Indian Corn is Edible Full Moon


Good Rising Grand Openings Great Awakenings!


According to the Algonquin (Northeast to Great Lakes), Now is the Time of the Michee Eskos “When Indian Corn is Edible”. Since I am now living on a Great Lake, Lake Michigan, decided to honor a Nation from this area….with so much GMOs, I rarely eat corn anymore. So sad. I cannot believe all of the damages that Human Beings have allowed to go on, and continue. Next thing you know, they will produce corn with no kernels! LOL! or is that COL??? (Crying Out Loud)

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First things first, some of the Portals Have Closed, ie,Retrograde Planets are now direct. You can catch up on all the Retro Action at these pages….

Retrograde Season

Sekhmet Season: Openings are Closing/Retrograde is Winding Down


But actually, there are still 6 Retro Planets!!!! At Least Mercury Retro is over for now.


Let’s Dive Right In.

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HeruScopes Summary

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KemeTones Cosmic Sound Healing and
Ancient African Adorations (Chanting and Singing)


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Dua Ra Sekhmet  Dua Maat Sekhmet
Sun  and Asteroid Pallas Athena on Sidereal Leo.
Direct your creative powers towards Healing. Let your Expressions courageously release and reveal deepest emotions and long-held limiting beliefs.

Dua Aset Dua HetHeru Aspolia
Asteroid Ceres and Venus in Sidereal Virgo: Divine Intuition IS the Divine Mother of ALL, let her guide you as you plant seeds of intentions in your Garden of Life. Serve your Highest Purpose, and no other.Remain Seated on Inner Throne, Remain Aware of your Divinity, no matter the appearance. Once you pull out the weeds of negativity, as in negative thoughts and emotions, you can appreciluv the Beauty of your Life.

Dua PiCheus Amun Maat Jupiter in Sidereal Libra.
Maat Expansion, read previous post…
I have witnessed and observed Maat Expansion in my own life because I FINALLY began to TRUST. I have learned how to Turn On The Switch, and now everything is Illuminated and meat is Expanding in all directions.

Dua Vesta (asteroid) Imhotep/Ophiuchus
The Hearth, the Center, is HEALING. Let everything you do have at its core, your healing. Or helping someone else to heal. The Fire of Life, the Passion, is HEALING and PURIFICATION. Without this, you cannot move forward.

Dua Rephan Rx  Dua Asar Rx Dua Set Rx PiMaere/Asar
All three of these planets have their portals open, still. Saturn, Pluto and Mars are all Retro and all in Sidereal Sagittarius. Rephan Asar: travel beyond limitations: physical, mental, creative. Get out of that comfort zone and find the peace amidst the chaos. Learn important lessons by dealing with obstacles. Saturn is the Teacher. School is in Session, especially if you are going through Saturn’s Return, and/or have Saturn in Capricorn (like me! LOL!!) . CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Nuk Pu Nuk Asar Asar: Pluto in Sidereal Sagittarius: Transitions, transformations, rebirth and renewal.  Especially while this portal is open: what appears to be death or the end, is actually the beginning. As one life/journey ends, another is beginning. Leading to something even greater than imagined. Rather than focus on a particular event or desired outcome, take a step back, and acknowledge all that has been overcome and be grateful, this will allow you to open up to even more wondrous rebirth. Let go of attachment and open up to greater abundance and prosperity, This can o ly be achieved with trust.

Set Asar: The Ultimate Deception and Victory. Victory can appear in ways that you may not like, Reflecting on the Asarian Resurrection, Asar was killed by his brother, and redeemed by his son,  thereby reborn. Asar represents the Soul, and Set represents the lower Ego. During this alignment, with portal opened, the some time to reflect on the ways that your lower ego zaps your energy, awareness, how it tricks you into slipping out of consciousness. Then reflect on what brings you back, what redeems your soul, what is your own savior, without looking outside of your self? What rejuvenates you, replenishes you? STAY CLOSE TO THIS! When I first began my yoga and spiritual practice, it was all about discipline, endurance, other peoples’ (class) schedules, etc. But now, it is more about what replenishes me, what rejuvenates me? Not so much about doing things every single day, but it IS about what tools I choose and knowing when and how to use them for my own benefit, for Wellness and Livity. Not just for the sake of keeping a schedule or getting an intense workout; It’s not about zoning out in an hour long meditation. IT IS ABOUT WHAT FEELS REALLY GOOD!!!! This is one form of the Victory of the Soul over Lower Nature (fears, anxieties, doubts, toxic emotions and thoughts, even toxic people!) Raising the Vibrations and Frequencies of Your Life.



Dua Djehuty (Full Moon)  Dua NebtHet (Neptune) Rx KuUrKu Sidereal Aquarius
What is the Wisdom of this Full Moon? Indian Corn is Edible, so it is like a Harvest in some ways, This Full Moon is in the sign of Sidereal Aquarius. Pay attention to the knowledge and information gained during this time. This is information that you have been waiting for, and so now is the time for action. Recall the alignments of Aspolia: allow Divine Intuition to Plant Seeds of Intention, Seeds that will keep you on the Beauty Path. The knowledge and information you receive during this Full Moon is like a bag of golden seeds to be planted, leading to golden opportunities. This will lead to tremendous prosperity whenever you share your wisdom with others. Have no fear, you can and will be victorious over your fears with this bag of golden seeds…
NebtHet is standing by, to assist you in keeping this project in order. As Lady of the House, she also helps keep emotions in order. Do not allow emotions to cloud your judgement when the time to take action arrives. Remain focused on your purpose, which is To Be Enlightened, and use your gifts to help others to do the same.


(UPDATE 08-28-18: The Moon moved into PiCot Sahu (Sidereal Pisces) on the third night. Watch the youtube video for updated analysis and Ancient African Adorations (Chanting and singing)

Dua Chiron PiCot Sahu Rx (Chiron Rx in Sidereal Pisces)
This Portal is opened, and is about Healing Emotions from the past that still affect us in the now. Any healing work that you do in this area will be intensified and increased based on the effort and power you bring to the process. With Ra Sekhmet, Creativity and Healing is in Order. Chiron in Sidereal Pisces signifies time for deep self care and healing, with emphasis on releasing past emotions, concepts, ideals, the ones that no longer serve us. You know, those pesky little triggers that can go off anywhere, anytime? The next time, you are triggered, find a creative safe outlet for expression. Do NOT keep them bottled in! Do NOT lash out at anyone, especially not your self….

Dua Heru Rx  Dua Juno Tamet Amon
Heru (Uranus Retro on Sidereal Aries) is already a Rebel, a Revolutionary, the Victor and Redeemer. It’s natural orbit is perpendicular to the rest of the Solar System. Being Retrograde, this portal is open wide to take bold daring steps and actions that you might not normally attempt. Or, new pathways will open up coming from unexpected sources, in ways that you never imagined possible. Do you have the courage, the will, the stamina, the steadfastness to go down this road that was selected for you and by you?? Juno is the goddess of marriage, commitment. Now located in Sidereal Aries, this is also a path of leadership, blazing a trail so that others may follow. Perhaps new relationship is opening up, give it some time to blossom, stop rushing things. Make time for building new, lasting relationships along the way, especially with One’s Self. Two Decades ago, I had the great fortune of traveling to Teotihuacan with don Miguel Ruiz and family for my first Pyramid Initiation. At the end of the week of amazing activities, there was a marriage ceremony: we each married our self. I still wear the wedding ring to this day. .

Dua Sedna Apis (Sedna Sidereal Taurus)
This alignment will be with us for a long time. This has been discussed at length previously, but in summary: Sedna is the Cosmic Force of Trauma and Assault, especially Sexual Assault. Being located in Sidereal Taurus indicates that this is a time for confronting revealing exposing the issues of rape culture that has the entire planet in its clutches. Like plowing the fertile seed for a new crop, all pedophiles, perpetrators, predators etc are being exposed and called out from their high places. There is still much more work to be done. We are thankful for the cosmic assistance.

In summary, Take heed of any wisdom, knowledge or information that comes to you during this Full Moon. Plant this information as if it was from a bag of golden seed, and watch what comes to fruition in due time. Remember the Edible Corn? All the hard woks and planning that you did are now ready for you to take a bite, and combined with the knowledge gained during the Full Moon, while several portals are still opened, this is a prescription that can propel you even higher and further. View all Creative Endeavors and projects as Healing, not just for fun or expression, but for tapping deeply into old, even ancient emotions that often pop up as triggers.

For more information on HeruScopes, visit



Sekhmet Season 2018: Openings Closing

Good Rising Grand Openings Great Awakenings!

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Portal Openings are Closing: Retrograde Season Winds Down during this Sekhmet Season. The Sun moved into Sidereal Leo a few days ago Dua Ra Sekhmet. An incredible month of creativity, healing, and warrior initiations.

Dua Ra Sekhmet Sun in Sidereal Leo among other alignments….

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We are actually in the winding down phase of this amazing time of Portal Openings and  Eclipses. Has been really exciting and revealing. Empowering and Illuminating. 

NebtHet KuUrKu June 19-Nov 24  (Neptune Sidereal Aquarius)
Putting Spiritual House In Order: LET GO. Continuous Trigger, Release

PiCheus Maat closed July 10 (Jupiter in Sidereal Libra)
Maat Expansion, appears to be backwards, yet propelled forward. slingshot effect

Vesta Imhotep ( Vesta in Sidereal Ophiuchus)
Purification of INNER Flame, Identity, Spiritual Housework

RePhan Pi Maere Geb Asar ended August 6, this could be why my birthday felt so exceptional….I have Saturn In Capricorn sigh. (Saturn in Sidereal Sagittarius)
Set boundaries: only do what feels good to you AND leads you closer to enlightenment

Asar Asar (Pluto in Sidereal Sagittarius)
One door closes, another opens. must release the pain of the past to make room for future and present.  then help/teach others.

Set has moved into Asar/PiMaere while Rx June 26-August 27 (Mars in Sidereal Sag): having  broken  free of internal limitations, now time for Ego to guide and protect one’s inner being, as Set guides the Boat of Ra. Self Transformation. Self Realization. 

Chiron PiCot Sahu (Chiron in Sidereal Pisces)
Wounded Healer: Portal Opening to incredible SELF Healing, usually thought impossible. Accept

Djehuty Khepera July 26-August 19 (Mercury Sidereal Cancer)
Transformative Communications in Family Relations

Heru Tamet Amon August 7-January 6, 2019!!!!! (Uranus in Sidereal Aries)
Take inner actions to change outer reality

As most of these portals begin their closing phases, ie, go direct, it will feel the way it does at the end of Summer, with so many activities and special events, trying to get as much in before school starts and the weather changes. Well, that is how the intensity is showing up for us now. If you were being tested or receiving lots of “downloads” before, expect even more during these final days. Again, this does not necessarily mean “bad stuff” will happen. It means that now you have been through all of that training, your response will improve.When the shit hits the fan, you will rise higher, and feel lighter. Just flip on the TRUST switch and exhale. You have already let go of so much, you got this. By the end of August, things will have eased up a bit, providing for a period of smooth sailing until the next adversity appears to teach you another lesson. The Journey IS The Destination: ENLIGHTENMENT. 

Elsewhere, where things continue to move forward….

Sesheta HetHeru Aspolia (Moon and Venus in Sidereal Virgo)
Writing about the Beauty in Life is like planting seeds of Beauty in the Garden of Your Life. Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. Remember the power of the Goddess of Beauty, to tame her ego and remember her true nature, by listening to the Wisdom of the Cosmic Mind, instead of the Individual Mind. 

Once these Rx phases have closed, will investigate the Paths of Djehuty again. 

Truly Grateful and Enjoying Fully these Cosmic Sound Interpretations of the Movements of the Cosmic Forces, the perfect blend of HeruScopes, KemeTones and Ancient African Adorations, all bundled up in episodes from Good Rising TV. Finding ways to remain in alignment with the Neters is one of my passions. 

Here is the video of new #DevotionalWorldMusic #WorldDevotionalMusic #AncientAfricanAdorations BE ENLIGHTENED DUA SEKHMET

KemeTones Session

Retrograde Winds Down

It takes great courage to Trust, to Surrender to Divine Will, To Let Go of Attachments.  To Be Enlightened. We can use the Energy of Sekhmet, The Life Force Energy,  and the Will of hetHeru, The Power of the Life Force Energy to do this work. We absolutely MUST learn to MASTER these Cosmic Forces, not just know about them study them worship them, invoke them align with them, We must BECOME THEM.

One of my Beloved Teachers and Spiritual Guides has offered me much insight regarding the upcoming journey to Kemet for a Musical Initiation. Seba Dja, reminds me that any and all tools of spirituality, like oracles, tarot, divinations, readings, including Astrology, should never become a replacement for trusting one’s insight or Divine Intuition. That some people depend on tools like these and never learn to know or trust themselves. I find them to be very useful in maintaining order and awareness, like a natural energy GPS. I have dressed according to the planetary color of the Day, for decades, even choosing which foods to eat based on their color. I also use HoraWatch, an app that lets us know which planets/Cosmic Forces/Hindu gods and goddess are in exaltation and should be propitiated. She reminds me that even these tools must be let go of eventually. Even the Teachings! I only added that they are most useful and make life fun until one is ready to let go….

Anyway, in addition to learning more about being a Chantress in (Ancient/NOW) Kemet, during the pilgrimage in October,  we will also investigate if, how and why, the Ancient People of Kemet used Astrology system, rather than only knowing of the Greek perspective and uses. HeruScopes uses Kemetic Archetypes and Mythology, whereas Western Astrology only takes the Greek Mtths into account. Same with KemeTones and Acutonics. If there is a more direct source or approach, I want to find it. Hetep. 

Writing that Manifests Healing and Protection: Dua Sesheta Dua Sekhmet

The New Moon is at Aug 11, 2018 at 4:57 am CST.


This is an illustration of how the eclipse will look at maximum.

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Looks like a Crescent Moon….
The Partial Eclipse from

Event UTC Time Time in Chicago*
First location to see the partial eclipse begin Aug 11 at 08:02:08 Aug 11 at 3:02:08 am
Maximum Eclipse Aug 11 at 09:46:24 Aug 11 at 4:46:24 am
Last location to see the partial eclipse end Aug 11 at 11:30:40 Aug 11 at 6:30:40 am


An Eclipse Never Comes Alone!

A solar eclipse always occurs about two weeks before or after a lunar eclipse.

Usually, there are two eclipses in a row, but other times, there are three during the same eclipse season.

All eclipses 1900 — 2199

This is the third eclipse this season.

First eclipse this season: July 13, 2018 — Partial Solar Eclipse

Second eclipse this season: July 27, 2018 — Total Lunar Eclipse

Will not see it from Chicago. However, we will all experience the effects.


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MaxEx.jpgLetz First examine which portals remain open, ie, which planets are Retrograde. Rx

A Node is Rx, I don’t usually mess with that….

Djehuty Portal is open in Khepera, Sidereal Cancer
Transformative Knowledge and Communications

Rephan/Geb/Saturn, Asar/Pluto and Set/Mars are all Rx in PiMaere, Sidereal Sagittarius. Associated with the Cosmic Force of Amun by way of Jupiter.
Traveling beyond perceived limitations, experiencing rejuvenation and inner peace with all aspects of one’s being, embracing the perfection in ones imperfection, to the point where there is no more negative judgement of lower nature, because it has been purified.

NebtHet/Neptune in KuUrKu/Sidereal Aquarius
Passion Contained, Subdued

Chiron in PiCot Sahu/Sidereal Pisces
Healing ancient emotions.

Heru/Uranus in Sidereal Aries, Tamet Ammon
Victory over Lower Nature.

Kindly refer to previous posts on Retrogrades and Eclipses for further insight to what you may be experiencing….also Maat Expansion

HetHeru/Venus is in Aspolia/Sidereal Virgo: Time to Plant Seeds of Love and Beauty in Your Garden of Life.

The New Moon is represented by Sesheta at HeruScopes, the Cosmic Scribe, the Goddess of Writing. Here is a hekau for Sesheta and Nut, from Chapter 19 of the Pert M Heru.

Chapter 19 Pert M Heru Nuk Pu Sesheta Nuk Pu Nut



Sesheta is in the sign of Sekhmet, Sidereal Leo. Ra just moved in today, and now both share the location with Aset/Ceres, one of the Goddess Asteroids. At HeruScopes Sesheta and the Moon represent Writing to improve, develop, and bring about change and growth in ones character and personality. Being in Sekhmet, during an Eclipse, intensifies the Healing Aspect and Protective Power of this Celestial Event.

Writing that Manifests Healing, Protection and Transformation.

Here is an excerpt from Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs for Beginners by Dr. Muata Ashby. pgs  33 and 34.   


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Sesheta was not only a Scribe, she was an architect, engineer, astronomer, etc. She worked with Sacred Geometry. She wrote Spells and Incantations. These are all great examples of what we can create with writing. What we can build. You can literally create the Life of your dreams by writing out your goals, or reading them out loud each day. Or by speaking into existence. It’s one thing to meditate and think about things, and another to take action and activate the energy, and manifest into existence and physical reality.

This New Moon Eclipse Time is yet another grand portal opening, into our collective creativity. Allowing our writings, studying and application of the teachings to bring about transformations in our lives, communities and the planet. Creating Change through our creative writings. Journalling, poetry, songwriting, playwriting. We can include all kinds of other arts, intentions, even magic, and turn our writings into tools and instruments for change.

With so much activity, whatever we initiate or activate during this time will propel us forward, like a slingshot, Things may appear to be going backwards, or in an unwanted direction, yet contains the ability to push further and farther then previously imagined. We must find a way to Trust and Remember that we are here to Be Enlightened.

Sun just Moved into Sidereal Leo TODAY! So we honor Dua Ra Dua Sekhmet.

Cosmic Forces of Creativity and The Healing Warrior. Writing that Manifests Healing, Transformation and Protection.

Full Video

This is  Chant for all the Neters of Chapter 19.

Chapter 19 Pert M Heru Adorations

Asar, Nut, Sekhmet, Sesheta and Khnum.


WRITE ON!!!!!!


Tchiya Amet El Maat
aka Shems Arit Meter S Mery Manti


Maat Expansion During Portal Openings 2018

Good Rising Grand Opening and Great Awakening!

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This is just a short report about a few alignments that are NOT in Retrograde. It seems to me that this is of significance as well. You can read the comprehensive

Retrograde Season is Here,

the Solar Eclipse  Review,

as well as the Lunar Eclipse Report.


I initiated this report on my Mom’s birthday, July 31, and it took this long to complete and upload the video. But not too much has changed, so please enjoy the corresponding video on youtube.


July 31, 2018


Dua Ra Khepera Dua Juno Khepera (Sun Juo Sidereal Cancer)

Dua Sedna Apis (Sedna Sidereal Taurus)

Dua Maat Dua Heru Tamet Ammon Witnessing Consciousness Observing Maat without Judgement or Attachments
(Pallas Athena Uranus in Sidereal Aries)

Dua Chiron Rx Dua Sesheta PiCot Sahu. (Chiron Opening, Moon Sidereal Pisces)

Dua NebtHet Rx KuUrKu (Neptune Retrograde Sidereal Aquarius)

Dua Set Rx Hupeneius (Mars Retro Sidereal Capricorn)

Dua Asar Rx Dua RePhan (Geb) Rx Asar (Pluto Retro, Saturn Retro, in Sidereal Sagittarius)

Dua Vesta Imhotep (Vesta Sidereal Ophiuchus)

Dua PiCheus Amun Maat (Jupiter Ideal Libra) MAAT EXPANSION

Dua HetHeru Dua Aset Dua Djehuty Rx Sekhmet

Here is KemeTones youtube channel video about Maat Expansion During Portal Openings from Good Rising TV:

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