New Moon and Mercury Direct July 2019: Family Transformations

Udje. Uben  Un Nefer. Beautiful Existence Rising.

This is the Good Rising TV Update for the New Moon and Mercury Direct. July 2019 Family Transformations.

The Reality of the Black New Moon

If you are excited about the upcoming Black New Moon, I want you to know that it is another man-made event, more Babylonian trickery. If there are 13 Moons in a year, how can there only be 12 Suns???? Same thing goes for the Blue Full Moons: just a cover-up about there being 13 constellations along the ecliptic instead of 12.



HeruScopes New Moon Update
To align with this Celestial event, align your actions and make your offerings to the Cosmic Forces of Beauty, Creativity, Writing and Transformation of the Family and Family Relationships. Dua Heteru, Ra, Sesheta M Khepera: Venus, Sun, New Moon in Sidereal Cancer and Mercury is now Direct in Sidereal Gemini, PiMahi.



KemeTones Self Care for New Moon and Mercury Direct

Opening Up to Creating New Positive Habits and Traits, by aligning your thoughts, words and actions with the Cosmic Forces of Writing, Creativity, Love and Beauty, in the area of Family, in conjunction with the New Moon, The Sun, and Venus in Sidereal Cancer. My spiritual guide has advised me to stop setting goals and intentions, which are in essence limiting, and instead, establish habits for an enlightened lifestyle. During this Lunar Cycle. I will use my  pen and my voice to bring this into manifestation and activate discipline to establish these new habits. When I look at my own family, I see sadness, separation and distance. Would love to see that transformed into Hotep, the End of Duality. Supreme Peace.



Cosmic Chimes and Chanting for the New Moon

The Sun and Venus in Sidereal Khepera. Dua HetHeru, Dua Ra, Dua Sesheta M Khepera. Working with the Cosmic Forces of Love and Beauty, Creativity, and Writing in the area of Family Transformations. What can you do to create something loving and of lasting beauty to bring about transformation within the family, physical or spiritual family? When we write out goals, intentions, or habits we want to create, it helps them to manifest. Try It!!! Can write, speak , chant and sing you purified desires into reality.




Cosmic Chimes and Chanting for Mercury Direct

Mercury is now Direct and resting in the sign of Sidereal Gemini. Dua Djehuty M PiMahi. Here is the Cosmic Chimes and Chanting Ancient African Adorations for Mercury Direct. Global Prayer for Direct Communications, Honest Communications for All Nations. And Families of course which are in reality, mini-tribes and nations….

Remember in another episode, when I mentioned writing or saying  things in the positive 40 times to counter the effect of something said with anger or negativity.  This is another exercise worth your time during this celestial event.

One Love 

Falling Awake: Fall Equinox and Full Moon

September Full Moon 2018:

When to See the ‘Harvest Moon’ The full moon of September, called the Harvest Moon, will grace the skies Sept. 24, just two days after the autumn equinox. The moon becomes officially full on Sept. 24 at 10:52 p.m. EDT (0252 GMT on Sept. 25), according to NASA’s SkyCal.

Choctaw Nation call this Hash Tek Inhasi, the Courting Moon. I can see how this would bring out a little romance: gets a little bit chilly around here as soon as the Sun goes down…

The Equinox is Upon Us, lasts 3 days
September Equinox, Chicago, Illinois, USA is on

Saturday, September 22, 2018 at 8:54 pm CDT (Change city

Although, not exactly equal
Fall equinox 2018: Not as ‘equal’ as you may think | CNN Travel

So why isn’t the equinox exactly equal?

It turns out you actually get a little more daylight than darkness on the equinox, depending on where you are on the planet. How does that happen?

As the US National Weather Service explains, the “nearly” equal hours of day and night are because of the complex way a sunrise is measured and the refraction of sunlight in our atmosphere.

This bending of light rays “causes the sun to appear above the horizon when the actual position of the sun is below the horizon.” The day is a bit longer at higher latitudes than at the equator because it takes the sun longer to rise and set the closer you get to the poles. So on fall equinox, the length of day will vary a little according to where you are:”

“For the truly equal day/night split, you have to wait some days after the official equinox. That’s called the equilux. In 2018, that will happen on September 28.”

Watch Youtube video with Music by John Coltrane, Lyrics by Tchiya Amet, recorded in Rio de Janeiro on the Celestial Folk Music CD

Happy Birthday to John Coltrane and My Grandfather Bernard Henry Johnson, 2 very wonderful VIRGOS, that’s correct, not Libras at HeruScopes.

heruscopes banner

Here are the Chart  and Reading for the Equinox and scroll down for the Full Moon

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Illustration: Ra stricken with poison, and Aset providing relief….watch video for more information.

Dua Ra Dua Djehuty Dua Aset M Aspolia 

Sun, Mercury, Ceres in Sidereal Virgo 

Tap into Creativity and utilize to Express Cosmic Mind and to Hear Divine Intuition. this will lead to bountiful harvest, as Aspolia is The Seed.

Dua Maat M Sekhmet. Pallas Athena in Sidereal leo.

uh oh. Is this the Warrior Goddess Defending Maat? Standing up for fairness in relationships and partnerships? This is not the time to remain quiet and hope the challenge will go away. Now is the time to practice speaking up, and standing for Maat. You are either Living with Maat, or you are not. There is no grey area on this…..

Dua Juno Dua Sedna (Portal Opening) M Apis

Juno and Sedna Rx in Sidereal Taurus.
I read today that there is even a #yogametoo hashtag: some yoga instructors are actually rapists. This means that our sacred relationships and covenants, marriages have been violated, thoroughly, and with the Rx activity, now is the time for action and healing, which comes with letting go. Speaking and expressing, It is also important to be heard, and criminalizing the survivor will backfire in time. We are going to establish our groundedness and steadfastness in our truth, and we refuse to be silenced, we will not remain silent, not until this trial has ended.  

Dua Heru (Portal Opening) M Tamet Ammon

Uranus Rx in Sidereal Aries

True Leadership  and Victory comes by Observing\  

    Dua Chiron (Portal Opening) PiCot Sahu

Chiron Rx in Sidereal Pisces

This portal opening is pushing us to cleanse and to heal from deep seated emotional wounds, even from past lives or ancestral wounds, which are harder to heal from than physical injuries. As the Cherokee Wisdom Teaches us: “Wash Your Spirit Clean”. Let go of heartache, forgive self and others. Surrender to Spirit and trust the Universe. these are indeed the actions of the Revolutionary that lives within all of us. .

Dua NebtHet (Portal Opening) Dua Sesheta M KuUrKu

Neptune Rx ALMOST Moon in Sidereal Aquarius

NebtHet is the Lady of the House, and represents Light beings or Spirit in a Watery Encasement, a physical exisence. She is symbolized by a vessel of water. And KuUrKu is depicted pouring water, or wisdom and knowledge, from one vessel to another.
What I am sensing now is an overwhelmingly strong and powerful luvibration that can heal all estranged family relations. This is based upon the Mythical Relationship of Heru and NebtHet. Sesheta is there urging us to write out our emotions, get them out of us and out them to good use. Putting things in order also means getting rid of what no longer serves us. Taking out our emotional waste. This process is healing for the writer as well as those that have the good fortune to see, hear or read these experiences. This kind of writing, from an authiic place, is indeed purifying to the heat and mind. It helps us build character and strengthen our personality.

Dua Set M Hupeneius
Mars in Sidereal Capricorn.

No longer Retrograde, now is the time to establish a strong, positive material foundation. Not for conquest or amassing great financial wealth, but so that you can be in the position to take better care of health, and have time to invest to gain greater knowledge of Self. Time to get back to consistent yoga practice, mediation, exercise, time and space for family and loved ones. whatever it takes, because without a strong mind body soul and spirit, you will not be able to enjoy all that wealth you have w=amassed, and there will be no one to share it with either. Taking steps towards your freedom, not further enslavement. 

Dua Asar (Portal Opening) Dua Rephan Geb Dua Vesta
M PiMaere
Pluto Rx, Saturn, Vesta in Sidereal Sagittarius

Nuk Pu Nuk Asar Asar: Expanding, traveling, outgrowing beyond all limitations is the Central Core that keeps us shining bright. Things end and begin again, yet our goal is always the same: to Be Enlightened. 

Dua PiCheus Amun Dua HetHeru M Maat

Jupiter and Venus in Sidereal Libra

Now in addition to the experience of Maat Expansion, we add the Love, Joy and Beauty to the Equation. Balance and Harmony instead of struggle. This could mean that it is no longer a battle, it is an unfoldment, a blossoming. Again, remain seated on Inner Throne, the Great Observer that sees all, and says nothing.

The Equinox is a time of Alignment on a Grand Scale. The axis of the Earth’s Orbit lines up with the Galactic Axis. By aligning with nature, we can align with Maat. Our lives flow because we are in tune with the Divine. If your life is not going the way you want it to, look at it from a different peseoctive, and see how life is flowing in alignment with itself, and your wishes only matter, ir come true, when they are ALIGN WITH THE DIVINE. If you are ignorant of Self, and ignorant of the celestial movements, then, your life will just get bounced around not really moving forward….-

Here is the video for the Fall Equinox Session. Full Moon will be added later tonite…

FULL MOON:  The Courting Moon.

Moon in Sidereal Pisces.

Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at 2.20.18 PM

The only object that changes is the Moon. Now in PiCot Sahu, Sidereal Pisces.  Will be posting tonite during the Full Moon Time…

Full Moon pt 1: Energy in Motion Video

KemeTones Self Care and Global Healing

Pt 2: Devotion in Motion

Ancient African Adorations
Devotional World Music

Planetary Healing from Sexual Assault during the Full Moon



The Portal of Imhotep is now open: meaning, the Sun is in Ohpiuchus. In fact, during the upcoming Full Moon on December 6, we have an incredible opportunity to do so planetary healing around the issue of rape and sexual assault. Read about that in my previous blogpost:

HeruScopes©: Raising Sexual Assault Awareness, and Healing from it, is in the Stars!

and also, get the HeruScopes © Handbook and Guide 2014

#endthesilence     #BlueLotusSpeaks


This is a resource for those seeking to heal; from events like rape, sexual assault, domestic violence, invasive womb surgeries, anything that is stuck and outré wombs and not allowing ourselves to heal properly.

Many of these suggestions are things I have learned, tried and experienced during  my heal;ing journey back to balance and womb wellness from my encounters with rape, sexual assault and abuse. Certainly not in any particular order of importance or prescribed order of events. .

Let’s begin with the more obvious responses and actions to take….folowed by the more natural/alternative/spiritual actions.

1. FILE THE POLICE REPORT.  If you have #beenrapedneverreported, NOW IS THE TIME! Even after 30 years, filing that police report was very empowering and liberating. I had been so afraid of what would happen if anyone found out. I was so relieved when I went to the authorities and they listened and supported me a great deal. Once reported, if there are any other cases on the books, or any more come in involving your rapist, your case is on file and united, will have a better chance of seeing justice. You could really be helping a lot of people without even knowing it.

If you were recently raped, you are probably not reading this right after, but best to get medical attention and have the incident recorded. It is very difficult, but again, taking action brings empowerment. I had the great fortune of having good sisters with me.

2. WEAR TEAL. Teal is the door for Sexual Assault Awareness ad it feels great! I especially enjoy noticing she others are wearing teal. I wonder, “I wonder if they are in the ‘Club”” What club is that? SEXUAL ASSAULT SURVIVORS and SUPPORTERS. SASS. 

true teal

When I went back to Austin, TX in June of 2014, to officially embark upon my journey towards healing, “END THE SILENCE END THE SILENCE: Tchiya Amet Day. The Blue Lotus Speaks” I wore teal everyday for like 2 months straight. It was amazing. Very healing. Two months later, I had yet another encounter with sexual assault, this time it was “only” public molestation at a Reggae Festival.  You can read about this later….


end silence

Many people believe that by focusing on issues that are negative like rape, we only bring more of what we don’t want into our lives. I have wrestled with this for several months now, and have come to the conclusion that it is more important, and healthier for me to bring the truth out into the light of day, than it is to remain silent while doing nothing. By raising awareness and promoting healing, we can accomplish so much more. Shining Light to eliminate ignorance and unrighteousness sounds better than living in a cave in meditation 24/7.


3. Find a therapist and start talking about your experience and your feelings. You might even qualify to have your therapy sessions paid for by the Victims Compensation Program. Your Counselor will help you process the events. Talking to friends and loved ones helps you, and them. At the very least, they will know WHY you have changed.


4. START A JOURNAL. START WRITING MUSIC AGAIN. START PAINTING AGAIN. START RUNNING AGAIN, START EATING AGAIN. Start doing whatever it is that you stopped doing when the happened. It’s helpful to talk to friends and family, but the one that knows best is deep within…..

5. Join a women’s support group for sexual assault survivors.


6. TRAIN TO RUN A MARATHON. I actually did this, well, it was a half marathon. It was awesome! My endurance, was tested, my faith in my self was confirmed. I proved to myself that yes, I CAN do anything that I set my mind to. I even came in third place in my age group! well, there were only 3 people in my group, but no one needs to know that! LOL!

peta pack marathon! 2012


6.. Go to a shelter for support. They can help you stay safe, warm, and fed. They can help you find a new place to live. They can allow your children to continue receiving an education.  You will not be alone, there are many others going through the exact same things as you are. Unfortunately.

Once you have worked on your self and your healing for awhile, you can become involved with helping others heal, advocacy, activism, education, and prevention. Donate and/or  volunteer at a local Shelter for survivors, like Safe Place in Austin, TX. .




Now for the less obvious….WOMB WELLNESS. HEART OPEN. MIND CLEAR.

7. I would have to say, begin with SACRED WOMAN by Queen Afua.
Sacred Woman: A Guide to Healing the Feminine Body, Mind, and Spirit
Perhaps you can find some sisters going through the Gateways together. Or, they have a distance coaching program now. Keep in mind, that I HAVE DONE EVERYTHING LISTED OR SUGGESTED IN THIS BOOK. It helped me become the woman and healer that I am today. I know there are many other healers with books and resources out there ow, but this is where it all began for me, and so I can GUARANTEE  THAT THESE TEACHINGS CAN DO THE SAME FOR YOU.


They even have an online facebook program now! Did I even have Facebook back when i first learned about this book? LOL!! Queen Afua herself “will walk serious women through the 12 gateways in a 52 Week Online Program of self actualization.”


Queen Afua’s 52 Week Sacred Woman Online Course!


8. This book is where I first learned about living in alignment with the cosmic forces by eating and dressing by the door of the planet of the day.:
RegularCleansing or Fasting is a MUST!

Living, Eating and Juicing in Alignment with the Cosmic Forces of the Universe!

9. . Spend as much time IN the Water, WITH the Water, as you can. DRINK MORE WATER. So nurturing and purifying…..


spend time with Yemaya.

healing waters














10. Spiral Dance of Sirius Rising!
Great for healing the womb, and also for manifesting your true pure heart’s desires….



11. Purifying, Healing, Activating, Alilging and Atuning, the Chakras, the Ariyu.

HeruScopes©: Raising Sexual Assault Awareness, and Healing from it, is in the Stars!

Especially the Womb Chakra, The Creativity Center, The entire womb area needs extra special care and attention this full moon. As we nurture ourselves, we nurture the Mama Earth.


6 Ways to Balance Your Sacral Chakra

One of my favorite techniques for cleansing my womb: visualize blue light entering your womb as you inhale. hold breath for a few moments, and everything in the womb is turned lavender. as you exhale, the toxins are released, and the womb returns to her natural rose pink color.

Queen Afua said to NAME your womb. My womb is named Sandia!

Taking hot baths, using clay packs, all the tips you need, you will find in detail in SACRED WOMAN.

And the Root Chakra deals with our sense of security and stability.

Techniques to Open Root Chakra




12. People always tell you this. That you must be willing to forgive. It is up to YOU to decide when and if, you are ready to forgive. Do not rush yourself through any of the steps towards your healing. Yes, of course you know forgiving someone is to help YOU heal, not to protect them or  praise or to condone their actions. NO. Not that simple. There is the Co-Creator reality, the Karmic reality. The perpetual victim reality. No matter how you try to explain why, all that matters now is, WHAT COMES NEXT? What are you going to do, RIGHT NOW, IN THIS MOMENT? Well, after you are done reading this anyway. NOW is all we have. So best to spend it in healing and in speaking out rather than trying to figure this out.

I am able to forgive them, because I now know they are ignorant of the Divine. However, Ignorance is no excuse for what has happened, or for what continues to go on: Unrighteousness, Injustice. And so, we must continue to speak out and help bring about healing and raise awareness. Eradicate Ignorance and Eliminate Unrighteousness.


A very powerful heart opening forgiving and healing spiritual technology that I am aware of is HO’OPONOPONO.

Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® (SITH®) is an updated Hawaiian problem solving  process
to release memories that are experienced as problems. SITH® was created and developed
by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, a Hawaiian Kahuna Lapa’au. She was recognized by the State
of Hawaii as a Living Treasure in 1983.

“If we can accept that we are the sum total of all past thoughts, emotions, words, deeds and actions and that our present lives and choices are colored or shaded by this memory bank of the past, then we begin to see how a process of correcting or setting aright can change our lives, our families and our society.” Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona



Ho’oponopono – FEEL IT!


“Self I’dentity through Ho’oponopono is a wonderful tool for self-healing and causes a great improvement in all areas of your life. If you want the music send me a email I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you. :)”

there are lots more on youtube…

Dr. Hew Len leading an Inner Child meditation
Any works by Dr. Hew Len are highly recommended.




13.  LIVE MAAT TODAY AND NOT TOMORROW. Maat is the Cosmic Force of Balance, Truth, Order, Harmony, Justice, Reciprocity, and Righteousness.

MAAT at UShaka, Inc.
Principles, Virtues, and 42 Laws



14. ELIMINATE BLOCKS WITH KEMETONES ©: Cosmic Sound Healing,  Ra Sekhi Kemetic Reiki, ACUTONICS, OR ACUPUNCTURE.. Pain, illness, disease, depression, PTSD, etc, are all symptoms of a block in the flow of energy. Removing the blocks, or the CAUSE of the block,and you eliminate the symptoms. Get the Self Care Kit and HEAL THYSELF!


15. Herbal teas: Red Raspberry Leaf will purify, heal, and tonify your womb. Hawthorne Berry is excellent for the heart. There are many resources to help you find which herbs are best for you. Get to know them…..

Red Raspberry Leaf


16. Spend time in a Medicine Wheel or build one for your own healing.
Medicine Wheel page at

This is my own personal medicine wheel: Pejuta Waya Equoni


17. YOGA. Not just the postures. There are other aspects of yoga that will help you achieve clear mind. These branches or limbs of yoga include the following: Meditation, Breathing Exercises, Knowledge of Self, Listening to the Teachings. MAAT (Right Actions), Devotion, Authentic Spiritual Preceptor, Visit for more information.


here are a few more hekau (chants) that will help!



and from Japanese Buddhism, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

This practice is great for removing obstacles and manifesting miracles. Karma Buster!
I am speaking from experience.


18. LIGHT A BONFIRE. This is a great time to throw negative thoughts, doubts, fears or unfulfilled desires into the fire. releasing you from ties that bind.

This is a clip from recent bonfire. One day I found a few photos, o MY computer, of an unknown “private male body part” laid out on my desk!  I was able to trace it to its owner, one of my FORMER house sitters. It was awful. Ancestors told me to burn it, and send him the bill for a new desk.




Cut the Cords!


19. Cut The Cords. Energetic cords may still exist between you and the perpetrator. Even after years, decades, centuries! Until YOU energetically cut these ties, they will continue to bind you. You can hold a knife in your hand, physical or simply visualize, yourself cutting the cords. They exist in your womb, your heart, your throat, your voice, your first eye. Maybe they are around your feet, or your wrists. Who feels it knows it! You feel them, even if you do not see them. Perform this ritual daily, or whenever you feel constricted or controlled.

For a ritual, you can make a circle around you with sea salt for protection. Visualize not only cutting the cords, but drawing back your power into your energy field, taking back your power, pulling it right put of the atmosphere, back into your solar plexus. It is really powerful….

Cutting Cords Energetically


CLICK HERE to cut All Cords of Attachment for FREE today!




Here are previous posts about my encounters with rape and sexual assault awareness.


HeruScopes©: Raising Sexual Assault Awareness, and Healing from it, is in the Stars!

The Blue Lotus Speaks: HeruScope© for Ip Sesheta (Sidereal Scorpio New Moon) 2014

End the Silence, End the Violence Chapter 6: Austin, Texas 1983-1984, including Neil de GrasseTyson; The Blue Lotus Speaks!

The Blue Lotus Speaks Chapter 5: OBERLIN FUCKING COLLEGE!!!!

The Blue Lotus Speaks: ENDING THE SILENCE, ENDING THE VIOLENCE. Who’s Who of Violations (chapter 4)

The Blue Lotus Speaks: Reggae on the River 2014 Reflections UPDATE!

End the Silence, End the Violence! The Blue Lotus Speaks: Chapter 2

End the Silence, End the Violence! The Blue Lotus Speaks….





That is enough to get you started. Enjoy the Full Moon, and your preccious healing time!

Love and Light!

Tchiya Amet El Maat, S.E.