Sunjunki Purple Tye-Dyed Cotton Yoga Pants: LBW Review


Womens Yoga Pants, Festival Leggings, Tie Dye Stretch, Cotton Full length Exercise Pant, Fold Over, Flared Tights, Gym Pants, Workout Pants

from WOW THESE PANTS ARE AMAZING!!! Even after washing several times, the color is still wonderful, the cotton still feels great, and they still fit perfectly. I highly recommend these pants. The colors alone are motivation to keep practicing yoga daily. With natural fibers, no plastic or anything artificial here. Although, I have not asked about the dyes, I was assured these are eco-friendly. FREE SHIPPING in US. These are size medium. Oh, and Purple is absolutely my favorite color.

These pants are hand made and hand dyed by Sunjunki: Michelle Marie

Next, I must work on my “menopause middle”!!! Whew! Came from nowhere, I guess it arrived when I stopped doing yoga everyday…. thank goodness I am back on track!

Check out the first review here: Sustainable Yoga Pants Review

Come join me at Avalon Park for Kemetic YogaRun: Every Wednesday Rising at 7:30 am followed by a run (or walk) around Avalon Park. Weather permitting of course. If raining or brrrr cold, join me at Light Being Wellness Center 8008 S. Ellis Ave #2.


Arit Neter S aka Tchiya Amet

Little Purapple: Cotton Bell Bottom Yoga Pants LBW Review


About 4 or 5 years ago, a friend asked me to write an article about yoga pants. I assured her that I was about to order some for myself, and that I would let her know when the article was complete. Little did I know that it would take so long for this to happen. It took me this long, because it took me this long to firmly establish my personal yoga practice. In January of this year, I began 100 days pdf yoga, devotion, meditation, juice, and Music Shedy. towards the end of this cycle, as if to commemorate the accomplishment, I made the time to do some research and order organic, sustainable yoga pants.

The same day that shot the video for the first review, I saw a post about how yoga pants are destroying the environment.

Yoga Pants are Destroying the Planet

Ironically, the pants people wear while meditating about world peace are polluting the ocean with microplastics

With New Agey names like Awake, Enlight, Balance and Align and a $100 price tag, you’d think those $100 Lululemon yoga pants  would be made of recycled, organic hemp in a fair-trade factory under a rainbow. But, alas, they’re made of 100% petroleum-based polyester, aka plastic.
And just like all other plastics, they end up in the ocean, via your washing machine…

I ordered from many different vendors from the website. I ordered various sizes as well, to determine which ones fit me the best.

So, I will begin a series of posts about the results. A series of youtube videos actually, and we shall see what happens next.

The first pair to be reviewed comes to us from I found them on Women’s Premium Cotton 32″ bell bottom yoga pants.

These bells are so swell, that I call them GONG pants, because they are bigger than any bells I have seen! LOL!!

I ordered medium and large, because each brand has differences. This first pair is a large, and they fit very well, I think the medium will be even better. Sometimes, the mediums are too small for my derriere, so it is hit or miss. These fit well enough to keep however. They are suuuuupersoft! and the color is so lovely. I did not have to pull them up, they never got scrunchy, and the bells did not get in the way during the postures.

As for the top, believe it or not, it is from Target! I was there looking for a small table, and saw these called “bralettes”. I love them because there is no padding, perfect for tiny ladies like me, and liberating for ladies that usually wear bras all day. These are made from modal and cotton, plus a bit of lycra. Modal is made from bamboo, so these are definitely eco-fashion.

If you would like to buy these pants, visit here, and please tell them that Arit (aka Tchiya Amet)sent you their way!
little purapple at

They even offer discounts if you post a photo of you wearing their clothing! These pants feel great, looking forward to the next review! Dua for taking the time to care about what we wear….HOTEP