Falling Awake: Fall Equinox and Full Moon

September Full Moon 2018:

When to See the ‘Harvest Moon’ The full moon of September, called the Harvest Moon, will grace the skies Sept. 24, just two days after the autumn equinox. The moon becomes officially full on Sept. 24 at 10:52 p.m. EDT (0252 GMT on Sept. 25), according to NASA’s SkyCal.

Choctaw Nation call this Hash Tek Inhasi, the Courting Moon. I can see how this would bring out a little romance: gets a little bit chilly around here as soon as the Sun goes down…

The Equinox is Upon Us, lasts 3 days
September Equinox, Chicago, Illinois, USA is on

Saturday, September 22, 2018 at 8:54 pm CDT (Change city

Although, not exactly equal
Fall equinox 2018: Not as ‘equal’ as you may think | CNN Travel


So why isn’t the equinox exactly equal?

It turns out you actually get a little more daylight than darkness on the equinox, depending on where you are on the planet. How does that happen?

As the US National Weather Service explains, the “nearly” equal hours of day and night are because of the complex way a sunrise is measured and the refraction of sunlight in our atmosphere.

This bending of light rays “causes the sun to appear above the horizon when the actual position of the sun is below the horizon.” The day is a bit longer at higher latitudes than at the equator because it takes the sun longer to rise and set the closer you get to the poles. So on fall equinox, the length of day will vary a little according to where you are:”

“For the truly equal day/night split, you have to wait some days after the official equinox. That’s called the equilux. In 2018, that will happen on September 28.”

Watch Youtube video with Music by John Coltrane, Lyrics by Tchiya Amet, recorded in Rio de Janeiro on the Celestial Folk Music CD

Happy Birthday to John Coltrane and My Grandfather Bernard Henry Johnson, 2 very wonderful VIRGOS, that’s correct, not Libras at HeruScopes.

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Here are the Chart  and Reading for the Equinox and scroll down for the Full Moon

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Illustration: Ra stricken with poison, and Aset providing relief….watch video for more information.

Dua Ra Dua Djehuty Dua Aset M Aspolia 

Sun, Mercury, Ceres in Sidereal Virgo 

Tap into Creativity and utilize to Express Cosmic Mind and to Hear Divine Intuition. this will lead to bountiful harvest, as Aspolia is The Seed.

Dua Maat M Sekhmet. Pallas Athena in Sidereal leo.

uh oh. Is this the Warrior Goddess Defending Maat? Standing up for fairness in relationships and partnerships? This is not the time to remain quiet and hope the challenge will go away. Now is the time to practice speaking up, and standing for Maat. You are either Living with Maat, or you are not. There is no grey area on this…..

Dua Juno Dua Sedna (Portal Opening) M Apis

Juno and Sedna Rx in Sidereal Taurus.
I read today that there is even a #yogametoo hashtag: some yoga instructors are actually rapists. This means that our sacred relationships and covenants, marriages have been violated, thoroughly, and with the Rx activity, now is the time for action and healing, which comes with letting go. Speaking and expressing, It is also important to be heard, and criminalizing the survivor will backfire in time. We are going to establish our groundedness and steadfastness in our truth, and we refuse to be silenced, we will not remain silent, not until this trial has ended.  

Dua Heru (Portal Opening) M Tamet Ammon

Uranus Rx in Sidereal Aries

True Leadership  and Victory comes by Observing\  

    Dua Chiron (Portal Opening) PiCot Sahu

Chiron Rx in Sidereal Pisces

This portal opening is pushing us to cleanse and to heal from deep seated emotional wounds, even from past lives or ancestral wounds, which are harder to heal from than physical injuries. As the Cherokee Wisdom Teaches us: “Wash Your Spirit Clean”. Let go of heartache, forgive self and others. Surrender to Spirit and trust the Universe. these are indeed the actions of the Revolutionary that lives within all of us. .

Dua NebtHet (Portal Opening) Dua Sesheta M KuUrKu

Neptune Rx ALMOST Moon in Sidereal Aquarius

NebtHet is the Lady of the House, and represents Light beings or Spirit in a Watery Encasement, a physical exisence. She is symbolized by a vessel of water. And KuUrKu is depicted pouring water, or wisdom and knowledge, from one vessel to another.
What I am sensing now is an overwhelmingly strong and powerful luvibration that can heal all estranged family relations. This is based upon the Mythical Relationship of Heru and NebtHet. Sesheta is there urging us to write out our emotions, get them out of us and out them to good use. Putting things in order also means getting rid of what no longer serves us. Taking out our emotional waste. This process is healing for the writer as well as those that have the good fortune to see, hear or read these experiences. This kind of writing, from an authiic place, is indeed purifying to the heat and mind. It helps us build character and strengthen our personality.

Dua Set M Hupeneius
Mars in Sidereal Capricorn.

No longer Retrograde, now is the time to establish a strong, positive material foundation. Not for conquest or amassing great financial wealth, but so that you can be in the position to take better care of health, and have time to invest to gain greater knowledge of Self. Time to get back to consistent yoga practice, mediation, exercise, time and space for family and loved ones. whatever it takes, because without a strong mind body soul and spirit, you will not be able to enjoy all that wealth you have w=amassed, and there will be no one to share it with either. Taking steps towards your freedom, not further enslavement. 

Dua Asar (Portal Opening) Dua Rephan Geb Dua Vesta
M PiMaere
Pluto Rx, Saturn, Vesta in Sidereal Sagittarius

Nuk Pu Nuk Asar Asar: Expanding, traveling, outgrowing beyond all limitations is the Central Core that keeps us shining bright. Things end and begin again, yet our goal is always the same: to Be Enlightened. 

Dua PiCheus Amun Dua HetHeru M Maat

Jupiter and Venus in Sidereal Libra

Now in addition to the experience of Maat Expansion, we add the Love, Joy and Beauty to the Equation. Balance and Harmony instead of struggle. This could mean that it is no longer a battle, it is an unfoldment, a blossoming. Again, remain seated on Inner Throne, the Great Observer that sees all, and says nothing.

The Equinox is a time of Alignment on a Grand Scale. The axis of the Earth’s Orbit lines up with the Galactic Axis. By aligning with nature, we can align with Maat. Our lives flow because we are in tune with the Divine. If your life is not going the way you want it to, look at it from a different peseoctive, and see how life is flowing in alignment with itself, and your wishes only matter, ir come true, when they are ALIGN WITH THE DIVINE. If you are ignorant of Self, and ignorant of the celestial movements, then, your life will just get bounced around not really moving forward….-

Here is the video for the Fall Equinox Session. Full Moon will be added later tonite…

FULL MOON:  The Courting Moon.

Moon in Sidereal Pisces.

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The only object that changes is the Moon. Now in PiCot Sahu, Sidereal Pisces.  Will be posting tonite during the Full Moon Time…

Full Moon pt 1: Energy in Motion Video

KemeTones Self Care and Global Healing


Pt 2: Devotion in Motion

Ancient African Adorations
Devotional World Music


New Moon New Tune!

The New Moon is always magical. Like starting over with a clean slate. When the girls were young, we observed the Hebrew Tradition of Rosh Hashanah, the Birthday of the World. Times have changed, the Girls are grown and have moved on. I have moved on as well. During this New Moon, I am making some Huge Changes! Kinda scary. Truly letting go of what no longer serves me: spiritually, energetically, traditionally, culturally, etc. Taking actions that will lead me to expressing my Authentic Self. It feels like I am still living to perfect the Woman that I was 28 years ago.

28 years ago, I was deep into my first Saturn Return Experience. It is a miracle that I survived. I changed my name during that time. It wasn’t really a change in meaning or vibration. Just a different frequency. Back then, I moved from Greek to Hebrew: from Staci Alison to Tchiya Amet. Both mean Rise Again Truth, which is the name of my first cd: Rise Again Truth. I wanted to honor my parents, so I simply translated into Hebrew.

Back in 2006, my first trip to Mexico was with Don Miguel da la Ruiz, the Master that wrote the Four Agreements for us. I later went on to write a song about them in Spanish:

During my time with him, I explained that although I really like my name, it feels like I am always dying and starting over and over, never really moving forward, continuous regeneration also means continuous death of something. He suggested that I drop the tchiya, and go by my middle name. At the time I thought, sounds perfect, but I had just changed my name to Tchiya 10 years prior, and had all of these reasons why I could ot. I tried a few times over the years to go by Amet, but it did not feel right.

Now, it has been an entire Saturn cycle of Tchiya and frankly, it feels like it does when your old car just won’t run anymore. As a friend once told me, “you can’t beat a dead horse.” This is how my life feels at the moment. I can keep going trying to patch up all the little things that are not coming together the way I want them to, OR, I can just up level, shift vibration and frequency and get into the flow, not necessarily going along with whatever, but fine-tuning with accuracy and precision, the vibration at which I truly desire to live out the rest of my life. And it certainly does not include fixing the life that i have been living for the past 28 years, because everything has changed since that moment in time.

Which brings me to The Music. It has been an excellent journey. However that journey has expanded and can no longer continue the way that it once was. Reggae has been wonderful for my consciousness, awakening, health, abundance, prosperity, even love. However, all of that has expanded too, and can no longer be contained or confined. So, although I will continue to write, sing, compose and enjoy reggae Music, I am no longer called to live at the standards of the Reggae Music Industry or even the Community. That vibration is now part of my past.  In fact, has been that way for while now, I just did not know how to move forward, or where. The Future and the Present  is ALL PURE LIGHT.

You may have noticed my music has moved into the genre of Devotional World Music. This features Original Roots Reggae of course,  Reggae Fusion Jazz,. It also includes Ancient African Adorations, which consists of Kemetic (Ancient Egyptian) Chanting and Singing, Medicine Wheel Music/Native Reggae, even Live Cosmic Jazz Improv.

Speaking of which, on September 8, I had the excellent fortune of performing Live Cosmic Jazz Improv with SuRa and the Side Pocket Experience. This event takes place every second Saturday of the month at the Silver Room, and I will be there singing and chanting to their live expressions of love and joy. It is pure heaven in sound. If you dig Sun Ra, you will love SuRa!

What about Reggae Wellness? That is going to have to simmer awhile. Things were out of alignment with who I am today in this moment. That must be the priority. So, the first step is getting my practice in order. The renovations at the apartment building will begin soon, and so during this New Moon Phase, I will be working on the website for the LIGHT BEING WELLNESS CENTER AND WELLNESS PRODUCTS. KemeTones,org. HeruScopes.com, and tchiya.com will all be upgraded as well.

The final announcement for this New Moon is My Name. Yes, that is changing too. The vibration of the music has changed because I have changed so much, thanks to these past 4 years of intense healing, much letting go, lots of meditation and self care, etc. and it is time for my name to reflect this , and stop projecting the old energy and having the same experiences over and over again. Plus, I did not really change the vibration of my name, so it has been the same since birth. I will keep Tchiya Amet as the BRAND for my Reggae Music, and from henceforth, shall be known as Arit Neter S Mery Maati which means,

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You can just call me Arit! LOL!!

musicians 2  image-23

This announcement/moved is in alignment with my upcoming trip to Kemet in October, for a Musical Initiation. One of the highlights will  a visit to the Temple of Abu Simel, in Aswan, when the light shines on a statue of Ramses for 22 minutes. My research tells me that this is the actual date of the Equinox, instead of in September. And, the initiation will include offering a Concert on the Nile. You can learn more here:

Musical Initiatic Journey to Kemet


If this is too much for you, or too weird, no worries, I will always answer to Tchiya, just as I still answer to my childhood name. Just wanted to let you know in case you are wondering…..LOL!!!

Check out the HeruScopes Analysis for the New Moon, and you will see how my life mirror this report.


Arit Neter s Mery Maati
aka Tchiya Amet El Maat


UPDATE! Good Rising TV Announcement Video

Dua Sesheta Sekhmet. New Moon in Sidereal Leo


Good Rising Grand Openings Great Awakenings.

Are we are again, and even though it feels as if all those retrograde planets are direct again, think again. I have a feeling that there is always something with their portals wide open, and we have only been keeping up with Mercury Retrograde….

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For those of you that have not been following HeruScopes since the beginning before it even had a name back in 1998, you may be wondering why and how the signs can be off by an entire month. In a nutshell, time was fixed 4000 ago by the Babylonians.  The Astrology system they used is not based on Nature, it is man-made. It is based on the earth’s orbit around the sun, not the Sun and Planets moving thru the constellations. For more information, please visit www.heruscopes.com

Yes, it is the New Moon today September 9  at 1:01 pm cst.


Now is the time to start something new, especially if it is something that has been on the back burner for a long time.

Here is the breakdown from HeruScopes!

Dua Ra Dua Sesheta Dua Djehuty Dua Maat M Sekhmet
Sun, New Moon, Mercury, Pallas Athena all in Sidereal Leo.

I know they are saying the moon is in Virgo, but go outside tomorrow and see where the moon is. If you can see it, and it is in Virgo, then that means the new Moon was NOT in Virgo! If the New Moon were in Virgo, the next time to see the Crescent Moon, it should be in Libra!!!

Watch the videos for images and iconography.

Writing Sacred Words to Create A New Beginning, Speaking Sacred Words to Establish Order, Harmony Balance (MAAT), Victory in Healing. Remember, when in Sekhmet, it is WARRIOR TRAINING MODE. This is reminding me of the first Good Rising TV episode, about Writing Spells. Time to Revisit that one….

Of course this means goal setting, intention tweaking, finding the courage to stand firm. Trusting, Knowing, A Feeling that the Healing will come. Time for New Beginnings. It also means shedding and letting go of what no longer serves you…..

We are past Djehuty Portal Opening, so all is smooth and clear. Creating something new doesn’t necessarily mean a new poem , or a new painting. It can also mean creating a new brand, a new LIFE! Writing was given to us through Sesheta, the Celestial Scribe and Djehuty the Cosmic Mind. When we are in alignment, the words we write do not come from our limited mind, but from the Cosmic Mind. It is like a celestial blueprint, that is encoded in our DNA. This is also a great time to CREATE ABUNDANCE AND PROSPERITY. here are a few suggestions:

 Open Your Money Flow                                        New Moon Is Abundance

Dua Sedna (Portal Opening) Dua Juno M Apis
Sedna Rx Juno in Sidereal Taurus

THIS is exciting! Sedna is a very slooooooooooowwwwwwww moving planet. I have no idea how long Sedna has been in Taurus, or when it will transit. I am sure the I have written about this before, I will see what I can find. But back to the NOW! A Portal Opening for the Cosmic Force that deals with Sexual Trauma and Domestic Violence. This will call for an in-depth analysis in the near future, as my very own Sedna Story is about to have plot twist. So stay tuned for that update…..

For now, time for DEEP introspection, healing, revealing, self loving, and growth. INTENSE to say the least, Will result in grounding and wellness beyond imagination is what I am sensing. I read that Juno will be going retrograde soon as well so this will be a season of purification from past trauma and violations. Juno also in Apis, represents marriage and commitment. In Greek legend, Juno was constantly violated by her spouse, Jupiter. So when both of these portals are opening, I see period for cleansing, purging, releasing, healing, and perhaps, resolution and communication. Will start working on this analysis very soon….

Dua Heru (Portal Opened) M Tamet Ammon
Uranus Rx in Sidereal Aries.

The Rebel, the Redeemer, of the Soul, the Victorious One is the One that remains silent and observes when in heat of inner battle, or when in confrontation with another Ego, respond, do not react. Ahhh, so easy to say, and not so easy to practice. But that is what life is for, to practice! To become master of these cosmic forces, to become masters of our minds, our lives, and our lower nature. . Does NOT rush in! We are also dealing with the dynamic of Heru and Set: to be victorious in battle, we cannot lose our head or our cool. Must remain seated on inner throne. The planets are aligned for this lesson. I know I had an exam just a few days agin, and got a C-, which is still passing, because I was aware of it while it was happening, but was too emotional to stop it. Next time, I will do better…..

Dua Chiron (Portal Opening) M Picot Sahu.

Chiron Rx in Sidereal Pisces.

Have already spoken at length about this combination…..
but for those that missed, healing old wounds, allowing emotions to be released, without overtaking us. Chanting, meditation are excellent for this practice. These wounds could be Ancestral or from past Lives. When emotions arise and you have no idea where they came from, just remember, it might not even be YOU. If you are empathic, it could  be someone else’s emotions, even from another time, that you are feeling.

DuaNebtHet M KuUrKu
Neptune in Sidereal Aquarius
Have spoken about this before as well….

Getting relationships in order. I have started writing letters again. If a relationship is out of whack, perhaps the separation has led to growth, and a reconciliation is just around the corer.

Dua Set (PORTAL CLOSED!) M PiMaere
Mars Direct in Sidereal Sagittarius.
Mars, now Direct again, is about to move onto Hupenieius, Sidereal Capricorn. The focus, the direction of life is to get back on track with the Journey to Be Enlightened. Sometimes these worldly concerns get us off balance, and we temporarily lose sight of what is TRULY important. With this new alignment just around the corner,  we are empowered to tackle the issues on the material plane, fully rooted and grounded in the Spirit.

Dua Asar (PORTAL OPENED) Dua RePhan Dua Vesta M Asar PIMaere
Pluto (still Rx) Saturn and Vesta in Sidereal Sagittarius
The only change here tis that Vesta has shifted from Healing as the Inner Core to Travel Expansion and Growth. Rebirth, Renewal, and Resurrection of the Heart Center.  A Re-dedication of Purpose, in a slightly different direction. An attunement of the Heart Center.

Dua PiCheus Amun M Maat
Jupiter in Sidereal Libra
Maat Expansion.

Dua HetHeru Dua Aset M Aspolia
Venus and Ceres in Sidereal Virgo
Hetheru goes Rx in October, and people are already concerned! LOL!!
This alignment was discussed at the Indian Corn is edible Full Moon Report



Check back later today for the KemeTones: Cosmic Sound Healing Session as well as Ancient African Adorations: Kemetic Chanting and Singing.

If you would like to see how theNew Moon is showing up in my life, visit this link for my personal
New Moon New Tune Update

Hapi Nu Moon!

Dua Sesheta


Arit Neter S Mery Maati
aka Tchiya Amet El Maat