In My Neighborhood….

Hey, where have I been? October 12, my neighbor across the street threatened to strangle me and shoot me. Wanted to see me dead. Why? Because her small dog (with Napoleon syndrome) was not confined to it’s yard, ran out and provoked my dog, who got off her leash during a walk and they had a shouting match. No one was hurt physically, but my neighbor was traumatized. I can understand this, and when I told her that if something DID happen to her or her dog, I would understand if she wanted my dog put to sleep. She said she did not want to see my dog put to sleep, she wanted to see ME put to sleep. According to her, the dog is not the problem, I am the problem. She said she wanted to strangle me and shoot me dead. She repeated and demonstrated at least 10 times during our 1.5 hour session where she just yelled at me and I allowed her to vent. She basically told me all the things she hates about me personally.I have not spoken to her in 2 years other than hello. She even complained because my dogs bark! She does not want to see my dogs ever again, not out in the front yard, not out for a walk, nowhere. But, she does not want me to move away, or give them away, or have them put to sleep. Just me!

When I told the sheriff that I am concerned because Black people are getting killed daily by CRAZY White people over stupid shit like cell phones, loud music, skittles, tobacco and hoodies, he got angry at me! Said this is not racial, that Black people kill White people everyday. They would not take a police report, as the neighbor denied making any threats or any of the statements that I told him about. (maybe so, but if a Black person kills a White person, it is a crime. When a White person kills a Black person, it is self defense.)

She is obviously crazy, jealous and lonely, her dog is a substitute for a child or human companionship, but that is no reason to threaten my life.I have never heard of someone being executed because their dog got into a fight. Her dog can easily get out from under the gate, and the gate is rarely closed. The dog is seen wandering up and down the street. I only have this one photo but here it is. My dog is big, likes to chase/hunt rabbits, birds, chickens, squirrels and cats. But she called her a killer. Funny, when my dog kills chickens, she is a vicious killer. But when the owners kill the chickens, they are farmers???? When it is their job to kill animals, they are called butchers. When human eats a chicken that someone else killed, they are called consumers. She called herself an animal lover, yet wanted to see me dead. When I told her I am thinking of moving away, and that this would make her happy, she replied, “THAT IS ALOW BLOW TCHIYA. A LOW BLOW” and finally walked away…..


Pictures showing dog outside of yard,


and that her dog can easily get out of yard from under the gate

No witnesses. FROM NOW ON, VIDEO CAMERA IS ROLLING WHENEVER I PASS HER HOME, WHENEVER I AM SPEAKING WITH A POLICE OFFICER, GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL, OR ANY OTHER PERSON THAT IS ACTING OUT OF IGNORANCE OR UNRIGHTEOUSNESS. RECORDING ALL PHONE CONVERSATIONS WITH ANYONE THAT IS OPPOSED TO MY FREEDOM AND INNER PEACE. When the law is not on your side, must take matters into own hands. make it public information. This is the third time in less than a month that the Mendocino County Sheriff Department did not take my situation seriously. A few weeks prior, I had been stalked one evening, next day received a disgusting note asking for sex from another neighbor that is a minor, and then, a week later, same stalker sprayed a fire extinguisher into my yard, saying that he would be back to get his package. I am still dealing with the molestation from August 3 at ROTR. So far, year 53 has been very strange. and scary.I know that I am being guided and that I am protected. peace

October New Moon 2014: Aspolia (Virgo) again, not Scorpio!


Ra (Sun) in Aspolia (Sidereal Virgo)

This is still a Virgo New Moon Eclipse according to NASA, and of course, HeruScopes©! Sidereal Virgo is 44 days long, so we have 2 Virgo New Moons! True Scorpio is only 7 days long, so there it is rare to have a New or Full Moon in Scorpio. Hmmm, now THAT sounds like a REAL Blue Moon!!! LOL!!! There is even a meteor shower going on tonite!

True Sidereal LIbra (Maat) begins on October 31, just as the veil between the two worlds begins to open.  As Sesheta is still in Aspolia, we are dealing with putting our emotions (Energy in Motion) in order. Hard to imagine Order when dealing with intense Solar Flares and Partial Solar Eclipse (read below).


SESHETA: Moon in Aspolia (Virgo)
“Choose to be calm and productive today. This is a time to heal and reorganize ourselves. We are coming up on the end of this very important mercury retrograde and swiftly closing out the year. Many changes have already begun. This eclipse will be felt for the next 6 months, as eclipses usually are. This means everything in your life will need rearranging and complete restructuring for about that long. The whole world will be changing right along with you. It’s best to keep order and balance of mind and spirit to meet the necessary changes with grace and divine protection.”
HERUSCOPES ©: Handbook and Resource Guide

Sesheta (Moon) October-November 2014




RA (Sun) is still in Aspolia, until October 31. Then moves into Maat: Balance, Truth, Order, Harmony, Justice, reciprocity and Righteousness. Putting things in Order, in preparation for MAAT to ascend at the end of this month…..for more info, view the Aspolia Full Moon Heruscopes post for October


DJEHUTY: Portal of Djehuty closes on October 25: Mercury goes Direct! This does not mean a return to old outdated communication ideas, ways, manners, methods techniques or modalities. Embrace what was learned and what was gained from recent experiences and adventures. During this recent portal opening, i communicated something that has been locked up in silence for 30 years. I remained calk when faced with ignorance and threats of violence. I had several instances of sexual harassment, and I contacted the authorities immediately, as well as did much inner healing and communications. I even experienced being in the fire and not getting burnt! Since adopting this new approach to Mercury Retrograde, each portal opening has brought more and more clarity and empowerment. Much better than fearing all sorts of technology breakdowns. Use this time as a communications BREAK THROUGH or BREAKOUT instead!


Djehuty is still residing in Aspolia, and will NTR MAAT on November 14. Ra will be there by this moment in time as well…DUA DJEHUTY! NUK PU DJEHUTY!




Mariner 10's Venus732X520

HETHERU: (Venus) is also still in Aspolia, and along with Ra, HETHERU NTR MAAT on November 1.


from the lunar planner, we learn about this Maatical Conjunction:

Venus is at its superior conjunction, meaning it is on the far side of the Sun looking from Earth. This means that Venus is making passage through its dark phase relative to Earth, hidden and obscured by the Sun. Thus, Venusian resonances are least present at this time in the Venus cycle. Our own inner Venus-related bio-resonances are thus tested. These are primarily matters of the heart, our immune response and that which we magnetically attract. Thus, issues of fear and trust arise, trust in our own hearts, in our intuition and in our capacity to be receptive to the love and fulfillment we seek and desire in life.

Pallas is making passage north of the ecliptic, under the foot of Boötes, over seeing the Moon, Sun and Venus synthesis. Pallas brings emphasis to social justice made with impartially, and also impels us to express our artistic creative intelligence from the integration of the dualities of life, beyond the judgments of this side verses that side. Overseeing Pallas provides a wonderful energetic to penetrate into core matters of the Heart.






SET: Just left Imhotep (Ophiuchus) and entered into Pi Maere (Sagittarius) today, October 23, 2014!

Here is a brilliant post on this transit from the PIllai Center, Baba PIllai:

Mars in Sagittarius: Turn Beliefs into Action
 | Oct 21, 2014 | Energetic Updates


“Sagittarius will also become free of Saturn’s aspect or influence—and for the first time in two and half years—those who have the ascendant, the Moon or other planets in this sign will take a deep breath of relief.

And the good news doesn’t end here. In fact, Mars and Jupiter are best friends. So you can expect the red planet of energy and drive to be happy as he helps you make decisions and apply your principles in your endeavors.”

There are also suggestions given on how to fully connect with this cosmic energy….



One of our Mars orbiters captured views of Sunday’s rare flyby:



maat winged

RA PHAN: (Saturn) has been in Maat since the beginning of October, and will be there through November. Facing obstacles peacefully, maintaing a state of ease and grace when facing adversity, trusting that there is a lesson to be learned and mush positivity to be gained from the experience….

looking forward to November, when so many Cosmic Forces will be attuned to Maat: many planets will be in Sidereal Libra



PI CHEUS: (Jupiter) moved into Sekhmet (Sidereal Leo) on October 15, and will remain there throughout November. Time to expand our healing, creative and protective forces and powers. Also associated with Ammun, time to clear out to begin anew, especially with this New Moon Energy in Aspolia.

Jupiter Leo Transit info from

Jupiter’s Transit through Leo:

“During this Jupiter in Leo cycle, we place strong emphasis and value on expressing affection, admiration, generosity, romance, and uniqueness. We see opportunities to grow and succeed through creative self-expression, our own personalities, sharing our happiness and time with others, helping people, and improving ourselves.

Jupiter not only likes to expand, it likes to learn, so when Jupiter is paired with Leo, we may be more interested in learning about the arts as well as ways to improve our well-being, romantic relationships, personalities, and relationships with children.”




NEBT HET: (Neptune) still in Ku-ur-ku ; Hupei Sahu (Aquarius). until May 3, 2022 when it moves back into Pi Cot (PIsces)

Nebt Het puts things in order. Dissolving or washing away if necessary.  Ku Ur Ku is about community, eliminating the established old regime that no longer serves the community.

Neptune is faith based, while Aquarius is very mental. read more about Neptune in Aquarius here:

Last Days of Neptune in Aquarius:


astrology.about .com Neptune in Aquarius
“Neptune’s role is to create a pull through images, sounds, dreams, memory that brings us into union with the divine. In astrology, we look at Neptune in the signs to see trends in culture, like theme in movies, music and fashion. Neptune is the planetary inspiration for “what moves us” at the soul level, and brings us together in recognition that we’re One.”

heru ani

HERU: (Uranus) Pi Cot Sahu (Pisces)

from astrology

“The interesting thing about Uranus in Pisces during this transit is that Uranus and Neptune are in what is called “Mutual Reception” to one another. They are each in the sign that each other rules. Uranus is in Pisces, the sign that Neptune rules, and Neptune is in Aquarius, the sign that Uranus rules. This mutual reception is adding to the sense of Spirituality that can come to pass, also this mutual reception is strengthening the connection and influence of the two planetary bodies. So the transit of Uranus in Pisces at this time will be interesting and unusual (unusual for Uranus, since Uranus also rules the unusual as well as the unexpected).

Pisces is a water sign. It is emotional and it rules our subconscious and it has ruler ship of the twelfth house in Astrology. Pisces also rules over hospitals and institutions, as well as the medical profession. We could see tremendous advances in the medical profession during this transit and even, perhaps, an incorporation of a spiritual sense to the medical profession. Alternative medicine and the Holistic healthcare provider could be the “doctor” of the future. It was Thomas Edison who said, “The doctor of the future will prescribe no medicine.” I believe this could hold true during this transit. This transit can also represent an awakening of the subconscious!”

hmmmm, wonder what this means for the Ebola virus??????


green asar

set1ASAR: (Pluto)  in Pi Maere (Sidereal Sagittarius), along with Set now.

I am going to have to meditate on this one….








CHIRON is also in Pi Maere (Sagittarius)


SEDNA in Apis (Taurus)

Ceres:  Maat: up to November 3
Ip: November 3 03:06  thru November 19
Imhotep: November 19 12:36 pm and beyond

Pallas:  Aspolia  thru November 21
Serpent November 21 23:19 and beyond

Juno:  Hydra  October 17 06:04  and beyond

Vesta:   Imhotep: October 22 12:47  thru November 27 17:51
Pi Maere November 27 17:52  and beyond



Let’s check in with Lyn Dalebout, at Star Signposts:

Thu Oct 23
It’s the New Moon! This particular monthly conjunction of our Sun ~ your outer life ~  and Moon ~ your inner landscape ~  aligns exactly with Venus, our planetary ruler of love, artistic yearnings, ethics, aligning our financial life with our core values, and our heart chakra. This is a very influential portal of Love, influencing every soul on Earth, planting seeds of compassion and creativity for the coming four weeks. Of course, we always have a choice as to how we will receive and experience this cosmic gift. In addition, the asteroid of Pallas Athene is also conjunct this new Moon. She is ruler of creative intelligence and strategy. Alliances formed in the coming weeks, based upon common values, will greatly influence our current cultural shifts and trends. Time to team up with your creative compatriots.

Sat Oct 25

Mercury, our planetary ruler of communications, technology, the internet, travel, thinking, and ideas returns to direct motion from a three week time-out/retrograde/internal reflection period.  Since Mercury transited both Libra ~ relationship~ and Virgo ~ health concerns ~ this particular cycle had a lot to do with creating more open communications in all our key relationships, and continues to bring about a re-evaluation of global health practices given the current Ebola crisis. This forward shift can feel like a fresh breeze entering your life. Chances are if things broke, common in a Mercury retrograde cycle, they are now repaired, and you are ready to charge forward with your upgrades.

In addition, babies born today and tomorrow will be physically beautiful and artistic loving leaders. That’s because the two planetary Lights of Sun and Venus make an exact conjunction creating a laser of cosmic love and artistic genius.There’s more! Venus also aligns with Pallas Athene  ~ the asteroid associated with creative intelligence/strategy.  Let lovegistics continue to motivate you to launch exciting long-dreamed of desires.  The more serious Moon/Saturn conjunction encourages you to get real and really focus and dedicate yourself to changes you know you are ready to commit to. You may feel you are facing a temporary impasse or challenge, but use Saturn’s determination to plow through any depression or doubt.

NASA Eclipse Information

to track solarflares, visit.

On October 23rd there will be a partial eclipse of the Sun. Got clouds? No problem. The event will be broadcast live on the web by the Coca-Cola Science Center.
Solar Eclipse Live

SUNSET SOLAR ECLIPSE–TODAY! On Thursday, Oct. 23rd, the Moon will pass in front of the sun, off center, producing a partial solar eclipse visible from almost all of North America. This animated visibility map shows when to look. The event will be particularly beautiful in the Central and Eastern time zones where maximum eclipse occurs at sunset. Science@NASA has the full story.

LOTS OF SOLAR FLARES: Solar activity is high. Since the week began, giant sunspot AR2192 has produced 27 C-class solar flares, 8 M-class flares, and 2 X-flares. (What do these classifications mean? Check out the Richter Scale of Solar Flares.) The most powerful eruption so far was an X1.6-category blast on Oct 22nd:

Earth-effects could increase in the days ahead. AR2192 has an unstable ‘beta-gamma-delta’ magnetic field that harbors energy for powerful explosions, and the active region is turning toward Earth. NOAA forecasters estimate a 95% chance of M-class flares and a 55% chance of X-flares during the next 24 hours. Solar flare alerts: textvoice

Love and Light! Mer N Khut!

Hotep. Dohiyi. Peace.
Tchiya Amet El Maat

End the Silence, End the Violence Chapter 6: Austin, Texas 1983-1984: I Survived RAPE by Neil de Grasse Tyson; The Blue Lotus Speaks!


Today is October 8, 2014. 30 years. Today there was an eclipse, during the Ra Aspolia   Pi Cot Sahu (Full Moon and Portal of Djehuty (Sun in Sidereal Virgo, Moon in PIsces, Mercury Retrograde). Kinda intense when you really sit bak and take it all in. Tomorrow, Set (Mars, Ego) has an appointment with Master healer Imhotep (Mars enters Ophiuchus: tome for healing from sexual trauma, time for conquering lower nature, etc).

All this to say that this posting is in alignment with the Divine Natural Right Order. Although I know this is the right decision, it has been difficult to take action, because I know this monster is loved by so many of you. However, in order to maintain my own well being, peace of mind, sanity, longevity, positivity, peaceful relationships, health, happiness, self love and self trust, in order to elimnate blocks to my own abundance and prosperity, it has become impossible to keep silent anymore. I continue to wonder if he is still hurting women, children or men. It is also important for me to speak out NOW because it is important for ALL people that have been sexually violated in any way to stand up and speak out if we want this type of cruelty to cease.

Go to

Before I begin this chapter, here are the links to other relevant posts:

End the Silence, End the Violence! The Blue Lotus Speaks….

End the Silence, End the Violence! The Blue Lotus Speaks: Chapter 2

Reggae on the River 2014 Reflections

The Blue Lotus Speaks: Reggae on the River 2014 Reflections UPDATE! (Chapter 3)

The Blue Lotus Speaks: ENDING THE SILENCE, ENDING THE VIOLENCE. Who’s Who of Violations (chapter 4)

The Blue Lotus Speaks Chapter 5: OBERLIN FUCKING COLLEGE!!!!

HeruScopes © Handbook and Guide 2014

HeruScopes © Celestial Update: Aspolia 2014 Full Moon and The Portal Of Djehuty

So what prompted this, besides the eclipse that I missed and other celestial alignments? First, I saw this video on Many Thanks for the conscious and positive messages they promote…..
Thank you The Third Pew!!!

Why rape is never a mistake

I agree with everything this young man has said, and I pray that everyone that is reading this takes the time to view the video. If you think you do not have time, here is the transcript from,  TRANSCRIPT:Show Transcript
and here are some highlights:

“Today I’m going to try to prepare you for how to react when more of this stuff comes out as time goes on. Number one, don’t accept their apology because everyone makes mistakes.”

“Most people know that rape is wrong without the help of their parents, but if anyone else is watching that are totally confused. Yes, rape is wrong. If you’re admitting to doing something this serious, don’t try partially justifying your actions at all. If you’re going to apologize, apologize. Say that what you did was completely wrong. Don’t try to make anyone feel sorry for you.”

“You don’t say forgive and forget in a situation like rape.”

“Number two, don’t blame the victim. “But she shouldn’t have gone to his house in the first place.” No. “If she didn’t want that to happen why did she…?” Nope! “This is what happens when you wear something like that.” What?”

“Number three, to the YouTubers, I don’t know how many times I’ve sat in front of a camera this year and talked about how much good you can do with your power. It should be common sense that you can change these people’s lives in a positive way rather than practically begging for naked pictures from fans who are as young as 13.”

“If I was a parent, I would be terrified to find out that my daughter, the people who she idolizes could not only be sexual abusers but could try to take advantage of her if she just goes to a meet-and-greet. This isn’t normal and as a community we cannot accept this as being the norm. ”

“As we move forward, please keep this conversation going and please remember that we should have zero tolerance for these kinds of people. And last but not the least, please remember that you do not have to defend someone to your death, just because they’re really cute, have a nice hair, or because their chubby-bunny challenge was really funny.”

Please keep these points in mind as you learn the rest of my story…..

then the very next video that games up, also on,  this is when I knew it was time. My commentary will tell my story…..Today, I end the silence, and I end the violence in my life, and in the lives of all women and children, and all pure souls that are preyed upon by ignorance and unrighteousness. May all who speak out on behalf of MAAT be aware of their own powerful protection, and have no fear. As the line from Jahman in Countryman goes:”That is why there is no need to fear the wicked. Just lead them to face death, and they will perish.”                          

This is the video that came up next. This is the monster I have been protecting for 30 years. I no longer am afraid of the consequences of revealing this truth. Just think of me as Ammit: the Goddess that devours the hearts of the unrighteous at the Scale of Maat! I am leading hi to face death…. the death of his deception and illusion.


Go to
Here is the video. Then read my comments below…

Watch Neil deGrasse Tyson Give A Killer Answer To The Question Parents Ask Him All The Time at

Neil deGrasse Tyson: Want Scientifically Literate Children? Get Out of Their Way. on



Tyson in apt 1984

Tyson in apt 1984


What would you say to my parents if I had told them when it had happened that you had slipped me a mickey and that you raped me while I was unconscious? What would you say to them now if they were still alive? What will you say to your wife, the woman that was on the phone as you handed me the water to drink, in a cup made out of account shell? Do you have any idea how your act of violence affected my life, the lives of my parents, my ex-husband, my daughters, and anyone and veryone that has anything to do with me?

What would you say to your own daughter, if one day she told you that her close friend, who she once loved as her a brother, mentor and friend had slipped her a mickey and raped her?

Don’t you mean COWARD? A Self Hating Coward?
The ONLY way you could EVER be with a Black Goddess, a true Celestial Being, not just one that talks about them, would be by DRUGGING HER, THEN DRAGGING HER TO YOUR BEDROOM, WHILE FULLY UNCONSCIOUS, TAKING OFF HER CLOTHES, AND THEN, WHO KNOWS WHAT WITH HER, OR FOR HOW LONG, WHEN SHE AWAKENS, UNABLE TO MOVE, YOU CONTINUE YOUR DEMONIC ACTS. Is this what you mean by curiosity?

I only recall being at the astronomy department the next day. I do not know how long I was in his apartment. I have no idea how I got back to my apartment. I do not even remember waking up the next day. All I remember is seeing him in the hallway at the astronomy department at UT Austin, and I asked him,  “Why did this happen?” He responded, “We are in this alone, and we are in this together”.


By forcing your way into MY flower, you completely and totaled disrupted my life, the lives hoes and dreams of my parents and the people that loved and cared about me. YOU disrupted the lives of MY daughters, one of which to this day has not spoken to me in 4 years because she cannot forgive me for living with UNDIAGNOSED PTSD FOR HER ENTIRE LIFE. 

Your curiosity caused  a great deal of disorder in my life and in the lives of my loved ones. Much like a terrorist attack.

“don’t pluck the petals off the flowers? don;t play with the egg?” that is strange, that is exactly what you did. Is this why you have become the monster that you are? is this your parents fault, because they did not teach you about respect, discipline, righteousness? How can a m,an that claims to be so intelligent be so ignorant?  The Cherokee way: TAKE ONLY WHAT IS GIVEN TO YOU. You obviously believe in the American way: TAKE WHAT YOU DO NOT HAVE. TAKE WHATEVER YOU WANT THAT BELONGS TO ANOTHER, DISRESPECT WOMEN AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY. RAPE THEM WHENEVER YOU GET THE OPPORTUNITY.

help them explore with binoculars, what are you also a peeping tom?

1:45, yep, you confirmed that question, “First thought is to look in people’s windows.”

You getting the picture now? In case you missed it, I was a grad student in Astronomy at  UT Austin, the sam time that Mr Tyson was there.  I was studying Galactic Astronomy with the de Vaucoleurs. My dream was to become the first Black Female Astronaut. I was like 15 years ahead of Emma Mae Jamison.  I wen to his apartment to visit like I did almost everyday. He was like my big brother, or so I thought.  He offered me a glass of water. I accepted a liquid in a cup made out of a coconut shell. I recall coming back to consciousness briefly, then next thing I remember is seeing him in the hallway the next day. I have lived in this nightmare for 30 years, and it stops today.

I know this will be difficult for many of you to believe, understand or to know. However, know that this is the truth. Those who know me well can attest to the fact that I lived with undiagnosed PTSD of rat least 25 years.

Neil De Grasse Tyson: Sexiest Astrophysicist,,20132902,00.html 

As a teenager at New York City’s prestigious Bronx High School of Science, Neil de Grasse Tyson had a surefire strategy for romancing girls: He’d grab his telescope, bring his date to the roof of the nearby apartment building where he lived with his family and promise her the stars. “Rooftops are ideal for exploring both kinds of heavenly bodies,” says Tyson, 42, who later went on to perfect his technique at Harvard. He has since expanded his orbit to include Manhattan’s Hayden Planetarium, where he’s been director since 1995, and Princeton, where he’s a visiting professor of astrophysics. As passionate about earthly pleasures as those celestial, the 6’2″ Tyson indulges his love of wine and gourmet cooking while succumbing to the gravitational pull of his wife of 12 years, mathematical physics Ph.D. Alice Young, 44, who is expecting their second child next month. Oh, sure, says Young, Tyson tried the ol’ stargazing trick on her too. But the rooftop Romeo had met his match. “I’d already taken astrophysics,” she says, “so it wasn’t exotic for me.”

Neil deGrasse Tyson Is Happy to Be a Nerd Sex Symbol 2009

Washington D.C. – February 28, 2014


Memorandum — Establishing a White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault

NOT ALONE: The First Report of the White House Task Force to Protect Students From Sexual Assault 

Sexual violence is more than just a crime against individuals. It threatens our families, it threatens our communities; ultimately, it threatens the entire country. It tears apart the fabric of our communities. And that’s why we’re here today — because we have the power to do something about it as a government, as a nation. We have the capacity to stop sexual assault, support those who have survived it, and bring perpetrators to justice.

President Barack Obama, January 22, 2014

(Hey I just thought of another synchronicity: President Obama and I are born one day apart: he is August 4, 1961 and I am August 5, 1961. What a difference a day makes…..)

Freedom from sexual assault is a basic human right… a nation’s decency is in large part measured by how it responds to violence against women… our daughters, our sisters, our wives, our mothers, our grandmothers have every single right to expect to be free from violence and sexual abuse.

Vice President Joe Biden, January 22, 2014

Neil Degrasse Tyson on being Black, and Women in Science

He talks about obstacles to reaching his goal of astrophysicist. Did anyone slip him a mickey? Perhaps this was his way of eliminating the competition….what a scam YOU are Mr. Tyson. Equal Opportunity? Have you just conveniently forgotten that sexual assault is rampant on college and university camases, worldwide. How does it feel to know that YOU are the reason there is one less vblack female galactic astronomer on this planet? Yes, YOU. How many freshman students did you give A’s to when they were failing? Were they really failing, or was that just an easy way to get free blow jobs?

This is photo of his apartment, the location of the incident…..

geb with feathers


please share this widely, and leave your comments below.
May the Righteousness of Maat Be Restored Upon the Earth. HOTEP. Peace

Tchiya Amet El Maat, S.E.


Go to

HeruScopes © Celestial Update: Aspolia 2014 Full Moon and The Portal Of Djehuty


Good Rising and Great Awakenings! If you don’t know who, what where or when Aspolia is, or why I am talking about Djehuty during Mercury Retrograde, check out the heruscopes banner HeruScopes © Handbook and Resource Guide, for this is where it is all laid out…. hint: VIRGO….

October 4, 2014 is the beginning of the last opening of the Portal Of Djehuty (Mercury Retrograde) of 2014! Give Thanks!, right? Well of course! However, why see this as a scary phase? It is an opportunity to expand any limitations on technology and communications. It is a time, to shut it down, turn it off, unplug for real for a change. Let it break down, it needed to be replaced anyway! Or, else, just do without. The main thing is to cut down on stress and fear. Lately it seems like any little glitch in technology, or any unpleasantries in relationships and communications, it gets blamed on Mercury Retrograde. Hey. how could anything that has to do with Djehuty actually be bad or negative? Here are some of my posts on this “new” attitude towards djehuty caudecus The Portal of Djehuty, i.e., Mercury Retrograde.

Mercury Retrograde at

New Strategy for Mercury Retrograde starting with June 7, 2014 (posted May 28, 2014)

Update: June 14

This is what another siderealist has to say about Djehuty’s Portal: from Moon Child’s Spiritual Temple


Mercury is the planet in our cosmos that governs our mental process, our intellect, our communication, our ability to give and process information on multi platforms. Mercury also rules the transportation system and technology.


With that said, Mercury is a very busy planet!  When it goes retrograde for many of us who are born with this planet moving in a ” forward” path,  we are left with a feeling at a loss, confused and flustered with the mishaps that this retrograde period can bring. For those who are born with their Mercury retrograde, this can be a period of deeper understanding, better communicative skills and a feeling of things unfolding in a way that is advantageous to them. That is not to say that those born with Mercury retrograde can not function when Mercury goes direct, it just means that they may have to work harder at getting things to flow so that they are understood, and not misunderstood.

Here at HeruScopes, all of us are born with the same cosmic forces, like the Neteru, whether we are born in or out of the illusion, the forces are there. Illusions like Mercury Retrograde, Corporations, the Matrix. corrupt religious institutions, etc. Most people are ignorant of this fact. When in the Portal Of Djehuty, you can experience “a period of deeper understanding, better communicative skills and a feeling of things unfolding in a way that is advantageous to…” ALL OF US, EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US.

Djehuty Portal opening in Aspolia: Sidereal Virgo: time to plant seeds for new ways of communication, HARMONIOUS communications, this is an opening to say what could not be said before. Now is the time to prepare for the month of MAAT, which will arrive here when Aspoia is complete. Now is the time to plant seeds for peaceful relationships. Pi Cheus (Jupiter) is also moving from Khepera (Cancer) to Sekhmet (Leo) on October 14. This signifies a shift  from the Wisdom of Family Transformations to the Wisdom of Healing. As this occurs during the Portal of Djehuty,  this represents the Wisdom of Power of Communication in Healing. I know that I for one will be spending plenty of moments within the Medicine Wheel:

Medicine Wheel Page at

Waya Equoni Pejuta: My Personal Cangleska/ Medicine Wheel

….I will write more about this as we get closer to the transit..



This is what is in the celestial storehouse for the Moonth known as October…from sea with commentary by Amet El Maat

  • October 7 – Heru (Uranus) at Opposition. The blue-green planet will be at its closest approach to Geb (Earth) and its face will be fully illuminated by the Ra (Sun). This is the best time to view Heru. Due to its distance, it will only appear as a tiny blue-green dot in all but the most powerful telescopes. heru ani Om Geb Ra Heru. Nuk Pu Heru (I am Heru) Close to Geb/Earth and fully illuminated by Ra/Sun sounds great to me! Grounding and illumination? Count me in! ESPECIALLY during a time  when communication can be strange. Remain grounded, no matter what, trust intution, and listen for divine communication from within, no ned for technology.
  • October 8 – Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 10:51 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Hunters Moon because at this time of year the leaves are falling and the game is fat and ready to hunt. This moon has also been known as the Travel Moon and the Blood Moon.PiscespiscesRa is in Aspolia, and so, Sesheta/Djehuty is in Pi Cot Sahu/Asar (Pisces). Hunter’s Moon? That of course would be Sahu/ Asar/ Orion! Also in the HeruScopes © system, the Moon, is associated with Sesheta when New, and Djehuty when Full…
  • October 8 – Total Lunar Eclipse. A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes completely through the Earth’s dark shadow, or umbra. During this type of eclipse, the Moon will gradually get darker and then take on a rusty or blood red color. The eclipse will be visible throughout most of North America, South America, eastern Asia, and Australia. (NASA Map and Eclipse Information)Full Moon, Total Lunar Eclipse, Portal Of Djehuty.  Meteor Showers. New Moon. Partial Solar Eclipse. Hmmm, October looks rather interesting…
  • October 8, 9 – Draconids Meteor Shower. The Draconids is a minor meteor shower producing only about 10 meteors per hour. It is produced by dust grains left behind by comet 21P Giacobini-Zinner, which was first discovered in 1900. The shower runs annually from October 6-10 and peaks this year on the the night of the 8th and morning of the 9th. Unfortunately the glare from the full moon this year will block out all but the brightest meteors. If you are extremely patient, you may be able to catch a few good ones. Best viewing will be just after midnight from a dark location far away from city lights. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Draco, but can appear anywhere in the sky.Best to wait for the Sahu/Asarian Meteor Shower….also from
  • Thursday, October 9 “Mars appears low in the southwest as darkness falls this week. The Red Planet shines at magnitude 0.8 among the background stars of southern Ophiuchus, though the brightest star nearby is ruddy Antares, which lies about 10° to Mars’ lower right. A telescope shows the planet’s 6″-diameter disk but won’t reveal much, if any, detail.” 

Imhotep (Ophiuchus) is symbolized by a man wrestling with a snake while stamping on back of a Scorpion.  This signifies Humanity conquering lower nature: SET (Mars) !!!

    • from 19: Near Collision of a Comet with Mars All eyes will be on the Red Planet in October as Comet C/2013 A1(Siding Spring), discovered by Robert H. McNaught at Australia’s Siding Spring Observatory, will pass extremely close to Mars. The comet will come so close, in fact, that its coma may envelop Mars, as well as create a stupendous shower of meteors as seen from the Martian surface.Related: NASA Sees Comet That Will Buzz Mars this Year (Photo) Set and Siding Spring near collision producing possible meteor shower off surface of Muloc (Mars). A Typhonic situation, Typhon being another ancient name for the planet Mars.

The Orionid meteor shower peaks in late October, but observers should start watching for “shooting stars” now. Astronomy: Roen Kelly

  • October 22, 23 – Orionids Meteor Shower. The Orionids is an average shower producing up to 20 meteors per hour at its peak. It is produced by dust grains left behind by comet Halley, which has been known and observed since ancient times. The shower runs annually from October 2 to November 7. It peaks this year on the night of October 21 and the morning of October 22. This will be an excellent year for the Orionids because there will be no moon to interfere with the show. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Orion, but can appear anywhere in the sky.
  • October 23 – Partial Solar Eclipse. A partial solar eclipse occurs when the Moon covers only a part of the Sun, sometimes resembling a bite taken out of a cookie. A partial solar eclipse can only be safely observed with a special solar filter or by looking at the Sun’s reflection. The partial eclipse will be visible throughout most of North and Central America. (NASA Map and Eclipse Information)

Here is the Lineup for the next two months called October and November 2014 Planetary HeruScope for Aspolia and Maat 2014 by Amet El Maat will post commentary in a few more days… one step at a time…..


Ra: Aspolia thru October 31
Maat November 1 12:44
Ip  November 23 15:29
Imhotep November 30 03:47

aside: just noticed my Mom died on Nov. 23, the date we move into IP. MY Dad died on Nov. 30, the day we move out of Ip and into Imhotep…. I am sure this means something profound, but what that is , I have yet to learn…

Sesheta (Moon) October-November 2014 view pdf table from NASA

Nebt Het (Neptune): Ku Ur Ku (Aqr)

Asar (Pluto): Pi Maere (Sag)

Heru (Uranus): Pi Cot Sahu (Pisces)

Pi Cheus, Amun (Jupiter) up to October 14: Khepera
October 15   5:02 am pst Sekhmet

RePhan  Maat

Djehuty: up to November 13: Aspolia
November 13 at 20:34 thru the 28th: Maat
November 8th 19:18 thru the 30th and beyond: Ip (Scorpio)
Portal of Djehuty (Mercury Retrograde) is opened from October 4      thru October 25.

HetHeru  Aspolia: October thru 10-30-2014
Maat: October 30 00:36 thru November 18
Ip: November 18 at 9:37 am thru November 23
Imhotep 1:11 pm November 23 and beyond.

Set (Mars)  Imhotep thru  October 21
Pi Maere October 21 16:31pm and beyond

Sedna:  Apis (Taurus the Bull)

Chiron:  Pi Cot Sahu (Pisces) thru October 18
Ku-ur-ku; Hupei Sahu (Aqr) October 18, 21:58 pm  and beyond

Ceres:  Maat: up to November 3
Ip: November 3 03:06  thru November 19
Imhotep: November 19 12:36 pm and beyond

Pallas:  Aspolia  thru November 21
Serpent November 21 23:19 and beyond

Juno:  Anpu Minor thru October 11
Khepera   October 11  00:39  thru October 17
Anpu Minor  October 17  01:08 thru  06:03
Hydra  October 17 06:04  and beyond

Vesta:   Maat thru October 11
Ip: October 11 09:22 thru October 22 12:46
Imhotep: October 22 12:47  thru November 27 17:51
Pi Maere November 27 17:52  and beyond

Many Thanks to the Benevolent Ancestors, My Benevolent Ancestors, all of my Guides, Teachers, Guardian spirits, Angels, Star Nation, my Spiritual Preceptors: Sebai Maa and Seba Dja, all Hemus, Asarus, Shems and Rekhit. ALL MY RELATIONS.
M Mer N Khut, Love and Light, Amet El Maat, S.E.

Waya Equoni Pejuta: My Personal Cangleska/ Medicine Wheel



Waya Equoni means Wolf River. This is my Tsalagi or Cherokee Name. My Maternal Grandfather, Bernard Henri Johnson,  was called Wolf. His Mother, Eliza Jane Davis, was a full blood Cherokee woman that ended up living in Chicago . HIs Father was named Henri Jean Baptiste, son of  the infamous plantation owner of same name in New Orleans, and one of his slaves, one of my maternal great great grand mothers. River of course refers to the Great River, Mayu, The Tree of Life,  The Milky Way, our Galactic Home.

I have had a Medicine Wheel in my life for over 20 years, maybe even longer. The Medicine Wheel is from the Lakota. I am Saponi (Blackfoot) on my Father’s maternal; side. My grandmother Ruth would be classified as tri-racial. She was from Mississippi. Many people are shocked to learn that some of the Lakota Nation ended up in Mississippi. My lineage is physical proof.

What is a Medicine Wheel? Please visit
the Medicine Wheel page at 

What is Pejuta?
from The Lakota Way: Stories and Lessons for Living
By Joseph Marshall

I found the term here in an excerpt, plus much more valuable information…

When something is “having pejuta or medicine, can mean possessing a certain power or ability.”

I first became aware of the Medicine Wheel when I first learned about the Hopi Prophecy and the Lakota 4 Directions Song. Now I have songs about these same subjects!

Great Purification of All Things (from Celestial Folk Music)

Lakota : 4 Directions (from Rise Again Truth)

Waya Equoni Medicine Wheel has gone through many changes, just like my life. The first one that I vividly recall was at our home in Blanco, Texas. I could really stretch out there. I was highly influenced by the book called

Star Medicine: Native American Path to Emotional Healing (Native American (Sterling Paperback))
Wolf Moondance  (Author), Jim Sharpe (Illustrator),
Sky Starhawk(Illustrator)

star medicine cover


I used my medicine wheel as a celestial clock, I kept track of planetary and other cosmic motions and cycles. I was living on a 3400 acre ranch at the time… life was a lot different for me back then…..

When I lived in the city, I had a small indoor medicine wheel. You can just use stones and other artifacts. Can use a drawing. Or, create a small outdoor one, like an area within your vegetable or flower garden. It does not have to be large like at Bighorn!

When I first moved to California, I created a Medicine Wheel Garden. My guide was the book

The Cherokee Herbal by  J.T. Garrett
you can read a portion of the book here!
(not sure why, but let’s just be grateful!)

cherokee herbal cover

But there was no room for dancing, and when the weeds took over, it was well, a mess. So, I moved the medicine wheel to an area that could combine  the Dancing Ground with the Medicine Wheel.

This Waya Equoni Medicine Wheel is unlike any other that I know about. I use the Hopi alignment for the directions.

and, I add a fifth element: SOUND!

Warrior/ North/ Fire/ Spirit/ White

Visionary/ East / Air/ Mind/ Yellow

Grounding / West / Earth/ Body/ Red

Nurturer/ South / Water/ Soul, Emotions/ Black

And SOUND is the fifth element. Each stone around the wheel represents something that I am praying for. 

Many moons passed, and I stopped tending the medicine wheel. I stopped watering the garden. I forgot the meaning or the significance of the stones. Weeds took over, and the entrance on the southeast side had become blocked by weeds. Flowers and other plants had been growing inside of the wheel, and I was just letting them grow, saying things like, “It is such a pretty flower, I cannot kill it.” I even stopped my daily dancing.

before photos.

earth b4


air B4

pejuta B4

Beginning the Purification Process with fire…
IMG_1155 IMG_1156



Panoramic view of Cherry Tree that has fallen over…


The Cherry Tree fell over, yet it did not die. I allowed blackberries to overtake the tree, and almost choked the life out of it. There was so much Lemon Balm growing like crazy inside the Medicine Wheel, that there was not enough room to dance!


One day, during the New Moon Aspolia (Sidereal Virgo) Fall Equinox 2014, it dawned on me that the state of my Medicine Wheel affected and reflected the state of my life: I had established boundaries, but I was not honoring them. An entrance was complexity blocked, and I was letting all kinds of unwanted vegetation thrive in what was supposed to be a sacred space to heal and meditate and dance.


fountainTo make matters worse, there was a broken down fountain, IN THE WEALTH CORNER! Not that I suggest combining feng shui with Native American spirituality, but come on now, a broken fountain in the wealth corner????? LOL!!!

On top of everything else, at the Winter Solstice I realized that the alignment with the directions was off by about 45 degrees. I had changed it inside, but not outside for the medicine wheel.


Imagine my horror when all of this dawned on me in one moment. I thought I was just going out to sit in the Medicine Wheel for the Equinox. I had no idea that I was about to rebuild the entire structure…Removed all rocks, they had to be washed off, and smudged, and set in place with alignment and new intentions. This time, I made a diagram! Used a compass to locate true East. Pulled up so many plants that were just growing crazy inside the medicine wheel. Bought a few colorful flowers, and now, it is perfect! I still need to add flags for the north and south, but other than that, it is fully activated! There is a special garden section devoted to My Clan and My Bloodline in particular, my two lovely daughters. My “nephew” from Chicago was here visiting, and he was able to rescue the Cherry Tree from the gigantic blackberry bush that was slowly taking over the entire area! GalLiELiGa Seneca. Wado Seneca!



Fire; North; Creativity; Spirit; KNOWLEDGE


AIR; East. Thoughts; The Mind; Also the WEALTH CORNER!


Earth; West; Grounding; Body; HELPFUL PEOPLE


Water; South; Emotions; The Soul; RELATIONSHIPS

Sound! Southeast; Vibrations; Movement; FAME


What do I do? How is it activated?

1. I have the elements in each “corner”.
Begin by lighting a candle in the North, then light the incense in the East. Place live food offering to the West. Offer Water Libations (Ancestors) in the South. then I hang up my drum. I placed the Sound Element in between Air and Water. It looks like a Peace Symbol. Pick up sticks, clear the dance path of any debris. Remember to Give Thanks!

2. Next, Sing the Lakota 4 Diirections song. Opening of the way.

3. Waya Equoni Medicine Wheel Ritual:

a. start a fire in the Fire Pit at the center of the Medicine Wheel. write out anything you need to release, and toss it into the fire. offer prayers, meditate, reflect as you throw onto the fire and watch prayers being released.
b. Smudge entire area: each rock, the dancing path, and yourself and any others present. The rocks contain the intentions, so each time you are purifying the intentions and offering them to the Creator.
c. Water the Garden and all of the rocks/intentions. Be sure to pour water for yourself to drink later.
d. Plant seeds of Intention, or make prayer ties or some other type of craft or gardening activity.
e. Drum, Sing, Chant, and DANCE THE INTENTIONS INTO MANIFESTATIONS! Remember to Give Thanks!
f. Reflection. Sit down in a particular element, and just sit in silence for awhile. Offer more prayers if you have them. Be sure to drink the water! It has been blessed just by being in the medicine Wheel. You are drinking your prayers and intentions. Making them real in your body, and soon, they will manifest in your life.
g. Partake of your offering. Make sure the fire is put out, and enjoy the rest of your day.


Flowers to be planted!


I have made a vow to keep up with the maintenance. As I stated earlier, it is a reflection of my life. Honoring Boundaries; Trust, Integrity, Protection. Guidance. Healing. Staying connected to my Indigenous Ancestors. All that and more is experienced in the Waya Equoni Medicine Wheel. My Spirit Guides informed me that it is very important for me to keep working with this Sacred Medicine. That they have been unable to reach me since I neglected my duties as Keeper of this Wolf Clan Medicine Wheel.

I am not suggesting combining Native American Spirituality with Kemetic Truths, but I will say this: THIS MEDICINE WHEEL IS A DEVICE THAT ENABLES ME TO PHYSICALLY FEEL MAAT: SAA MAAT; UNDERSTANDING WITH FEELING: FEELING THE BALANCE OF LIFE. MAINTAINING BALANCE AND ORDER IS UNIVERSAL. MAAT IS UNIVERSAL. According to my Teachers, Ancestors and Spirit Guides, All Indigenous Cultures have same root, same source, same origin. With many different cultures running through my life,  my blood and my veins, it is only natural to see the common thread that exists in all Indigenous Practices. I love and respect them all dearly for their uniqueness and individuality, as well as for the connection that is shared.


Presently, the Herbs and Flowers living at the Waya Equoni Medicine Wheel:

Lemon Balm
Blue Chicory
Poke Weed

I will be adding more soon, in accordance with the Cherokee Herbal. Will be starting White Sage seeds very soon….

Other activities or items associated with the Waya Equoni Pejuta:
Prayer Ties, Medicine Songs. and the Medicine Bundle. Offering Tobacco.


Ga LI E LI Ga. I am grateful.
Wado. Dohiyi. Thank You. Peace.

Waya Equoni, aka Tchiya Amet El Maat