Sekhmet Season 2018: Openings Closing

Good Rising Grand Openings Great Awakenings!

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Portal Openings are Closing: Retrograde Season Winds Down during this Sekhmet Season. The Sun moved into Sidereal Leo a few days ago Dua Ra Sekhmet. An incredible month of creativity, healing, and warrior initiations.

Dua Ra Sekhmet Sun in Sidereal Leo among other alignments….

august 16.jpg

We are actually in the winding down phase of this amazing time of Portal Openings and  Eclipses. Has been really exciting and revealing. Empowering and Illuminating. 

NebtHet KuUrKu June 19-Nov 24  (Neptune Sidereal Aquarius)
Putting Spiritual House In Order: LET GO. Continuous Trigger, Release

PiCheus Maat closed July 10 (Jupiter in Sidereal Libra)
Maat Expansion, appears to be backwards, yet propelled forward. slingshot effect

Vesta Imhotep ( Vesta in Sidereal Ophiuchus)
Purification of INNER Flame, Identity, Spiritual Housework

RePhan Pi Maere Geb Asar ended August 6, this could be why my birthday felt so exceptional….I have Saturn In Capricorn sigh. (Saturn in Sidereal Sagittarius)
Set boundaries: only do what feels good to you AND leads you closer to enlightenment

Asar Asar (Pluto in Sidereal Sagittarius)
One door closes, another opens. must release the pain of the past to make room for future and present.  then help/teach others.

Set has moved into Asar/PiMaere while Rx June 26-August 27 (Mars in Sidereal Sag): having  broken  free of internal limitations, now time for Ego to guide and protect one’s inner being, as Set guides the Boat of Ra. Self Transformation. Self Realization. 

Chiron PiCot Sahu (Chiron in Sidereal Pisces)
Wounded Healer: Portal Opening to incredible SELF Healing, usually thought impossible. Accept

Djehuty Khepera July 26-August 19 (Mercury Sidereal Cancer)
Transformative Communications in Family Relations

Heru Tamet Amon August 7-January 6, 2019!!!!! (Uranus in Sidereal Aries)
Take inner actions to change outer reality

As most of these portals begin their closing phases, ie, go direct, it will feel the way it does at the end of Summer, with so many activities and special events, trying to get as much in before school starts and the weather changes. Well, that is how the intensity is showing up for us now. If you were being tested or receiving lots of “downloads” before, expect even more during these final days. Again, this does not necessarily mean “bad stuff” will happen. It means that now you have been through all of that training, your response will improve.When the shit hits the fan, you will rise higher, and feel lighter. Just flip on the TRUST switch and exhale. You have already let go of so much, you got this. By the end of August, things will have eased up a bit, providing for a period of smooth sailing until the next adversity appears to teach you another lesson. The Journey IS The Destination: ENLIGHTENMENT. 

Elsewhere, where things continue to move forward….

Sesheta HetHeru Aspolia (Moon and Venus in Sidereal Virgo)
Writing about the Beauty in Life is like planting seeds of Beauty in the Garden of Your Life. Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. Remember the power of the Goddess of Beauty, to tame her ego and remember her true nature, by listening to the Wisdom of the Cosmic Mind, instead of the Individual Mind. 

Once these Rx phases have closed, will investigate the Paths of Djehuty again. 

Truly Grateful and Enjoying Fully these Cosmic Sound Interpretations of the Movements of the Cosmic Forces, the perfect blend of HeruScopes, KemeTones and Ancient African Adorations, all bundled up in episodes from Good Rising TV. Finding ways to remain in alignment with the Neters is one of my passions. 

Here is the video of new #DevotionalWorldMusic #WorldDevotionalMusic #AncientAfricanAdorations BE ENLIGHTENED DUA SEKHMET

KemeTones Session

Retrograde Winds Down

It takes great courage to Trust, to Surrender to Divine Will, To Let Go of Attachments.  To Be Enlightened. We can use the Energy of Sekhmet, The Life Force Energy,  and the Will of hetHeru, The Power of the Life Force Energy to do this work. We absolutely MUST learn to MASTER these Cosmic Forces, not just know about them study them worship them, invoke them align with them, We must BECOME THEM.

One of my Beloved Teachers and Spiritual Guides has offered me much insight regarding the upcoming journey to Kemet for a Musical Initiation. Seba Dja, reminds me that any and all tools of spirituality, like oracles, tarot, divinations, readings, including Astrology, should never become a replacement for trusting one’s insight or Divine Intuition. That some people depend on tools like these and never learn to know or trust themselves. I find them to be very useful in maintaining order and awareness, like a natural energy GPS. I have dressed according to the planetary color of the Day, for decades, even choosing which foods to eat based on their color. I also use HoraWatch, an app that lets us know which planets/Cosmic Forces/Hindu gods and goddess are in exaltation and should be propitiated. She reminds me that even these tools must be let go of eventually. Even the Teachings! I only added that they are most useful and make life fun until one is ready to let go….

Anyway, in addition to learning more about being a Chantress in (Ancient/NOW) Kemet, during the pilgrimage in October,  we will also investigate if, how and why, the Ancient People of Kemet used Astrology system, rather than only knowing of the Greek perspective and uses. HeruScopes uses Kemetic Archetypes and Mythology, whereas Western Astrology only takes the Greek Mtths into account. Same with KemeTones and Acutonics. If there is a more direct source or approach, I want to find it. Hetep. 

Ra Maat and Full Moon Tamet Ammon (Sun in Sidereal LIbra and Sidereal Aries Full Moon) 2014


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For more information, check out the HeruScopes © 2014 Handbook and Resource Guide.

November 6, 2014

Ra Maat: According to NASA, The Sun is in Maat (Sidereal LIbra) until November 23, when it moves into Ip (Scorpio) for 7 days, then into Imhotep (Ophiuchus)  on November 30. Will stay there until right before the Winter Solstice…where did you think the Scales for the symbol LIbra came from anyway??????





Maat begins on October 31, when the Portal between the two realms is opened. The Veil between the world of the Living and the world of the Dead, the Netherworld  is thinnest, This doorway remains open from Middle of Fall to the Middle of Winter, beginning of February, Candlemas, and also around the time of the Chinese New Year. Now is the Time to Reconnect, or Connect with the Ancestors.




Did you notice a shift in the energy? More harmony, and balance? Perhaps this was from closing doors, establishing boundaries, ending relationships, getting rid of old tis that have not worked in years? Clearing out the weeds from your garden? A time for putting things in Order, after that extra long month of Aspolia, (Sidereal Virgo) a time of planting seeds and purification.


When Ra is in Maat, we can anticipate a period of Truth Illumination. As in the title of the movie, “Everything is Illuminated”. What was once kept hidden or in the dark will be brought into the Light of Maat. When Creation began, the first act by Ra was to establish Maat as the Foundation. It is as if the World begins anew.








Amun, Ammon, Amen, Amin…with Ram


The Moon is fullest at 2:23 pm pst on November 6, 2014.
At 1:34 pm pst, Sesheta heads into Tamet Ammon (Full Moon in Sidereal Aries).

During this cosmic cycle known as the Full Moon of Ra Maat :Sesheta Tamet Ammon, let us all consider how we can assist with the Illumination via Maat, the Restoration of Maat, Elimination of Ignorance and Unrighteousness, and the Reflection of Witnessing Consciousness, which is Ammon. When Sesheta is in Tamet Ammon, this is an activation of the cosmic forces of the personality as a leader, a builder, an architect or engineer of one’s  personal empire. The seeds have been planted during the time of Aspolia, now the designs, the plans are laid out for the coming year or phase of life. This is the time to set our plan into motion, get it in writing, bring out the drawing board the vision board or mind movie. With the Light of the Full Moon, EVERYTHING IS ILLUMINATED! It all comes together, in harmony, order, balance, reciprocity,with MAAT! Moving towards security, stability, balance; moving forward with trust, confidence, patience and strength. Maintaining Justice and Truth every step of the way….






Amun  means “The Hidden One”


Can you recall what was going on in your life during the Solar Eclipse a few weeks ago? Reflect on what has come to fruition and is coming to lIght during this Full Moon…..




RaPhan has just entered Ip (Sidereal Scorpio)

From Lyn Dalebout, at Star Signposts: Crescendo!

“Here’s a major shift from the sidereal astrological perspective. Saturn has just entered sidereal (true astronomical) Scorpio, an historical cycle lasting two and a half years and occurring once every 29 years, where we will all be guided or forced to deepen our relationships and intimacy with Self, transform our lives in undreamt of ways, and also do the grueling, focused work it takes to deepen and transform all our institutions as well.  Issues surrounding the right to die movement and all reproductive issues will especially undergo reform, but not without the potential for bloody battles, also part of the skyground of Scorpio. I chose the word ‘crescendo’ for this weeks Star Signposts as we head into the battle zone, truth mine field of the once every two years Mars/Pluto conjunction. Luckily, you’ll have this week to prepare.”




What is up ahead?


again, from star signposts with Lyn Dalebout:

Thu Nov 6
The dynamics of this Full Moon involve the sidereal Aries Moon and Sun in Libra. The celebration and tension around this event may involve your core relationships and your desire to express your true nature with more honesty than ever before.  Since the Moon squares Juno in Cancer, confrontations and constructive dialogue might occur with a family member.  The Moon also forms a supportive trine to the building Mars/Pluto conjunction (exact next Monday) in Sagittarius. The ferocity and passion of this alignment is great, and hopefully you can channel this energy in positive utterly honest ways. No need to hide. Be raw, real, and truthful, and experience that as the ground for true love.

Fri Nov 7
Keep in mind the dynamics of yesterday’s Full Moon is still in full swing (re-read yesterday’s post). But today carries the severity of the Moon opposing Saturn. This aspect can create a mini-depression out of the blue. It is fleeting, but still demands your attention. When you go down, allow yourself to go down. Take a nap, pick up your journal and download, call a friend and download your depth.  Explore it, be present, and soon the sunshine will return, and you will be wiser and more interesting for having taken the journey.

Sat Nov 8
I know I keep harping on the truth telling theme, but it’s in the celestial Field, and will only get stronger next week.  If you practice blurting now, perhaps you won’t utterly explode on someone next week!  Today’s Juno in Cancer ~ marriage partners/family commitments ~ is in an awkward quincunx to Pluto. So speak up, and it may feel awkward and clumsy. But that’s totally okay and actually lovable. How ’bout you view life and relationship as an exploration, not a certainty?  How about you release the need to know? With that one switch in belief, you will do just fine, all will be well, and all your relationships will be much more harmonious.



“The Full Moon will occur on November 6 in Aries with Jupiter in retrograde motion and Mars in trine aspect with the moon clouding even simple actions you might take..
New Moon is on November 22 in Libra just before the Sun crosses to Scorpio, something that is of particular importance since it shows …

a double change in your life ..


But, let’s go back to the transition of the Sun in Libra and its multiple meaning.
The time of occurrence of the phenomenon enjoys extreme astrological balance symbolized by the triangle aspects of many planets: Neptune to the Sun, Mercury with the Moon, Jupiter to Uranus. The interpretation of these triangles that occur simultaneously with the entry of the Sun in Libra is translated as follows: Despite the long period spent in a state of either joy or sadness, the transition into something new more mature and conscious, takes place smoothly and without conflict and jumps.

Can the Sun symbolizes the ego and our course in the world, and its stay in the 13 Zodiac signs of the sky showing the successive trials of life, but the change, when it comes, becomes redemptive for both you and those around you. The Sun in Virgo exhausted your thoughts about to exist through harmony and inner peace. Now the Sun in Libra symbolizes balance through intuition and the battle of opposites.”



This Week’s Sky at a Glance,  from sky and

Saturday, November 8

keep up with this app!

from sea Celestial Events for November 2014.


  • November 6 – Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 22:23 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Beaver Moon because this was the time of year to set the beaver traps before the swamps and rivers froze. It has also been known as the Frosty Moon and the Hunter’s Moon.
  • November 17, 18 – Leonids Meteor Shower.Everything you need to know about the Sekhmet (Leonids) Meteor Shower
    from earth sky.orgThe Leonids is an average shower, producing an average of up to 15 meteors per hour at its peak. This shower is unique in that it has a cyclonic peak about every 33 years where hundreds of meteors per hour can be seen. That last of these occurred in 2001. The Leonids is produced by dust grains left behind by comet Tempel-Tuttle, which was discovered in 1865. The shower runs annually from November 6-30. It peaks this year on the night of the 17th and morning of the 18th. The waning crescent moon will not be much of a problem this year. Skies should be dark enough for a good show. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Leo, but can appear anywhere in the sky.
  • November 22 – New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 12:32 UTC. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere.
  • December 6 – Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 12:27 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Cold Moon because this is the time of year when the cold winter air settles in and the nights become long and dark. This moon has also been known as the Moon Before Yule and the Full Long Nights Moon.
  • December 13, 14 – Geminids Meteor Shower. The Geminids is the king of the meteor showers. It is considered by many to be the best shower in the heavens, producing up to 120 multicolored meteors per hour at its peak. It is produced by debris left behind by an asteroid known as 3200 Phaethon, which was discovered in 1982. The shower runs annually from December 7-17. It peaks this year on the night of the 13th and morning of the 14th. The waning gibbous moon will block out some of the meteors this year, but the Geminids are so bright and numerous that it should still be a good show. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Gemini, but can appear anywhere in the sky.



Djehuty: Aspolia until November 14. Moves into Maat. Then moves into Scorpio on November 29.

HetHeru: Maat until November 18. Then transitions into Ip, then Imhotep on November 24.

Set/Muruga is in Pi Mare (Sidereal Sagittarius) until December 6, when it moves into Hupeneius (Sidereal Capricornus). Inner Warrior that conquers Ego and eradicates unrighteousness, leading to expansion of consciousness and good fortune.

RaPhan see above. In Maat for entire month….

PiCheus in Sekhmet for entire month. Powerful Healing Wisdom time.

NebtHet in KuUrKu (Neptune in Aquarius) for entire month: Outpouring of wisdom about new methods of living and healing.

both in cosmic preparation for the Month of Imhotep, which also deals with healing.

Heru (Uranus) in PICot Sahu (Pisces) entire month…
Protecting and Liberating Water and Emotions, energy in motion.

Asar (Pluto) in PiMaere (Sagittarius): Transformation through Travel and Expansion

Sedna is in Apis (Taurus) for entire month: Healing from Trauma by spending time in Nature or Gardening Projects.

and Chiron in KuUrKu (Aquarius) for entire month.  Healing the healer by pouring out, and sharing, love and wisdom.


Ra, Djehuty, HetHeru and Ra Phan are all in Maat from November 14 until November 18. Sesheta moves into Maat at the New Moon on November 23. Emotional Balance and Inner Peace. Ra, Sesheta, RaPhan, and Djehuty are all in Maat for the New Moon.


This month looks like it will be calm, peaceful balanced, and very healing.
Everything is Illuminated!


Hotep, Amet El Maat, S.E.




HeruScopes © Handbook and Guide 2015


heruscopes bannerTchiya Amet El Maat, S.E.

HeruScopes © incorporates Kemetic, Olmec, and Vedic (East Indian) Astrology Systems, and is based upon the TRUE Sidereal Motions of the Sun and Planets through the Constellations of the Zodiac, along the Ecliptic.

HeruScopes © can sometimes include Asteroids, Comets, the Orisha, Ophiuchus, which resides between Scorpio and Sagittarius, and also the Sacred Hoop (Sirius, Pleiades, and Orion) using the NASA Horizons (Heru Vision) Ephemeris. 

HeruScopes are most powerful when combined with KemeTones and Cosmic Sound Healing. “The Horoscope is an observation of the phenomena at the moment of birth” Astrology of the 13 Signs of the Zodiac by Vasilis Kanata

The HeruScope © is an Observation of the Phenomena during the Transformations of One’s Life, and it includes an observation of the phenomena at the moment of birth. for more information, you can view the INTRO TO COSMIC SOUND HEALING VIDEO SERIES!



Saturn     Rephan : Saturn; Sani; associated with Geb, Muruga; Hanuman; Saturday bringer of stability and prosperity, boundaries, limitations, rules, laws, restrictions, limits, negative influence, endurance, discipline, denial, cruelty, . It defines deeper feelings; symbolizes death/transformation and also sex. Karma. saturn from the cosmic path “Saturn in your birth chart reveals the place where you must learn to be more mature in your approach, it points to where your fears are, where you tend to repeat mistakes, and therefore feel inadequate, or handicapped. Saturn can be the voice of your conscience, the remnants of a parent who restricted you or limited you in early childhood. The planet is known as The Great Teacher, Fate or Karma, and Father Time, because it puts you through repetitive cycles that turn out to be lessons in becoming responsible for yourself. Saturn functions on the social level of our experience (along with Jupiter), and it represents the place where you feel social stigma, less than adequate with regard to others, where you feel judged by others, or afraid to assert yourself for fear of social rapprochement. Eventually, Saturn bestows personal authority in those areas where you feel most limited, because the discomfort causes you to learn how to deal with the issues that repress you and hold you back.”

RA RA : Sun; Surya; associated with Siva; Sunday Power, light, courage, creativity, leadership, rebirth, the whole of things. sun-symbol from the cosmic path Shows the individual STYLE with which we express the cosmic forces.. Depending on the way you utilize the vital power the Sun offers you, the personal vibration of your individuality will emerge over the years and shine forth throughout the course of your lifetime. sun

moon Sesheta : Moon; Chandra; associated with Yemaya, Aset/Isis; Monday



According to Vasilis Kanatas in Astrology of the 13 Signs, “The location of the Moon along the ecliptic is independent of our geographical location at birth. The Moon on the ecliptic at birth is instead seen as the indicator of one’s personality. Just as the Moon stabilizes the Earth’s orbit, so is our character regulated by it. The moon represents our ego, our character. Intuition. It defines our relationships in life, our constitution, our finances, and our relationships with siblings and family.” pg. 87. Sounds like Positive Aspects of Set…..It is a symbol of our primal needs for attachment, bonding and nurturing.It is our knowing. sesheta Sesheta is the female scribe, master architect, engineer, mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, scientist, etc. Djehuty taught hieroglyphics to the masses. Sesheta invented and taught to Djehuty. She is the Moon Goddess.

mars-a1 Set, Moloch, Typhon: Mars; Mangala; associated with Sekhmet, Shango. Muruga; Tuesday set1 Conflict, disaster,  war, hatred, force, direction, strength, aggression, determination, action, self-preservation, energy, power, might. It defines our limitations and our enemies. Set is the Neteru of egoism and selfishness

Mercury Djehuty, Tehuti:  Mercury: Buddha; associated with Thoth, Hermes, Vishnu, Jiyoti; Wednesday Communication, The Messenger, Travel, Information, Intelligence. Education, Wisdom. Love of Teaching AND Learning. The fastest moving planet. Trickster. djehuty caudecus from the cosmic path “It is a planet that helps to form your individual personality. It describes the way you focus your mind, what stimulates you to learn and what you like to learn about.”

first-true-color-photo-of-planet-jupiter-taken-from-hubble-space-telescope Pi-Cheus : Jupiter; Guru; associated with Amun, Siva; Thursday A beneficial influence, peacemaker; Witnessing Consciousness, governance of emotions, optimism, good fortune, faith, philosophy, hope, vision, expansion, travel, abundance, plenty. It defines the home, family, and children. amun amun 2 the cosmic path Jupiter is known as the Greater Benefic, and its placement in your chart reveals the area of your life where you are most fortunate, where opportunity to explore Life at the educational, religious, cultural and spiritual levels exists. Where Jupiter is there is abundance, growth and plenty of Wisdom available. Jupiter’s focus is social, in that its energies are absorbed through our understanding of our relevance to others, (or of others to our Selves), and this awareness produces a “Truth” that becomes essential to us and guides us throughout our lives. jupiter

Mariner 10's Venus732X520 Het Heru: Venus; Lakshmi; associated with Lakshmi, Oshun: Friday het_heru1 Beauty, balance, sex, love, passion. Divine feminine. Sociability, Wealth, abundance. Opulence. Fertility, peace, reconciliation. Integrity. Power of the Life Force Energy. Knowing when to go into battle, and knowing when to pull back.


Heru: Uranus was discovered by William Herschel  in 1721. Revolution, evolution, intuition, transformation. liberation. New Order. It determines friends…. heru eyethe cosmic path “Uranus is the first planet that connects us with our own Higher Consciousness, and an awareness of its presence in our lives produces the will to step onto the cosmic path. Uranus brings flashes of intuitive foresight, all kinds of psychic awareness, and there is always an element of the future, lying dormant where Uranus is in your chart.” The Redeemer. heru ani dollar bill


Nebt Het: Neptune, Nepthys. Neptune is an ice giant. It has an intense magnetic field that is tilted 50 degrees to rotational field. It was discovered in 1821. Imagination, ecstasy, romance. it determines health,work, and career. Open to alternative healing modalities and modern day inventions. nebthet the cosmic path “Neptune in your birth chart reveals where you tend to be the most idealistic and romantic about your life. Where Neptune is there is a certain level of cloudiness and confusion that eventually leads to crystal clear understanding and Enlightenment.” Universal Oneness, Bliss, visionary, meditation ; fog, confusion, cloudiness, escapism of all kinds, sleep, illusion, delusion, deception.


pluto Asar; Pluto. Death and Transformation. the ruler of deep, core-level transformation green asar the cosmic path Pluto in your birth chart reveals the place where you have access to your personal power. Pluto’s presence often generates the need to engage in power plays and manipulation, because of the intense desire to dominate that it produces. Pluto is another force that is more connected to the Universe than to your personal drive, and so it often causes you to have to let go and surrender to its power in order to experience your own. Rebirth through Loss, Grieving and Metamorphosis. Face the future you have created through the past.


Sedna: represents overcoming Trauma and betrayal through self love and forgiveness. Helps us across difficult waters and through trying times…be careful what you wish for” syndrome; selfishness and greed hurt everyone; When we’re forced to let go of something we feel victimized, powerless, and that life is unfair, which it is. “The lesson here is not to accept being the victim, to turn the situation round and turn an extreme negative into an extreme positive. “

“Sedna’s myth may exemplify a female who does not want to commit in marriage, participate with men, or even be here on Earth, due to her fear of being hurt–an unresolved issue or molding from her unfortunate past, one that only perpetuates a life of loneliness. “ [Lunar Planner]

Mike Brown of Caltech commented on the naming of Sedna “Our newly discovered object is the coldest most distant place known in the solar system, so we feel it is appropriate to name it in honor of Sedna, the Inuit goddess of the sea, who is thought to live at the bottom of the frigid arctic ocean.”

“The encounter with what has been lost, drowned out, or frozen long ago… In other words, our own ‘Ice  Age’: the wounds in the soul caused by the impatience, condemnation, dismissal or anger of the father; the living hell of unresolved outrage; the violence of hardship where we cut off from what is desperate and vulnerable in ourselves or others in order to survive. “ [Melanie Reinhart, in her article “The Goddess of the Frozen Waters.”]


“Sedna swims into your life to tell you to stop being a victim. The way to wholeness is to recognize how you’ve been caught up in and are living the victim archetype, then to change the pattern by empowering yourself. Are you fond of saying, “Why is this happening to me?” Don’t get stuck in the “why”. … Sedna says we have all been victimized by something, by patriarchal institutions, discrimination based on race, gender, sexual preference, religion, or color. She encourages you to claim your power “ [Lynn Koiner]

“The goddess Sedna teaches us that we must delve into the dark, cold places that we fear most if we are to find the riches that rest there. Sedna reminds us that, in spite of all our infirmities and our foolish mistakes, we are still worthy of love and respect and have every right to expect, and even demand, that others treat us well” [Goddess Gift] it seems that the arrival of Sedna is set to coincide with an increased spiritual thrust that will be felt by humanity as a whole.

Sedna takes approximately one hundred years to travel through thirty degrees of the zodiac. (i.e. one zodiac sign)so like the three transcendental plants (Pluto, Uranus and Neptune) her effects will be felt most strongly by humanity as a whole – unless there are any strong contacts in the natal chart. Transiting planets in our charts will also activate Sednas influences though, opening our awareness of the unknown and the vastness of the universe. The role of Sedna seems to be to move humanity to the next level of cosmic awareness.

From 1865 through till 1966 Sedna travelled through Aries. This hundred year period saw the emancipation of women around the world, beginning with the forming of the suffragist movement and ending with the bra burning women’s libbers of the sixties. This seems an appropriate illustration of the collective influence that Sedna has. (Remember as a goddess in the myth, she cared for her people as a collective)

In 1966 Sedna gradually made her way into Taurus, where she remains today. So what can Sedna in Taurus hold for the collective influence of humanity? Taurus governs things that we value, to my thinking it is likely that our values will change and become increasingly orientated towards spiritual considerations during the next hundred years.

The Goddesses: Asteroids

The first Asteroid, Aset/Ceres, was discovered in 1801, and herald in the rise of the Divine feminine Consciousness. Now there was more space for the feminine celestial archetypes, to balance out the preponderance of male archetypes. The first hundred were named after Goddesses, and there seems to be no end in sight…. learn more at neptunecafe

The asteroids were all named after the female family of Jupiter. Ceres his sister, Juno his wife, Pallas Athena his  daughter and Vesta another sister. Much of the feminine is left out of astrology aside from Venus and the Moon. The asteroids help add the feminine back into the astrological chart.

Aset/ Ceres


Ceres was the first to be discovered in the asteroid belt. It has since been reclassified as a dwarf planet, which  would make Ceres at least as important as Pluto in the astrological chart since they are both dwarf planets.

Ceres was the sister of Zeus (Jupiter). She is the quintessential Earth Mother, and rules over food, cooking and nutrition. Wherever she appears in your chart, she shows how best you feel nurtured. This is also the area where you can easily provide love and comfort.

Your Ceres Sign influences mothering, hard work, parenting, and gardening as well. It will show how well we go with the flow… the universal one, that is. This is the unification of both giving and receiving through ourselves as an exchange of energy. Ceres is associated with fertility, the uterus and stomach. On her negative side, she influences grief, work problems, eating disorders, custody issues and kidnapping. She may influence low self esteem, fear of abundance, feelings of abandonment or unworthiness, over-attachment, possessiveness, parent-child complexes and barrenness.

Maat/ Pallas Athena


Pallas Athena was the second asteroid discovered. Named after Jupiter’s daughter, Pallas Athena is intelligent and cerebral. She is the weaver of patterns, linking ideas together. She is strategic command in both the warrior and the peaceful general.

Cities are her domain. She has an interconnection with Libra because of her focus on ideas. Like Libra, she can see both sides. She is not blind justice… she is only just. She is creative and artistic. She is a survivor. She expects everyone to claim their personal power.

Where her influence falls is where you will find talents in the following areas. Jupiter’s daughter carries influence over many things, such as the immune system, the arts, the father/daughter relationship, intuition, justice, wisdom, defense, horses and the kidneys.

With her spotlight on daddy’s little girl, Pallas Athena will help determine how you interpret your relationship with your father, and in turn how you treat all males in general. On her negative side, Pallas Athena touches on conflict, legal battles, injustice and illnesses due to a weakened immune system.



Juno was the third asteroid to be discovered. Juno is the wife of Jupiter. She has some similarities to Venus, but while Venus sparks that initial attraction, Juno makes the commitment. She sings of soul mates. As she moves through the sky, the face of relationships change, but she still stands for commitment of one kind or another.

Where you find Juno in your chart is where you may meet someone that you will remain with for a long relationship. She covers marriage, fashion and beauty. She is        the patron of relationships and true love. Diplomacy is part of her sphere.

She has influence with the weather, flowers, fairness and female genitalia. She also dealt with many of Jupiter’s infidelities, and thus has influence over the negative issues of spouse abuse, powerlessness, women’s rights (both positive and negative), rage, inferiority complexes and unfairness. She may also affect issues of denial, betrayal, inequality and of course bitterness.



Vesta is the second largest asteroid in our solar system and the fourth to be  discovered. Vesta is a sister of Jupiter, the virgin goddess. Vesta is the keeper of the hearth. She is focus and dedication. She is mental clarity and self-respect.

Vesta brings out your purest potential and Essence into being. Vesta is organized and perfect. She has a talent for breaking things down into its components. She rules the metabolism and the upper intestine. She carries influence over locks and keys, sisters, security, investments, insurance, and inheritance. She is the epitome of the home and family, ritual, chastity and sexuality, and devotion.

Her negative aspects include insecurity, lack of focus, promiscuity, segregation, secret societies and family troubles. There may be a fear of sex or intimacy, as well as an invalidation of self. Denial can be a big aspect when she is negative.

Chiron: The Wounded Healer. Closely associated with Ophiuchus, as this was his student. from “is a comet with a unique and erratic orbit. In the natal chart, Chiron is symbolized by the “wounded healer”. It represents our deepest wound, and our efforts to heal the wound. Chiron was named after the centaur in Greek mythology who was a healer and teacher who, ironically, could not heal himself.

Chiron in our natal charts points to where we have healing powers as the result of our own deep spiritual wounds. We may over-compensate in these areas of life. Chiron, as a wounded healer, first must face issues of low self-worth and feelings of inadequacy and learn to rise above these issues. Because the wound goes deep, and we may work hard to overcome the wound, healing powers are potent.“

chiron Chiron deals with all aspects of health and disease and how they affect our spiritual path.

Chiron in our charts shows where we are on a quest for healing and wholeness. As we follow that quest, we find how we can serve particular others in their own quest for well-being. M. Kelley Hunter

Chiron was wounded himself, and despite his great skills, he never healed. He symbolizes everyone who finds their strength through their suffering. Everyone gets wounded in some manner. Whatever our wounds are, Chiron influences us to overcome our condition and go on. Like Chiron, we may find that in healing others we gain some insight and salvation even though we are unable to fully heal ourselves.

120px-Chiron_symbolChiron has an unusual orbit, rather like Pluto. Many astrologers think of Chiron as a “mediator” between Uranus and Saturn. Chiron gives wisdom and patience as well as mastery over the darkness of our souls. Our wounds are gifts when looked at from a different angle. They give us character, lessons in life and perseverance. Chiron teaches us these things whether we are ready to learn them or not. Chiron is the Key…..


Denderaj Zodiac





Pi-cot Sahu/Orion (Pisces); March 12 to April 19 The company of fish of Him (Sahu/Asar/Orion) that cometh, wayfaring man The beginning. Self-expression, worry, dynamism, impatience, initiative, courage, aggression, impulsiveness, passion, selfishness, leadership, tendencies, self-obsession, self-preservation, confusion,and escape. Can be sensitive and/or emotional at times.

ammon.aries amunram  Aries

Tamet Ammon (Aries); 19 April to 14 May Established Dominion Stability. Strength, materialism, productiveness, a practical mind, security, sensuality, stubbornness, possessiveness, routine, and patience.

from True Nature of Aries:
“Sidereal Aries is stubborn, fiery, independent and bossy sign. Sidereal Aries (Tamet Ammon) is always doing something. It is the most active sign in zodiac. It is strange that tropical Taureans accept their “sign”, although they are anything but lazy or passive. They are always acting for something in their life. Everybody can notice that. Since sidereal Aries belongs to fire signs, its meaning is linked to WILL. If Aries wants something, Aries will also gain it.”

“Being born in Sidereal Aries (Tamet Ammon) you are an essentially positive restless and idealistic character. Always ready to move on to the next thing you display a degree of energy and drive that fills your life with considerable excitement. Your super abundant energy is the envy of your friends and enemies alike.”



Apis (Taurus) The Bull; 14 May to 22 June

Adaptability; associated with Ptah.

Communication, duality, diplomacy, eloquence, curiosity, socializing, intellect, duplicity, multifacetedness, worry, symmetry, stubbornness, the desire to have a good time, and sluggishness. Creating and establishing Value.

pi mahi.gemini


Pi Mahi (Gemini) The Divine Lovers United; 22 June to 21 July

Sensitivity, protection, compassion, ambition, temper mentality, tenderness, embrace, insecurity, nostalgia, and manipulation.



kheperaKhepera (Cancer); the Scarab July 21 to August 11 Transformation and Nurturing; Family and Home. Enthusiasm.

Strength, Pride, confidence, generosity, noisiness, drama, and resilience. Creativity.




Sekhmet (Leo) The Lioness; also, Cubitus Nili, the inundations under Leo; 11 August to 17 September


Service, discretion, analysis, perfectionism, conscientiousness, originality, fertility, submissiveness, humility, righteousness, pomposity, and authoritativeness.



Aspolia (Virgo) Goddess holding ears of corn; the Seed; 17 September to 31 October Harmony Selectivity, narrow-mindedness, peaceful relationships, companionship, cooperation, diplomacy, perfectionism, indecision, crisis, adaptability, aesthetics, trauma, hatred, revenge, and self destruction.


Libramaat winged maat8

Maat (Libra) The Scales of Maat; 31 October to 23 November

At a former time in history, this constellation divided the sky in half. The only sign that is symbolized by an inanimate object.

Balance. Intuition.Mutability, tension, magnetism, power, Truth, MAAT, Justice, skill, sex,  secrets, destruction, mystery, and suspicion.




Ip (Scorpio); Serkhet (Scorpion Godess); 23 November to 30 November


Indifference, fun, free thinking, extravagance, and worry. True Scorpion is very rare….



Imhotep (Ophiuchus); November 30 to December 18

Challenge, Healer Searching, curiosity, adventure, spontaneity, ambition,and freedom. Travel, Expansion.



Pi Maere (Sagittarius); December 18 to January 20

Represents Chiron, the teacher of Ophiuchus in Greek tradition. Also connected to Jupiter.

In celestial charts of Middle Ages, Pi Maere is represented as an arrow pointing at Ip (Scorpio) Responsibility, Conservatism,  stability, power, authoritarianism, discipline, prudence, self-restraint, sense of duty, cohesion, pessimism, roughness, spiritual, patience, narrow-mindedness, idealism. Wise Elder or Mentor.

Answering  Higher Calling,
from the
“The struggle for a Sagittarius is never over, however, they are tireless workers and fighters for truth—even if it hurts.” Inspiration and Optimism.



Hupeneius (Capricorn); 20 January to 16 February


Altruism, detachment, coldness, revolution, reformation, justification, eccentricity, idealism, fraternity, objectivity, progressiveness, science, and unpredictability. The Place of Sacrifice.



Ku-ur-ku and Ramman; Hupei Sahu/Asar/Orion (Storm God; Aquarius); 16 February to 12 March Place or Chamber of Him (Sahu/Asar/Orion) coming down as rain; When the Ra was in Ku Ur Ku, the flooding of the Nile reached its highest point. The Great Awakener.

In approximately 600 years, the point on the ecliptic will be beyond the boundaries of this constellation, At this moment, will begin the TRUE dawning of the Age of Aquarius….

Star Beta Aquarii, Sadalsuud, ’The Luck of Lucks” is the luckiest star in the sky…..

Imagination. “the sign of Divine Love, where Love is experienced as unconditional and endlessly abundant. Here you learn to access this higher Love and direct it toward your Self, the way Source does. This aspect of your consciousness, then, is about recognizing self-destructive habits and liberating yourself from them.”

Compassion, expressiveness, mysticism, day-dreaming, hesitation, and receptiveness.

Some of these names are given by Montucla, Hist. de Mathematiques,

Descriptions from Astrology of the 13 Zodiac Signs, by Vasilis Kanatas Some of this wisdom is from divine intuition of Amet El Maat, S.E.. Dua Sesheta. Hetep.

Olmec (Mayan) Vedic (Hindu Sidereal: does NOT include Ophiuchus)

Major Cycles of Transformation

Rephan Return: Age 28-35

Heru Opposition: Age 40-42

Chiron Return: Age 50-52

Rephan Return: Age 56-63

Heru Alignment: 80-82

Rephan Return: 84-91

Chiron Return: 100-102


I am the Hero in the Myth of My Life.

I am Victorious against all odds.

Nuk Pu _________. I Am _____________




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Nuk Pu Amet El Maat: I Am The Truth of Maat. Hotep. Amet El Maat, S.E.