Coming out of a Cave after Mercury Retrograde with the New Moon in Ophiuchus.


Udja. Good Rising Great Awakenings, Grand Openings and Closings.

First allow me to my express gratitude for these HeruScopes and Good Rising TV reports. And for those of you that actually follow them. They really are all about self care and global healing. I am so very grateful for the wisdom, music, and healing that comes through. Although it is very time consuming due to low wifi, this work is so worth it Especially when I reflect on the unfolding of events that occurred last week. These reports also show how the energies are played out in our reality. Last week, with Mercury Retrograde in Ophiuchus, and even before that when the Moon lined up with Sirius and Orion, I knew that something truly magical was about to happen. I was in fact preparing myself to “go to battle” with a former partner involving the festival called Reggae Wellness. I was literally giving my self a tune-up, to prepare to speak out and stand in my truth. I had no idea how far and wide my voice would travel back then.

If you are at all interested, please take a moment to watch the previous videos, the earlier HeruScopes Analyses, Then read the news articles about the Rape Case and watch the news reports, on the story of my personal trauma, and healing journey, about the need to be heard and listened to. in fact, just do a search for #endthesilence #bluelotusspeaks or just search tyson at my website for more info on the early chapters of this healing journey. So what is this, chapter 13?

This HeruScopes Analysis for the New Moon in Ophiuchus contains an update to my very first blogpost on this issue. So, I will start there,. Then after I have posted all of the pertinent links to articles from various media sources that covered the story, will begin the HeruScopes Analysis for the New Moon in Ophiuchus, along with Mercury Direct update as well. The Analysis will later be accompanied by a video featuring KemeTones Self Care with Tuning Forks, Global Prayer with Cosmic Chimes, Chanting and Singing for Ancient African Adorations: Devotional World Music all in alignment with the HeruScopes 13 Month Sidereal Kemetic Astrology Reading.

One Portal Closes, Another Door Opens:

Retrogrades are referred to portal openings and closings. I have written at length about Portal Of Djehuty Openings here on this blog and many HeruScopes reports. This one is about Venus Direct and Mercury Retrograde. The Good Rising TV Videos are posted on that page, and here as well…

And here are the Good Rising TV Videos from that time, leading up to the incredible media adventure that soon followed…

Healing Sounds for Mercury Retrograde

Here are the pertinent articles and news videos

End the Silence, End the Violence Chapter 6: Austin, Texas 1983-1984: I Survived RAPE by Neil de Grasse Tyson; The Blue Lotus Speaks!

I posted an update about my healing: 

About the Concert for Tchiya Amet Day June 7 2014 in Austin Texas

In January 2016, i retweeted my post during the #astrosh movement. Azeen Ghorayshi from buzzfeed reached out to me and went on to write an article in 2018 after an extensive investigation. The only other writer/blogger/ or scientist that spoke out publicly was Hontas Farmer who showed and expressed enormous support throughout the entire journey. This is the first article of many from this Quantum Gravity

Neil DeGrasse Tyson Accused of Rape: #astroSH Was Mainly Silent.

Time travel forward to November 2018.

During Portal of Djehuty Opening/ Mercury Retrograde

Exclusive: Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Rape Exclusive: Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Rape Accuser Gives First Public Interview

This article contains video of an interview by David McAfee. This is his second article on the case. He was once a huge fan of Tyson…

Last Day of Mercury Retrograde in Ophiuchus

Two More Women Accuse Neil deGrasse Tyson of Sexual Misconduct

This article is also by David McAfee. My story got zero attention until these two brave souls spoke out. I pray that they have received as much healing as I have as a result of their actions.

Neil deGrasse Tyson Breaks Silence, Denies Sexual Misconduct Accusations

His facebook post made him look so much worse than he already did.

Mercury Direct

In A Crowded Theater, She Accused Neil DeGrasse Tyson Of Rape. Eight Years Later, Her Story Is News

Bill Bradley at focused his report on the confrontation at the Palace of Fine Arts in April 2010 on National Sexual Assault Awareness Day.

Nobody Believed Neil deGrasse Tyson’s First Accuser. Now There Are Three More

This article is by Azeen Ghorayshi, at She conducted a very thorough investigation that lasted almost 3 years. She is the woman that broke the #astrosh story about sexual harassment in astronomy departments. I am so grateful to her and her staff for seeing and listening to me as I chose to stand in my truth. She did an excellent job telling all of our stories.

Neil deGrasse Tyson Rape: Fox and Nat Geo Must Have Known.

From Quantum Science Hontas Farmer

Fourth woman accuses Neil deGrasse Tyson of sexual assault, claiming he groped her after drunkenly propositioning her at a museum party in New York

New Moon


Chicago woman who accused Neil deGrasse Tyson of sexual assault shares her story

NBC Today Show

Neil deGrasse Tyson accused of sexual misconduct by multiple women

Sexual Misconduct Allegations Against Neil deGrasse Tyson Reveal the Complexity of Academic Inequality

Scientific American. A post by a Black Female Physicist. Many are bringing to light the loss of a career and of a dream. Loss of Income. This is the current phase of healing. Acceptance of what is no longer and will never be.

Neil deGrasse Tyson and the Careers That Weren’t

The Atlantic

Neil deGrasse Tyson: Proved Scientist Are Not Infallible. A Learned Opinion.

Quantum Scoence

I know that some people cannot take me seriously because of all the ancestral and celestial resources and references. This goes against their own beliefs and spiritual practices. But what does that have to do with rape?

The news broke on the last day of Mercury Retrograde. The TV News videos were taped December 6, the first night of the New Moon. Also would have been 32nd wedding anniversary for the marriage that was affected by the rape. At the moment of the preparation of this report, The Sun and Moon are In Ophiuchus, and Mercury is Direct in Libra.

This very long report will serve as a reminder and testimonial to us all about the healing power of the sacred word when aligned with the Cosmos. The chants that cane thru were very helpful in moving through all of these communications and revelations. I am humbled by and in awe of the synchronicity.

People ask why did I take so long? It took so long because my throat chakra ( in Kemet, known as Aritu or Sefech Ba Ra) had been closed down due to all of the trauma. The creativity chakra and throat chakra are connected. When we are traumatized, we are in effect, silenced. Sometimes it takes decades to heal the womb chakra and so it takes that long to speak. Every single body, every single light being trapped in a watery encasement, vibrates at different frequencies, so recovery times cannot, should not, must not be compared, only observed. But when judgement is projected, the healing environment is no longer safe. Once I had done a significant amount of clearing energy blocks in both my womb and throat chakra, in alignment with the cosmos, the healing process reached a climax and resulted in a breakthrough. Rape and assault also affect the Root Chakra, which is what connects us to the Earth, it is the Grounding Force. When imbalanced, this affects our sense of stability, security and financial freedom. When this chakra is brought into alignment, abundance, prosperity and bountifulness can at last be experienced.

How did I find the courage? It was either my life or his. I was ready to kill myself and so obviously, I chose to live, and stop protecting my rapist and all of his fans. To be an authentic healer, I had to be able to discuss my own trauma with transparency. Up until recently, I still carried the fear of what would happen if he found out that I had told anyone. So I just decided to speak instead of remaining silent. To live instead of dying slowly day by day.

In addition to all the yoga, prayers, meditation, energy dancing to eliminate blockages and toxins, hours of Ho’oponopono (Ancient Indigenous Hawaiian Spiritual Technology of Forgiveness), Therapy, gallons of Chamomile Tea ( Calming and Soothing) and Red Raspberry Leaf Tea ( for Womb Wellness) writing in my journal, the Trip of 2014 ( visited scene of crime, put on an event to draw attention to the issue of sexual assault on college campuses, visiting a shelter, visiting the Astronomy Department, swimming in the healing waters of the Hill Country around Austin, Tx, and filing the police report), ten day fast. ( which was supposed to be 40 days, and was actually a cover-up for attempted suicide…), training for and participating in a half marathon race, traveling to sacred sites as on a pilgrimage seeking enlightenment and healing not just as a tourist, “Sacred Woman” work with Queen Afua, decades of therapy, practicing Japanese Buddhism for 20 years, recording and performing Reggae and World Music Artist for over 30 years, what has brought the MOST transformative healing to my life has been Music ( naturally!), Sound Healing and Egyptian Yoga: studying the Teachings of Shetaut Neter and working with Dr. Muata Ashby and Dr. Karen Dja Ashby. In fact, it has been the super powerful combination of all three in these Good Rising TV episodes that has really created an opening for me to climb out of the tower of emotions and cave of darkness that has silenced me for years. Decades. These practices have allowed me to let go of attachments, let go of judgement, let go of the illusions of the material world. Let go of anger and frustration. Let go of the pain. Let go of fear. Let go of people that I no longer need to know. Enabled me to stand in my truth without crying, without fear. In fact I am learning how to use fear as a weapon to pierce through the veil of illusion and be victorious. I now look for the Gift in Every Adversity, am learning how to Turn Poison Into Medicine. And have finally stopped seeking justice in a world of corruption.

As for the rape case with Mr. Tyson, at this New Moon, there is a New Attitude. I have let go of physical pain, (2005-2010). I have faced my fear of him finding out that I knew it was a rape. I am now free to discuss my healing journey with others, free to explain why I dropped out of grad school because it is now public record. I first spoke my truth publicly in 2010, then again in 2014. Finding my voice, my power. This empowered me to let go of emotional pain. I achieved my goal of finding others that experienced his brutality and wickedness in 2018.

The next phase of this process will be healing from the loss: loss of career(s): my Astronomy career was ended like a miscarriage, and because my Reggae Music Career ended with my marriage. I once tried to keep it going, but whatever was, is over and now something else must take its place. Loss of income, loss of my marriage, loss of relationship with oldest daughter, the loss of my Mother also in 2010. in fact all relationships have been affected because of the loss of trust in humanity. Especially men. I now have trust in My Self and in the Divine that exists within all of us, all life. But as far as individuals go, those days are long gone. At any moment, someone can come out of a bag on you and cause destruction. Can lie, steal. Yes they can love, but hopefully, that doesn’t hurt! Lol! I have learned to stop trusting people and rather be prepared for them to betray, deny, cheat, rob, or violate. No one in human form is free from suspicion. I have also learned to stop seeking justice in a world of corruption. And, I no longer accept things from men that I did not ask for: every time that I do, it ends in disaster.

From now on, preparing myself to respond to any situation while Being Enlightened. Striving to live as A Truly Peaceful Warrior. No longer seeking friends or any type of relationships unless they can help me achieve this goal. Otherwise, it is a distraction, put in place to keep me stuck in a material world of delusion ignorance violence and depravity.

This concludes the Update on the Healing Journey of Tchiya Amet that Began in 2005, Opened Up in 2010, Sprang Forth in 2014, Culminated during Mercury Retrograde and Reached a Plateau During the New Moon in November-December 2018, in Ophiuchus the 13th Zodiac, the Season of Imhotep.

Now for the HeruScopes

Here is the 13 Month Sidereal Astrology Chart for the New Moon in Ophouchus which happened on December 7 at 1:21 am cst. I thought I would be producing this analysis and accompanying video then. However, I was on the phone all morning with reporters and was being interviewed for television broadcasts late into the evening. I am looking to this analysis to shine light on what is to come for this Moonth ( Moon Cycle) Winter Solstice Alignment ( December 19-22 or around that time) and Sirius Culmination ( December 31). Letz Dive Right In! For more information, visit and download the HeruScopes Manual and Resource eGuide for reference.

Letz Begin with Imhotep, Ophiuchus.

Sun and New Moon in Ophiuchus. The Sun is in Ophiuchus from November 30-December 18.

Dua Ra Dua Sesheta M Imhotep.

Creativity Expressed, and Writing to bring about Purification and Healing. Well all of the communications that went on and revelations experienced while Mercury was Retrograde in Ophiuchus can now continue to do the healing work. Sesheta, representing the New Moon, New Beginnings, the Goddess of Writing and Record Keeping, of Math, Astronomy, Astrology, Engineering, Architecture and Sacred Geometry. In the sign of healing, until the Next New Moon, this will be the focus of creative outlets.

Jupiter is still in Scorpio, Observing and Expanding Our Purified Desires, see previous posts about this

However Mercury has moved on to Sidereal Libra, along with Ceres. Dua Djehuty Dua Aset M Maat. Maat is the Goddess of Truth, Justice, Balance, Order, Righteousness, Reciprocity, Harmony, etc. I have recorded and posted several songs and chants for this Cosmic Force over the years….some of them will be in the Good Rising TV session.

This alignment lights the way for communications and divine intuition and nurturing that brings Peace to your Life. That Restores Maat to the World. Perhaps an increased awareness and connection to the Cosmic Mind. Surrender to the Cosmic Will. Stay Close to the Goddess Aset that lives within your heart. Live With Maat. Stand For Maat. When living in tune with these Cosmic Forces, you can Trust that the Words coming out of your Mouth have been carefully selected and chosen by higher power, and that your words will be received by others as Lotus Blossoms for the Mind, leading us all to Enlightenment.

Dua HetHeru Dua Maat Dua Lilith M Aspolia. Venus, Pallas Athena and Lilith in Sidereal Virgo. Susan Harmon inspired me to begin including the Asteroid Lilith to these reports. She represents uncovering secrets and truths being revealed. Also referred to as the Dark Side of Femininity. Aspolia is illustrated by a Seed, and at HeruScopes, it signifies planting Seeds of Intention in the Garden pf Life. Planting Seeds if Love and Beauty, Loving What Is, Acceptance. Seeds of Maat: Taking Right Action will bear the Fruits of Maat. Maat Anu, Maat Ari. Right Relations, Right Partnerships. Not just with other people, having an authentic relationship with oneself, and also with the world, with society, with the environment and with the Earth. Taking actions today that will bring one into closer alignment with Maat with Truth. As for Lilith, Speaking Ones Truth Today will Reveal Hidden Lies that will lead to a Brighter Tomorrow for oneself and others.

Please remember, the whole point of HeruScopes is so we can align ourselves with the Movement of the Cosmic Forces, with the Ancestors, so that we can be victorious like Heru, in the Myth of Our Own Lives. So that We Can Win! There is a time for everything on Earth. When we can see beyond time, time becomes a tool we can use to create, rather than a weapon used to control and imprison us….

The other Planets have not really changed too much so will close for now.

Here is the Olmec Mayan reading for December 7, the Ophiuchus New Moon:

Of course my sign 10 Ix, meaning I that my life resonates with this Galactic Tone of 10. However, Ix is a Black Jaguar. That is another story…

And for Today December 8, the day of this posting…

I love how the Olmec/Mayan readings, which are Galactic, somehow manage to consistently summarize these cosmic planetary details. Which is why HeruScopes personal analyses always end this way….

Stay tuned for the Good Rising TV session with KemeTones Cosmic Sound Healing Self Care and Global Prayers with Devotional World Music: Ancient African Adorations


Tchiya Amet El Maat


Arit Neter S Mery Maati

A Side Note: You may have noticed that I am going through a name “uplevel”re-branding etc name change. A few years before the news story broke, I could not find easily find my music, articles, wellness products or anything at my own website with a simple google search. Only articles that were linked to the rape. Since I have embarked on a second musical journey that reflects the current spiritual path of Devotional World Music and Ancient African Adorations, I now use a Kemetic Name to refer to this music project and also Kemetic Research and Tchiya Amet for the Cultural Projects, Reggae-Fusion-Jazz, etc. You can read more about it in New Moon New Tune So now, you might see me listed as Arit Neter S Mery Maati aka Tchiya Amet El Maat. Same Light Being, simply operating at a Lighter Frequency.

From First Base to Rape

In response to an article by Teresa Jusino:

What Aziz Ansari’s “Apology” Says About How Men View Their Encounters With Women

This is a very interesting article, because it deals with first base that unfortunately some men take to mean home run. Even at my age and after all I have experienced, even saying “take it slow”, “I really like you, but lets wait til we get to know each other better”, “let’s go to couples counseling before going further,” things can still go too fast. Even if you say “not now”, the very thing you do not want, is what you get. Then you are stuck with trying to transform this violation into a relationship. But in reality, it was a violation. It will always feel like a violation. No matter how much you like the person, no matter how pleasurable, it was still against your wishes…. and can never give you a real relationship.

What do we as women have to do before our feelings wishes intentions are heard and respected? Obviously keeping women covered from head to toe does not make things better. Why does kissing, dancing, affection, a conversation, an energetic connection or attraction, a glass of wine or a beer, a glass of water, give a man the right to TAKE what could eventually be offered with love, integrity and consciousness? Why is this behavior accepted tolerated and yet not discussed? Why are people looking forward to movies where this scene is played out over and over but not addressed in society? Why are rapists in public office? Making movies? Running planetariums and talking about the Cosmos on television? Because we live in a #rapeculture . Because the average person is addicted to violence and enjoys the privilege of convenience that comes about due to the suffering of others. Because the average spiritually enslaved person is so jaded, so disconnected from Spirit that they are able to block out the pain of their global family members. Do we need to take a witness or a referee when we decide to be alone with a man?

Basically, we go against ourselves in that moment out of fear of what that boy will do if you actually punch him or kick him or just keep saying no. He could get angry, or stop talking to you altogether. If he is not hearing you, then maybe you go along with it so that he will stop HARASSING you, or might you get raped, or end up dead. Sometimes after reporting rape, especially if it was by a celebrity, it gets much worse and you end up dead at the hands of authorities trying to keep you silent like #MistyUpham. Or maybe you just accept a glass of water, with no interest in sex or affection, and because you have been rendered unconscious, are not even in a position where you can say, ” No way in hell do I want to have sex with you. You are ugly and gross. Do not touch me.”

I want you to see that it only takes one second to go from “Not Tonite” to DEAD ON ARRIVAL, because we cannot control men once the monster in them has been activated. This is what needs to change, from birth, we need to raise boys to be Actual Men, not predators. But these days, sexual predators control every aspect of the game in this rape culture. For Women, there is nowhere to run. Fortunately in this day and time, for Rapists and Sexual Predators, there is nowhere to hide either.

For more info,

End the Silence, End the Violence Chapter 6: Austin, Texas 1983-1984: I Survived RAPE by Neil de Grasse Tyson; The Blue Lotus Speaks!

The Blue Lotus Speaks Chapter 5: OBERLIN FUCKING COLLEGE


Tchiya Amet El Maat

Who is the Blue Lotus and why does she speak? The Blue Lotus is the Collective Consciousness of All the Sadness and Sense of Loss from The Womb that holds the memories and stories of My Bloodline and all of My Past Lives. It is the Voice of ALL Wombs that know violation. She is Speaking because she can no longer carry the pain and it must be released. This Voice, This Song must be heard. She sings in Ancient Tongues and Languages. She brings Healing and Consciousness that becomes the Oneness. Hotep

Planetary Healing from Sexual Assault during the Full Moon



The Portal of Imhotep is now open: meaning, the Sun is in Ohpiuchus. In fact, during the upcoming Full Moon on December 6, we have an incredible opportunity to do so planetary healing around the issue of rape and sexual assault. Read about that in my previous blogpost:

HeruScopes©: Raising Sexual Assault Awareness, and Healing from it, is in the Stars!

and also, get the HeruScopes © Handbook and Guide 2014

#endthesilence     #BlueLotusSpeaks


This is a resource for those seeking to heal; from events like rape, sexual assault, domestic violence, invasive womb surgeries, anything that is stuck and outré wombs and not allowing ourselves to heal properly.

Many of these suggestions are things I have learned, tried and experienced during  my heal;ing journey back to balance and womb wellness from my encounters with rape, sexual assault and abuse. Certainly not in any particular order of importance or prescribed order of events. .

Let’s begin with the more obvious responses and actions to take….folowed by the more natural/alternative/spiritual actions.

1. FILE THE POLICE REPORT.  If you have #beenrapedneverreported, NOW IS THE TIME! Even after 30 years, filing that police report was very empowering and liberating. I had been so afraid of what would happen if anyone found out. I was so relieved when I went to the authorities and they listened and supported me a great deal. Once reported, if there are any other cases on the books, or any more come in involving your rapist, your case is on file and united, will have a better chance of seeing justice. You could really be helping a lot of people without even knowing it.

If you were recently raped, you are probably not reading this right after, but best to get medical attention and have the incident recorded. It is very difficult, but again, taking action brings empowerment. I had the great fortune of having good sisters with me.

2. WEAR TEAL. Teal is the door for Sexual Assault Awareness ad it feels great! I especially enjoy noticing she others are wearing teal. I wonder, “I wonder if they are in the ‘Club”” What club is that? SEXUAL ASSAULT SURVIVORS and SUPPORTERS. SASS. 

true teal

When I went back to Austin, TX in June of 2014, to officially embark upon my journey towards healing, “END THE SILENCE END THE SILENCE: Tchiya Amet Day. The Blue Lotus Speaks” I wore teal everyday for like 2 months straight. It was amazing. Very healing. Two months later, I had yet another encounter with sexual assault, this time it was “only” public molestation at a Reggae Festival.  You can read about this later….


end silence

Many people believe that by focusing on issues that are negative like rape, we only bring more of what we don’t want into our lives. I have wrestled with this for several months now, and have come to the conclusion that it is more important, and healthier for me to bring the truth out into the light of day, than it is to remain silent while doing nothing. By raising awareness and promoting healing, we can accomplish so much more. Shining Light to eliminate ignorance and unrighteousness sounds better than living in a cave in meditation 24/7.


3. Find a therapist and start talking about your experience and your feelings. You might even qualify to have your therapy sessions paid for by the Victims Compensation Program. Your Counselor will help you process the events. Talking to friends and loved ones helps you, and them. At the very least, they will know WHY you have changed.


4. START A JOURNAL. START WRITING MUSIC AGAIN. START PAINTING AGAIN. START RUNNING AGAIN, START EATING AGAIN. Start doing whatever it is that you stopped doing when the happened. It’s helpful to talk to friends and family, but the one that knows best is deep within…..

5. Join a women’s support group for sexual assault survivors.


6. TRAIN TO RUN A MARATHON. I actually did this, well, it was a half marathon. It was awesome! My endurance, was tested, my faith in my self was confirmed. I proved to myself that yes, I CAN do anything that I set my mind to. I even came in third place in my age group! well, there were only 3 people in my group, but no one needs to know that! LOL!

peta pack marathon! 2012


6.. Go to a shelter for support. They can help you stay safe, warm, and fed. They can help you find a new place to live. They can allow your children to continue receiving an education.  You will not be alone, there are many others going through the exact same things as you are. Unfortunately.

Once you have worked on your self and your healing for awhile, you can become involved with helping others heal, advocacy, activism, education, and prevention. Donate and/or  volunteer at a local Shelter for survivors, like Safe Place in Austin, TX. .




Now for the less obvious….WOMB WELLNESS. HEART OPEN. MIND CLEAR.

7. I would have to say, begin with SACRED WOMAN by Queen Afua.
Sacred Woman: A Guide to Healing the Feminine Body, Mind, and Spirit
Perhaps you can find some sisters going through the Gateways together. Or, they have a distance coaching program now. Keep in mind, that I HAVE DONE EVERYTHING LISTED OR SUGGESTED IN THIS BOOK. It helped me become the woman and healer that I am today. I know there are many other healers with books and resources out there ow, but this is where it all began for me, and so I can GUARANTEE  THAT THESE TEACHINGS CAN DO THE SAME FOR YOU.


They even have an online facebook program now! Did I even have Facebook back when i first learned about this book? LOL!! Queen Afua herself “will walk serious women through the 12 gateways in a 52 Week Online Program of self actualization.”


Queen Afua’s 52 Week Sacred Woman Online Course!


8. This book is where I first learned about living in alignment with the cosmic forces by eating and dressing by the door of the planet of the day.:
RegularCleansing or Fasting is a MUST!

Living, Eating and Juicing in Alignment with the Cosmic Forces of the Universe!

9. . Spend as much time IN the Water, WITH the Water, as you can. DRINK MORE WATER. So nurturing and purifying…..


spend time with Yemaya.

healing waters














10. Spiral Dance of Sirius Rising!
Great for healing the womb, and also for manifesting your true pure heart’s desires….



11. Purifying, Healing, Activating, Alilging and Atuning, the Chakras, the Ariyu.

HeruScopes©: Raising Sexual Assault Awareness, and Healing from it, is in the Stars!

Especially the Womb Chakra, The Creativity Center, The entire womb area needs extra special care and attention this full moon. As we nurture ourselves, we nurture the Mama Earth.


6 Ways to Balance Your Sacral Chakra

One of my favorite techniques for cleansing my womb: visualize blue light entering your womb as you inhale. hold breath for a few moments, and everything in the womb is turned lavender. as you exhale, the toxins are released, and the womb returns to her natural rose pink color.

Queen Afua said to NAME your womb. My womb is named Sandia!

Taking hot baths, using clay packs, all the tips you need, you will find in detail in SACRED WOMAN.

And the Root Chakra deals with our sense of security and stability.

Techniques to Open Root Chakra




12. People always tell you this. That you must be willing to forgive. It is up to YOU to decide when and if, you are ready to forgive. Do not rush yourself through any of the steps towards your healing. Yes, of course you know forgiving someone is to help YOU heal, not to protect them or  praise or to condone their actions. NO. Not that simple. There is the Co-Creator reality, the Karmic reality. The perpetual victim reality. No matter how you try to explain why, all that matters now is, WHAT COMES NEXT? What are you going to do, RIGHT NOW, IN THIS MOMENT? Well, after you are done reading this anyway. NOW is all we have. So best to spend it in healing and in speaking out rather than trying to figure this out.

I am able to forgive them, because I now know they are ignorant of the Divine. However, Ignorance is no excuse for what has happened, or for what continues to go on: Unrighteousness, Injustice. And so, we must continue to speak out and help bring about healing and raise awareness. Eradicate Ignorance and Eliminate Unrighteousness.


A very powerful heart opening forgiving and healing spiritual technology that I am aware of is HO’OPONOPONO.

Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® (SITH®) is an updated Hawaiian problem solving  process
to release memories that are experienced as problems. SITH® was created and developed
by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, a Hawaiian Kahuna Lapa’au. She was recognized by the State
of Hawaii as a Living Treasure in 1983.

“If we can accept that we are the sum total of all past thoughts, emotions, words, deeds and actions and that our present lives and choices are colored or shaded by this memory bank of the past, then we begin to see how a process of correcting or setting aright can change our lives, our families and our society.” Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona



Ho’oponopono – FEEL IT!


“Self I’dentity through Ho’oponopono is a wonderful tool for self-healing and causes a great improvement in all areas of your life. If you want the music send me a email I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you. :)”

there are lots more on youtube…

Dr. Hew Len leading an Inner Child meditation
Any works by Dr. Hew Len are highly recommended.




13.  LIVE MAAT TODAY AND NOT TOMORROW. Maat is the Cosmic Force of Balance, Truth, Order, Harmony, Justice, Reciprocity, and Righteousness.

MAAT at UShaka, Inc.
Principles, Virtues, and 42 Laws



14. ELIMINATE BLOCKS WITH KEMETONES ©: Cosmic Sound Healing,  Ra Sekhi Kemetic Reiki, ACUTONICS, OR ACUPUNCTURE.. Pain, illness, disease, depression, PTSD, etc, are all symptoms of a block in the flow of energy. Removing the blocks, or the CAUSE of the block,and you eliminate the symptoms. Get the Self Care Kit and HEAL THYSELF!


15. Herbal teas: Red Raspberry Leaf will purify, heal, and tonify your womb. Hawthorne Berry is excellent for the heart. There are many resources to help you find which herbs are best for you. Get to know them…..

Red Raspberry Leaf


16. Spend time in a Medicine Wheel or build one for your own healing.
Medicine Wheel page at

This is my own personal medicine wheel: Pejuta Waya Equoni


17. YOGA. Not just the postures. There are other aspects of yoga that will help you achieve clear mind. These branches or limbs of yoga include the following: Meditation, Breathing Exercises, Knowledge of Self, Listening to the Teachings. MAAT (Right Actions), Devotion, Authentic Spiritual Preceptor, Visit for more information.


here are a few more hekau (chants) that will help!



and from Japanese Buddhism, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

This practice is great for removing obstacles and manifesting miracles. Karma Buster!
I am speaking from experience.


18. LIGHT A BONFIRE. This is a great time to throw negative thoughts, doubts, fears or unfulfilled desires into the fire. releasing you from ties that bind.

This is a clip from recent bonfire. One day I found a few photos, o MY computer, of an unknown “private male body part” laid out on my desk!  I was able to trace it to its owner, one of my FORMER house sitters. It was awful. Ancestors told me to burn it, and send him the bill for a new desk.




Cut the Cords!


19. Cut The Cords. Energetic cords may still exist between you and the perpetrator. Even after years, decades, centuries! Until YOU energetically cut these ties, they will continue to bind you. You can hold a knife in your hand, physical or simply visualize, yourself cutting the cords. They exist in your womb, your heart, your throat, your voice, your first eye. Maybe they are around your feet, or your wrists. Who feels it knows it! You feel them, even if you do not see them. Perform this ritual daily, or whenever you feel constricted or controlled.

For a ritual, you can make a circle around you with sea salt for protection. Visualize not only cutting the cords, but drawing back your power into your energy field, taking back your power, pulling it right put of the atmosphere, back into your solar plexus. It is really powerful….

Cutting Cords Energetically


CLICK HERE to cut All Cords of Attachment for FREE today!




Here are previous posts about my encounters with rape and sexual assault awareness.


HeruScopes©: Raising Sexual Assault Awareness, and Healing from it, is in the Stars!

The Blue Lotus Speaks: HeruScope© for Ip Sesheta (Sidereal Scorpio New Moon) 2014

End the Silence, End the Violence Chapter 6: Austin, Texas 1983-1984, including Neil de GrasseTyson; The Blue Lotus Speaks!

The Blue Lotus Speaks Chapter 5: OBERLIN FUCKING COLLEGE!!!!

The Blue Lotus Speaks: ENDING THE SILENCE, ENDING THE VIOLENCE. Who’s Who of Violations (chapter 4)

The Blue Lotus Speaks: Reggae on the River 2014 Reflections UPDATE!

End the Silence, End the Violence! The Blue Lotus Speaks: Chapter 2

End the Silence, End the Violence! The Blue Lotus Speaks….





That is enough to get you started. Enjoy the Full Moon, and your preccious healing time!

Love and Light!

Tchiya Amet El Maat, S.E.


End the Silence, End the Violence Chapter 6: Austin, Texas 1983-1984: I Survived RAPE by Neil de Grasse Tyson; The Blue Lotus Speaks!


Today is October 8, 2014. 30 years. Today there was an eclipse, during the Ra Aspolia   Pi Cot Sahu (Full Moon and Portal of Djehuty (Sun in Sidereal Virgo, Moon in PIsces, Mercury Retrograde). Kinda intense when you really sit bak and take it all in. Tomorrow, Set (Mars, Ego) has an appointment with Master healer Imhotep (Mars enters Ophiuchus: tome for healing from sexual trauma, time for conquering lower nature, etc).

All this to say that this posting is in alignment with the Divine Natural Right Order. Although I know this is the right decision, it has been difficult to take action, because I know this monster is loved by so many of you. However, in order to maintain my own well being, peace of mind, sanity, longevity, positivity, peaceful relationships, health, happiness, self love and self trust, in order to elimnate blocks to my own abundance and prosperity, it has become impossible to keep silent anymore. I continue to wonder if he is still hurting women, children or men. It is also important for me to speak out NOW because it is important for ALL people that have been sexually violated in any way to stand up and speak out if we want this type of cruelty to cease.

Go to

Before I begin this chapter, here are the links to other relevant posts:

End the Silence, End the Violence! The Blue Lotus Speaks….

End the Silence, End the Violence! The Blue Lotus Speaks: Chapter 2

Reggae on the River 2014 Reflections

The Blue Lotus Speaks: Reggae on the River 2014 Reflections UPDATE! (Chapter 3)

The Blue Lotus Speaks: ENDING THE SILENCE, ENDING THE VIOLENCE. Who’s Who of Violations (chapter 4)

The Blue Lotus Speaks Chapter 5: OBERLIN FUCKING COLLEGE!!!!

HeruScopes © Handbook and Guide 2014

HeruScopes © Celestial Update: Aspolia 2014 Full Moon and The Portal Of Djehuty

So what prompted this, besides the eclipse that I missed and other celestial alignments? First, I saw this video on Many Thanks for the conscious and positive messages they promote…..
Thank you The Third Pew!!!

Why rape is never a mistake

I agree with everything this young man has said, and I pray that everyone that is reading this takes the time to view the video. If you think you do not have time, here is the transcript from,  TRANSCRIPT:Show Transcript
and here are some highlights:

“Today I’m going to try to prepare you for how to react when more of this stuff comes out as time goes on. Number one, don’t accept their apology because everyone makes mistakes.”

“Most people know that rape is wrong without the help of their parents, but if anyone else is watching that are totally confused. Yes, rape is wrong. If you’re admitting to doing something this serious, don’t try partially justifying your actions at all. If you’re going to apologize, apologize. Say that what you did was completely wrong. Don’t try to make anyone feel sorry for you.”

“You don’t say forgive and forget in a situation like rape.”

“Number two, don’t blame the victim. “But she shouldn’t have gone to his house in the first place.” No. “If she didn’t want that to happen why did she…?” Nope! “This is what happens when you wear something like that.” What?”

“Number three, to the YouTubers, I don’t know how many times I’ve sat in front of a camera this year and talked about how much good you can do with your power. It should be common sense that you can change these people’s lives in a positive way rather than practically begging for naked pictures from fans who are as young as 13.”

“If I was a parent, I would be terrified to find out that my daughter, the people who she idolizes could not only be sexual abusers but could try to take advantage of her if she just goes to a meet-and-greet. This isn’t normal and as a community we cannot accept this as being the norm. ”

“As we move forward, please keep this conversation going and please remember that we should have zero tolerance for these kinds of people. And last but not the least, please remember that you do not have to defend someone to your death, just because they’re really cute, have a nice hair, or because their chubby-bunny challenge was really funny.”

Please keep these points in mind as you learn the rest of my story…..

then the very next video that games up, also on,  this is when I knew it was time. My commentary will tell my story…..Today, I end the silence, and I end the violence in my life, and in the lives of all women and children, and all pure souls that are preyed upon by ignorance and unrighteousness. May all who speak out on behalf of MAAT be aware of their own powerful protection, and have no fear. As the line from Jahman in Countryman goes:”That is why there is no need to fear the wicked. Just lead them to face death, and they will perish.”                          

This is the video that came up next. This is the monster I have been protecting for 30 years. I no longer am afraid of the consequences of revealing this truth. Just think of me as Ammit: the Goddess that devours the hearts of the unrighteous at the Scale of Maat! I am leading hi to face death…. the death of his deception and illusion.


Go to
Here is the video. Then read my comments below…

Watch Neil deGrasse Tyson Give A Killer Answer To The Question Parents Ask Him All The Time at

Neil deGrasse Tyson: Want Scientifically Literate Children? Get Out of Their Way. on



Tyson in apt 1984

Tyson in apt 1984


What would you say to my parents if I had told them when it had happened that you had slipped me a mickey and that you raped me while I was unconscious? What would you say to them now if they were still alive? What will you say to your wife, the woman that was on the phone as you handed me the water to drink, in a cup made out of account shell? Do you have any idea how your act of violence affected my life, the lives of my parents, my ex-husband, my daughters, and anyone and veryone that has anything to do with me?

What would you say to your own daughter, if one day she told you that her close friend, who she once loved as her a brother, mentor and friend had slipped her a mickey and raped her?

Don’t you mean COWARD? A Self Hating Coward?
The ONLY way you could EVER be with a Black Goddess, a true Celestial Being, not just one that talks about them, would be by DRUGGING HER, THEN DRAGGING HER TO YOUR BEDROOM, WHILE FULLY UNCONSCIOUS, TAKING OFF HER CLOTHES, AND THEN, WHO KNOWS WHAT WITH HER, OR FOR HOW LONG, WHEN SHE AWAKENS, UNABLE TO MOVE, YOU CONTINUE YOUR DEMONIC ACTS. Is this what you mean by curiosity?

I only recall being at the astronomy department the next day. I do not know how long I was in his apartment. I have no idea how I got back to my apartment. I do not even remember waking up the next day. All I remember is seeing him in the hallway at the astronomy department at UT Austin, and I asked him,  “Why did this happen?” He responded, “We are in this alone, and we are in this together”.


By forcing your way into MY flower, you completely and totaled disrupted my life, the lives hoes and dreams of my parents and the people that loved and cared about me. YOU disrupted the lives of MY daughters, one of which to this day has not spoken to me in 4 years because she cannot forgive me for living with UNDIAGNOSED PTSD FOR HER ENTIRE LIFE. 

Your curiosity caused  a great deal of disorder in my life and in the lives of my loved ones. Much like a terrorist attack.

“don’t pluck the petals off the flowers? don;t play with the egg?” that is strange, that is exactly what you did. Is this why you have become the monster that you are? is this your parents fault, because they did not teach you about respect, discipline, righteousness? How can a m,an that claims to be so intelligent be so ignorant?  The Cherokee way: TAKE ONLY WHAT IS GIVEN TO YOU. You obviously believe in the American way: TAKE WHAT YOU DO NOT HAVE. TAKE WHATEVER YOU WANT THAT BELONGS TO ANOTHER, DISRESPECT WOMEN AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY. RAPE THEM WHENEVER YOU GET THE OPPORTUNITY.

help them explore with binoculars, what are you also a peeping tom?

1:45, yep, you confirmed that question, “First thought is to look in people’s windows.”

You getting the picture now? In case you missed it, I was a grad student in Astronomy at  UT Austin, the sam time that Mr Tyson was there.  I was studying Galactic Astronomy with the de Vaucoleurs. My dream was to become the first Black Female Astronaut. I was like 15 years ahead of Emma Mae Jamison.  I wen to his apartment to visit like I did almost everyday. He was like my big brother, or so I thought.  He offered me a glass of water. I accepted a liquid in a cup made out of a coconut shell. I recall coming back to consciousness briefly, then next thing I remember is seeing him in the hallway the next day. I have lived in this nightmare for 30 years, and it stops today.

I know this will be difficult for many of you to believe, understand or to know. However, know that this is the truth. Those who know me well can attest to the fact that I lived with undiagnosed PTSD of rat least 25 years.

Neil De Grasse Tyson: Sexiest Astrophysicist,,20132902,00.html 

As a teenager at New York City’s prestigious Bronx High School of Science, Neil de Grasse Tyson had a surefire strategy for romancing girls: He’d grab his telescope, bring his date to the roof of the nearby apartment building where he lived with his family and promise her the stars. “Rooftops are ideal for exploring both kinds of heavenly bodies,” says Tyson, 42, who later went on to perfect his technique at Harvard. He has since expanded his orbit to include Manhattan’s Hayden Planetarium, where he’s been director since 1995, and Princeton, where he’s a visiting professor of astrophysics. As passionate about earthly pleasures as those celestial, the 6’2″ Tyson indulges his love of wine and gourmet cooking while succumbing to the gravitational pull of his wife of 12 years, mathematical physics Ph.D. Alice Young, 44, who is expecting their second child next month. Oh, sure, says Young, Tyson tried the ol’ stargazing trick on her too. But the rooftop Romeo had met his match. “I’d already taken astrophysics,” she says, “so it wasn’t exotic for me.”

Neil deGrasse Tyson Is Happy to Be a Nerd Sex Symbol 2009

Washington D.C. – February 28, 2014


Memorandum — Establishing a White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault

NOT ALONE: The First Report of the White House Task Force to Protect Students From Sexual Assault 

Sexual violence is more than just a crime against individuals. It threatens our families, it threatens our communities; ultimately, it threatens the entire country. It tears apart the fabric of our communities. And that’s why we’re here today — because we have the power to do something about it as a government, as a nation. We have the capacity to stop sexual assault, support those who have survived it, and bring perpetrators to justice.

President Barack Obama, January 22, 2014

(Hey I just thought of another synchronicity: President Obama and I are born one day apart: he is August 4, 1961 and I am August 5, 1961. What a difference a day makes…..)

Freedom from sexual assault is a basic human right… a nation’s decency is in large part measured by how it responds to violence against women… our daughters, our sisters, our wives, our mothers, our grandmothers have every single right to expect to be free from violence and sexual abuse.

Vice President Joe Biden, January 22, 2014

Neil Degrasse Tyson on being Black, and Women in Science

He talks about obstacles to reaching his goal of astrophysicist. Did anyone slip him a mickey? Perhaps this was his way of eliminating the competition….what a scam YOU are Mr. Tyson. Equal Opportunity? Have you just conveniently forgotten that sexual assault is rampant on college and university camases, worldwide. How does it feel to know that YOU are the reason there is one less vblack female galactic astronomer on this planet? Yes, YOU. How many freshman students did you give A’s to when they were failing? Were they really failing, or was that just an easy way to get free blow jobs?

This is photo of his apartment, the location of the incident…..

geb with feathers


please share this widely, and leave your comments below.
May the Righteousness of Maat Be Restored Upon the Earth. HOTEP. Peace

Tchiya Amet El Maat, S.E.


Go to

The Blue Lotus Speaks: Reggae on the River 2014 Reflections UPDATE!

Good Rising. Great Awakenings. Great Sirius Rising!


What a difference one moment can make. can change a life for ever. end relationships. exposes truths and weaknesses. empower or ruin lives. I am choosing empowerment. I am choosing to end silence and end violence. Never once imagined that Reggae on the River would be connected to the Blue Lotus Speaks….


First, the Good News!   Had an amazing weekend. here are some photos….will have video very soon….

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Special Thanks to Gagan Hunter for photography, video, and help with booth operations and pyramid set up. Special Thanks to Andre Jonson for assistance with program concept and production. Special Thanks to Justin Crellin for such an amazing opportunity. Special Thanks for Pat and Eddie Lincoln for transportation.

Please read Reggae on the River Reflections part 1


now for the harsh realities. Not sure if my pondering about events following previous 2 appearances at Reggae had anything to do with this, but here goes….

Less than 2 months after Tchiya Amet Day, End the Silence, End the Violence, (June 7 2014), 2 days before my 53rd birthday, 2 days before the end of my Chiron Return, (August 5, 2014), at around 4pm pst, I was sexually molested/assaulted in broad daylight, in front of my boyfriend, in our booth at Reggae on the River 2014. Fortunatly, it only took me 3 days to file a police report as opposed to 30 years. (Read Blue Lotus Speaks Update)


Turns out, there were several instances of this during the course of the weekend. I even heard that the issue was addressed from on stage, that there needs to be more respect of women.   I am asking for your help right now. Help us to identify and nail this creep. Get him off the streets and away from Innocents. Women, Children. Elders, etc.  Help me get this disgusting image of his face out of my mind and onto paper. I completely froze, which is understandable based on my history. But now, I have the opportunity to turn things around. This pervert came to my booth 2 times before, so I know exactly what he looks like, how he sounds. etc,. why didm’t I scream? why didn’t I report to the authorities? why didn’t my boyfriend? TRAUMA.

His name is Mike or Kevin. He is short, dark skinned. Bald. wears glasses or sunglasses. Comes from Nigeria or Ghana, living in Boston with heavy British/Boston accent. was wearing a green t shirt and shorts. very cocky, arrogant bastard. Was volunteering at a friend’s booth, not sure if it was a non-profit booth. wanting to remember what kind of booth it was. came to my booth once in morning, and he even watched my booth while I went to get my cell phone that had been charging at press tent.

Then he came back while I was giving a woman a sound healing treatment. he put his hands on my back and his female friend told him to stop, to leave me alone because I had a client. he told her that he and I went way back (not true! only met him that morning!) and that it was cool??? Then I told him that I was busy and to come back in 20 minutes. He claimed he wanted to buy some oils and a cd.

When he returned a few hours later, he walked right past my boyfriend who was seated in front of merchandise , right behind me, and proceeded to place one hand on my left breast while other hand headed into my vagina.  I raised my hands up, said WHOA and stepped back. I froze for what seemed an eternity. Hands still raised, mouth dropped wide open, eyes bulging. heart pounding. When I was about to tell him to leave, still seated, my boyfriend calmly began to speak with him. This shocked me even more, and traumatized, turned to go work on next client. Kept silent, not wanting to make waves or embarrass boyfriend.

Next day, a friend told me that I need to speak with the boyfriend about what happened. We did, and this led to us breaking up. Some friend! when I called to him today for support, all he could do is tell me that his video had gotten up to 93,000 hits? Ironically, these are the same two people that helped me with my performance and booth operations over the weekend….

Anyhow, I am shocked, as usual, as how insensitive some folks can be. asking me what did I do to attract this? why didn’t I give a signal that I was in danger? That is like asking a car accident victim why they did not drive themselves to the hospital!

I had my first Tae Kwon do Class today. If this ever happens again, or if I see it happening, the pervert will end up in jail, hospital or the morgue. HOTEP.  I am grateful for this Reggae on the River Experience to guide me further along the path of healing self and entire planet. Let’s re-connect in November….



End the Silence, End the Violence! The Blue Lotus Speaks: Chapter 2


Please Read Chapter 1: End the Silence, End the Violence: The Blue Lotus Speaks on Tchiya Amet Day

This tells the story of how The Blue Lotus Speaks  came to be….

end silence


So, obviously, Chapter 2 will contain the update on the special moments of this healing weekend.


As I mentioned previously, when I found the Proclamation for Tchiya Amet Day from Mayor Kirk Watson in a box in January 2014, I really had no idea what it represented or where it might take me. When I began my 40 Day detox, I was pretty close to rock bottom emotionally, spiritually, financially, creatively, even mentally, So grateful to have my health! I just could not get things going in a positive direction. I did not know what to do with my music, and I certainly did not know how to take my healing journey to the next level.


Well, that little document manifested an amazing musical wellness event, and an action that I have wanted to take for 30 years, but didn’t even know it is what I wanted to do! LOL!

What follows are photos from the weekend.


During the course of this weekend  adventure, there has been sooooo much healing. Including, my healing with Austin Texas Hill Country. I swam in Barton Springs, Krause Springs and Deep Eddy. I was able to let go of so much pain, that I was able to fall in love with Austin all over again. I was able to call upon happy times when I frequented these swimming holes with my family. I wasn’t sad one bit! I was totally stunned and blissed out at the same time. Those waters are so healing and loving and nurturing. Wasn’t even cold compared to the snow melt Eel River of Mendo County! LOL!!

On Thursday June 5 I visited the astronomy dept at UT Austin 16th floor, where I was once a grad student. I went to see what I had missed. The place looks the same after 30 years. It was amazing. My emotions were fluctuating rapidly: happy to not be locked in a cubicle, yet sad that I did not become an astronomer/astronaut. I ran into a former professor. I took a photo outside what was once my office. I cried A LOT! Whew. release. Exhale.


I also visited the place where I had the encounter. In other words, where my so called friend, colleague, mentor, and like a brother to me slipped me mickey when I went to visit him one day after class, just like any other normal day. The building is no longer there. They have built something brand new and different. The tree is still there. The tree knows what happened. Even some ravens came to rest in the tree.

This Tree remembers what happened…and so do I…


On the street where we lived when we began our family…the actual house is no longer there, but the memories are still ever present.

Also went swimming. Ran into so many fiends that I had not seen in well, 13 years!

Sisters Eternal


with Harve Franks at Barton Springs




Friday I went to visit SafePlace Shelter for survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence. While I was walking towards the address, I passed by a beautiful Teal Blue apartment complex. I knew I was in the right place, I have never seen an apartment building painted the colors of sexual assault awareness before. TEAL! The apartment building is the transitional housing. Inside the emergency shelter, it felt like community housing, with individual families sharing group space pods. There is a full and complete school all the way up to high school. There is a commissary, so the residents never have to leave the facility. Much of the food is provided via donations. All of this makes it easier for the children to adjust and feel comfortable in the midst of chaos. There is also a separate residence for men. Unfortunately, men experience sexual assault too, and it is reported even less than by women.



Our Services

SafePlace is ending sexual and domestic violence through safety, healing, prevention and social change.


Didn’t feel appropriate to take photos, but here is video clip from the website…

with Ari after the Tour of the Facilities


I was able to reconnect with dear friends that knew me well before I started to play music professionally. I was able to see who I was as a younger woman, and reconnect with her/my younger self, as well. So many good feelings were being blocked by painful and negative memories. I even got to play music with my former life partner, an unexpected bonus that brought even more healing to the event on June 7.


Here is our first Mercury Retrograde Experience: Oya showed up (Yoruba Ancestor of Storms and Wind) and blew one of the tents UP OVER THE STAGE. FLIPPED IT RIGHT OVER THE STAGE, LANDED UPSIDE DOWN, BEHIND THE STAGE, PRESSING ON A POWER LINE. WHEW!


But that did not stop the show….




Listening to Isistren

ending silence

There was a Cosmic Sound Healing demonstration and Akeleah led us in a beautiful guided meditation. During the Musical Wellness event on Tchiya Amet Day, we even had a discussion circle. It was very powerful. We held a conversation about sexual assault. There were people of all ages, including a beautiful young family. Voices Against Violence was on hand to get the communications started. (Let me remind you that this event took place on the first day of this current Mercury Retrograde period…) It was sacred. It was real. It was the beginning of a future dialogue and the beginning of a movement. What I learned from this conversation is that prevention is key.

Synchronistically, there was another event with a similar theme: “Seeds of Hope – A Resource Fair and Celebration for Survivors of Domestic Violence.” | June 7, 2014
Austin City Hall 2 PM-6 PM  held on the same day and time! Next year, we will join forces for an even more successful event.



During a Sunday Rising session at Ecstatic Dance in Austin (?? Who knew that this powerful sacred form of group prayer began in Texas???) I was showered with downloads about what to do with my music and all of my creative skills and efforts. Even what to do with my life energy from that moment on. It was amazing! Just like my coach Jeffrey Van Dyk from bigvisionbusiness always says: “Whatever is in the way, IS the way!” Let me tell you, my trauma was in the way for 30 years! AND IT IS NO LONGER IN THE WAY: IT HAS BEEN TRANSFORMED INTO THE WAY. TRANSFORMING MY POISON INTO MEDICINE FOR THE ENTIRE PLANET. Now all that remains is to watch this Teal Blue Lotus Blossom unfold…..

Teal Heals…

You might be wondering how did I come to choose the TEAL Blue Lotus?

Blue Lotus from Kemet; symbolizes consciousness, enlightenment.  Symbolizes the throat chakra, yes, and also the womb chakra. They are so connected you know….Blue? Purifying the consciousness, knowledge. When doing womb clearings, I utilize blue cosmic energy to unify and renew the womb to her original state with every breath. The throat chakra of course is a beautiful turquoise blue color. The color for SAA (Sexual Assault Awareness) is TEAL! Saa is a Kemetic word that translates into knowledge with feeling. Put all of this together, and you can see how the name came to be….THE BLUE LOTUS SPEAKS: END THE SILENCE, END THE VIOLENCE.

So, what happened on Monday? MORE SWIMMING! The Barton Springs Pool is still amazing….so healing…


Next, I took a trip to the Austin Police Department, where I proceeded to file a report against my assailant, yes 30 years after the encounter.


when I first got to station

felt better once I realized what I was doing there…

It was just something that I had to do in order to move forward. I have waited for so long to make sure that I was taking the right action. This entire event manifested from my pure heart, from a pure desire for healing and to see justice. there is much confusion about whether or not I can press charges. There was no statute of limitation on rape at the time, nor were there any DNA samples. I am not attached to the outcome. So we shall have to see how this plays out. I feel so much better now that I have “come out” about the assault. I feel so inspired to focus my efforts towards ending the silence and ending the violence.

At the end of the Circle, Erin of VAV asked us what we can commit to do to help raise awareness about sexual assault in the coming week. I answered that I was going to the police station. DID THAT!

I also have made the commitment to wear TEAL everyday, even if it is “just” toenail polish. Accents. Now I see teal everywhere. And you know what? It really helps me get thru tuff moments. i am not sure if all of the people that wear teal are aware of the symbolism, but it doesn’t matter. It makes me feel better whenever I see it. It reminds me that I am not alone. It reminds me that each time we speak up, raise awareness, listen to someone, hold space for someone, each time we speak to a youth about self respect, prevention, setting boundaries, self care, we are making a difference. It is healing for myself and others, and it feels good to heal the pain instead of just dealing with it.  Next step will be to receive training as an advocate for survivors of sexual assault. In the very near future, I will begin leading a group of women out here on the Rez that are all survivors of sexual assault and/o domestic violence.


this little photo was taken April 28, 2010 when I first decided to face my fears. This was the first time I took action, and confronted the rapist. Special Thanks to Sabryyah that inspired me both times to take action! I am wearing a teal shaw, war paint, and my feathers that I only wear for ceremony and/or performances. The very next day, my mom told me she had ovarian cancer. It felt as if  my clearing of my womb space affected my mother’s womb space. It was just too toxic. Now that she has made her transition, it is time to get back to cleaning my womb space, and to help other survivors to do the same.

Thank Goodness for Cosmic Sound Healing.
Austin, get ready for June 7, 2015…


Ankh, Udja, Seneb. Life, Vitality and Health!
Love Never Ends. It changes, and it changes us.

Love always, Tchiya