One Portal Closes, Another One Opens


Good Rising and Great Awakenings. Grand Openings and Graceful Closings.

Portal Of HetHeru (Venus Retrograde) comes to an end today. 4:51 am cst.


Portal of Djehuty (Mercury Retrograde) depending on the source, begins 9:33 pm est on November 16, 17 or 18, and will remain this way until December 6.

part 1

This is the GOOD RISING TV Video for this Celestial Event.

At HeruScopes, we are not fearful of these moments when the portals are open. We recall that there is a Gift in Every Adversity, and Trust as we inhale and exhale. riiiigggghhhhhtttt? Thankfully, the reports and Good Rising TV sessions exist so that we can remember that the most important thing to do during these times is To Be Enlightened. To remember that we are all Light Beings. Even tho some may not be able to live as Light being, think, feel, behave as a light being, they still are Light beings trapped in Watery Encasements. Even as this is being typed, it is helping me to remember.

Relationship issues left unresolved can be a source of heavy heart, but it does not have to be that way. They can just remain unresolved. Remain unattached to the outcome, and just sail on down the River of Hapi, also known as the River Nile. (Hapi is Kemetic Name, Nile is Arab name). If you are like most people, several relationships came to an end during this Portal Opening. And ones that had already ended may have been given another look, to see if the relationship could be saved. But not all of them were ready to be rekindled.

So if that wasn’t painful enough, along comes Djehuty to stir things up. If you are in line with the Cosmic Mind, and can allow the Cosmic Will to be expressed rather than the lower nature, than all is well. However, once worldly affairs are considered, things can get messy really fast, like when making a pot of soup, when the heat is too high, it starts to boil and splatters all over the place! During the time of Mercury Retro, try a different approach and let things unfold. No need to speak from emotions, in the heat of a moment. If it has taken this long to resolve, what is wrong with waiting a few days until there is clarity. As I am typing this, wanting so much to follow this guidance, I reflect on all the times that  I did my very best to express myself, and yet my words were not heard, or the other person heard just the opposite of what I wanted to say! Perhaps during this portal opening, the essence of my words will find a way to penetrate the hate and the illusion, the deception, with an honest reception, and we will find peaceful resolution.

Alright, let’s dive right into the HeruScope for this Celestial Event!

`heruscopes banner

Friday November 16, 2018 8:33 pm cst

hetheru closing.jpg

and also Friday November 18 8:33 pm cst just to be sure we have this covered….

djehuty opening 11-18-2018.jpg

BREAKDOWN.. duh duh duh duh, duh duh, duh duh! (Rick James Bassline….) Now that we know there are usually several planets in Retrograde, it should feel less ominous… at the moment, 5 planets are Retrograde, and Mercury will make 6. There are also a few Paths of Djehuty that are opened i at any given moment in time, but have yet to address them properly, coming soon….

Dua HetHeru Dua Aset Dua Maat Em Aspolia
Venus, Ceres and Pallas Athena in Sidereal Virgo
HetHeru Portal Opening
Takes place in Aspolia (Sidereal Virgo), along with Aset (Ceres) and Maat (Pallas Athena)
Planting Seeds for powerful relationship with our Divine Intuition will bear the Fruits of Maat: Balance, Truth Order, Harmony, Justice, Reciprocity and Righteousness. Although I have stopped looking for Justice in a world of Corruption…. I am open to receive and experience when it comes. I have stopped trusting human beings for the time being. Light beings get one chance to show who they truly are, but people? Eh! This means PLANTING SEEDS OF TRUSTING THE DIVINE. Trusting the Process. At this time, we are being gently livingly, and forcibly moved/inspired to Trust. Groundbreaking, Earth shattering levels of Trust are needed at this time. Without attachment to the outcome! No judgement.

Of course on the mythical level, we are dealing with the vibrations of Djehuty and HetHeru, as Virgo is ruled by Mercury. Devotion, Listening to the Teachings, and Meditation can bring one back to a place of centeredness and steadfastness. Watch the corresponding episode of Good Rising TV for all of this plus Cosmic Sound Healing.

Sedna Rx and Juno Rx in Apis, Sidereal Taurus. Healing from abuse, domestic violence, trauma. Healing from Daddy Drama. Business partnerships gone terribly wrong (HELLO!) These Portals are open, so this is an excellent opportunity to dig deep, pull out, reveal, expose, transform, release and heal from old wounds. This will bring about self-confidence, stability, abundance, grounding, prosperity. But if left unresolved, or ignored any longer, can lead to great ruin, more pain and suffering. This is the time to put your own well-being ahead of protecting any perpe-traitors, abusers, etc with your silence. Especially when you look at the Mercury Retrograde that is about to open up….

Dua Heru (Portal Opening) Tamet Amon (Uranus Rx in Sidereal Aries) Victory over Lower Nature, Allowing the Witnessing Consciousness to Experience and Direct your response. Victory over Enemies by leading them to face the death of their OWN lower Nature, like the scene from the Movie Countryman, and I quote: “That’s why there is no need to slay the wicked: just lead them to face death, and they will perish”. THIS is how to proceed. Whew! Thanks, I really needed this! LOL!! ( as you can probably tell, I am going through something that is resonating with this analysis…)

Here is the entire quote. If you have never seen this movie, the clock is ticking!

“Death is a force of nature Jah, just like lightening. The righteous face it everyday and pass it by, But those with evil in their hearts fear it. That is why there is no need to slay the wicked, just leave them to face death and they will perish.” Quote by Jahman from the film Countryman

Yes, this is indeed the strategy for these portal openings and closings, mark my words….
Dua Chiron (Portal Opening; Rx) Em PiCot Sahu (Sidereal Pisces)
Dua NebtHet Portal Opening (Neptune Rx) Em KuUrKu (Sidereal Aquarius) have already discussed these at length, please refer to previous Retrograde Posts…..
Basically, healing from expressing our feelings and emotions is far healthier than keeping them locked up inside, which leads to physical health issues. The KEY (Chiron) is to release them with control and grace. When we are fully transparent, and share our healing journey, it has dual benefits, for ourselves, and this that receive the message and apply the wisdom….
Ahhhh Dua Sesheta Dua Set Em KuUrKu
Well now, writing about experiences involving conquering lower nature, again, sharing aspects of The Journey, leads us all towards Being Enlightened. This is the perspective that I am seeking: the correct response to what appears to be and feels like betrayal, abuse, violation, fraud, deception. It is all energy, all airyu (karma. impressions and toxic residue left from previous experiences and situations) ,  but it is not WHO we are, it is only What we are going through. Remaining steadfast and unattached to our emotions or to the outcome. Just expressing our truth. AFFIRM: I am not responsible for how another person feels or reacts WHEN I EXPRESS MY TRUTH, WHEN I STAND IN MY TRUTH. This is crucial  aspect of this strategy.  It is time for me to Journal about what happened with a project from last year, and share publically my truth of what happened. The last time I did this, it was very empowering and liberating, and I expect nothing less this time around…
Dua Vesta Dua Asar (Pluto) Dua RePhan (Saturn) Em PiMahi (Sidereal Sagittarius)
Now look at Djehuty, before going Retrograde: Imhotep! Mercury in Ophiuchus. COMMUNICATION THAT LEADS TO PROFOUND HEALING. Remember to Be Enlightened WHILE IN THE PROCESS OF Communicating and Expressing your truth. Remember that Djehuty IS the Cosmic Mind, and be open to receive these transmissions. Resist the urge to express your limited mindset that can only perceive things of the limited world of time and space…. when you open to the Cosmic Mind, there is so much more to be gained…..
Dua PiMaere (Jupiter) Em Ip (Sidereal Scorpio)
Expansion of Consciousness by Observing Our Desires. Where do they come from? Are they really ours? WILL THESE FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS LEAD US TO ENLIGHTENMENT? Can we be enlightened while observing our emotions and processing our feelings instead of acting erratically upon our emotions and taking actions that will tAke us away from our purpose, away from our enlightenment? Away from our Inner Peace?
Last but not least: Dua Ra Em Maat
Sun in Sidereal Libra.
Been around the blocks more than a few times. FINALLY got it through my thick skull, and unending love for Humanity, for Blackness that THERE IS NO JUSTICE TO BE FOUND IN A WORLD OF CORRUPTION. Righteousness is not rewarded in a world of Decepticons. And so, I have simply stopped expecting this from ordinary human beings. We are all light beings having worldly experiences, however, the majority of the people are either ignorant of this, or live in denial. Have stopped projecting my values onto others, trying to understand why they behave a certain way, I have stopped expecting to be treated fairly by anyone. The truth is that at any moment, anyone of us can come out of a bag on someone, that means, act TOTALLY OPPOSITE to how they have been portraying themselves, even for decades! This has lessened the heaviness in  my heart. Feeling Lighter everyday, more light-like. Maat is a vibration, not a destination. That was my problem I believed that eventually, everything would work out fine, that justice would be served. WRONG! Please watch this video that expresses this wisdom
So rather than fighting injustice and all of that save the world hype, the very wise choose to focus on Creating Maat, Living By Maat, Being Maat. what you want to see, rather than creating more of what you do not want, because where attention goes, energy flows. Just express your truth and move forward. Not remaining silent, or playing the victim role, and yet, creating the vision that resides in a purified heart and consciousness.
So, what about this Mercury Retrograde? Remaons in Ophiuchus, only now the Portal of Djehuty is Open for Business, and will remain open until December 6.
The Moon will be in PiCot Sahu, or Sidereal Pisces.
That is all for now. Be sure to watch the Good Rising Tv Episode when it is ready….
In summary, remember the quote from Countryman:
“Death is a force of nature Jah, just like lightening. The righteous face it everyday and pass it by, But those with evil in their hearts fear it. That is why there is no need to slay the wicked, just leave them to face death and they will perish.” Quote by Jahman from the film Countryman
part 2
This is the GOOD RISING TV Video for this Celestial Event.

BONUS! Here is the link to the Documentary about the Real Countryman, he was more than just a character in that movie. He WAS the movie!

here is mini version of documentary

double bonus added on December 6: HEALING SOUNDS FOR MERCURY RETROGRADE

Bellydance Fashions from Aswan and Beyond….


The focus of my travels these days is to get closer to the Goddess by learning about, and experiencing more Kemetic Music, Dance, and Healing. Meret is the Goddess of Music, Rejoicing, Dancing, etc. she is the wife of Hapi, the Hod if the River Nile. Hapi is actually the INDIGENOUS name for the Nile. Nile is Arabic name. Hapi represents Abundance, Boutifulness. Mery means Beloved. HetHeru is the Goddess of Love and Beauty. Bes is the God of Music. The Son of HetHeru and Heru is another Musical God. My recent journey was to serve as a Musical Initiation as Heset Shemayet, a Singing Priestess.

As you may know, I began taking Kemetic Dance classes with Khalidah Kali North African Dance Experience since my birthday this Summer ( which was an Extra Sirius BeEarthday this year….). Yes Egyptian Bellydancing from Aswan!!!! So when I told her I was going to Kemet, she asked me to bring back a few items…..

Here are a few photos of what we found. Only the tip of the pyramid, so much more to explore. Letz begin with Khalidah Kali and her personal favorite Costume Shop. This is where I was SUPPOSED to go, but we ended up at a shop across the street unfortunately….only received the map later that night. Next time, this is the place to go. Tell them that Khalidah Kali sent you!

Here are some of the items that were seen. If you see something you like, contact me. We will be bringing many wonderful items back in the future, and some items we will be getting directly from the designers and manufacturers….

This is my FAV outfit so far! NUBIAN Style! Bought a few others.

I love these bags. Can never have too many! They make great gifts!

Nubian Queen. Divine Traveler. My Sistar!!!

I got the feeling that This vendor wanted me to try on more than his dresses..

Bought a bellydancing video in Luxor, so here I am trying out some moves and my purple outfit….

This is a Nubian Folkloric Style Dancing Dress

I bought a yellow one! Fits like a glove….

People ask me when I am going back. Hey, I NEVER LEFT! Lol! Kemet is my Spiritual Home: I am ALWAYS singing or making offerings in the Temples….

I will be going back PHYSICALLY in the Spring 2019 to conduct research. Then in October, will be taking a group of like minded light hearted light beings that want to know more and to experience the spirituality, devotional music, dancing and healing of Ancient Kemet, in modern times. We are also planning a KemeTones Cosmic Sound Healing Training and Initiation Tour in Kemet, probably in Spring 2020.

When you go to Kemet, be sure to spend time in Aswan, Southern Egypt, where the Indigenous Nubians still reside. Less Arab Occupation there. Spend your money THERE! That is where it ALL began, where the alabaster came from, the granite, the Obelisks. The tourism economy needs your support! Aswan (Temple of Asar) and Abydos ( Temple of Asar) are my favorite places!

So keep checking back here for more updates, sign the mailing list, subscribe to KemeTones youtube channel, connect with Arit Neter S Mery Maati @aritneters and/or KemeTones @kemetones on instagram, KemeTones and Tchiya Amet Music on fb, and tchiya on twitter. Stay connected, stay in tune, and prepare to join us in Kemet soon: October 2019.

Until then, Keep Dancing, Keep Singing, Keep Chanting, Keep Making Music, Keep Healing!

Dua Meret

Dua HetHeru

Dua Aset


Arit Neter S Mery Maati

aka Tchiya Amet

Back from Kemet 2018

Before the Reflections from this adventure get underway, wanted to share what happened the minute I opened the door of my uber ride home from the airport on October 26.

This story actually begins the day I left fir Kemet October 14, when I realized that I had left the key to the front door inside my apartment instead of in the lockbox! I was supposed to leave the key for the Dog Sitter.

I wasn’t too worried because my daughter AND property manager also had keys and could easily leave in the lockbox. However, this did not happen. So by the time October 26 rolled around, Sybil had had enough of the backyard and escaped! Of course the neighbors were concerned because the dogs are taken care of very well. So what did they do? They called the police of course! Why not the property manager, whose phone number is POSTED ON THE FRONT OF THE BUILDING??? We will never know….

So the moment I step out of the car, one neighbor calls out to me from her window: “The Cops was at your building this morning. AND THEY TOOK YO DOGS” then-she was gone! I said Thank you. Of course my phone was dead. Fortunately the key to the backyard was in the lockbox so I went to the basement to charge my phone and call a locksmith.

While waiting for the locksmith, the landscape person for the apartment next door explained to me in very little English that 3 plain clothes cops and cars came by with a firetruck! Took the ladder to the third floor apartment, broke in and took the dogs! Yikes!

Once the locksmith got us inside, it was very obvious that the cops broke in for a wellness check. The door to the Wellness Center was busted open but nothing was moved or taken. They left on the lights in my apartment ( still not sure how they got in tho…) They left no written record of the wellness check or any info about the dogs. I was terrified….no I had not registered the dogs in Chicago yet.

We went to two police stations. This event was not mentioned anywhere in the system, with no information about Sybil and Ilu. Fortunately, an officer that had been on the scene was eavesdropping and told us the dogs were safe at a no-kill shelter.

We went to pick them up immediately.

They are now tagged chipped registered vaccinated and they caught the Dog Flu. They rode home from the shelter in a Mercedes Benz and we rode an uber to and from the vet where they got medicine for the Flu.

The next thing I did was to thank 2 of the neighbors and exchange phone numbers. In the future, we can communicate without calling the police! This experience actually made my street more friendly. I am looking out for the other 2 neighbors and look forward to getting to know them all better.

Too much excitement! Very little time to process the journey. Now that the doggies are safe and sound, will get started writing about the trip!

Makes me wonder because when I got home ftom Kemet the first time in 2011, was hit with a very long chain of adversities! But this time around, things are turning out in my favor!


Now letz get back To Good Rising TV and also the Kemetic Musical Initiatic Experience, coming your way soon so stay in tune with KemeTones!
