KemeTones Mobile Clinic



Now that the warm weather is here, our schedule is changing…. we will be back at the Black Mall this fall. We are so grateful to announce that we will be joining the Sat Nam Community Healing Circle every FIRST FRIDAY from 6-10 pm.

Sat Nam is located in the West Loop
at 1304 W. Washington Blvd.
Chicago, IL, 60607

Community Healing Cirlce
Friday 5.3 6pm-10pm
with Community Healers
A “healing circle” is a group of like-minded people who give or receive healing, energy work or bodywork. Power is created by the intention of the group to heal, learn and give.

Fempress Fit is having another event, and we will be there!!!

We LOVE working in the Community. Get a taste of this amazing healing modality, then schedule a visit to the Healing Temple at the Light Being Wellness Center.

While at the Haji on Super Sunday Sanctuary, you can also receive healing sessions from the other practitioners. You must schedule an appointment here:

KemeTones will not be at Haji Healing Salon in May due to the Light Being Spring Concert on May 19. KemeTones will be presenting a workshop at the Concert, so you can get you mini session there! 

Looking forward to seeing you soon! OneLOVEness!



Comfrey is one of the main ingredients in the Dr. Christopher Bone, Flesh and Cartilage Formula. (Also known as BF&C, Bone Formula or Regeneration Tea) This Bone Formula is in  many of the TeaChiya Medicinal Salves.  Dr. Christopher came up with this formula when a mother came into his office with her teenage daughter. The daughter had a strange skin condition, that conventional doctors had given up on, and had given her a week to live. He describes it as gruesome: the flesh was literally falling off of her bones. He said he was horrified, and had no idea what to say to the mother. He tried really hard to not show his emotions, and prayed to God for something to say to this woman. What came to him was the now infamous BF&C Formula. He wrote it down, told her to “Try This” and handed her the piece of paper.

The mother and daughter returned a week later, and the condition had improved! By the end of a few months, the young girl was back to her normal state of health!

Many of my friends and clients, as well as myself,  have also had amazing results with the BF&C Formula. Some are even miraculous. Now that the formula is included in some of the TeaChiya line of Light Being Wellness Products, I decided it was time to investigate further into the healing properties of the individual herbs and learn why the TeaChiya Salves are so effective.


So, let us begin this wellness journey with COMFREY…..

People have been using this herb for generations. Some call it a folk remedy. Native Americans called it “Knit Bone”.  One thing that I did not know is that Comfrey is related to Borage, which is a blood purifier and helps make yummy breast milk.


from Mountain Rose Herbs:
Comfrey leaf has been used since Roman times, dating back thousands of years. This herb has been utilized in folk medicine throughout Europe and North America and has been widely cultivated. Much debate surrounds the safety of comfrey due to various parts and preparations containing potentially toxic alkaloids. It is important to understand that the part used, species, and time of harvest all come in to play when determining the safety of this herb. A large body of traditional use supports its safety and efficacy if used intelligently and cautiously.



Comfrey Tea Health Benefits

Comfrey root and comfrey leaf benefits are widely promoted because of the herb’s long history of use. These rumored benefits include:

  • wound healing
  • relief from excessive menstrual flow
  • diarrhea
  • bloody urine
  • scar reduction
  • burn relief
  • treatment of bronchitis
  • treatment for rheumatoid arthritis
  • treatment for rashes or insect bites
  • treatment of broken bones, sprains, strains
  • relief from general aches and pains
  • improved dental health (stronger teeth)
  • better blood circulation
  • smoother skin
  • acne treatment
  • cancer prevention

“The leaves or roots applied as a wash, poultice or ointment are used for bruising, sciatica, boils, rheumatism, neuralgia, varicose veins, bed sores, wounds, ulcers, insect bites, tumours, muscular pain, pulled tendons, gangrene, shingles and dermatological conditions.” The list of internal uses includes: “Indigestion, stomach and bowel problems, excessive menstrual flow, hoarseness, periodontal diseases, bleeding gums, thyroid disorders, diarrhea, gastrointestinal ulcers, hernia, glandular fever, coughs, lung conditions, hemorrhaging, cancer, catarrh, anemia, sinusitis, lupus, lowering blood pressure, hiatus hernia, blood purifier, and to ease inflammation of the joints and mucus membranes.” Comfrey leaves are rich in chlorophyll, which has been scientifically proven to help rejuvenate old cells and promote the growth of new ones. The plant also contains allantoin, which increases white blood cells.


Now this next website has more information on the “scientific study”. Here are some excerpts: Is It Safe to Use Comfrey?

Comfrey is Banned in Foodstuffs

Let’s start with comfrey’s status as a banned herb in South Africa as reported by one of our daily newspapers. Fact is, it is banned as an ingredient in foodstuffs. Yes that is right, you may not sell a foodstuff containing comfrey. And if you are into legal stuff then please read Regulation R1541 dated 13 December 2002 in terms of Act 54 of 1972 to see if there is any mention of growing it, having it, making a poultice or ointment, or any of the other ‘banned’ things as hyped up by the media.

The reason for its ban as a foodstuff ingredient is simple. Comfrey contains a class of substances called pyrrolizidine alkoloids or PA’s for short. Under certain conditions they apparently can cause the destruction of liver tissue by creating a condition known as hepatic veno-occlusive disease (HVOD), in which the cells lining the veins in the liver proliferate and choke off the veins.

Are You Human or a Rat?

So in comes our scientific method. To proof, or disproof, this to be the case, researchers fed a bunch of infant lab rats a diet of comfrey, twenty-eight times their body weight, over a period of nine weeks. During this time they were also injected isolated comfrey extracts. When the poor infants perished it was discovered that they did indeed had HVOD and, lo and behold, it was proven that comfrey was the cause.

Now since policy and law makers think that our human metabolism is identical to that of the rat which is susceptible to these PA’s, and not to that of the sheep which is resistant to PA’s, they had no choice but to take this scientific research seriously. The fact that you and I, as humans, would have to eat somewhere in the region of 80 comfrey leaves every single day for a period of nine weeks, to produce a similar ‘human experiment’ is of no importance.

THANK YOU FOR THAT. I have the same feelings about this so called scientific study. We are NOT rats, and who would eat 80 leaves per day for 9 weeks??????


The author goes on to state that since 1980’s, there have been 4 cases of toxicity, each one involving basically overdosing: drinking ten cups a day plus taking capsules, also taking other pharmaceuticals and other health issues that probably contributed to the issues. The article also states that BEFORE THE 1980’S THERE WERE NO REPORTED INSTANCES OF TOXICITY! Which explains why the medical industry and FDA decided to conduct these tests on rats…..

Basically, anything that works naturally, the medical industrial complex will do their very best to discredit or ban the product. Then they will say that their artificial version is better. This of course we already know leads to side affects and a lifetime of addiction to harmful substances. has lots more detailed info on the scientific studies

Testimonials from grassroots comfrey users

Elderly woman corrects anemic blood with comfrey. Emsie du Plessis, 78, was among the comfrey eaters in the Doubleday trials conducted by Dr. Clare Anderson. After feeling weak and dizzy in her garden one day, she went to the doctor who said she was a bit anemic. Ms du Plessis began consuming three to four leaves of raw comfrey every day, and when she went back for a checkup a few weeks later, the doctor said her blood was perfect.

89 year-old comfrey user claims MD says he’s in perfect health. In 1991 Andrew Hughes, a comfrey user, published Comfrey, Nature’s Healing Herb and Health Food, which includes anecdotal stories of the benefits of ingesting comfrey. The 89-year old Hughes had been taking from 85 to 135 grams of comfrey in tablet form daily for 28 years, at the time of writing, and he says his regular check-ups revealed perfect health. Hughes first discovered the power of comfrey in 1956, and upon moving to Japan, became an advocate for it. His efforts led to a comfrey boom in Japan, the plant being widely used by Japanese farmers because it increased productivity enormously.

Australian man’s stock is legendary for its health. Foster Savage, who takes credit for introducing comfrey into Australia in 1954, fed it to his stock in great quantities (and ate quite a bit of it himself.) He found that milk production increased dramatically in his cows, with the bonus of thick cream. He also fed his pigs as much comfrey as they could eat and the quality of his meat became legendary. His butcher remarked that he had never seen pigs with such healthy livers.

I keep reading how sheep are immune to the toxicity, yet the tests were only done on baby rats…..


If it is good enough for human babies, then….

Research has now shown Comfrey to contain the plant chemicals allantoin and rosmarinic acid. Allantoin is able to accelerate cellular mitosis (meaning it speeds up the process of new tissue growth), while rosmarinic acid helps to relieve pain and inflammation. Allantoin is even part of the developmental process of a fetus – the placenta contains this compound as the baby grows, eventually dwindling as full maturity is reached. Also present in breast milk, a small supply of allantoin continues to be supplied to the baby after birth.

Product labels and websites must post this warning, and so I will as well:

Warning: Contains Comfrey. For external use only. Do not use if pregnant or nursing.

Now isn’t THAT strange: it is already naturally occurring  in the placenta, as well as breast milk, and yet, pregnant and nursing mothers are advised to not use it at all?????

We are no longer allowed to sell the tonic with Comfrey, but the Tea can still be used for topical applications. Think about it: would the medical industry approve of something called knitbone? For THOUSANDS OF YEARS??? Pinhole glasses were banned for 25 years in the US by the FDA….I can think of another powerful herb that has also been negatively portrayed by the medical industry and the FDA….and now that it has been legalized, the pharmaceuticals only want us to buy it from them, a synthetic version of course!!!

The FDA has tried to make people afraid to ingest Comfrey. They isolated a few elements, then tested on rats, and said it was unsafe for humans even though humans have used this herb for thousands of years. And yet, the same people that tell us this little plant is dangerous, are the same people selling invasive techniques and deadly pharmaceuticals for their profit, not caring about our safety. Such hypocrites. If you are really concerned, then we suggest you also do a liver flush when using the herb, which we should all be doing any ole way…



It appears that the main ingredient in Comfrey, the Allatoin, that is responsible for the powerful healing, mending, growing, great feeling on the skin, etc, is the ingredient that was isolated and overfed to baby rats, and they say is what causes liver damage and cancer. They do NOT mention the fact that the rats were fed the equivalent of 80 leaves a day for 9 weeks! WOW. Mindblown….

Here is a comment from another website:
Straight shooting from the hip Didi, Australia & the USA are world leaders in banning the ‘good stuff’. In Oz you are allowed to buy borage, as a vegetable in a restuarant, yet it is banned as a herb, it’s ok to eat as food but not as a herb?
Comfrey is often eaten in our home, we add a cut up leaf or two to many dishes, we add it to the mince or stew or meal once we remove the pot from the stove or turn the heat off.

I occasionally drink the Tonic, although not everyday. Not because of fear, I just forget! LOL!!

I hope this report has shed some light on why Comfrey is in the Bone Formula, and why the Bone Formula is in TeaChiya Medicinal Salves and Teas.



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TeaChiya: a natural blend of wildcrafted and native herbs found in the
Waya Equoni Medicine Wheel Garden at the California Mountain home of Tchiya Amet. This blend includes:

  • Mint
  • Lemon Balm
  • Motherwort
  • Feverfew
  • Blackberry
  • Dandelion
  • Plaintain
  • Mullein
  • Comfrey
  • Rosemary

We now carry formulas for Bone, Arthritis, Skin, with Cannabis Infusion and without. The most popular formula contains everything!

You can purchase this amazing salve online and also in person at special events, mobile clinics, at The Black Mall (533 E 79th Street) or here at the Light Being Wellness Center in Chicago 8008 S. Ellis Ave #2. Stay Tuned for grand opening of the brand new website for more information and for placing your order.  You can just email me at lightbeingwellness at, or call at 707-972-6831







March Portal of Djehuty Opening

Udja from HeruScopes! Greetings, Good Rising and Great Awakenings.
Uben Nefer Nehast.

Today, Mercury goes Retrograde, and will stay that way until March 28.
March 5, 2019, at 6:19 pm Universal Time, 2:19 pm EDT and 11:19 am PDT.
Goes Direct March 28, 2019, at 1:59 pm Universal Time, 10:59 am EDT and 7:59 am PDT.
from the Mercury Retrograde Calendar

Most astrology systems view this as a terrible phase, at HeruScopes however, we see these events as PORTAL OPENINGS. Mercury means a portal opens in communications and technology. There are breakthroughs and breakdowns, which inevitably lead to breakthroughs. There are many posts on this subject, for more info, just search this site for PORTAL OF DJEHUTY OPENING.
This is the post that was the result of my consciousness opening on so many levels. This is the post that led me to the realization that these portal openings are to be cherished, not feared and despised…..

The New Moon is tomorrow, March 6 at 10:03 am CST.
Next Full Moon is March 20 at 8:42 pm CST. Some say that the March Full Moon is called the Worm Full Moon….


So what is cooking in the Celestial Stew for Today?

Right off the bat, looks a little top heavy, a little imbalance…I love all the water however….emotions being released, staying in the flow.

Dua Djehuty N PiCot Sahu
Mercury Rx in Sidereal Pisces.

Mercury Retrograde in Sidereal Pisces. The Portal of Communications and Technology is now wide open in the area of EMOTIONS, ENERGY IN MOTION. Of course, we are also dealing with matters of the heart, and thus, issues of the Ego when these portals are open. I see them as an intensified period of purifying the aryu, stored impressions of past lives, past experiences, the past in general. The aryu is stored in the heart. As mentioned many times before, the heart contains more brain cells than the brain! When triggered, or when feelings arise, the emotions can lead one astray if not careful. During this time, remember there is always in Gift in every adversity. It could even be stated that the point of Life on Earth, which is filled with hardships, challenges, frustration and adversities, is to learn how to sail through even the roughest storms in life, like the ocean is calm and the skies are clear.

During this time, it is highly advised to focus on purifying ones heart of regrets, longings, sadness, old unfulfilled desires that no longer serve your highest good. Or at least, when these feelings arise, find a harmonious way to release and express them. Whatever you have been doing about this in the past must not be working so great, if you are still being triggered a lot, so now is the time to find a new release, or to find a way to change your thought patterns when the crucial moment arrives….

these portal openings are about changing the way you have been doing things….or, if you have stopped, time to start again.

Sesheta, representing the New Moon. The Cosmic Scribe

Ra: the Sun, the Cosmic Force of Creativity

Vesta represents the Hearth, the Central Fire, the Light of the Sacred Fire.

NebtHet: the lady of the House; Mortality. She represents the Incarnation of the Soul into the Physical Realm. She is attention to Worldly Matters.

Dua Sesheta Dua Ra Dua Vesta Dua NebtHet N KuUrKu
New Moon, Sun, Vesta and Neptune in Sidereal Aquarius/Heru.


Aquarius is Heru. Universal Love and Universal Family. Loving One Another Equally. Aquarius represents sharing wisdom, and knowledge with others, represented by pouring out the water.

At this time of New Beginning, right before the Spring Equinox, let’s focus our energy our intentions, our journal writings, our work to improve our personality, our creativity and creative expression, our hearth, and our  home in the area of Victory for the Universal Family and the Redemption of the Soul.  Heru represents the victory of the Soul. over Death, over Lower Ego. These planets are all in this sign, which means the Universe is focused in these frequencies, archetypes and characteristics. As Above So Below, so can we. Doesn’t it make sense to stay in alignment with what is happening in the Cosmos as much as we stay in tune with what is happening on Netflix and instagram???

Since it is the New Moon, some members of the Neterian Community have been fasting or doing cleanses. The Spring Equinox is right around the turn, so this is a great time for you to start a fast in preparation for the Majestic Alignment that is ahead. You do not want to be carrying extra baggage with you at that time. So you have about 2 weeks to really detach and let go…


here is a quote from the Kemetic Diet by Sebai Maa,
Dr. Muata Ashby, shared with the community by Uab Amuntyt for the New Moon Fast:
Food for the Mind:
“He (Djehuty) is also the messenger of the Supreme Being, Ra, who brings the special words of power to Aset in the Asarian Resurrection Story in order for Aset to resurrect the young Heru, who was poisoned by Set. In this aspect Djehuty symbolizes the Spiritual Preceptor who brings the wisdom of the Divine Self to the aspirant so the aspirant can resurrect his or her spiritual aspiration each time it is attacked by the ego (Set).” The Kemetic Diet, pg. 208, 2002 Second Edition by Dr. Muata Ashby

That is enuff to reflect on for today. Check back soon for the KemeTones Cosmic Sound healing Self Care tips and Global Prayer, plus the Ancient African Adorations Chant that will come through for this celestial event.



If you are interested in getting a personal HeruScopes Chart, Reading or the Cosmic Navigation package, which consists of the Chart. the Reading plus a one-on-one Consultation, just drop me an email  at cosmic at

or visit

Olmec Celestial Wisdom for Today…








Zing into Spring with KemeTones Cosmic Sound Healing



Zing into Spring!

Today is March 3, which means that there are approximately 18 days until the Equinox. The Spring Equinox takes place this year March 20 at 4:58 pm Central Time. Astronomically, this is the first day of Spring. Day and Night are said to be equal, although this has actually changed due to Precession of the Equinox. It might actually happen in February! And it is also said that the Sun moves into Aries. However, in reality, this does not happen until sometime in April. It is said that during the Equinox, the poles of the Sun’s orbit line up with the Galactic Axis and coordinates, and so, there is a great and wonderful Galactic alignment that takes place at this time.

In honor of this great alignment, KemeTones Cosmic Sound Healing is offering a tremendous deal in the form of a package, and a sale on all services.

You will benefit from these Spring Zingers because the session(s) will

  • remove blocks
  • release trauma, tension, pain and stress
  • open the way for new beginnings
  • bring you into alignment with your true purpose
  • eliminate pain and discomfort
  • cut energetic cords with people, relationships, trauma, situations
  • bring you into alignment with Cosmic Forces of Nature, Ancestral Forces, the Neters, the Orisha, etc

Here’s the Deal!

For those of you ready to take your healing experience to the next level, here is


Chart, Analysis and One-on-One Consultation
Energy Reading



ONLY $400!

That Spring Zinger is a Hum Dinger.
You can schedule your sessions for anytime between now and the Summer Solstice, June 20, 2019. We can even work out a custom payment plan for you…..

In addition, the individual Solar, Galactic and Cosmic Tune-Ups are available at about15% discount when you book and pay for your session between NOW and the Equinox on March 20. You may schedule your session(s) for this Spring, ie, before the Summer Solstice on June 20.

That means the Solar Tune-Up, regularly $65 is now priced at $50

the Galactic Tune-Up regular price is $100, now priced at $80,

and the Cosmic Tune-Up regular price is $150 now on sale for $120. Includes one Chart and one mini analysis.

Zing into Spring with KemeTones Cosmic Sound Healing!!

Book Your Session TODAY!

This offer vanishes with the Equinox on March 20 at 5 pm CST

