Indoor Urban Garden


Mid-Winter 2019 found me feeling kinda blue, because I missed having a garden. I missed living in the country, and I missed spending time in Nature. Friends in the Wise Kemetic Living Group encouraged me to start an indoor garden, and so I did! I ordered the seeds and the equipment online, and had hoped to start with the New Moon in March. But the seeds did not arrive in time, because I had to travel. I figured that I would start with the Spring Equinox, but alas, the seeds were not in the box! LOL!! The store kindly sent more seeds, however, they got lost in the mail. I finally got my seeds, and began with the Mee Kitchen Hydroponic System right away. I have been totally amazed with the results so far…

I ordered this little system because I thought it was cute, and was made sustainably with bamboo instead of cheap toxic plastic. I had not kid it was a total hydroponic system until I opened the box! I have been taking photos almost everyday, and there is always something new to behold. Usually, we miss out on this process, because the seeds are covered in dirt or wrapped in a paper towel inside a plastic bag.

It is really easy to use: it comes with nutrient packets, and you just mix with water in the reservoir. Change the water once a week.

Stay Tuned for More Gardening Power….

Update! May 12!!

Hapi Sowing, Hapi Growing! Hotep

Saturn Retrograde in Sidereal Sagittarius: Dua Geb M PiMaere


Saturn Retrograde in Sidereal Sagittarius: Dua Geb M PiMaere

HeruScopes for the Geb Portal Opening Asar Portal Opening M PiMaere:
Saturn Retrograde (4-29-2019 7:54 pm CST) with Pluto Rx in Sidereal Sagittarius


Saturn in Sagittarius, ah, I am all too familiar with this alignment, even the
Retrograde Part! LOL!! I have Saturn Rx in Sagittarius, AND Jupiter Rx in Capricorn!!! Double LOL!!! 

Saturn is known as the Limiter, The Restricter.  Deals with learning lessons in Life by how we deal with obstacles. Saturn is connected to Geb, the Physical Earth, the exact opposite of Sidereal Sagittarius, which is about expansion, travel, wisdom, fiery passion. 

But when opposites are in retrograde? What is this all about????

As you know, we do not view retrograde as a negative. At HeruScopes, the Retrograde is a Portal Opening, an intense experience of openings and breakthroughs. So this would mean an opening or a breakthrough in dealing with obstacles and limitations that keep us from expanding and attaining higher consciousness. Saturn, or Geb, is a force that holds us back, or we feel it when we become distracted by materialism. Like when you are trying to leave the house,  but at the last minute, you cannot find your keys. Just getting into your meditation, and the phone rings with an important call you have been waiting for. Saturn can feel like a heaviness, like gravity, that keeps you connected to the Earth, whereas Sagittarius is all about expansion and movement. This Retrograde is an opportunity to travel  WITHIN, beyond boundaries that no longer serve us, and break free of these limitations. Transcend the Restrictions of Saturn, with the One Pointedness, towards the Wisdom of Enlightenment, of Sagittarius.

During the next few months, we will be challenged by obstacles, barriers, limitations and boundaries. Until September 18, 2.019, the Portal will be open. This is our opportunity to see them as illusions, and break free of them. Sagittarius is the Hunter, seeking Freedom from limitation.

On the mythical level, we are dealing with the forces of Geb Asar and Amun. Metaphysically, Geb the Earth, Asar the Soul, and Amun, the Witnessing Consciousness. we are dealing with expanding our consciousness beyond limitations that were put in place so that we could have this experience of shattering the illusion of limitation. Anticipate contracts that will be broken and lead to better situations for all parties. Relationships ending resulting in stronger ones being established. On a mundane level, Saturn, Geb also deals with our finances. Our debt. Another technique is to be Amun (corresponds to Sagittarius, Jupiter), and observe and respond,  rather than react

Dua PiCheus Portal Opening Aset in Imhotep,
Jupiter Rx Ceres in Ophiuchus.

Jupiter Pi Cheus

More Expansion, this time, in the area of Natural Healing. Wellness. Nurturing and Divine Intuition. Jupiter is Retrograde, so whatever has been stuck, delayed, postponed, immobilized, is now going to manifest. To be revealed. Perhaps it will feel like it is happening at Light Speed after having been stalled for so long. Due to the expansion of consciousness that occurs during this Portal Opening. Increase of Wisdom. The Witnessing Consciousness already knows all things. Trust Divine Intuition, especially during Healing Process. Be open to what may be contrary to Western Medicine. 

Jupiter is also associated with Abundance and Prosperity, so with all of the commercial interest in Wellness these days, why should it be any different for you or I?

Dua Net M AspoliaPallas Athena in Sidereal Virgo
Protecting and Nurturing the Intentions, The Seeds in the Garden of Your Life. Aspolia is the Seed.

Net also weaves things together.
Establishing a positive healthy bond in Father-daughter relationships 

This is a shift: previously, considered Pallas Athena to be Maat; however, today, I was informed that she is actually Net….

Dua Juno M PiMahi
Juno in Sidereal Gemini
Divine Partnership, The Wisdom of Being In Love with Self

Dua Set Dua Sedna M Apis
Mars and Sedna in Sidereal Taurus

Taming, sublimating lower nature to end abuse and violations, worldwide.
End trafficking, pedophilia, 

Dua Ra Dua Heru M Tamet Amon
Sun and Uranus in Sidereal Aries
Creativity, Victory and Freedom of the Witnessing Consciousness; In harmony with Lower Nature.

Dua Djehuty, Dua Anuket, Dua Hetheru, Dua Chiron M PiCotSahu
Mercury, Vesta, Venus, Chiron in Sidereal Pisces
Communications that are from the Heart, Remembering the Beauty of the Divine when we forget who were truly are, and Bringing Self Healing through Emotional Release

Ankuet, Vesta
HetHeru, Venus

Dua NebtHet, Dus Sesheta M KuUrKu
Neptune and Crescent Moon in Sidereal Aquarius
Putting Things in Divine Right Order Brings about Changes in Personality that lead to Universal Harmony and Oneness. Victory over Ignorance and Unrighteousness. 

These are the forces at play during this window of opportunity for Abundance and Wellness (Jupiter Retrograde in Ophiuchus) and Traveling beyond Limitation (Saturn Rx in Sidereal Sagittarius)

Stay tuned for the Good Rising TV Episode for this Celestial Event! Oneness

Little Purapple: Cotton Bell Bottom Yoga Pants LBW Review


About 4 or 5 years ago, a friend asked me to write an article about yoga pants. I assured her that I was about to order some for myself, and that I would let her know when the article was complete. Little did I know that it would take so long for this to happen. It took me this long, because it took me this long to firmly establish my personal yoga practice. In January of this year, I began 100 days pdf yoga, devotion, meditation, juice, and Music Shedy. towards the end of this cycle, as if to commemorate the accomplishment, I made the time to do some research and order organic, sustainable yoga pants.

The same day that shot the video for the first review, I saw a post about how yoga pants are destroying the environment.

Yoga Pants are Destroying the Planet

Ironically, the pants people wear while meditating about world peace are polluting the ocean with microplastics

With New Agey names like Awake, Enlight, Balance and Align and a $100 price tag, you’d think those $100 Lululemon yoga pants  would be made of recycled, organic hemp in a fair-trade factory under a rainbow. But, alas, they’re made of 100% petroleum-based polyester, aka plastic.
And just like all other plastics, they end up in the ocean, via your washing machine…

I ordered from many different vendors from the website. I ordered various sizes as well, to determine which ones fit me the best.

So, I will begin a series of posts about the results. A series of youtube videos actually, and we shall see what happens next.

The first pair to be reviewed comes to us from I found them on Women’s Premium Cotton 32″ bell bottom yoga pants.

These bells are so swell, that I call them GONG pants, because they are bigger than any bells I have seen! LOL!!

I ordered medium and large, because each brand has differences. This first pair is a large, and they fit very well, I think the medium will be even better. Sometimes, the mediums are too small for my derriere, so it is hit or miss. These fit well enough to keep however. They are suuuuupersoft! and the color is so lovely. I did not have to pull them up, they never got scrunchy, and the bells did not get in the way during the postures.

As for the top, believe it or not, it is from Target! I was there looking for a small table, and saw these called “bralettes”. I love them because there is no padding, perfect for tiny ladies like me, and liberating for ladies that usually wear bras all day. These are made from modal and cotton, plus a bit of lycra. Modal is made from bamboo, so these are definitely eco-fashion.

If you would like to buy these pants, visit here, and please tell them that Arit (aka Tchiya Amet)sent you their way!
little purapple at

They even offer discounts if you post a photo of you wearing their clothing! These pants feel great, looking forward to the next review! Dua for taking the time to care about what we wear….HOTEP