Sacred Hoop Wolf Moon Eclipse: January 2020 Full Moon



From HeruScopes

This is one of my favorite Full Moons because the Moon is inside of the Sacred Hoop.  And also, because I identify with the Wolf Clan. This time last year, a beautiful song came through: Asar Aah, about the Full Moon in alignment with Sirius, which it is when inside of the Sacred Hoop. 

In the 13 Month Sidereal Astrology System that is HeruScopes, The Full Moon is in the sign of PiMahi, Sidereal Gemini, the sign of the Lovers: Lovers of Life, Lovers of the Divine, beyond the Human Experience of Physical Love.  Eclipsed by the Sun in Sidereal Sagittarius, PiMaere, along with SIX OTHER PLANETS! (Ra, Asar, Aset, Amun, Net, Geb, and Djehuty: Sun, Pluto, Ceres, Jupiter, Pallas Athena, Saturn, and Mercury) What is really unusual is that there is only one planet in Retrograde, Sedna, and we are STILL dealing with and healing from sexual assault, etc on a global scale…..

13 Zodiac Astro Chart for Wolf Full Moon
EventUTC TimeTime in Chicago*Visible in Chicago
Penumbral Eclipse beginsJan 10 at 17:07:44Jan 10 at 11:07:44 amNo, below the horizon
Maximum EclipseJan 10 at 19:10:02Jan 10 at 1:10:02 pmNo, below the horizon
Penumbral Eclipse endsJan 10 at 21:12:19Jan 10 at 3:12:19 pmNo, below the horizon

Back to the Eclipse.

This is a Penumbral Eclipse, which means that it will not be seen easily, because the moon merely turns a shade darker than normal during the maximum phase.

“Lunar eclipses can be visible from everywhere on the night side of the Earth, if the sky is clear. From some places the entire eclipse will be visible, while in other areas the Moon will rise or set during the eclipse.”

This eclipse will not be visible from Chicago.

However, we will feel the effects. Remember, eclipses come in pairs: the Solar Eclipse was at the last New Moon.  And can their effects last weeks, or even months…..

”The years that hold eclipses in your sign or rising sign will be vital for you and trigger fascinating turning points”

Read more:

Wolf Moon? According to Who?

Some say it is called Wolf Moon because it is the first of the year. I find that hard to believe because Full Moons have been experienced from times long before colonization. Perhaps named Wolf Moon due to mating season of wolves in nature, I am sure this caused a great deal of howling at the Moon….

According to Indigenous Sources, however, every nation had its own name. At, no nations call this the Wolf Moon! The Cherokee call this the Windy Month, and here in Chicago, it certainly has been cold and windy. Dunolvtanv or Cold Moon.

Gichimanidoo-giizis according to the Ojibwe Nation (Great Lakes region) Great Spirits Moon 

Here are 10 things to expect during an Eclipse from


1. Eclipses bring news of life’s big events.

2. With all eclipses, something ends and something else begins.

3. Each eclipse in a series is united in theme and is strung together like pearls on a necklace.

4. Eclipses will bring a random event you do not expect, didn’t know about. It will be triggered by an event happening elsewhere, and that is completely outside your control, but at eclipse time bring vast changes will come straight to your doorstep.

5. Eclipses speed your sense of time and change the timetables.

6. The job of an eclipse is to shine a glaring ray of truth to the part of your life that is being touched, and truth will likely arrive in a startling way.

7. An eclipse, especially a full moon lunar eclipse, will help you to see the true character of someone close – brace yourself, you may not like what you see. Occasionally, an important person to you will be “eclipsed out” of your life.

8. Take any message you hear from an eclipse as non-negotiable and firm, so accept it, and then move on. A message brought to you by an eclipse is usually delivered on the day, or within a week of the actual date of the eclipse – but not always.

9. Take notice of all news and signals you get near an eclipse, and take them seriously, even if news comes as subjective and ambiguous as gossip.

10. It’s vital you guard your health if an eclipse falls within five days of your birthday, or if the eclipse falls almost exactly opposite your birthday.

Read more:

During this Lunar Eclipses  be on the lookout for Expansion of Consciousness through Love of the Divine. Traveling beyond the human experience of love, beyond limitations, beyond illusion, beyond illusoriness of lack, beyond family, beyond motherhood, beyond death and into transformation, beyond all of the energies that are currently in PiMaere, Sidereal Sagittarius.

The Sacred Hoop 

“What is in the stars is on earth and what is on earth is in the stars.” This idea unites the ceremonial map in the circle of stars, not only with sites in the Black Hills, but with a round of ceremonial actions at sacred sites there, ending with a Sun Dance at the Bear’s Lodge (Devil’s Tower) June 21 (summer solstice). “As above, so below” that is, what occurs in the stars is mirrored on earth is a very old idea now forgotten by Western culture. It is expressed in Alchemy and the even older idea that humankind and our events are a microcosmic mirror of the macrocosm. The Lakota elders believed this, and some of that knowledge did survive.

The Sacred Hoop comes to us from Lakota Star Knowledge. It is a Circle of Stars and Constellations that reflects a Circle of Sacred Sites near and including the Black Hills. These Constellations in Modern Terms includes: Sirius, Gemini, Orion, the Pleaides, and Taurus. In Lakota Spirituality, the Sacred Hoop is a Giant Medicine Wheel in the Sky. At HeruScoipes, it is a Cosmic Portal Opening for Healing. During the Windy Cold Moon, also known as Wolf Moon, the Full Moon appears within the Sacred Hoop and is a most auspicious time for prayers, intentions, meditation and healing.

  • 13 Zodiac Astro Chart for Wolf Full Moon

As Above So Below……

Having the Eclipse Occur while the Full Moon is within the Sacred Hoop Intensifies the Healing Power and the Opportunity for Transformation. In these crazy times, when an impeached president calls for war in order to block his impeachment, let us see this as a sign that THE TIME HAS COME TO STOP SEEKING JUSTICE FROM CORRUPTION, TO STOP TRYING TO BATTLE WITH SET ON HIS OWN TERMS. IT IS TIME TO SEEK SPIRT BASED SOLUTIONS FOR OUR CHALLENGES INSTEAD OF BEING COMPLIANT WITH UNRIGHTEOUSNESS AND IGNORANCE.

Let Us Dive Deep into the Trust of the Divine, receiving guidance from the Cosmic Mind of Djehuty, the Divine Intuition that is Aset (Isis/Sirius), as we break free of the Illusion called Creation (Ra). We can activate the Sacred Hoop as a Cosmic Magnifier of our Prayers and Intentions, as we send our prayers through the Sacred Hoop, they will rain down on the earth and manifest our Purest Desires.

Asar Aah: Lyrics


I. Asar Aaah 
Khensu Sept
Aah Djehuty 

II. An haaAn Ani
Uah Qaa-f

III. Ar-t Aabt



IV. Aabi, Aabit

Aah Meh Utchat


I. Osiris, the Moon
Moon God of Eastern Delta; Sept: Sothis/Sepdet/Sopdu/Sirius, Emma Ya, Po Tolo, etc

Moon God

II. Moon God

Form of Asar the Moon God

He Who Increases His Form: a Title of the Moon God

III. Left Eye of Heru
Site of a Moon Temple

The Home of the Eye of Heru, the Moon

IV. Left Eye of Heaven, Left Eye of Ra

Left Eye of Heru; Moon God

I wanted to have a song to sing about the Full Moon. So, I looked up the words for Full Moon inn the Budge Hieroglyphic Dictionary. I made a List of terms, and this song was born. A Kemetic Rock Song. On its own, it reminds me of Jim Morrison and the Doors. And, when Tim plays the guitar, it reminds me of Jimi. Dua Djehuty. Hotep.

We will be holding a Reiki Sound Healing Ceremony for the Full Moon Eclipse on Friday at 4 pm central at the Promontory Point Fire Pit in Chicago. Inbox me for details….we are asking a $10 donation. I will sing this song as an offering.


Arit Neter S aka Tchiya Amet

or, Arit Tchiya

Ripening Full Moon 2018 HeruScopes

Good Rising Grand Blossoming Great Awakenings

Was having waaaay too many issues with Good Rising TV live streaming, so took a brief hiatus. New format: HeruScopes Analysis, then Audio report when possible. KemeTones mini videos, with sound healing chanting and singing. Instagram now allows videos of 10 minutes or less, so will post a few each week. Will attempt to stick to a schedule of Tuesday Evenings and Friday Rings when the wifi connection allows this to happen.

This afternoon, Thursday July 27, the Ripening Full Moon TOTAL Lunar Eclipse will last from 3:30 p.m. to 5:13 p.m. EDT. Park is at 4:21 p.m. Here in North America, it will not be visible. This map from illustrates visibility areas.Even if you cannot see the eclipse, you will feel the effects. With 7 planets in retrograde, what exactly does this mean here at The most important thing to remember is that YOU are the Hero of the Myth of Your Life. In every situation, see yourself as the Victor over the Lower Ego, over Ignorance and Unrighteousness, especially when coming from a place deep within. Even better, see an outcome where EVERYONE wins. This might be common knowledge to you, but for some folks, this is a huge challenge  . This is the purpose of HeruScopes: to align oneself with Celestial Events and Wisdom, which in urn correspond to the Neters, the Cosmic Forces, Ancestral Forces, and invoke this presence, energy, qualities, characteristics, responses, etc, in one’s own life. The Guidance from these readings lets us know what is going on above, so that we can reflect this below.

Lets Begin!

Dua Ra Khepera Dua Djehuti Hupeneius (to see images and illustrations, watch the video, which will be added below when it s ready; we are attempting to streamline this process)

Sun in Sidereal Cancer and Ripening Full Moon in Sidereal Capricorn. Many Native Cultures refer to this Full Moon as Ripening Moon, even Ripening Corn Moon. So many that was decided that we could not choose only one. Other sources, like the Farmer’s Almanac, call this the Buck Moon, but that has too many negative connotations for HeruScopes…

Utilize Creativity to bring about Transformation. Or, is that Transformation (Khepera) is the Power of Creation: by lifting up the Sun each day, Khepera makes the Day possible. In fact, Khepera IS the New Day! I am watching the sunrise now, such a magical time of day.. Musically, the greatest songs come through when we desire change and transformation. This is also the key ingredient in manifesting: the purified desire for change. During this time, let us examine this powerful combination of Transformative Creativity.

This is reminding me of that saying from the Lotus Sutra, about turning Poison into Medicine. or the Kemetic Proverb: Adversity is Prosperity and Prosperity id Adversity. How about this Affluence Classic: There is a Gift in Every Adversity. These all involve the process of utilizing creativity to bring about transformation: we change out perception of the world, and the world changes.

One example of this is the power of sound. When we change sacred words, sounds, frequencies, syllables, we can bring about transformation by invoking changes in frequency and energies. DUA RA KHEPERA!!!

Djehuty Hupeneius: Using communications and technology to breakdown false limitations and eliminate limiting beliefs. Whatever is in the way, IS The Way. Djehuty represents the Cosmic Mind, and we must remember to allow the Cosmic Mind to express and manifest not our limited fettered mind. The Mind is not inside the Body: THE BODY IS WITHIN THE MIND. All that we see and experience is a projection of the Cosmic Mind. Are you living in alignment, or is your ego mind running the show? This will explain any types of blocks, illness, frustrations etc. Because with the light of Cosmic Mind, the Royal Personality sees through the delusion and there is no longer any kind of limitation. The Eclipse shines a light on the Path.

Total Lunar Eclipse: the longest eclipse of this century. During this time, 7 portals are opened, or this phenomeon is also called Retrograde: Rx remember, is no cause for alarm, it is time for celestial medicine, the cosmic prescription. When we are in alignment, no antidote is needed. When we are out of alignment, HeruScopes provides knowledge and wisdom that serves as the antidote! haha.

Looking at the chart, the 7 portal openings are: Djehuty, Vesta, RePhan, Asar, Set, NebtHet and Chiron. (Mercury, Vesta, Saturn, Pluto, Mars, Neptune, and Chiron). WOW! If you are not experiencing huge breakthroughs and shifts, then you must be dead. Or, you are in tremendous pain because you are unable to let go.

The Node, I don’t usually work with this, but this brings the count to 8 portal openings. This is not a time to be dreaded, but to dive right in and embrace everything that is coming up for you, everything that is becoming true for you. The Truth, the True Path is being revealed, uncovered, as you are reading this report. If you cannot see this, then you are bold to truth because you are too attached to the deception. In the extensive Retrograde and Solar Eclipse Mercury Rx reports, I go into a few revelations, including the one about having light switches for everything, like happiness, joy, abundance. Sadness, grief, anger. These are all frequencies, and we can turn them on and off at will. We have choices. Eclipse usually brings things deep in the subconscious to the surface to be faced and released. We can turn on the switch that allows us to process things like emotions and negative self talk, or we can turn off that switch, and turn on the switch of denial. Retrogrades often seem like things are headed in wrong or opposite direction, when in fact, it is leading you to something wonderful. When we trust and listen to our divine intuition, we will never go wrong or be led astray.

Mercury is now in Sidereal Leo: Dua Djehuty Sekhmet. Of course, this takes us to the Myth of Hetheru and Djehuty, the time when she forgot her Divinity. Her task was to eliminate the unrighteous on earth, but began to enjoy, then abuse her power, and began destroying even the innocent. Djehuty, the Cosmic Mind, was sent to bring her back o her higher state of consciousness. He shared a few parables with her, and she was able to return to her natural state of Divinity. The Portal Of Djehuty will be open until August 19. So, yes, we have the power to destroy with our words and our thoughts, however, when we can remember that we are here to express the Cosmic Mind, not our body-mind limitations, we can be Heru in the myth of our life. An excellent resource of the parables of Djehuty: Glorious Light Meditation book by Dr. Muata Ashby contains an excellent version.

The Full Moon and Mercury are both represented by Djehuty. Take a moment to reflect on what a grand opening and blossoming is taking place during the eclipse and portal opening associated with this Cosmic Force.

Another Celestial Event: The start of the Kemetic New Year and Sirius Rising. According twosome traditions, this observance begins on July 13, with the Birth of Ra, and continues on through the Birth of the Children of Nut by Geb until we reach July 19 and the Rising of Sirius, July 20 The Kemetic New Year, which once coincided with the flooding of the Nile River. Here is plenty of info on Sirius and Sirius Rising.

The last evaluation that I want to share with you that also opened up during this massive portal opening: being afraid to express myself or to say no, because I do not want to make waves. Here is a tiny video that I made for the re-introduction of Good Rising TV new format:

I have already broken down the retrograde season, planet by planet. Take a moment to review, it might explain some of the strange occurrences. Retrograde is cosmic medicine, it might taste bitter, or make you feel uncomfortable. Trust the process and the Gift will appear.

Here is the KemeTones Cosmic Sound Healing Video for this HeruScopes Analysis


Tchiya Amet

HeruScopes © Celestial Update: Aspolia 2014 Full Moon and The Portal Of Djehuty


Good Rising and Great Awakenings! If you don’t know who, what where or when Aspolia is, or why I am talking about Djehuty during Mercury Retrograde, check out the heruscopes banner HeruScopes © Handbook and Resource Guide, for this is where it is all laid out…. hint: VIRGO….

October 4, 2014 is the beginning of the last opening of the Portal Of Djehuty (Mercury Retrograde) of 2014! Give Thanks!, right? Well of course! However, why see this as a scary phase? It is an opportunity to expand any limitations on technology and communications. It is a time, to shut it down, turn it off, unplug for real for a change. Let it break down, it needed to be replaced anyway! Or, else, just do without. The main thing is to cut down on stress and fear. Lately it seems like any little glitch in technology, or any unpleasantries in relationships and communications, it gets blamed on Mercury Retrograde. Hey. how could anything that has to do with Djehuty actually be bad or negative? Here are some of my posts on this “new” attitude towards djehuty caudecus The Portal of Djehuty, i.e., Mercury Retrograde.

Mercury Retrograde at

New Strategy for Mercury Retrograde starting with June 7, 2014 (posted May 28, 2014)

Update: June 14

This is what another siderealist has to say about Djehuty’s Portal: from Moon Child’s Spiritual Temple


Mercury is the planet in our cosmos that governs our mental process, our intellect, our communication, our ability to give and process information on multi platforms. Mercury also rules the transportation system and technology.


With that said, Mercury is a very busy planet!  When it goes retrograde for many of us who are born with this planet moving in a ” forward” path,  we are left with a feeling at a loss, confused and flustered with the mishaps that this retrograde period can bring. For those who are born with their Mercury retrograde, this can be a period of deeper understanding, better communicative skills and a feeling of things unfolding in a way that is advantageous to them. That is not to say that those born with Mercury retrograde can not function when Mercury goes direct, it just means that they may have to work harder at getting things to flow so that they are understood, and not misunderstood.

Here at HeruScopes, all of us are born with the same cosmic forces, like the Neteru, whether we are born in or out of the illusion, the forces are there. Illusions like Mercury Retrograde, Corporations, the Matrix. corrupt religious institutions, etc. Most people are ignorant of this fact. When in the Portal Of Djehuty, you can experience “a period of deeper understanding, better communicative skills and a feeling of things unfolding in a way that is advantageous to…” ALL OF US, EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US.

Djehuty Portal opening in Aspolia: Sidereal Virgo: time to plant seeds for new ways of communication, HARMONIOUS communications, this is an opening to say what could not be said before. Now is the time to prepare for the month of MAAT, which will arrive here when Aspoia is complete. Now is the time to plant seeds for peaceful relationships. Pi Cheus (Jupiter) is also moving from Khepera (Cancer) to Sekhmet (Leo) on October 14. This signifies a shift  from the Wisdom of Family Transformations to the Wisdom of Healing. As this occurs during the Portal of Djehuty,  this represents the Wisdom of Power of Communication in Healing. I know that I for one will be spending plenty of moments within the Medicine Wheel:

Medicine Wheel Page at

Waya Equoni Pejuta: My Personal Cangleska/ Medicine Wheel

….I will write more about this as we get closer to the transit..



This is what is in the celestial storehouse for the Moonth known as October…from sea with commentary by Amet El Maat

  • October 7 – Heru (Uranus) at Opposition. The blue-green planet will be at its closest approach to Geb (Earth) and its face will be fully illuminated by the Ra (Sun). This is the best time to view Heru. Due to its distance, it will only appear as a tiny blue-green dot in all but the most powerful telescopes. heru ani Om Geb Ra Heru. Nuk Pu Heru (I am Heru) Close to Geb/Earth and fully illuminated by Ra/Sun sounds great to me! Grounding and illumination? Count me in! ESPECIALLY during a time  when communication can be strange. Remain grounded, no matter what, trust intution, and listen for divine communication from within, no ned for technology.
  • October 8 – Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 10:51 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Hunters Moon because at this time of year the leaves are falling and the game is fat and ready to hunt. This moon has also been known as the Travel Moon and the Blood Moon.PiscespiscesRa is in Aspolia, and so, Sesheta/Djehuty is in Pi Cot Sahu/Asar (Pisces). Hunter’s Moon? That of course would be Sahu/ Asar/ Orion! Also in the HeruScopes © system, the Moon, is associated with Sesheta when New, and Djehuty when Full…
  • October 8 – Total Lunar Eclipse. A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes completely through the Earth’s dark shadow, or umbra. During this type of eclipse, the Moon will gradually get darker and then take on a rusty or blood red color. The eclipse will be visible throughout most of North America, South America, eastern Asia, and Australia. (NASA Map and Eclipse Information)Full Moon, Total Lunar Eclipse, Portal Of Djehuty.  Meteor Showers. New Moon. Partial Solar Eclipse. Hmmm, October looks rather interesting…
  • October 8, 9 – Draconids Meteor Shower. The Draconids is a minor meteor shower producing only about 10 meteors per hour. It is produced by dust grains left behind by comet 21P Giacobini-Zinner, which was first discovered in 1900. The shower runs annually from October 6-10 and peaks this year on the the night of the 8th and morning of the 9th. Unfortunately the glare from the full moon this year will block out all but the brightest meteors. If you are extremely patient, you may be able to catch a few good ones. Best viewing will be just after midnight from a dark location far away from city lights. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Draco, but can appear anywhere in the sky.Best to wait for the Sahu/Asarian Meteor Shower….also from
  • Thursday, October 9 “Mars appears low in the southwest as darkness falls this week. The Red Planet shines at magnitude 0.8 among the background stars of southern Ophiuchus, though the brightest star nearby is ruddy Antares, which lies about 10° to Mars’ lower right. A telescope shows the planet’s 6″-diameter disk but won’t reveal much, if any, detail.” 

Imhotep (Ophiuchus) is symbolized by a man wrestling with a snake while stamping on back of a Scorpion.  This signifies Humanity conquering lower nature: SET (Mars) !!!

    • from 19: Near Collision of a Comet with Mars All eyes will be on the Red Planet in October as Comet C/2013 A1(Siding Spring), discovered by Robert H. McNaught at Australia’s Siding Spring Observatory, will pass extremely close to Mars. The comet will come so close, in fact, that its coma may envelop Mars, as well as create a stupendous shower of meteors as seen from the Martian surface.Related: NASA Sees Comet That Will Buzz Mars this Year (Photo) Set and Siding Spring near collision producing possible meteor shower off surface of Muloc (Mars). A Typhonic situation, Typhon being another ancient name for the planet Mars.

The Orionid meteor shower peaks in late October, but observers should start watching for “shooting stars” now. Astronomy: Roen Kelly

  • October 22, 23 – Orionids Meteor Shower. The Orionids is an average shower producing up to 20 meteors per hour at its peak. It is produced by dust grains left behind by comet Halley, which has been known and observed since ancient times. The shower runs annually from October 2 to November 7. It peaks this year on the night of October 21 and the morning of October 22. This will be an excellent year for the Orionids because there will be no moon to interfere with the show. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Orion, but can appear anywhere in the sky.
  • October 23 – Partial Solar Eclipse. A partial solar eclipse occurs when the Moon covers only a part of the Sun, sometimes resembling a bite taken out of a cookie. A partial solar eclipse can only be safely observed with a special solar filter or by looking at the Sun’s reflection. The partial eclipse will be visible throughout most of North and Central America. (NASA Map and Eclipse Information)

Here is the Lineup for the next two months called October and November 2014 Planetary HeruScope for Aspolia and Maat 2014 by Amet El Maat will post commentary in a few more days… one step at a time…..


Ra: Aspolia thru October 31
Maat November 1 12:44
Ip  November 23 15:29
Imhotep November 30 03:47

aside: just noticed my Mom died on Nov. 23, the date we move into IP. MY Dad died on Nov. 30, the day we move out of Ip and into Imhotep…. I am sure this means something profound, but what that is , I have yet to learn…

Sesheta (Moon) October-November 2014 view pdf table from NASA

Nebt Het (Neptune): Ku Ur Ku (Aqr)

Asar (Pluto): Pi Maere (Sag)

Heru (Uranus): Pi Cot Sahu (Pisces)

Pi Cheus, Amun (Jupiter) up to October 14: Khepera
October 15   5:02 am pst Sekhmet

RePhan  Maat

Djehuty: up to November 13: Aspolia
November 13 at 20:34 thru the 28th: Maat
November 8th 19:18 thru the 30th and beyond: Ip (Scorpio)
Portal of Djehuty (Mercury Retrograde) is opened from October 4      thru October 25.

HetHeru  Aspolia: October thru 10-30-2014
Maat: October 30 00:36 thru November 18
Ip: November 18 at 9:37 am thru November 23
Imhotep 1:11 pm November 23 and beyond.

Set (Mars)  Imhotep thru  October 21
Pi Maere October 21 16:31pm and beyond

Sedna:  Apis (Taurus the Bull)

Chiron:  Pi Cot Sahu (Pisces) thru October 18
Ku-ur-ku; Hupei Sahu (Aqr) October 18, 21:58 pm  and beyond

Ceres:  Maat: up to November 3
Ip: November 3 03:06  thru November 19
Imhotep: November 19 12:36 pm and beyond

Pallas:  Aspolia  thru November 21
Serpent November 21 23:19 and beyond

Juno:  Anpu Minor thru October 11
Khepera   October 11  00:39  thru October 17
Anpu Minor  October 17  01:08 thru  06:03
Hydra  October 17 06:04  and beyond

Vesta:   Maat thru October 11
Ip: October 11 09:22 thru October 22 12:46
Imhotep: October 22 12:47  thru November 27 17:51
Pi Maere November 27 17:52  and beyond

Many Thanks to the Benevolent Ancestors, My Benevolent Ancestors, all of my Guides, Teachers, Guardian spirits, Angels, Star Nation, my Spiritual Preceptors: Sebai Maa and Seba Dja, all Hemus, Asarus, Shems and Rekhit. ALL MY RELATIONS.
M Mer N Khut, Love and Light, Amet El Maat, S.E.

Blood Red Full Moon ECLIPSE April 15, 2014 UPDATE!!!



Please refer to my earlier post about Ritual for this Blood Red Full Moon Eclipse.

The Eclipse actually starts TONIGHT, APRIL 14, 2014 11 PM PST TIL 2:30AM PST. 2AM EST UNTIL 5;30 AM EST.

VISIBILITY: in North America…..

Cloud cover prospects towards the end of tomorrow morning’s lunar eclipse. Credit: NOAA. Read more:

Is it cloudy in your neighborhood?
UNIVERSETODAY.COM has many links to sites where you can view the eclipse online. This should not stop you from performing ritual, doing healing meditations, preparing special oils and tonics, etc. The healing Power of the Goddess will be with you rain or shine!




what does an eclipse mean in astrology? Here is one view:

from zodiac
The Astrology

A lunar eclipse is a time of beginnings, endings, exposure and major changes. It always has something to do with “relationships”. The changes are tied to how we relate and will have a lasting impression. Emotions run high, causing upsets and feelings of disorientation. Actions taken may not have the expected results, but they do bring awareness and enlightenment. The energy of an eclipse is at its strongest during the two days before and three days after its occurrence.

At lunar eclipses we: merge, unite, announce, contact, present ourselves, bring something out into the open, make decisions, engage, rise to the challenge, make an effort, change, get a new perspective, join with others, take on greater challenges, travel at a faster pace, feel restless, feel pressured by deadlines and a buildup of emotions, and experience excitement and crisis.

During a Full Moon, the Sun and Moon are in opposition, also called the Full Phase, indicating the linking of soul to spirit and awareness of purpose gained through relationship with another. A lunar eclipse is a supercharged Full Moon. The blocking of the Moon’s reflection of the Sun’s light by the Earth suggests that our material viewpoint stands in the way of our “seeing the light”. It serves as a reminder that we need to realize how we are held in the dark by virtue of our perspective. zodiac




From earthsky,org

This year, there will be four of these, called a tetrad. We are in for a special treat because this is also the full moon that comes closest to Mars all year. Look for this in the sign of Virgo! Well, some will say it is Libra… you decide and tell me, see below…



You can read all about that here: at earth

Total lunar eclipse for the Americas April 14-15
On April 14-15 (depending on your time zone) a remarkable series of total lunar eclipses – a tetrad – begins.

Mars brightest in six years on eclipse night
Earth passed between Mars and the sun on April 8. Our two worlds are closest on April 14. On that night, Mars is near the moon at the time of the total eclipse. Red Mars and red moon. It doesn’t get any better. The star Spica is nearby, too.

What is a Blood Moon?
People are calling it a Blood Moon eclipse. Here’s why.

and more details here Details on the total lunar eclipse on April 14-15.


Again, refer to my earlier post about Ritual for this Blood Red Full Moon Eclipse. As for me, I have gotten some red candles, and I have strawberries, red potatoes, red bell peppers, red tomato, and red Kombacha. I am RED-y!!! LOL!!! Remember to make your needs and desires known to Sekhmet. Awaken this cosmic force that is within you and your life. DUA SEKHMET! DUA ASET!

Well, the last thing I want to add is this: So, you know how the Western Astrologers are saying this full moon is in LIBRA, yet the Sidereal Astrologers say it is still in VIRGO? WELL, TONIGHT, YOU SEE FOR YOURSELF; IS THE MOON AND/OR MARS IN THE CONSTELLATION OF LIBRA OR THE CONSTELLATION OF VIRGO?



Libra Star Chart


write to me at cosmic at or leave comment below…

here is a poll!!!

I like this website, because it tells you BOTH!!! Constellation or Sidereal and Zodiac.

In constellation Virgo (Vir)
	In zodiac sign Libra, 20.82°

I am so grateful, because while doing this report, I came across the information and understanding that I needed to start casting my own HeruScopes! Get ready…..




Okay, well that is the update! BE WELL!!! Tchiya