sexual assault, and domestic violence. Individually, collectively, and worldwide. Can you imagine this? If you can see it with your mind’s eye, and feel it with your heart, soon, you can see it manifest on the physical world as well. The New Moon in Scorpio, Sesheta Ip, is wonderful time to initiate a new strategy, a new plan for dealing with sexual assault and domestic violence. Most importantly, the time has come to END THE SILENCE, END THE VIOLENCE.

#cosbymeme: tweets about Cosby on twiter

from Star Signposts
NOTE: the sidereal astrologer at does NOT recognize Imhotep/Ophiuchus. This is the cause of much discrepancy in readings and in life! HTP.

Sat Nov 22
This New Moon is taking place in the early degrees of sidereal Scorpio, a sign that calls forth our depth, our hidden shadows, our ability to die to our former selves so we may be perpetually reborn anew. Embrace and allow for that natural transformation that defines this season each year to occur. Don’t try and stop it. You can’t anyway.  Appreciate what you are harvesting and be grateful for what you can gently release and complete by the coming Winter Solstice on December 21. This year, miraculously, the next New Moon will occur on Solstice, launching 2015.  Right after today’s New Moon, which occurs in the morning hours, the Scorpio Moon will align with both Venus and Ceres.  This is a giant portal of deep feminine wisdom bathing our Earthly paradise. If we will do our very best to care for Earth, we will continue to fed by Earth and all her animating presences.  Though some of you may be tired at years’ end, with the help of today’s Scorpio influence, you can dig deeper and discover new reserves of will and desire to keep you from giving up. Exciting times ahead.  Rest, release, anticipate the resurrection energies of 2015.

Sun Nov 23
There’s a fabulous sky triangle of watery energy today which can make for amped up emotion, cooperation, sharing deeper feelings, crying happy tears. The investigative Scorpio Moon trines family oriented Jupiter in Cancer and trines South Lunar Node which honors the history we came from.  This would be a great day to dig out the family photo albums and share stories, and share it all, both the light and shadow that comes with each lineage.

Mon Nov 24
You may wake up trying to obsessively pry some confession out of your beloved or just want to discuss something deeper. That’s because Mercury is now entering the terrain of Scorpio. Overnight, the emotional Moon aligned with focused Vesta, so you perhaps you couldn’t get some thought/feeling out of your mind, going over and over the same useless line of thinking. Now that you are awake, use these same energies to consciously redirect your thinking in a more positive direction.


Here is the New Moon Message from



The most important thing for you to know and remember about HeruScopes is this:
YOU ARE THE HERU, THE HERO/HEROINE IN THE MYTH OF YOUR LIFE. The Neteru are Cosmic Forces, just like gravity, magnetism, electricity. Once you become aware of the forces of Nature/Neteru and align with them you can accomplish whatever you desire, as long as your desire is in alignment with Maat, with Truth. This means that even though your ancestry may be from Turtle Island (North American, Native, etc), these forces still exist within you.  THey are in our DNA. Your tradition may refer to them by a different name, but when you look closely, you will see the vibration is the same. NIUK PU HERU. I AM Victorious.

Dua Sesheta Ip. Hapi New Moon in Sidereal Scorpio:  May your wishes, prayers and intentions that are for the highest good of All That Is, come true!


If you would like to obtain your HeruScope ©, please fill out this form.

Currently, the cost for one HeruScope © is $13 USD.

Pay Now Button



If you, or someone you know, has been affected by sexual assault and/or domestic violence, I have started a fb discussion group so we can come together to share, express, heal and address this issue. Let me know if you would like to join us:

Blue Lotus Speaks: END THE SILENCE, END THE VIOLENCE fb discussion group

Hetep. Tchiya Amet El Maat

In My Neighborhood….

Hey, where have I been? October 12, my neighbor across the street threatened to strangle me and shoot me. Wanted to see me dead. Why? Because her small dog (with Napoleon syndrome) was not confined to it’s yard, ran out and provoked my dog, who got off her leash during a walk and they had a shouting match. No one was hurt physically, but my neighbor was traumatized. I can understand this, and when I told her that if something DID happen to her or her dog, I would understand if she wanted my dog put to sleep. She said she did not want to see my dog put to sleep, she wanted to see ME put to sleep. According to her, the dog is not the problem, I am the problem. She said she wanted to strangle me and shoot me dead. She repeated and demonstrated at least 10 times during our 1.5 hour session where she just yelled at me and I allowed her to vent. She basically told me all the things she hates about me personally.I have not spoken to her in 2 years other than hello. She even complained because my dogs bark! She does not want to see my dogs ever again, not out in the front yard, not out for a walk, nowhere. But, she does not want me to move away, or give them away, or have them put to sleep. Just me!

When I told the sheriff that I am concerned because Black people are getting killed daily by CRAZY White people over stupid shit like cell phones, loud music, skittles, tobacco and hoodies, he got angry at me! Said this is not racial, that Black people kill White people everyday. They would not take a police report, as the neighbor denied making any threats or any of the statements that I told him about. (maybe so, but if a Black person kills a White person, it is a crime. When a White person kills a Black person, it is self defense.)

She is obviously crazy, jealous and lonely, her dog is a substitute for a child or human companionship, but that is no reason to threaten my life.I have never heard of someone being executed because their dog got into a fight. Her dog can easily get out from under the gate, and the gate is rarely closed. The dog is seen wandering up and down the street. I only have this one photo but here it is. My dog is big, likes to chase/hunt rabbits, birds, chickens, squirrels and cats. But she called her a killer. Funny, when my dog kills chickens, she is a vicious killer. But when the owners kill the chickens, they are farmers???? When it is their job to kill animals, they are called butchers. When human eats a chicken that someone else killed, they are called consumers. She called herself an animal lover, yet wanted to see me dead. When I told her I am thinking of moving away, and that this would make her happy, she replied, “THAT IS ALOW BLOW TCHIYA. A LOW BLOW” and finally walked away…..


Pictures showing dog outside of yard,


and that her dog can easily get out of yard from under the gate

No witnesses. FROM NOW ON, VIDEO CAMERA IS ROLLING WHENEVER I PASS HER HOME, WHENEVER I AM SPEAKING WITH A POLICE OFFICER, GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL, OR ANY OTHER PERSON THAT IS ACTING OUT OF IGNORANCE OR UNRIGHTEOUSNESS. RECORDING ALL PHONE CONVERSATIONS WITH ANYONE THAT IS OPPOSED TO MY FREEDOM AND INNER PEACE. When the law is not on your side, must take matters into own hands. make it public information. This is the third time in less than a month that the Mendocino County Sheriff Department did not take my situation seriously. A few weeks prior, I had been stalked one evening, next day received a disgusting note asking for sex from another neighbor that is a minor, and then, a week later, same stalker sprayed a fire extinguisher into my yard, saying that he would be back to get his package. I am still dealing with the molestation from August 3 at ROTR. So far, year 53 has been very strange. and scary.I know that I am being guided and that I am protected. peace