Festival at Abu Simbel October 2018


Udja. Uben Un Nefer. Nehast. Beautiful Existence Rising. Great Awakening.

Welcome to one of the MOST Magical Moments of My First Musical Initiatic Journey. Only fragments were captured, so I will do my very best to convey the event.

Here in the West, when I hear the word festival, I imagine a large stage, with live music, vendors selling wares, lots of delicious food, and a fantastic turnout, which means the organizers, producers and sponsors will be happy…..in fact, producing, participating, organizing, volunteering, vending, healing, working, touring, and especially performing: the festival life is for me. Festivals in alignment with Celestial Events are considered to be Sacred Events amongst First Nations and Original Peoples. The Abu Simbel Festival has opened my eyes and expanded my heart in so many ways.

You might be wondering, what is sacred about October 22? The Fall Equinox is on or around September 21, and the Winter Solstice is on or around December 21. What is going on Celestial on October 22???? Let me interrupt here: as you may well know, one of my passions in life is Cultural Astronomy, similar to Astrology in many ways, but in many ways very different.

When I was able to travel to Machu Picchu, one of the Temple Guardians told me that the Equinox does not actually occur in March or September. There is an equinoctial marker there that has been “doing its thing” for thousands of years. This should be obvious, because due to the Precession OF the Equinox, the Zodiac Constellations are different than they were 4,000 years ago when the calendar was fixed in time by religious authorities. So, it makes since that the Equinox is not where we have been told it to be. I now wonder if the Equinox occurred at this time of year when the Temple was built…

What is the Festival at Abu Simbel? On October 22 and also February 22, the Temple of Abu Simbel is the location for a celebration of longevity, royalty, precision, wonder. It is a festival of the Sun. And, the most fun I had had in along time…On these days, at sunrise, the light from the Sun enters into the Temple, and lights 3 out of 4 seated statues in the inner sanctuary. The 4 statutes are Ramses II, Amun, Ra, and Ptah. On these days, only the statues of the gods are illuminated, leaving Ramses in the dark. I have read elsewhere where they describe Ramses and his architecture as egotistical, and that Ptah is left in the darkness. But they are totally incorrect, as this Temple was to HONOR Amun Ra Ptah, not idolize Ramses II. It is said that these days were chosen to observe the time of his birth, and the time of his coronation.

Back to the festival part: I tried writing to someone at the webpage for the festival ahead of time, to see if they were still accepting bands. HA! Not that kind of festival! There were a few music groups playing music, and there were a few traditional dancing groups present. But there is no stage, in fact, there is no organization except for natural Order! EVERYONE present wants to get inside the temple to see the Sunlight illuminating 3 out of 4 statues. We are all wondering how was this achieved? AND, it only lasts for 22 minutes!!! EXACTLY!! There are screens outside so you can watch it in case you do not make it in.

Tchiya Outside Abu Simbel

I remember trying to hold onto my companion’s hand, and almost getting crushed by the weight of the people around me. I remember singing and playing my instruments outside, and wondering what would happen if I sang once inside! LOL!! And my friend asking me if I am SURE that I have the headdress/veil on correctly. I responded that this is the way I want to wear it. Of course, some would say that I have it on backwards… anyway, I remember the moment the sun started to break over the horizon, and wondering how would ALL of these people get inside? The entire event was mind blowing, because think about HOW LONG HAS THIS FESTIVAL BEEN TAKING PLACE?????? with no commercialization, nothing outside of security, busses, ticket collection just like any other temple site. Nothing out of the ordinary or special no t-shirts, no trash! No vendors. Everyone present came to witness this amazing event. And now, I am determined to join them at least once a year! BUT THIS IS ONLY THE INTRODUCTION!!

  • Outside Abu Simbel
  • Outside Abu Simbel
  • Outside Abu Simbel
  • Tchiya Outside Abu Simbel
  • Tchiya Outside Abu Simbel
  • Tchiya Outside Abu Simbel
  • Sunrise Outside Abu Simbel
  • Sunrise Outside Abu Simbel
  • Sunrise Outside Abu Simbel
  • Outside Abu Simbel

Okay, so it is time to go in. the line is moving. I immediately begin chanting Om Amun Ra Ptah at the top of my lungs, playing my little hand drum as loud as I can. Ae we are walking past police officers and security guards, they are all smiling and laughing with me, giving me the thumbs up. Clapping! I am in shock because usually, we are not allowed to sing or chant inside of the temples. Nothing that resembles prayer or meditation is allowed unless you give the guards some money….So, I just keep chanting. And each time we pass a security guard or police or any official, they just keep encouraging me to continue. People around e also let me know that they enjoy it. People want to know my name or where I am from: I TELL THEM THAT I AM FROM KEMT AND ASKL THEM IF THEY KNOW WHERE IT IS !!! LOL!!! Jamaica, the Caribbeans, the Islands, someplace in Americas, some place in Africa. I get amazing answers btw whenever I ask this question in Aswan!!!)

Now it is time to go inside. I keep chanting, expecting to be reprimanded or thrown out. I am the only person dressed in white, with a veil, with locks, with a drum and sistrum. The only person chanting Om Amun Ra Ptah as loudly as possible. I am getting a rush, my adrenaline is pumping. Then it happens: BAM! We are attacked by a white supremaciist, right there in Kemet, in the temple at the festival at Abu Simbal on October 22, 20187. Although, if you ask her, she would probably say that she hates ALL Americans, not just Black ones.,…how I wish we had footage of this…..sigh.

Out of nowhere, this short, pink porky pig looking woman with a thick Australian accent jumps out in front of us, we are inside the temple, but not yet to the inner shrine, there are people everywhere, the place is packed. And as she starts yelling things like at us: “did it occur to you that nobody wants to hear that! Go back to America where you came from. You don’t belong here.” stuff like that. Every time she says to go back where we came from, Raquel and I start cracking up uncontrollably because we KNOW that we came from Kemet!!!! LOL!!! Everyone there told us that we look like Nubians, that we are same color as them and look like we are family. They said they liked my singing and my music. But she hated it! She was saying all kinds of dreadful things. Raquel had had enough and turned to her and said that because of the way she was treating us and behaving, that she and her family would be cursed for 100 years! Oh dear, I asked her to stop, because we don’t need to attract negative energy to ourselves by sending it to this demonic entity. But it was getting very heated and this woman would not stop.

So, we had each just recently purchased a sistrum in Abydos, so we pulled them lout and kept chanting LOUDLY! The Patty Porky Pig GRABBED Raquels sistrum and bent it! We were furious. Our tour guide Adam had to keep intervening to protect us from getting hurt and also from hurting this entity. Finally, we were separated and it was our turn to go inside the inner shrine. I am still chanting Om Amun Ra Ptah and NO ONE ELSE asked me st stop or told me to leave. The security guards kept giving me smiles, laughing, dancing, taking photos with us, clapping. It Was incredible. and thrilling.

You only get a few seconds to see the Illumination, and you know what? It is worth it! It is actually unbelievable while you are standing there, and then the next person nudges you to remind you that this is actually happening and your time is up and you must move on….Next time, I will be mentally ready for the viewing.

So, as soon as we leave the inner shrine, our Australian friend reemerges, still spewing negativity and hatred. This time, many Nubian people stop us to take photo with us as we admire the artwork and iconography in both temples. She is like following us around telling us to go back where we came from while the locals are telling us that we are Nubian. Talk about union of the opposites! LOL!! Reality and illusion. When she realizes that Adam is with us, she says, “What, you are with them? I feel sorry for you”. We are all laughing and chanting Om Amun Ra Ptah…..of course, every now and them Sekhmet appears and flames come out of our mouths in response and reaction to poison from our attacker

Once we get back outside, Adam is all smiles! While this was going on inside, he looked really serious and concerned. He told us that he had to look that way, because of his job, but that on the inside, he was very happy. That we went inside and helped to reveal a very dark energy and we cast it out with the chanting and drumming. I am not sure why the security guards did not stop us, no one else was singing inside. None of the musicians or dancers from outside could be seen inside. I wonder how long it has been since people were allowed to worship inside the temple at the festival or anytime for that matter. I wonder what will happen when I return there and start chanting again???? I will let you know.

Of course, once we were leaving the festival, porky patty found us again. I got some of the altercation in audio. I also recorded our experiences right after the incident if you care to listen.

Here is the audio where you can hear her voice. But no video….

Australian Dog Attack in Kemet

Abu Simbel Experience: Raquel

Abu Simbel Experience Tchiya aka Arit

Perhaps one day, you will join make on this adventure…..HOTEP.

A Day In Cairo


Udja. Uben Un Nefer Nehast.
Greetings. Beautiful Existence Rising. Great Awakening.

Of course, the usual way to travel in Kemet is to land in Cairo first, then travel along the Nile or to other locations. This is very practical, as it costs less to land here than other cities. Many people only come to Cairo, thinking that the Pyramids and the Sphinx are all there is to see. They could not be further from the Truth. These are excellent tourist spots of course, and there are so many great deals to make with the vendors. Besides, the museum is also there in Cairo. However to the Aspirant, the museums are seen as simply the places where most of the stolen treasures from around the world are stored. Then the descendants or guardians are forced to pay money to see them! But that is another story for another day.

Our first day in Cairo was perfect. Of course we stayed at La Meridien Pyramids Hotel and Spa, which is very close to the site. Even though I have been inside the Pyramid of Giza before, and had said that I did not need to go again, it is so much fun to go with someone when it is their first time. So of course, I went in! LOL!! The experience that you have inside of the these sacred sites really depends on who is working that day. We had to leave our cameras at the gate with the security guard. And a box of incense! Yes, be prepared to tip generously, unless of course you pay your tips in advance for the entire visit to the Tour Guide.  The guards usually have a great sense of humor, but you never know, things can change in an instant I have been told, so it is best to not let your guard down too much or feel too comfortable there….Just know that tourists are always being watched, for safety, yes, everyone’s safety, the government, the sites, and the tourist industry. in that order. “You” are actually part of the Tourist Industry…

The Local People of Egypt are very warm and friendly, and always ready to make new friends, and make a good deal at the Markets. Many of  them recognize us to be family, and that is always so touching, because I feel the same way about them. I have come to see time spent in the markets as a ritual, an offering so that the people can continue to live and will continue to take care of the sacred sites. It is Reciprocity with a bonus, because I get to come home with many lovely items, and wonderful memories….


Here are some photos from our Day in Cairo. There is so much more to see, we did not stay here very long at all.

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The story with that vendor at the Pyramid is kinda funny: First he tried to strike up conversation with me, by stating he had family in Chicago. Riiiight!! Then he tried to give me something that I did not ask for, by placing it in my bag, THEN DEMANDED TO BE PAID! LOL!!! Yes, the some of vendors may appear to be living in poverty, but many of them make a good living and own their own business I have been told….still, I support artists and women and children vendors whenever I can….

You might have the thought of traveling without a tour guide. However, having the RIGHT Tour Guide is the way to go. They deal with the government, the Tourist Police, they can get you into areas of the sites that are off limits to regular tourists for a small fee, they deal with the soldiers at the check points. They provide protection from vendors and others trying to make a tourist dollar. Of course, I work with Adam from


If you are interested in a trip to Kemet, with a spiritual perspective, beyond Tourist Attractions, then just send me an email at lightbeingwellness@gmail.com and we can get you started. There are other Shetaut Neter Temple group trips scheduled for June  and July and you can also have personal adventure with Sacred Journey, for the Sacred Journey of a Lifetime.

We are currently planning our  next adventure for October, so let me know if you are interested. The focus of these travels is Music and Healing. Planning on visiting a Perfume Factory, where we get these amazing flower essences from, and also see some Nubian Style Belly Dancing. Talking about going to the BEACH for the last day!!! One of the highlights will be the Concert on the Nile, with Ancient African Adorations. Of course, we will attend the festival on October 22….stay tuned for more from this Kemet Travel Journal: Musical Initiatic Journey 2018.



Arit Neter S Mery Maati

aka Tchiya Amet

UPDATE: 4-29-2019 More photos added….more memories…

The Etihad Flight and the Airport at Abu Dhabi

Good Rising.

  • At first, I was hesitant to book the flight with Etihad, because
  • 1. I had never heard of this airlines
  • 2. I had never heard of Abu Dhabi. I had heard of Dubai, however did not really know where it was….
  • 3. I had never been to what is called the Middle East.
  • After my recent flight, I would have to say that I will definitely travel with Etihad again. It was one of the most beautiful airports that I have been in. No, I have not been to the Dubai airport yet LOL!
  • Airport Lobby at Abu Dhabi

    Vegan Meal In Flight

    Indian Food at Airport. Yummy!!!

  • The flight and service was great. The vegan meals were delicious. When you are booking a flight to the Arab States or India, be sure to check Etihad and book your layover in Abu Dhabi. Your boarding pass is good for discounts throughout the airport and all over the city. Next time, I will book an extended layover so that I can explore.
  • Also, when I got to the Cairo Airport, was happy to see recycling bins.
  • Recently people tell me that the recycling programs actually cause more harm than good. Either the companies just throw it in with the trash anyway, or people dump out the trash in the streets to get to the recycling items. Not to mention the trucks snd machinery used for processing. At this point, I think that as long as we make an effort, it is better than doing nothing to change thereby making it worse. We must stop cutting down trees and we must stop killing people and polluting the earth to get petroleum.
  • While leaving the airport and headed home ( ha!) I mean to La Meridien Hotel, a man was just walking down the highway. I was trying to get a shot of the Sunset, it was HUGE! But in this photo it looks tiny…
  • When we got to La Meridien, I was informed that my brand new suitcase was busted. 😞 Getting it exchanged. It was packed very lightly so that I could bring back gifts and music instruments etc. Next time will put one suitcase inside the other.
  • Next episode will be the Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. DUA Special Thank You to Adam at SacredJourneyofaLifetime.com, for making the necessary arrangements for this experience to unfold.
  • Bellydance Fashions from Aswan and Beyond….


    The focus of my travels these days is to get closer to the Goddess by learning about, and experiencing more Kemetic Music, Dance, and Healing. Meret is the Goddess of Music, Rejoicing, Dancing, etc. she is the wife of Hapi, the Hod if the River Nile. Hapi is actually the INDIGENOUS name for the Nile. Nile is Arabic name. Hapi represents Abundance, Boutifulness. Mery means Beloved. HetHeru is the Goddess of Love and Beauty. Bes is the God of Music. The Son of HetHeru and Heru is another Musical God. My recent journey was to serve as a Musical Initiation as Heset Shemayet, a Singing Priestess.

    As you may know, I began taking Kemetic Dance classes with Khalidah Kali North African Dance Experience since my birthday this Summer ( which was an Extra Sirius BeEarthday this year….). Yes Egyptian Bellydancing from Aswan!!!! So when I told her I was going to Kemet, she asked me to bring back a few items…..

    Here are a few photos of what we found. Only the tip of the pyramid, so much more to explore. Letz begin with Khalidah Kali and her personal favorite Costume Shop. This is where I was SUPPOSED to go, but we ended up at a shop across the street unfortunately….only received the map later that night. Next time, this is the place to go. Tell them that Khalidah Kali sent you!

    Here are some of the items that were seen. If you see something you like, contact me. We will be bringing many wonderful items back in the future, and some items we will be getting directly from the designers and manufacturers….

    This is my FAV outfit so far! NUBIAN Style! Bought a few others.

    I love these bags. Can never have too many! They make great gifts!

    Nubian Queen. Divine Traveler. My Sistar!!!

    I got the feeling that This vendor wanted me to try on more than his dresses..

    Bought a bellydancing video in Luxor, so here I am trying out some moves and my purple outfit….

    This is a Nubian Folkloric Style Dancing Dress

    I bought a yellow one! Fits like a glove….

    People ask me when I am going back. Hey, I NEVER LEFT! Lol! Kemet is my Spiritual Home: I am ALWAYS singing or making offerings in the Temples….

    I will be going back PHYSICALLY in the Spring 2019 to conduct research. Then in October, will be taking a group of like minded light hearted light beings that want to know more and to experience the spirituality, devotional music, dancing and healing of Ancient Kemet, in modern times. We are also planning a KemeTones Cosmic Sound Healing Training and Initiation Tour in Kemet, probably in Spring 2020.

    When you go to Kemet, be sure to spend time in Aswan, Southern Egypt, where the Indigenous Nubians still reside. Less Arab Occupation there. Spend your money THERE! That is where it ALL began, where the alabaster came from, the granite, the Obelisks. The tourism economy needs your support! Aswan (Temple of Asar) and Abydos ( Temple of Asar) are my favorite places!

    So keep checking back here for more updates, sign the mailing list, subscribe to KemeTones youtube channel, connect with Arit Neter S Mery Maati @aritneters and/or KemeTones @kemetones on instagram, KemeTones and Tchiya Amet Music on fb, and tchiya on twitter. Stay connected, stay in tune, and prepare to join us in Kemet soon: October 2019.

    Until then, Keep Dancing, Keep Singing, Keep Chanting, Keep Making Music, Keep Healing!

    Dua Meret

    Dua HetHeru

    Dua Aset


    Arit Neter S Mery Maati

    aka Tchiya Amet

    HeruScopes © Handbook and Guide 2015


    heruscopes bannerTchiya Amet El Maat, S.E.

    HeruScopes © incorporates Kemetic, Olmec, and Vedic (East Indian) Astrology Systems, and is based upon the TRUE Sidereal Motions of the Sun and Planets through the Constellations of the Zodiac, along the Ecliptic.

    HeruScopes © can sometimes include Asteroids, Comets, the Orisha, Ophiuchus, which resides between Scorpio and Sagittarius, and also the Sacred Hoop (Sirius, Pleiades, and Orion) using the NASA Horizons (Heru Vision) Ephemeris. 

    HeruScopes are most powerful when combined with KemeTones and Cosmic Sound Healing. “The Horoscope is an observation of the phenomena at the moment of birth” Astrology of the 13 Signs of the Zodiac by Vasilis Kanata

    The HeruScope © is an Observation of the Phenomena during the Transformations of One’s Life, and it includes an observation of the phenomena at the moment of birth. for more information, you can view the INTRO TO COSMIC SOUND HEALING VIDEO SERIES!



    Saturn     Rephan : Saturn; Sani; associated with Geb, Muruga; Hanuman; Saturday bringer of stability and prosperity, boundaries, limitations, rules, laws, restrictions, limits, negative influence, endurance, discipline, denial, cruelty, . It defines deeper feelings; symbolizes death/transformation and also sex. Karma. saturn from the cosmic path “Saturn in your birth chart reveals the place where you must learn to be more mature in your approach, it points to where your fears are, where you tend to repeat mistakes, and therefore feel inadequate, or handicapped. Saturn can be the voice of your conscience, the remnants of a parent who restricted you or limited you in early childhood. The planet is known as The Great Teacher, Fate or Karma, and Father Time, because it puts you through repetitive cycles that turn out to be lessons in becoming responsible for yourself. Saturn functions on the social level of our experience (along with Jupiter), and it represents the place where you feel social stigma, less than adequate with regard to others, where you feel judged by others, or afraid to assert yourself for fear of social rapprochement. Eventually, Saturn bestows personal authority in those areas where you feel most limited, because the discomfort causes you to learn how to deal with the issues that repress you and hold you back.”

    RA RA : Sun; Surya; associated with Siva; Sunday Power, light, courage, creativity, leadership, rebirth, the whole of things. sun-symbol from the cosmic path Shows the individual STYLE with which we express the cosmic forces.. Depending on the way you utilize the vital power the Sun offers you, the personal vibration of your individuality will emerge over the years and shine forth throughout the course of your lifetime. sun

    moon Sesheta : Moon; Chandra; associated with Yemaya, Aset/Isis; Monday



    According to Vasilis Kanatas in Astrology of the 13 Signs, “The location of the Moon along the ecliptic is independent of our geographical location at birth. The Moon on the ecliptic at birth is instead seen as the indicator of one’s personality. Just as the Moon stabilizes the Earth’s orbit, so is our character regulated by it. The moon represents our ego, our character. Intuition. It defines our relationships in life, our constitution, our finances, and our relationships with siblings and family.” pg. 87. Sounds like Positive Aspects of Set…..It is a symbol of our primal needs for attachment, bonding and nurturing.It is our knowing. sesheta Sesheta is the female scribe, master architect, engineer, mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, scientist, etc. Djehuty taught hieroglyphics to the masses. Sesheta invented and taught to Djehuty. She is the Moon Goddess.

    mars-a1 Set, Moloch, Typhon: Mars; Mangala; associated with Sekhmet, Shango. Muruga; Tuesday set1 Conflict, disaster,  war, hatred, force, direction, strength, aggression, determination, action, self-preservation, energy, power, might. It defines our limitations and our enemies. Set is the Neteru of egoism and selfishness

    Mercury Djehuty, Tehuti:  Mercury: Buddha; associated with Thoth, Hermes, Vishnu, Jiyoti; Wednesday Communication, The Messenger, Travel, Information, Intelligence. Education, Wisdom. Love of Teaching AND Learning. The fastest moving planet. Trickster. djehuty caudecus from the cosmic path “It is a planet that helps to form your individual personality. It describes the way you focus your mind, what stimulates you to learn and what you like to learn about.”

    first-true-color-photo-of-planet-jupiter-taken-from-hubble-space-telescope Pi-Cheus : Jupiter; Guru; associated with Amun, Siva; Thursday A beneficial influence, peacemaker; Witnessing Consciousness, governance of emotions, optimism, good fortune, faith, philosophy, hope, vision, expansion, travel, abundance, plenty. It defines the home, family, and children. amun amun 2 the cosmic path Jupiter is known as the Greater Benefic, and its placement in your chart reveals the area of your life where you are most fortunate, where opportunity to explore Life at the educational, religious, cultural and spiritual levels exists. Where Jupiter is there is abundance, growth and plenty of Wisdom available. Jupiter’s focus is social, in that its energies are absorbed through our understanding of our relevance to others, (or of others to our Selves), and this awareness produces a “Truth” that becomes essential to us and guides us throughout our lives. jupiter

    Mariner 10's Venus732X520 Het Heru: Venus; Lakshmi; associated with Lakshmi, Oshun: Friday het_heru1 Beauty, balance, sex, love, passion. Divine feminine. Sociability, Wealth, abundance. Opulence. Fertility, peace, reconciliation. Integrity. Power of the Life Force Energy. Knowing when to go into battle, and knowing when to pull back.


    Heru: Uranus was discovered by William Herschel  in 1721. Revolution, evolution, intuition, transformation. liberation. New Order. It determines friends…. heru eyethe cosmic path “Uranus is the first planet that connects us with our own Higher Consciousness, and an awareness of its presence in our lives produces the will to step onto the cosmic path. Uranus brings flashes of intuitive foresight, all kinds of psychic awareness, and there is always an element of the future, lying dormant where Uranus is in your chart.” The Redeemer. heru ani dollar bill


    Nebt Het: Neptune, Nepthys. Neptune is an ice giant. It has an intense magnetic field that is tilted 50 degrees to rotational field. It was discovered in 1821. Imagination, ecstasy, romance. it determines health,work, and career. Open to alternative healing modalities and modern day inventions. nebthet the cosmic path “Neptune in your birth chart reveals where you tend to be the most idealistic and romantic about your life. Where Neptune is there is a certain level of cloudiness and confusion that eventually leads to crystal clear understanding and Enlightenment.” Universal Oneness, Bliss, visionary, meditation ; fog, confusion, cloudiness, escapism of all kinds, sleep, illusion, delusion, deception.


    pluto Asar; Pluto. Death and Transformation. the ruler of deep, core-level transformation green asar the cosmic path Pluto in your birth chart reveals the place where you have access to your personal power. Pluto’s presence often generates the need to engage in power plays and manipulation, because of the intense desire to dominate that it produces. Pluto is another force that is more connected to the Universe than to your personal drive, and so it often causes you to have to let go and surrender to its power in order to experience your own. Rebirth through Loss, Grieving and Metamorphosis. Face the future you have created through the past.


    Sedna: represents overcoming Trauma and betrayal through self love and forgiveness. Helps us across difficult waters and through trying times…be careful what you wish for” syndrome; selfishness and greed hurt everyone; When we’re forced to let go of something we feel victimized, powerless, and that life is unfair, which it is.

    http://darkstarastrology.com/sedna/ “The lesson here is not to accept being the victim, to turn the situation round and turn an extreme negative into an extreme positive. “

    “Sedna’s myth may exemplify a female who does not want to commit in marriage, participate with men, or even be here on Earth, due to her fear of being hurt–an unresolved issue or molding from her unfortunate past, one that only perpetuates a life of loneliness. “ [Lunar Planner]

    Mike Brown of Caltech commented on the naming of Sedna “Our newly discovered object is the coldest most distant place known in the solar system, so we feel it is appropriate to name it in honor of Sedna, the Inuit goddess of the sea, who is thought to live at the bottom of the frigid arctic ocean.”

    “The encounter with what has been lost, drowned out, or frozen long ago… In other words, our own ‘Ice  Age’: the wounds in the soul caused by the impatience, condemnation, dismissal or anger of the father; the living hell of unresolved outrage; the violence of hardship where we cut off from what is desperate and vulnerable in ourselves or others in order to survive. “ [Melanie Reinhart, in her article “The Goddess of the Frozen Waters.”]


    “Sedna swims into your life to tell you to stop being a victim. The way to wholeness is to recognize how you’ve been caught up in and are living the victim archetype, then to change the pattern by empowering yourself. Are you fond of saying, “Why is this happening to me?” Don’t get stuck in the “why”. … Sedna says we have all been victimized by something, by patriarchal institutions, discrimination based on race, gender, sexual preference, religion, or color. She encourages you to claim your power “ [Lynn Koiner]

    “The goddess Sedna teaches us that we must delve into the dark, cold places that we fear most if we are to find the riches that rest there. Sedna reminds us that, in spite of all our infirmities and our foolish mistakes, we are still worthy of love and respect and have every right to expect, and even demand, that others treat us well” [Goddess Gift]

    http://www.cornerstone-astrology.com/articles/astrology_sedna.htm it seems that the arrival of Sedna is set to coincide with an increased spiritual thrust that will be felt by humanity as a whole.

    Sedna takes approximately one hundred years to travel through thirty degrees of the zodiac. (i.e. one zodiac sign)so like the three transcendental plants (Pluto, Uranus and Neptune) her effects will be felt most strongly by humanity as a whole – unless there are any strong contacts in the natal chart. Transiting planets in our charts will also activate Sednas influences though, opening our awareness of the unknown and the vastness of the universe. The role of Sedna seems to be to move humanity to the next level of cosmic awareness.

    From 1865 through till 1966 Sedna travelled through Aries. This hundred year period saw the emancipation of women around the world, beginning with the forming of the suffragist movement and ending with the bra burning women’s libbers of the sixties. This seems an appropriate illustration of the collective influence that Sedna has. (Remember as a goddess in the myth, she cared for her people as a collective)

    In 1966 Sedna gradually made her way into Taurus, where she remains today. So what can Sedna in Taurus hold for the collective influence of humanity? Taurus governs things that we value, to my thinking it is likely that our values will change and become increasingly orientated towards spiritual considerations during the next hundred years.

    The Goddesses: Asteroids

    The first Asteroid, Aset/Ceres, was discovered in 1801, and herald in the rise of the Divine feminine Consciousness. Now there was more space for the feminine celestial archetypes, to balance out the preponderance of male archetypes. The first hundred were named after Goddesses, and there seems to be no end in sight…. learn more at neptunecafe


    The asteroids were all named after the female family of Jupiter. Ceres his sister, Juno his wife, Pallas Athena his  daughter and Vesta another sister. Much of the feminine is left out of astrology aside from Venus and the Moon. The asteroids help add the feminine back into the astrological chart.

    Aset/ Ceres


    Ceres was the first to be discovered in the asteroid belt. It has since been reclassified as a dwarf planet, which  would make Ceres at least as important as Pluto in the astrological chart since they are both dwarf planets.

    Ceres was the sister of Zeus (Jupiter). She is the quintessential Earth Mother, and rules over food, cooking and nutrition. Wherever she appears in your chart, she shows how best you feel nurtured. This is also the area where you can easily provide love and comfort.

    Your Ceres Sign influences mothering, hard work, parenting, and gardening as well. It will show how well we go with the flow… the universal one, that is. This is the unification of both giving and receiving through ourselves as an exchange of energy. Ceres is associated with fertility, the uterus and stomach. On her negative side, she influences grief, work problems, eating disorders, custody issues and kidnapping. She may influence low self esteem, fear of abundance, feelings of abandonment or unworthiness, over-attachment, possessiveness, parent-child complexes and barrenness.

    Maat/ Pallas Athena


    Pallas Athena was the second asteroid discovered. Named after Jupiter’s daughter, Pallas Athena is intelligent and cerebral. She is the weaver of patterns, linking ideas together. She is strategic command in both the warrior and the peaceful general.

    Cities are her domain. She has an interconnection with Libra because of her focus on ideas. Like Libra, she can see both sides. She is not blind justice… she is only just. She is creative and artistic. She is a survivor. She expects everyone to claim their personal power.

    Where her influence falls is where you will find talents in the following areas. Jupiter’s daughter carries influence over many things, such as the immune system, the arts, the father/daughter relationship, intuition, justice, wisdom, defense, horses and the kidneys.

    With her spotlight on daddy’s little girl, Pallas Athena will help determine how you interpret your relationship with your father, and in turn how you treat all males in general. On her negative side, Pallas Athena touches on conflict, legal battles, injustice and illnesses due to a weakened immune system.



    Juno was the third asteroid to be discovered. Juno is the wife of Jupiter. She has some similarities to Venus, but while Venus sparks that initial attraction, Juno makes the commitment. She sings of soul mates. As she moves through the sky, the face of relationships change, but she still stands for commitment of one kind or another.

    Where you find Juno in your chart is where you may meet someone that you will remain with for a long relationship. She covers marriage, fashion and beauty. She is        the patron of relationships and true love. Diplomacy is part of her sphere.

    She has influence with the weather, flowers, fairness and female genitalia. She also dealt with many of Jupiter’s infidelities, and thus has influence over the negative issues of spouse abuse, powerlessness, women’s rights (both positive and negative), rage, inferiority complexes and unfairness. She may also affect issues of denial, betrayal, inequality and of course bitterness.



    Vesta is the second largest asteroid in our solar system and the fourth to be  discovered. Vesta is a sister of Jupiter, the virgin goddess. Vesta is the keeper of the hearth. She is focus and dedication. She is mental clarity and self-respect.

    Vesta brings out your purest potential and Essence into being. Vesta is organized and perfect. She has a talent for breaking things down into its components. She rules the metabolism and the upper intestine. She carries influence over locks and keys, sisters, security, investments, insurance, and inheritance. She is the epitome of the home and family, ritual, chastity and sexuality, and devotion.

    Her negative aspects include insecurity, lack of focus, promiscuity, segregation, secret societies and family troubles. There may be a fear of sex or intimacy, as well as an invalidation of self. Denial can be a big aspect when she is negative.

    Chiron: The Wounded Healer. Closely associated with Ophiuchus, as this was his student. from http://www.cafeastrology.com/chiron.html “is a comet with a unique and erratic orbit. In the natal chart, Chiron is symbolized by the “wounded healer”. It represents our deepest wound, and our efforts to heal the wound. Chiron was named after the centaur in Greek mythology who was a healer and teacher who, ironically, could not heal himself.

    Chiron in our natal charts points to where we have healing powers as the result of our own deep spiritual wounds. We may over-compensate in these areas of life. Chiron, as a wounded healer, first must face issues of low self-worth and feelings of inadequacy and learn to rise above these issues. Because the wound goes deep, and we may work hard to overcome the wound, healing powers are potent.“ http://www.alwaysastrology.com/asteroids.html

    chiron Chiron deals with all aspects of health and disease and how they affect our spiritual path.

    Chiron in our charts shows where we are on a quest for healing and wholeness. As we follow that quest, we find how we can serve particular others in their own quest for well-being. M. Kelley Hunter

    Chiron was wounded himself, and despite his great skills, he never healed. He symbolizes everyone who finds their strength through their suffering. Everyone gets wounded in some manner. Whatever our wounds are, Chiron influences us to overcome our condition and go on. Like Chiron, we may find that in healing others we gain some insight and salvation even though we are unable to fully heal ourselves.

    120px-Chiron_symbolChiron has an unusual orbit, rather like Pluto. Many astrologers think of Chiron as a “mediator” between Uranus and Saturn. Chiron gives wisdom and patience as well as mastery over the darkness of our souls. Our wounds are gifts when looked at from a different angle. They give us character, lessons in life and perseverance. Chiron teaches us these things whether we are ready to learn them or not. Chiron is the Key…..


    Denderaj Zodiac





    Pi-cot Sahu/Orion (Pisces); March 12 to April 19 The company of fish of Him (Sahu/Asar/Orion) that cometh, wayfaring man The beginning. Self-expression, worry, dynamism, impatience, initiative, courage, aggression, impulsiveness, passion, selfishness, leadership, tendencies, self-obsession, self-preservation, confusion,and escape. Can be sensitive and/or emotional at times.

    ammon.aries amunram  Aries

    Tamet Ammon (Aries); 19 April to 14 May Established Dominion Stability. Strength, materialism, productiveness, a practical mind, security, sensuality, stubbornness, possessiveness, routine, and patience.

    from True Nature of Aries:
    “Sidereal Aries is stubborn, fiery, independent and bossy sign. Sidereal Aries (Tamet Ammon) is always doing something. It is the most active sign in zodiac. It is strange that tropical Taureans accept their “sign”, although they are anything but lazy or passive. They are always acting for something in their life. Everybody can notice that. Since sidereal Aries belongs to fire signs, its meaning is linked to WILL. If Aries wants something, Aries will also gain it.”

    from www.westernsiderealastro.com/
    “Being born in Sidereal Aries (Tamet Ammon) you are an essentially positive restless and idealistic character. Always ready to move on to the next thing you display a degree of energy and drive that fills your life with considerable excitement. Your super abundant energy is the envy of your friends and enemies alike.”



    Apis (Taurus) The Bull; 14 May to 22 June

    Adaptability; associated with Ptah.

    Communication, duality, diplomacy, eloquence, curiosity, socializing, intellect, duplicity, multifacetedness, worry, symmetry, stubbornness, the desire to have a good time, and sluggishness. Creating and establishing Value.

    pi mahi.gemini


    Pi Mahi (Gemini) The Divine Lovers United; 22 June to 21 July

    Sensitivity, protection, compassion, ambition, temper mentality, tenderness, embrace, insecurity, nostalgia, and manipulation.



    kheperaKhepera (Cancer); the Scarab July 21 to August 11 Transformation and Nurturing; Family and Home. Enthusiasm.

    Strength, Pride, confidence, generosity, noisiness, drama, and resilience. Creativity.




    Sekhmet (Leo) The Lioness; also, Cubitus Nili, the inundations under Leo; 11 August to 17 September


    Service, discretion, analysis, perfectionism, conscientiousness, originality, fertility, submissiveness, humility, righteousness, pomposity, and authoritativeness.



    Aspolia (Virgo) Goddess holding ears of corn; the Seed; 17 September to 31 October Harmony Selectivity, narrow-mindedness, peaceful relationships, companionship, cooperation, diplomacy, perfectionism, indecision, crisis, adaptability, aesthetics, trauma, hatred, revenge, and self destruction.


    Libramaat winged maat8

    Maat (Libra) The Scales of Maat; 31 October to 23 November

    At a former time in history, this constellation divided the sky in half. The only sign that is symbolized by an inanimate object.

    Balance. Intuition.Mutability, tension, magnetism, power, Truth, MAAT, Justice, skill, sex,  secrets, destruction, mystery, and suspicion.




    Ip (Scorpio); Serkhet (Scorpion Godess); 23 November to 30 November


    Indifference, fun, free thinking, extravagance, and worry. True Scorpion is very rare….



    Imhotep (Ophiuchus); November 30 to December 18

    Challenge, Healer Searching, curiosity, adventure, spontaneity, ambition,and freedom. Travel, Expansion.



    Pi Maere (Sagittarius); December 18 to January 20

    Represents Chiron, the teacher of Ophiuchus in Greek tradition. Also connected to Jupiter.

    In celestial charts of Middle Ages, Pi Maere is represented as an arrow pointing at Ip (Scorpio) Responsibility, Conservatism,  stability, power, authoritarianism, discipline, prudence, self-restraint, sense of duty, cohesion, pessimism, roughness, spiritual, patience, narrow-mindedness, idealism. Wise Elder or Mentor.

    Answering  Higher Calling,
    from the siderealist.com
    “The struggle for a Sagittarius is never over, however, they are tireless workers and fighters for truth—even if it hurts.” Inspiration and Optimism.



    Hupeneius (Capricorn); 20 January to 16 February


    Altruism, detachment, coldness, revolution, reformation, justification, eccentricity, idealism, fraternity, objectivity, progressiveness, science, and unpredictability. The Place of Sacrifice.



    Ku-ur-ku and Ramman; Hupei Sahu/Asar/Orion (Storm God; Aquarius); 16 February to 12 March Place or Chamber of Him (Sahu/Asar/Orion) coming down as rain; When the Ra was in Ku Ur Ku, the flooding of the Nile reached its highest point. The Great Awakener.

    In approximately 600 years, the point on the ecliptic will be beyond the boundaries of this constellation, At this moment, will begin the TRUE dawning of the Age of Aquarius….

    Star Beta Aquarii, Sadalsuud, ’The Luck of Lucks” is the luckiest star in the sky…..

    Imagination. “the sign of Divine Love, where Love is experienced as unconditional and endlessly abundant. Here you learn to access this higher Love and direct it toward your Self, the way Source does. This aspect of your consciousness, then, is about recognizing self-destructive habits and liberating yourself from them.”http://www.thecosmicpath.com/cosmic-101/signs/aquarius/

    Compassion, expressiveness, mysticism, day-dreaming, hesitation, and receptiveness.

    Some of these names are given by Montucla, Hist. de Mathematiques, http://philologos.org/__eb-mazzaroth/mizraim.htm#coptic

    Descriptions from Astrology of the 13 Zodiac Signs, by Vasilis Kanatas

    http://www.astrology13.com Some of this wisdom is from divine intuition of Amet El Maat, S.E.. Dua Sesheta. Hetep.

    Olmec (Mayan) Vedic (Hindu Sidereal: does NOT include Ophiuchus)

    Major Cycles of Transformation

    Rephan Return: Age 28-35

    Heru Opposition: Age 40-42

    Chiron Return: Age 50-52

    Rephan Return: Age 56-63

    Heru Alignment: 80-82

    Rephan Return: 84-91

    Chiron Return: 100-102


    I am the Hero in the Myth of My Life.

    I am Victorious against all odds.

    Nuk Pu _________. I Am _____________




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    Nuk Pu Amet El Maat: I Am The Truth of Maat. Hotep. Amet El Maat, S.E.

    Sirius Rising and the Dog Days of Summer


    Good Sirius Rising! Welcome to the page of All Things Sirius at tchiya.com note: all blue text are links to more Sirius Knowledge and Sirius Wisdom elsewhere… Today is most auspicious for this post, being the first day of the Kemetic New Year. In Ancient times, the previous week is filled with fasting, ritual, and celebration in observance of the births Ra and of the children of Ra, culminating in the Heliacal Rising of Sirius,Sopdu/Sothis/Ast/Aset/Isis/Yemaya/Emma Ya/Po Tolo/Sigi Tolo/ Great Dog/Canis Major/The Great Wolf, and then the first day of the Kemetic New Year. I am getting ahead of my self, but let me begin by posting this schedule for posterity: The Ennead

    • July 13: The Birthday of Ra
    • July 14: The Birthday of Asar
    • July 15: The Birthday of Herut Ur the Elder
    • July 16: The Birthday of Set
    • July 17: The Birthday of Aset
    • July 18: The Birthday of Nebt Het
    • July 19: Rise of Sopdu, Sirius Rising.
    • July 20: The Kemetic New Year.

    Dogon Helical Rising of Sun with Sirius   ENNEAD115   Sirius is said to rise over a different sacred center each night until she is visible from everywhere, sometime around mid August. When I lived in Texas, I always saw her rise for the first time on my birthday, August 5. Living out here, in a Valley in the Mountains, I usually do not see her rise again until the end of August. Please drop me a line when you view Sirius for the first time each mid-summer. I was taught that Sirius rises over Uganda today, over Kemet on July 23, and over Palenque/Olmec country/Maya on July 26, the first day of the Mayan calendar, or the Day Out of Time in the Dreamspell Calendar.



    spiral dance

    This is an image of the Dogon Spiral of Creation.

    Here is My Song: Po Tolo,

    (Did you notice my antennae in the photo? LOL!!! This was my first band project, called Dogon Sirius, around 1992 or 1993 perhaps? Mike Franklin kneeling down on guitar, Mario Vela to my left on percussion, Kokoy Severino on Bass, and Hector Munoz on drums 🙂  )

    which is based upon my notes from the book entitled The Sirius Mystery by Robert K.G. Temple.

    e-Book Free Download – “The Sirius Mystery” By Robert Temple

    Download for free by clicking the cover below or clicking here.

    The Sirius Mystery FREE eBook!!

    Mystery Pamphlet by Robert K.G. Temple (free) answers skeptics questions….



    Dogon Sirius Resources: unmuseum.org/siriusb.htm

    Dr Booker T. Coleman The Dogon in London

    Dogon Tribe: crystalinks.com/dogon.html

    Peaceful Ones, Olmecs, Religion, Yoruba, Po Tolo, Pon polo

    The Sirius Mystery: You Don’t Need Columbo For This One

    more on the sirius mystery


    this music is amazing for Sirius Meditation…. the Music of Clifford White and the Album is Aqua. The name of the Song is Aqua. Special thanks to Dr. Neb Heru Nunologist for leading me to this music during my JOURNEY TO SIRIUS


    To learn more about Kemetic Goddesses, read African Religion Vol. 5 The Goddess Path by Dr. Muata Ashby  

    there is a spectacular ritual to be done at Sirius Culmination on December 31. Can be done at any time. I am going to observe when I see Sirius this summer for first time… pg 82: Ushet Rekhat: The Mother Worship Ritual

    Aign with Cosmic Energies of Sopdu

    According to the Kemetians (Ancient African Egyptians), the reason it gets so hot during the Dog Days is because this is the time of the heliacal rising of Sirius: Sirius rises just moments before the sun, this is how we can see it. Just ten days before, Sirius was rising at the same time as the sun: we were not able to see the star because of the light of the sun. In other words, this is the time of year when we are closest to Sirius. The heliacal rising of Sirius was one of the most sacred moments of the year in Ancient Kemet and was used as the basis for beginning the New Year celebrations.


    • Sirius A is twice the size of our sun, while Sirius B is similar in mass to our Sun.
    • In Chinese astronomy the star is known as the star of the “celestial wolf” and Tiānláng
    • It is also Known as “sopdet” to the ancient Egypyians
    • The conjunction of the Sun with Sirius were called “the dog days” in the past and thought to be the hottest time of the year.
    • In the Northern hemisphere, the temperature is said to peak high on August 6th, (middle and peak of the dog days) and low on February 6th. Both these days are considered “cross quarter days” of the year, and occur half way between the equinoxes and solstices.

     Full Text of Queen Moo and the Egyptian Sphinx by Augustus Le Plongeon   from wikipedia: “Augustus Le Plongeon believed that Queen Moo was a historical Mayan queen whose life was documented in the carved bas reliefs, statues and paintings he found at Chichen Itza. He asserted that Moo and her husband, Prince Coh, also known as Chac Mool, were the inspiration for the Egyptian myth of Isis and Osiris. Queen Moo was the eldest daughter of King Canchi and Queen Zoc.[1] She was desired by her brothers, Prince Coh and Prince Aac. She chose Coh as her mate, and Prince Aac killed him in a jealous rage. After Prince Coh’s death, Queen Moo fled to seek refuge in the Land of Mu (also known as Atlantis).[2] When she reached the location where it once was she found that the civilization had disappeared, so she made her way to Egypt.[3] Queen Moo’s name was drawn from the Mayan word for macaw, based on the bird imagery in the Mayan representations of her figure.[4] Le Plongeon took this as further evidence that Moo and Isis were the same figure, as Isis is often represented as a winged figure.[5] Chacmool means jaguar paw[6] and Plongeon believed the great cat was Prince Coh’s symbol. Plongeon claimed that the Egyptian Sphinx, with its cat body and human head, was built by Queen Moo to honor her dead husband.[7] At one time there were only 3 copies of this book left in existence. One is at UT Austin and one is in the Guggenheim Colletion. Thank goodness for the copy machine!!! ”

    Sirius Star System & Star Charts

    sun and sirius

    Sirius Song List:


    The Sirius Musical Goddess Page has music, lyrics, and legends!

    Ast/Aset/Isis: Kemet: Egyptian Bluez, R U Sirius Enuff, Hekau: Dua Sekhmet, Dua Aset…


    Po Tolo and Emma Ya: Mali and the Dogon: again, here is PO TOLO

    Yemaya: Nigeria, Yoruba and beyond (including Cuba, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Brasil and more!): COMING SOON!

    Chitzen Itza: The Olmec/Maya COMING SOON!


    Where the Dog Ran: Tsalagi/Cherokee

    and also, LIVE! at Reggae on the River 2010

    Sirius the Eye in the Sky by Alan Parsons Project.


    The Dog Days of Summer are Over by Florence+ the Machine

    Pyramid Alignment

    orion giza alignment

    Orion Giza Alignment


    giza orion alignment

    Giza Orion Alignment

    BREAKING!!!!!!!!—–The Sirius Star system, Ancient Egypt, the Dogon , and Quantum Physics…. Great Pyramid Statistics http://www.crystalinks.com/gpstats.html “Note the Number of casting stones: 144,000 There are supposedly 144,000 casing stones, all highly polished and flat to an accuracy of 1/100th of an inch, about 100 inches thick and weighing about 15 tons each with nearly perfect right angles for all six sides. Computer calculations indicated 40,745 casing stones were used averaging 40 tons each before the face angle was cut.   Air Shafts Of all the pyramids, only the Great Pyramid has “air shafts”. The King’s Chamber has 2, about 5 inches in diameter which connect to the exterior. The Queen’s Chamber has 2 which stopped just short of the walls of the chamber and which do not penetrate completely to the exterior. The cross section of these shafts are sometimes oval, sometimes domed, and sometimes rectangular. The southern shaft in the Queen’s Chamber (39 deg, 30 min, 00 sec) pointed to the star Sirius, circa 2450 B.C. Sirius was associated with the Egyptian goddess Aset (Isis) and is also part of a unique ceremony practiced by the African Dogon tribe.”     The Ancient Connection Between Sirius, Earth and Human Historyhttp://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/2014/03/the-ancient-connection-between-sirius.html “These ancient people (Egyptians) knew that once every year the Parent Sun is in line with the Dog Star. “Therefore, the Great Pyramid was so constructed that, at this sacred moment, the light of the Dog Star fell upon the square “Stone of God” at the upper end of the Great Gallery, descending upon the head of the high priest, who received the Super Solar Force and sought through his own perfected Solar Body to transmit to other Initiates this added stimulation for the evolution of their Godhood. “This then was the purpose of the ‘Stone of God, whereon in the Ritual, Osiris sits to bestow upon him (the illuminate) the Atf crown or celestial light.’ ‘North and South of that crown is love,’ proclaims an Egyptian hymn. “And thus throughout the teaching of Egypt the visible light was but the shadow of the invisible Light; and in the wisdom of the ancient country the measures of Truth were the years of the Most High. [1]”


    Pyramid of Giza Guided Meditation

    Teotihucan, Mexico: Pyramid of the Sun Guided Meditation

    Sirius Rising Birthdays


    H.I.M. Haile Selassie July 23

    Marcus Mosiah Gatvey August 17


    August 5, 1961

    All Praisises and Gratitude for The Great Mother Divine Womb Energy and Principle.


    M Mer N Khut, In Love and Light, Tchiya Amet El Maat