Birthday Boat Ride with the Seadog!


After such a fabulous Birthday Lunch (read the recap and review of ATHEA’S), what could possibly top that? HOW ABOUT AN EXTREME SPEED BOAT RIDE ON LAKE MICHIGAN, AT NAVY PIER?????

There is little bit of background info that you must have: when Lluvia was 8 years old, our family: Mom, Brother, his Wife (before their children were born), both of my daughters, their dad, and my self went on a similar boat ride. It was also at Navy Pier. We missed the 5 pm ride and had to catch the 6 pm boat. Its was unseasonably chilly for August, and we did not have jackets or coats. The Sun was already going down when we started the ride. It was very cold out there on the water, and Lluvia got really sick. It appeared to have been caused by a combination of things: food poisoning, staying in a n apartment with heavy cigarette smokers that never opened their windows, and the cold boat ride. In fact, we almost lost her. She could not breathe through her nose, or her mouth. I realized that she would not get well within city limits, so we ended our trip early and headed south, back to Texas. As soon as we were out in the countryside of Illinois, she started breathing normally again,. It was terrifying. …. so going on this speed ride was actually about facing fears AND having fun while dong it!!!

Once we had purchased our tickets, we began to regret our decision, because just at the next dock, was a huge sailboat! We wished that we had seen that one first, and vowed to return for that ride…..of course after the ride, we did not mention the sailboat again!


Before getting on the boat, they take your picture. Lluvia was like, we don’t need a picture. But it was policy, to take everyone’s photo. Later on I reflected how this mis probably for safety measures as well as commercial ventures. We were told that the ride would be wet, and by the looks of the folks that got off the boat before us, this would be inevitable. It was so hit, that we were all ready to cool off. Of course, I ended jus buying the photos after the ride, because it was SO MUCH FUN!!! I especially love the fact that the photo is dated, with my birthdate.

At this point, we were just 2 people sitting on a boat, waiting for the ride to begin. I apologize in advance for the crazy video shots, because the boat was going really fast, and I was laughing uncontrollably. At times, I thought it was recording, but it was not, then, when I thought it was off, it was recording… sigh. It has been one entire week, and I am still laughing inside, can still feel the water pouring all over us, and the music they played just added to the experience.. Anyway, here come some video clips…

By the way, the announcer survives on tips, so have some cash in your pocket….

This is our after photo. We were drenched. had to walk around to dry off! LOL!! WAAAAAAY MORE FUN THAN A ROLLER COASTER…

After then ride, I was impelled to buy the official “before” photograph. Then we went on that crazy swing ride. I kept thinking, “what happens if one of these chains were to break?” But it was too much fun to worry about it. Here is a clip of the ride, no we are not in the swing, no photos allowed!

We ended this spectacular day by shopping at one of our favorite thrift shops. This was a fantastic fun day, and an excellent way to start off year 58.

If you are ever looking for something fun to do on birthdays, or when people come to visit you in Chicago, I would definitely recommend the Seadog. But only on a hot sunnier day….

thanks for checking out yet another Light Being Wellness Product review…..stay tuned for more to come.

New Moon and Mercury Direct July 2019: Family Transformations

Udje. Uben  Un Nefer. Beautiful Existence Rising.

This is the Good Rising TV Update for the New Moon and Mercury Direct. July 2019 Family Transformations.

The Reality of the Black New Moon

If you are excited about the upcoming Black New Moon, I want you to know that it is another man-made event, more Babylonian trickery. If there are 13 Moons in a year, how can there only be 12 Suns???? Same thing goes for the Blue Full Moons: just a cover-up about there being 13 constellations along the ecliptic instead of 12.



HeruScopes New Moon Update
To align with this Celestial event, align your actions and make your offerings to the Cosmic Forces of Beauty, Creativity, Writing and Transformation of the Family and Family Relationships. Dua Heteru, Ra, Sesheta M Khepera: Venus, Sun, New Moon in Sidereal Cancer and Mercury is now Direct in Sidereal Gemini, PiMahi.



KemeTones Self Care for New Moon and Mercury Direct

Opening Up to Creating New Positive Habits and Traits, by aligning your thoughts, words and actions with the Cosmic Forces of Writing, Creativity, Love and Beauty, in the area of Family, in conjunction with the New Moon, The Sun, and Venus in Sidereal Cancer. My spiritual guide has advised me to stop setting goals and intentions, which are in essence limiting, and instead, establish habits for an enlightened lifestyle. During this Lunar Cycle. I will use my  pen and my voice to bring this into manifestation and activate discipline to establish these new habits. When I look at my own family, I see sadness, separation and distance. Would love to see that transformed into Hotep, the End of Duality. Supreme Peace.



Cosmic Chimes and Chanting for the New Moon

The Sun and Venus in Sidereal Khepera. Dua HetHeru, Dua Ra, Dua Sesheta M Khepera. Working with the Cosmic Forces of Love and Beauty, Creativity, and Writing in the area of Family Transformations. What can you do to create something loving and of lasting beauty to bring about transformation within the family, physical or spiritual family? When we write out goals, intentions, or habits we want to create, it helps them to manifest. Try It!!! Can write, speak , chant and sing you purified desires into reality.




Cosmic Chimes and Chanting for Mercury Direct

Mercury is now Direct and resting in the sign of Sidereal Gemini. Dua Djehuty M PiMahi. Here is the Cosmic Chimes and Chanting Ancient African Adorations for Mercury Direct. Global Prayer for Direct Communications, Honest Communications for All Nations. And Families of course which are in reality, mini-tribes and nations….

Remember in another episode, when I mentioned writing or saying  things in the positive 40 times to counter the effect of something said with anger or negativity.  This is another exercise worth your time during this celestial event.

One Love 

Retrogrades, Eclipses, and the Moon: Summer 2019

Welcome to the HeruScopes Analysis for Current Events. Today’s date is July 21, 2019. Today is the First Day of Sidereal Cancer.

Retrogrades, Eclipses, and the Moon: Summer 2019
The HeruScopes Analysis for Current  Events: 

Retrograde Season, Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse, Sirius Rising Season WOW!


Let’s begin with the Retrogrades..the Portal Openings.
Got this info from the Almanac website:

the Pre-Shadow in Cancer (23o 57″) on June 20, 2019 at 5:10 pm Universal Time*, 1:00 pm EDT, 10:10 am PDT.

Mercury goes Retrograde in Leo (4o 28″) on July 7, 2019 at 11:14 pm Universal Time, 7:14 pm EDT and 4:14 pm PDT.

The Direct Station occurs in Cancer (23o 57″) on August 1, 2019 at 3:58 am Universal Time, and on July 31, 11:58 pm EDT and 7:58 pm PDT.

Mercury ends the Post-Shadow on August 15, 2019 at 7:53 am Universal Time, 3:53 am EDT, 12:53 am PDT.

I decided to check in with NASA. The site that I am using did not tell me the time of the transits, only the dates,. I need to get more familiar with the software to do this. Anyway, the starting dates did not line up. On June 20, Mercury was still direct.

On June 20, Mercury is in Dua Djehuty PiMahi, Sidereal Gemini Direct

As of June 23, Mercury is still direct in Sidereal Gemini. Enters Cancer on June 25. Goes Shadow Retro on July 7 or 8. Then Mercury Retrograde began on July 9.

July 7, Mercury goes SRx (Stationary Retrograde) in Sidereal Cancer 

July 9 Rx in Sidereal Cancer

July 22 Rx in Sidereal Gemini




Having a Djehuty Portal Opening, in the sign of PiMahi, Sidereal Gemini, would signify tremendous communications ability. Time to let Djehuty write out the To Do List, and then Trust. Trust that what comes our of your mouth came from your purified heart, and that you are doing the will of the Divine, If you are truly on the Path, and attempting to live an enlightened life, this is not the time to hold back. Now is the time to put on your crown, ie , non-thinking cap, and surrender to Divine Will and trust the process. Know that “Maat and Djehuty are writing words for you everyday” A portal opening such as this, in the area of communications and technology means that it is not a breakdown, it is a breakthrough! There is a Gift in Every Adversity. “Prosperity is Adversity and Adversity is Prosperity”

Khepera is all about Transformations in, of and through the Family. Could be the Human Family if you are estranged from one’s relatives. Could be Spiritual Family. Khepera is about Transformation, from Night into Day. Works hardest during dawn and pre-dawn hours….


Anticipate HUGE shifts in Family relations during this time, and remember, this is not about breakdowns, but BREAKTHROUGHS. 


People are excited to learn when there is more than one planet in Rx, and call this Retrograde Season. Truth is, there is usually more than one or 2 planets Rx, so it is not like one planetary transit makes it an entire season, there were already 6 planets Rx, Mercury just made it 7. It is probably always Rx Season, more often than not  We pay attention to Mercury Rx, because it happens more often and only lasts a few weeks. Jupiter and Saturn have been Rx for awhile now….no need to get all hyped up and start blaming things on planetary alignments. Take some time to sit back and OBSERVE what is going on, and how it shows up in your life….I like to observe and see if I can feel subtle differences when the planets make transits. Would love to do more wok in advance of events, but usually very busy experiencing the current events.


Current Rx: Mercury, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Neptune and Chiron.
Dua Djehuty, Aset, Amun, Geb, Asar  NebtHet, and Chiron. Remember, retrograde represents a portal opening. The symbol for Retrograde is the same as the symbol for prescriptions, so you can view these times as medicinal for healing and purification. For more on Mercury Retrogrades, visit the Portal of Djehuty Archives

Then when this portal closes, we get to experience a New Moon, all cleansed and purified. Moon and Sun in Khepera, Sidereal Cancer. Mercury still in Gemini, but DIRECT. August 2 New Moon in Khepera. Some call this the Black Moon. More on that soon, but I am still dealing with the Eclipse and Sirius Rising.

Things have been so hectic since the Summer Solstice, today is the first moment in time and space that I made the time for HeruScopes Summertime Analysis


















Dua Ra Dua HetHeru M Djehuty. This is such a powerful alignment, especially when you are familiar with the Parables of Djehuty, and the way that Ra sent HetHeru to earth to get rid of the unrighteous. While doing her divine task in the material realm, she lost touch with her Divinity. It took the wisdom of the Cosmic Mind, and Divine Intellect to restore her self knowledge. 


So we have Ra as the Sun and HetHeru as Venus, in the sign of the Lovers, the Twins, Sidereal Gemini: PiMahi. Ruled by the Planet Mercury, aka Djehuty. 

Utilize Creative Forces to Communicate  and express the Beauty of Life and the Gifts we often pass up because we cannot comprehend their value and true significance. This is usually overshadowed by the Ego and the desire for material Gain, endless Acquisition of material and worldly goods and attaining exclusively worldly goals. Take a moment and allow the Cosmic Mind to be expressed through your Cosmic Creativity, instead of trying to express the thoughts and ideas of your limited Mind with your personal creativity. It is a very subtle shift, yet most profound when achieved.

Dua Djehuty Dua Asar Dua Geb M PiMaere. 

Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse, Pluto Rx Saturn Rx in Sidereal Sagittarius. July 16.











How do Lunar Eclipses affect us: our shadow side is brought into the light. Since we are also in “retrograde season”, it could show up as a very old desire, one that has been waiting to be expressed and manifest. Or, a desire that you are ashamed of, or feel guilty about. Some sort of inner conflict, however, it MUST be brought out into the open. It can also reveal itself in an emotional moment, adding to the intensity. Beware, because desires manifest. Unfortunately, negative angry intentions and statements carry more power than peaceful positive ones, so this can get tricky! Someone once told me that for every negative statement, you must say a positive statement 40 times to offset the negativity. This is our homework assignment for this eclipse experience. I plan or working on my manifesting skills, manifesting positive situations as fast as the negative ones do! WORD SOUND FREQUENCY VIBRATION POWER. 

Sidereal Sagittarius at HeruScopes expresses expansiveness of Amun with the vibration of Travel. Expanding beyond the Limitations of the Earth/Geb/Saturn, and also, the rebirth of the soul through travel. Taking a holy pilgrimmage, or just getting across state lines, getting into a new location, new energy, can really shift your personal frequency, Perhaps you can only travel with your imagination: make a list of all the places you would like to see, and learn about them. PiMaere is also about wisdom and knowledge. 

Trusting that the boundaries, obstacles and limitations will soon dissolve, just as the rings of Saturn are crumbling into oblivion.


Close by is Sopdu, and July 19 is the day we honor the Rising of Sirius, Dua Sopdu, Hapi Kemetic Nu Year.

For more info on Sirius Rising, visit:

And also



Where is the Sun on the Summer Solstice 2019?


Good Rising. Great Awakenings. Beautiful Existence Arising.

Uben Nefer NEHAST Uben UN nefer!!!

While preparing for the presentation tomorrow, Call to Consciousness, something was brought to my attention. It has been stated that the Summer Solstice occurred at 10:54 am CDT. This would normally coincide with the Sun moving into Cancer….

Look at the position of the Sun: STILL IN TAURUS!!! So, I checked with the NASA Horizon site, to see exactly who the Sun moves into Gemini:

TODAY! June 22 at 2:09 am CDT.

And the class tomorrow

This causes me to wonder about so many things. Have the solstices and equinoxes changed due to the Precession of the Equinox? When I was in Heru, at Macchu Pichu, the Celestial Shaman there the Guardian of the Equinox marker told me that the equinoxes were now in February and October. When I went to Kemet last fall, it was to witness the Sun shining into the door way at the Temple at Abu Simbel on October 22, for 22 minutes, a very ancient fest8val celebration. I feel this is the time of the actual Equinox, but I have not really begun my investigation as of yet. I would like to measure the realtime number of daylight hours and see exactly when is the longest day. But does it have anything to do with the Sun moving into Sidereal Gemini? In the Babylonian system, it begins when the Sun moves into Cancer…..Solstice means Sun Stops, after the Solstice, the days grow shorter until the Winter Solstice, when the Sun Stops, and the days grow longer again. At the Solstice, the Sun Stops moving on one direction, and starts moving in the opposite direction….it is a time of powerful alignment.

anyway, GOOD SUMMER SOLSTICE TO YOU!!! Stay tuned for more from HeruScopes and Good Rising TV. For more info, visit


Little Purapple: Cotton Bell Bottom Yoga Pants LBW Review


About 4 or 5 years ago, a friend asked me to write an article about yoga pants. I assured her that I was about to order some for myself, and that I would let her know when the article was complete. Little did I know that it would take so long for this to happen. It took me this long, because it took me this long to firmly establish my personal yoga practice. In January of this year, I began 100 days pdf yoga, devotion, meditation, juice, and Music Shedy. towards the end of this cycle, as if to commemorate the accomplishment, I made the time to do some research and order organic, sustainable yoga pants.

The same day that shot the video for the first review, I saw a post about how yoga pants are destroying the environment.

Yoga Pants are Destroying the Planet

Ironically, the pants people wear while meditating about world peace are polluting the ocean with microplastics

With New Agey names like Awake, Enlight, Balance and Align and a $100 price tag, you’d think those $100 Lululemon yoga pants  would be made of recycled, organic hemp in a fair-trade factory under a rainbow. But, alas, they’re made of 100% petroleum-based polyester, aka plastic.
And just like all other plastics, they end up in the ocean, via your washing machine…

I ordered from many different vendors from the website. I ordered various sizes as well, to determine which ones fit me the best.

So, I will begin a series of posts about the results. A series of youtube videos actually, and we shall see what happens next.

The first pair to be reviewed comes to us from I found them on Women’s Premium Cotton 32″ bell bottom yoga pants.

These bells are so swell, that I call them GONG pants, because they are bigger than any bells I have seen! LOL!!

I ordered medium and large, because each brand has differences. This first pair is a large, and they fit very well, I think the medium will be even better. Sometimes, the mediums are too small for my derriere, so it is hit or miss. These fit well enough to keep however. They are suuuuupersoft! and the color is so lovely. I did not have to pull them up, they never got scrunchy, and the bells did not get in the way during the postures.

As for the top, believe it or not, it is from Target! I was there looking for a small table, and saw these called “bralettes”. I love them because there is no padding, perfect for tiny ladies like me, and liberating for ladies that usually wear bras all day. These are made from modal and cotton, plus a bit of lycra. Modal is made from bamboo, so these are definitely eco-fashion.

If you would like to buy these pants, visit here, and please tell them that Arit (aka Tchiya Amet)sent you their way!
little purapple at

They even offer discounts if you post a photo of you wearing their clothing! These pants feel great, looking forward to the next review! Dua for taking the time to care about what we wear….HOTEP

KemeTones Mobile Clinic



Now that the warm weather is here, our schedule is changing…. we will be back at the Black Mall this fall. We are so grateful to announce that we will be joining the Sat Nam Community Healing Circle every FIRST FRIDAY from 6-10 pm.

Sat Nam is located in the West Loop
at 1304 W. Washington Blvd.
Chicago, IL, 60607

Community Healing Cirlce
Friday 5.3 6pm-10pm
with Community Healers
A “healing circle” is a group of like-minded people who give or receive healing, energy work or bodywork. Power is created by the intention of the group to heal, learn and give.

Fempress Fit is having another event, and we will be there!!!

We LOVE working in the Community. Get a taste of this amazing healing modality, then schedule a visit to the Healing Temple at the Light Being Wellness Center.

While at the Haji on Super Sunday Sanctuary, you can also receive healing sessions from the other practitioners. You must schedule an appointment here:

KemeTones will not be at Haji Healing Salon in May due to the Light Being Spring Concert on May 19. KemeTones will be presenting a workshop at the Concert, so you can get you mini session there! 

Looking forward to seeing you soon! OneLOVEness!

March Portal of Djehuty Opening

Udja from HeruScopes! Greetings, Good Rising and Great Awakenings.
Uben Nefer Nehast.

Today, Mercury goes Retrograde, and will stay that way until March 28.
March 5, 2019, at 6:19 pm Universal Time, 2:19 pm EDT and 11:19 am PDT.
Goes Direct March 28, 2019, at 1:59 pm Universal Time, 10:59 am EDT and 7:59 am PDT.
from the Mercury Retrograde Calendar

Most astrology systems view this as a terrible phase, at HeruScopes however, we see these events as PORTAL OPENINGS. Mercury means a portal opens in communications and technology. There are breakthroughs and breakdowns, which inevitably lead to breakthroughs. There are many posts on this subject, for more info, just search this site for PORTAL OF DJEHUTY OPENING.
This is the post that was the result of my consciousness opening on so many levels. This is the post that led me to the realization that these portal openings are to be cherished, not feared and despised…..

The New Moon is tomorrow, March 6 at 10:03 am CST.
Next Full Moon is March 20 at 8:42 pm CST. Some say that the March Full Moon is called the Worm Full Moon….


So what is cooking in the Celestial Stew for Today?

Right off the bat, looks a little top heavy, a little imbalance…I love all the water however….emotions being released, staying in the flow.

Dua Djehuty N PiCot Sahu
Mercury Rx in Sidereal Pisces.

Mercury Retrograde in Sidereal Pisces. The Portal of Communications and Technology is now wide open in the area of EMOTIONS, ENERGY IN MOTION. Of course, we are also dealing with matters of the heart, and thus, issues of the Ego when these portals are open. I see them as an intensified period of purifying the aryu, stored impressions of past lives, past experiences, the past in general. The aryu is stored in the heart. As mentioned many times before, the heart contains more brain cells than the brain! When triggered, or when feelings arise, the emotions can lead one astray if not careful. During this time, remember there is always in Gift in every adversity. It could even be stated that the point of Life on Earth, which is filled with hardships, challenges, frustration and adversities, is to learn how to sail through even the roughest storms in life, like the ocean is calm and the skies are clear.

During this time, it is highly advised to focus on purifying ones heart of regrets, longings, sadness, old unfulfilled desires that no longer serve your highest good. Or at least, when these feelings arise, find a harmonious way to release and express them. Whatever you have been doing about this in the past must not be working so great, if you are still being triggered a lot, so now is the time to find a new release, or to find a way to change your thought patterns when the crucial moment arrives….

these portal openings are about changing the way you have been doing things….or, if you have stopped, time to start again.

Sesheta, representing the New Moon. The Cosmic Scribe

Ra: the Sun, the Cosmic Force of Creativity

Vesta represents the Hearth, the Central Fire, the Light of the Sacred Fire.

NebtHet: the lady of the House; Mortality. She represents the Incarnation of the Soul into the Physical Realm. She is attention to Worldly Matters.

Dua Sesheta Dua Ra Dua Vesta Dua NebtHet N KuUrKu
New Moon, Sun, Vesta and Neptune in Sidereal Aquarius/Heru.


Aquarius is Heru. Universal Love and Universal Family. Loving One Another Equally. Aquarius represents sharing wisdom, and knowledge with others, represented by pouring out the water.

At this time of New Beginning, right before the Spring Equinox, let’s focus our energy our intentions, our journal writings, our work to improve our personality, our creativity and creative expression, our hearth, and our  home in the area of Victory for the Universal Family and the Redemption of the Soul.  Heru represents the victory of the Soul. over Death, over Lower Ego. These planets are all in this sign, which means the Universe is focused in these frequencies, archetypes and characteristics. As Above So Below, so can we. Doesn’t it make sense to stay in alignment with what is happening in the Cosmos as much as we stay in tune with what is happening on Netflix and instagram???

Since it is the New Moon, some members of the Neterian Community have been fasting or doing cleanses. The Spring Equinox is right around the turn, so this is a great time for you to start a fast in preparation for the Majestic Alignment that is ahead. You do not want to be carrying extra baggage with you at that time. So you have about 2 weeks to really detach and let go…


here is a quote from the Kemetic Diet by Sebai Maa,
Dr. Muata Ashby, shared with the community by Uab Amuntyt for the New Moon Fast:
Food for the Mind:
“He (Djehuty) is also the messenger of the Supreme Being, Ra, who brings the special words of power to Aset in the Asarian Resurrection Story in order for Aset to resurrect the young Heru, who was poisoned by Set. In this aspect Djehuty symbolizes the Spiritual Preceptor who brings the wisdom of the Divine Self to the aspirant so the aspirant can resurrect his or her spiritual aspiration each time it is attacked by the ego (Set).” The Kemetic Diet, pg. 208, 2002 Second Edition by Dr. Muata Ashby

That is enuff to reflect on for today. Check back soon for the KemeTones Cosmic Sound healing Self Care tips and Global Prayer, plus the Ancient African Adorations Chant that will come through for this celestial event.



If you are interested in getting a personal HeruScopes Chart, Reading or the Cosmic Navigation package, which consists of the Chart. the Reading plus a one-on-one Consultation, just drop me an email  at cosmic at

or visit

Olmec Celestial Wisdom for Today…








Zing into Spring with KemeTones Cosmic Sound Healing



Zing into Spring!

Today is March 3, which means that there are approximately 18 days until the Equinox. The Spring Equinox takes place this year March 20 at 4:58 pm Central Time. Astronomically, this is the first day of Spring. Day and Night are said to be equal, although this has actually changed due to Precession of the Equinox. It might actually happen in February! And it is also said that the Sun moves into Aries. However, in reality, this does not happen until sometime in April. It is said that during the Equinox, the poles of the Sun’s orbit line up with the Galactic Axis and coordinates, and so, there is a great and wonderful Galactic alignment that takes place at this time.

In honor of this great alignment, KemeTones Cosmic Sound Healing is offering a tremendous deal in the form of a package, and a sale on all services.

You will benefit from these Spring Zingers because the session(s) will

  • remove blocks
  • release trauma, tension, pain and stress
  • open the way for new beginnings
  • bring you into alignment with your true purpose
  • eliminate pain and discomfort
  • cut energetic cords with people, relationships, trauma, situations
  • bring you into alignment with Cosmic Forces of Nature, Ancestral Forces, the Neters, the Orisha, etc

Here’s the Deal!

For those of you ready to take your healing experience to the next level, here is


Chart, Analysis and One-on-One Consultation
Energy Reading



ONLY $400!

That Spring Zinger is a Hum Dinger.
You can schedule your sessions for anytime between now and the Summer Solstice, June 20, 2019. We can even work out a custom payment plan for you…..

In addition, the individual Solar, Galactic and Cosmic Tune-Ups are available at about15% discount when you book and pay for your session between NOW and the Equinox on March 20. You may schedule your session(s) for this Spring, ie, before the Summer Solstice on June 20.

That means the Solar Tune-Up, regularly $65 is now priced at $50

the Galactic Tune-Up regular price is $100, now priced at $80,

and the Cosmic Tune-Up regular price is $150 now on sale for $120. Includes one Chart and one mini analysis.

Zing into Spring with KemeTones Cosmic Sound Healing!!

Book Your Session TODAY!

This offer vanishes with the Equinox on March 20 at 5 pm CST



Full Snow Moon 2019

Full Snow Moon 2019
The next full moon will occur on February 19th, 2019 at 10:54 AM ET and will be a Full Snow Moon.

When the Moon is Full, that means that the Sun and Moon are in Opposition, or opposite signs. That is western approach. At HeruScopes, they are in Complimentary Signs! The Battle is against the Evil that lives within us, not against one another!

Snow from my front window in Chicago

They call this the Full Snow Moon. If you are in Chicago, this is obvious, because it snowed so much yesterday, right in time for the Full Moon. When we say the Moon is Full, it actually appears to be full for 3 days and nights. Similar to the way the Solstices and Equinoxes last 3 days. So in this case, the moment of fullness is on Tuesday, February 19, at 9:54 am Cst, but the moon will appear to be full Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights.


The Full Snow Moon, or the Full Moon in February occurs when the Sun is In Sidereal Aquarius, and the Moon is in Sidereal Leo.  Dua Ra N KuUrKu. Dua Djehuty Sekhmet.

KuUrKu is ruled by Uranus/Heru, and so we are aligning with using our creativity for VICTORY. Actually, programming our creativity for victory. Setting our intentions for undefetible victory. When I first began the Good Rising TV Series, I had just been lectured about using spells, which are actually intentions that rhyme and have rhythm. Remind you of anything? Hekau: Chants, The Power of the Sacred Word. This gives them extra power, just like saying them with positive emotions. That is definitely one excellent way of programming our words, our creative forces for victory.

Another way that comes to mind is that of charging the water, as Aquarius is known as the Water Bearer. In particular, I am referring to the works of Dr. Emoto, who worked with the effects of words and intentions on water. Here is a short video. I first learned about Dr. Emoto in the movie “What the Bleep Do We Know”.


Ever since I purchased a Berkey water filter, I have been using my intentions more with the water that I drink. I have affixed labels to the glass water bottles that I now use instead of buying plastic water. I mean plastic bottled water. I charge them with crystals, and place them under the pyramid.

Victorious in what? In the battle over our lower Ego, Victory over Set, because that is the only battle there is. And this battle gets played out over and over, individually, and nationally. Once it becomes a global battle, perhaps we will unite when the time comes to fight something other than each other…..


The Full Moon. Talk About Opposites, I mean complimentary: The Sun, Hot Raging Fire and the Moon, Coooool and Reflective. Who does that remind you of? Sekhmet and Djehuty of course! After HetHeru was asked to come to earth to help rid the world of the people that had forgotten their divinity their origin, their purpose for being alive, etc, she took on her form as Sekhmet. She was very good at her job, and enjoyed the power so much that she became the very thing she was a sent to destroy. Ra sent Djehuty to talk some sense into her. Fortunately, the Cosmic Mind was able to remind the goddess of love and beauty of her divine origin as the Daughter of Ra, and she returned to her naturally high state of consciousness. This is what we go through almost daily, until we simply no longer need to have this experience. Until the time comes that we are able to remember our divine origin at all times, in all places, with all kinds of people, in all types of situations, both in times of prosperity and adversity. In times of desperation and in times of joy.

Here is a very good summary: from

“One of the myths connected with Het-Hert describes how she became angry with her father, Ra, and wandered into the desert becoming a wild lioness, the Mistress of the Desert. Ra missed his Eye and tried to convince her to come home to Egypt. He eventually had to enlist the skills of Djehuty (Thoth), and Het-Hert was lured home by a magic potion and promises of a life dedicated to music, dance, and drunken happiness. Philae was the first stop on her way home, and her appearance there was celebrated at the island temple by priests playing the harp and oboe and by priestesses shaking the sistra and offering flowers. In this way, Het-Hert was transformed from the savage lionness into the gentle Netjert (goddess) of love, presiding over the birth house of Philae in her benign aspect.

The text in the above relief from the Temple of Dakka reads:

Caption above the baboon: “Djehuty from Penubes, great, powerful God who came from Nubia.”
Caption for the lioness: “Tefnut, Daughter of Ra in Abaton.”

The scene in the relief above refers to the part of the story in which Het-Hert was coming back from Bugem, in Nubia.  She appears as Het-Hert/Tefnut fully in the form of a wild lioness, the form she had taken while wandering throughout the desert.  She raises up her tail while carrying the sun disk with the uraeus upon her head. Djehuty approaches her as a baboon, a form which she had trusted in her homeland. He raises his arms in henu, the praise gesture, luring her with promises of festivals and joy if she returns. Shu accompanies and is identified in other nearby texts as the “Son of Ra, who came out of Nubia, great in power, whose limb is strong.”


Image of Het-Hert as lioness with Djehuty (as baboon) and Shu, from the Southern Wall of the Roman chapel at Dakka, in M. Günther Roeder’s Der Tempel von Dakke (Les Temples Immergés de la Nubie series), vol. 2 (planches), Cairo, Service des Antiquités de l’Égypte, 1930, plate 115.

Junker, Hermann, “Der Auszug der hathor-Tefnut aus Nubien,” Abhandlungen der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Philosophische-Historische Classe), Berlin, 1911.”

The Moon from my backyard in Chicago.

And so, it is with this Celestial Occurrence that we also have the great fortune of the Venus Saturn Conjunction in Sidereal Sagittarius, which began on February 18, the day before.

With these 3 alignments, we have the excellent opportunity to
1. Use the Divine Intellect as the Warrior Healer, writing, thoughts, meditations that can bring about healing transformations in the personality.
2.Travel beyond limitations in loving relationships and attachments to physical reality, and
3. Programming our creativity for victory, using creativity when setting intentions for efficacy power boosts.
  The ultimate victory is the viceroy over our lower nature, our lower ego, Stein Nature. Conquering Chaos for example. Facing Fear. Mending Relationships.

Stay Tuned for KemeTones and Ancient African Adorations for this Celestial Event from Good Rising TV. For more info, visit


New Moon in Sidereal Capricorn: Dua Ra Dua Sesheta Dua Geb

Udja. Uben Un Nefer! Beautiful Existence Rising!

New Moon, New Calendar year, Chinese New year, New Tune, New way of doing things. Time has come to streamline and make the HeruScopes plus Good Rising TV more efficient. Here is first attempt.

Here is YouTube video for HeruScopes plus Ancient African Adorations. This report is only for The New Moon and Sun in Sidereal Capricorn. Will post in bite size segments rather than jam packed into one video like I was attempting to do before. Please comment or leave suggestions. Thanks in advance.


One Love!!!


Arit Neter S aka Tchiya Amet