Festival at Abu Simbel October 2018


Udja. Uben Un Nefer. Nehast. Beautiful Existence Rising. Great Awakening.

Welcome to one of the MOST Magical Moments of My First Musical Initiatic Journey. Only fragments were captured, so I will do my very best to convey the event.

Here in the West, when I hear the word festival, I imagine a large stage, with live music, vendors selling wares, lots of delicious food, and a fantastic turnout, which means the organizers, producers and sponsors will be happy…..in fact, producing, participating, organizing, volunteering, vending, healing, working, touring, and especially performing: the festival life is for me. Festivals in alignment with Celestial Events are considered to be Sacred Events amongst First Nations and Original Peoples. The Abu Simbel Festival has opened my eyes and expanded my heart in so many ways.

You might be wondering, what is sacred about October 22? The Fall Equinox is on or around September 21, and the Winter Solstice is on or around December 21. What is going on Celestial on October 22???? Let me interrupt here: as you may well know, one of my passions in life is Cultural Astronomy, similar to Astrology in many ways, but in many ways very different.

When I was able to travel to Machu Picchu, one of the Temple Guardians told me that the Equinox does not actually occur in March or September. There is an equinoctial marker there that has been “doing its thing” for thousands of years. This should be obvious, because due to the Precession OF the Equinox, the Zodiac Constellations are different than they were 4,000 years ago when the calendar was fixed in time by religious authorities. So, it makes since that the Equinox is not where we have been told it to be. I now wonder if the Equinox occurred at this time of year when the Temple was built…

What is the Festival at Abu Simbel? On October 22 and also February 22, the Temple of Abu Simbel is the location for a celebration of longevity, royalty, precision, wonder. It is a festival of the Sun. And, the most fun I had had in along time…On these days, at sunrise, the light from the Sun enters into the Temple, and lights 3 out of 4 seated statues in the inner sanctuary. The 4 statutes are Ramses II, Amun, Ra, and Ptah. On these days, only the statues of the gods are illuminated, leaving Ramses in the dark. I have read elsewhere where they describe Ramses and his architecture as egotistical, and that Ptah is left in the darkness. But they are totally incorrect, as this Temple was to HONOR Amun Ra Ptah, not idolize Ramses II. It is said that these days were chosen to observe the time of his birth, and the time of his coronation.

Back to the festival part: I tried writing to someone at the webpage for the festival ahead of time, to see if they were still accepting bands. HA! Not that kind of festival! There were a few music groups playing music, and there were a few traditional dancing groups present. But there is no stage, in fact, there is no organization except for natural Order! EVERYONE present wants to get inside the temple to see the Sunlight illuminating 3 out of 4 statues. We are all wondering how was this achieved? AND, it only lasts for 22 minutes!!! EXACTLY!! There are screens outside so you can watch it in case you do not make it in.

Tchiya Outside Abu Simbel

I remember trying to hold onto my companion’s hand, and almost getting crushed by the weight of the people around me. I remember singing and playing my instruments outside, and wondering what would happen if I sang once inside! LOL!! And my friend asking me if I am SURE that I have the headdress/veil on correctly. I responded that this is the way I want to wear it. Of course, some would say that I have it on backwards… anyway, I remember the moment the sun started to break over the horizon, and wondering how would ALL of these people get inside? The entire event was mind blowing, because think about HOW LONG HAS THIS FESTIVAL BEEN TAKING PLACE?????? with no commercialization, nothing outside of security, busses, ticket collection just like any other temple site. Nothing out of the ordinary or special no t-shirts, no trash! No vendors. Everyone present came to witness this amazing event. And now, I am determined to join them at least once a year! BUT THIS IS ONLY THE INTRODUCTION!!

  • Outside Abu Simbel
  • Outside Abu Simbel
  • Outside Abu Simbel
  • Tchiya Outside Abu Simbel
  • Tchiya Outside Abu Simbel
  • Tchiya Outside Abu Simbel
  • Sunrise Outside Abu Simbel
  • Sunrise Outside Abu Simbel
  • Sunrise Outside Abu Simbel
  • Outside Abu Simbel

Okay, so it is time to go in. the line is moving. I immediately begin chanting Om Amun Ra Ptah at the top of my lungs, playing my little hand drum as loud as I can. Ae we are walking past police officers and security guards, they are all smiling and laughing with me, giving me the thumbs up. Clapping! I am in shock because usually, we are not allowed to sing or chant inside of the temples. Nothing that resembles prayer or meditation is allowed unless you give the guards some money….So, I just keep chanting. And each time we pass a security guard or police or any official, they just keep encouraging me to continue. People around e also let me know that they enjoy it. People want to know my name or where I am from: I TELL THEM THAT I AM FROM KEMT AND ASKL THEM IF THEY KNOW WHERE IT IS !!! LOL!!! Jamaica, the Caribbeans, the Islands, someplace in Americas, some place in Africa. I get amazing answers btw whenever I ask this question in Aswan!!!)

Now it is time to go inside. I keep chanting, expecting to be reprimanded or thrown out. I am the only person dressed in white, with a veil, with locks, with a drum and sistrum. The only person chanting Om Amun Ra Ptah as loudly as possible. I am getting a rush, my adrenaline is pumping. Then it happens: BAM! We are attacked by a white supremaciist, right there in Kemet, in the temple at the festival at Abu Simbal on October 22, 20187. Although, if you ask her, she would probably say that she hates ALL Americans, not just Black ones.,…how I wish we had footage of this…..sigh.

Out of nowhere, this short, pink porky pig looking woman with a thick Australian accent jumps out in front of us, we are inside the temple, but not yet to the inner shrine, there are people everywhere, the place is packed. And as she starts yelling things like at us: “did it occur to you that nobody wants to hear that! Go back to America where you came from. You don’t belong here.” stuff like that. Every time she says to go back where we came from, Raquel and I start cracking up uncontrollably because we KNOW that we came from Kemet!!!! LOL!!! Everyone there told us that we look like Nubians, that we are same color as them and look like we are family. They said they liked my singing and my music. But she hated it! She was saying all kinds of dreadful things. Raquel had had enough and turned to her and said that because of the way she was treating us and behaving, that she and her family would be cursed for 100 years! Oh dear, I asked her to stop, because we don’t need to attract negative energy to ourselves by sending it to this demonic entity. But it was getting very heated and this woman would not stop.

So, we had each just recently purchased a sistrum in Abydos, so we pulled them lout and kept chanting LOUDLY! The Patty Porky Pig GRABBED Raquels sistrum and bent it! We were furious. Our tour guide Adam had to keep intervening to protect us from getting hurt and also from hurting this entity. Finally, we were separated and it was our turn to go inside the inner shrine. I am still chanting Om Amun Ra Ptah and NO ONE ELSE asked me st stop or told me to leave. The security guards kept giving me smiles, laughing, dancing, taking photos with us, clapping. It Was incredible. and thrilling.

You only get a few seconds to see the Illumination, and you know what? It is worth it! It is actually unbelievable while you are standing there, and then the next person nudges you to remind you that this is actually happening and your time is up and you must move on….Next time, I will be mentally ready for the viewing.

So, as soon as we leave the inner shrine, our Australian friend reemerges, still spewing negativity and hatred. This time, many Nubian people stop us to take photo with us as we admire the artwork and iconography in both temples. She is like following us around telling us to go back where we came from while the locals are telling us that we are Nubian. Talk about union of the opposites! LOL!! Reality and illusion. When she realizes that Adam is with us, she says, “What, you are with them? I feel sorry for you”. We are all laughing and chanting Om Amun Ra Ptah…..of course, every now and them Sekhmet appears and flames come out of our mouths in response and reaction to poison from our attacker

Once we get back outside, Adam is all smiles! While this was going on inside, he looked really serious and concerned. He told us that he had to look that way, because of his job, but that on the inside, he was very happy. That we went inside and helped to reveal a very dark energy and we cast it out with the chanting and drumming. I am not sure why the security guards did not stop us, no one else was singing inside. None of the musicians or dancers from outside could be seen inside. I wonder how long it has been since people were allowed to worship inside the temple at the festival or anytime for that matter. I wonder what will happen when I return there and start chanting again???? I will let you know.

Of course, once we were leaving the festival, porky patty found us again. I got some of the altercation in audio. I also recorded our experiences right after the incident if you care to listen.

Here is the audio where you can hear her voice. But no video….

Australian Dog Attack in Kemet

Abu Simbel Experience: Raquel

Abu Simbel Experience Tchiya aka Arit

Perhaps one day, you will join make on this adventure…..HOTEP.

Ra Maat and Full Moon Tamet Ammon (Sun in Sidereal LIbra and Sidereal Aries Full Moon) 2014


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For more information, check out the HeruScopes © 2014 Handbook and Resource Guide.

November 6, 2014

Ra Maat: According to NASA, The Sun is in Maat (Sidereal LIbra) until November 23, when it moves into Ip (Scorpio) for 7 days, then into Imhotep (Ophiuchus)  on November 30. Will stay there until right before the Winter Solstice…where did you think the Scales for the symbol LIbra came from anyway??????





Maat begins on October 31, when the Portal between the two realms is opened. The Veil between the world of the Living and the world of the Dead, the Netherworld  is thinnest, This doorway remains open from Middle of Fall to the Middle of Winter, beginning of February, Candlemas, and also around the time of the Chinese New Year. Now is the Time to Reconnect, or Connect with the Ancestors.




Did you notice a shift in the energy? More harmony, and balance? Perhaps this was from closing doors, establishing boundaries, ending relationships, getting rid of old tis that have not worked in years? Clearing out the weeds from your garden? A time for putting things in Order, after that extra long month of Aspolia, (Sidereal Virgo) a time of planting seeds and purification.


When Ra is in Maat, we can anticipate a period of Truth Illumination. As in the title of the movie, “Everything is Illuminated”. What was once kept hidden or in the dark will be brought into the Light of Maat. When Creation began, the first act by Ra was to establish Maat as the Foundation. It is as if the World begins anew.








Amun, Ammon, Amen, Amin…with Ram


The Moon is fullest at 2:23 pm pst on November 6, 2014.
At 1:34 pm pst, Sesheta heads into Tamet Ammon (Full Moon in Sidereal Aries).

During this cosmic cycle known as the Full Moon of Ra Maat :Sesheta Tamet Ammon, let us all consider how we can assist with the Illumination via Maat, the Restoration of Maat, Elimination of Ignorance and Unrighteousness, and the Reflection of Witnessing Consciousness, which is Ammon. When Sesheta is in Tamet Ammon, this is an activation of the cosmic forces of the personality as a leader, a builder, an architect or engineer of one’s  personal empire. The seeds have been planted during the time of Aspolia, now the designs, the plans are laid out for the coming year or phase of life. This is the time to set our plan into motion, get it in writing, bring out the drawing board the vision board or mind movie. With the Light of the Full Moon, EVERYTHING IS ILLUMINATED! It all comes together, in harmony, order, balance, reciprocity,with MAAT! Moving towards security, stability, balance; moving forward with trust, confidence, patience and strength. Maintaining Justice and Truth every step of the way….






Amun  means “The Hidden One”


Can you recall what was going on in your life during the Solar Eclipse a few weeks ago? Reflect on what has come to fruition and is coming to lIght during this Full Moon…..




RaPhan has just entered Ip (Sidereal Scorpio)

From Lyn Dalebout, at Star Signposts: Crescendo!

“Here’s a major shift from the sidereal astrological perspective. Saturn has just entered sidereal (true astronomical) Scorpio, an historical cycle lasting two and a half years and occurring once every 29 years, where we will all be guided or forced to deepen our relationships and intimacy with Self, transform our lives in undreamt of ways, and also do the grueling, focused work it takes to deepen and transform all our institutions as well.  Issues surrounding the right to die movement and all reproductive issues will especially undergo reform, but not without the potential for bloody battles, also part of the skyground of Scorpio. I chose the word ‘crescendo’ for this weeks Star Signposts as we head into the battle zone, truth mine field of the once every two years Mars/Pluto conjunction. Luckily, you’ll have this week to prepare.”




What is up ahead?


again, from star signposts with Lyn Dalebout:

Thu Nov 6
The dynamics of this Full Moon involve the sidereal Aries Moon and Sun in Libra. The celebration and tension around this event may involve your core relationships and your desire to express your true nature with more honesty than ever before.  Since the Moon squares Juno in Cancer, confrontations and constructive dialogue might occur with a family member.  The Moon also forms a supportive trine to the building Mars/Pluto conjunction (exact next Monday) in Sagittarius. The ferocity and passion of this alignment is great, and hopefully you can channel this energy in positive utterly honest ways. No need to hide. Be raw, real, and truthful, and experience that as the ground for true love.

Fri Nov 7
Keep in mind the dynamics of yesterday’s Full Moon is still in full swing (re-read yesterday’s post). But today carries the severity of the Moon opposing Saturn. This aspect can create a mini-depression out of the blue. It is fleeting, but still demands your attention. When you go down, allow yourself to go down. Take a nap, pick up your journal and download, call a friend and download your depth.  Explore it, be present, and soon the sunshine will return, and you will be wiser and more interesting for having taken the journey.

Sat Nov 8
I know I keep harping on the truth telling theme, but it’s in the celestial Field, and will only get stronger next week.  If you practice blurting now, perhaps you won’t utterly explode on someone next week!  Today’s Juno in Cancer ~ marriage partners/family commitments ~ is in an awkward quincunx to Pluto. So speak up, and it may feel awkward and clumsy. But that’s totally okay and actually lovable. How ’bout you view life and relationship as an exploration, not a certainty?  How about you release the need to know? With that one switch in belief, you will do just fine, all will be well, and all your relationships will be much more harmonious.


from astrology13.com:

“The Full Moon will occur on November 6 in Aries with Jupiter in retrograde motion and Mars in trine aspect with the moon clouding even simple actions you might take..
New Moon is on November 22 in Libra just before the Sun crosses to Scorpio, something that is of particular importance since it shows …

a double change in your life ..


But, let’s go back to the transition of the Sun in Libra and its multiple meaning.
The time of occurrence of the phenomenon enjoys extreme astrological balance symbolized by the triangle aspects of many planets: Neptune to the Sun, Mercury with the Moon, Jupiter to Uranus. The interpretation of these triangles that occur simultaneously with the entry of the Sun in Libra is translated as follows: Despite the long period spent in a state of either joy or sadness, the transition into something new more mature and conscious, takes place smoothly and without conflict and jumps.

Can the Sun symbolizes the ego and our course in the world, and its stay in the 13 Zodiac signs of the sky showing the successive trials of life, but the change, when it comes, becomes redemptive for both you and those around you. The Sun in Virgo exhausted your thoughts about to exist through harmony and inner peace. Now the Sun in Libra symbolizes balance through intuition and the battle of opposites.” astrology13.com



This Week’s Sky at a Glance,  from sky and telescope.com

Saturday, November 8

keep up with this app!

from sea sky.org: Celestial Events for November 2014.


  • November 6 – Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 22:23 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Beaver Moon because this was the time of year to set the beaver traps before the swamps and rivers froze. It has also been known as the Frosty Moon and the Hunter’s Moon.
  • November 17, 18 – Leonids Meteor Shower.Everything you need to know about the Sekhmet (Leonids) Meteor Shower
    from earth sky.orgThe Leonids is an average shower, producing an average of up to 15 meteors per hour at its peak. This shower is unique in that it has a cyclonic peak about every 33 years where hundreds of meteors per hour can be seen. That last of these occurred in 2001. The Leonids is produced by dust grains left behind by comet Tempel-Tuttle, which was discovered in 1865. The shower runs annually from November 6-30. It peaks this year on the night of the 17th and morning of the 18th. The waning crescent moon will not be much of a problem this year. Skies should be dark enough for a good show. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Leo, but can appear anywhere in the sky.
  • November 22 – New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 12:32 UTC. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere.
  • December 6 – Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 12:27 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Cold Moon because this is the time of year when the cold winter air settles in and the nights become long and dark. This moon has also been known as the Moon Before Yule and the Full Long Nights Moon.
  • December 13, 14 – Geminids Meteor Shower. The Geminids is the king of the meteor showers. It is considered by many to be the best shower in the heavens, producing up to 120 multicolored meteors per hour at its peak. It is produced by debris left behind by an asteroid known as 3200 Phaethon, which was discovered in 1982. The shower runs annually from December 7-17. It peaks this year on the night of the 13th and morning of the 14th. The waning gibbous moon will block out some of the meteors this year, but the Geminids are so bright and numerous that it should still be a good show. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Gemini, but can appear anywhere in the sky.



Djehuty: Aspolia until November 14. Moves into Maat. Then moves into Scorpio on November 29.

HetHeru: Maat until November 18. Then transitions into Ip, then Imhotep on November 24.

Set/Muruga is in Pi Mare (Sidereal Sagittarius) until December 6, when it moves into Hupeneius (Sidereal Capricornus). Inner Warrior that conquers Ego and eradicates unrighteousness, leading to expansion of consciousness and good fortune.

RaPhan see above. In Maat for entire month….

PiCheus in Sekhmet for entire month. Powerful Healing Wisdom time.

NebtHet in KuUrKu (Neptune in Aquarius) for entire month: Outpouring of wisdom about new methods of living and healing.

both in cosmic preparation for the Month of Imhotep, which also deals with healing.

Heru (Uranus) in PICot Sahu (Pisces) entire month…
Protecting and Liberating Water and Emotions, energy in motion.

Asar (Pluto) in PiMaere (Sagittarius): Transformation through Travel and Expansion

Sedna is in Apis (Taurus) for entire month: Healing from Trauma by spending time in Nature or Gardening Projects.

and Chiron in KuUrKu (Aquarius) for entire month.  Healing the healer by pouring out, and sharing, love and wisdom.


Ra, Djehuty, HetHeru and Ra Phan are all in Maat from November 14 until November 18. Sesheta moves into Maat at the New Moon on November 23. Emotional Balance and Inner Peace. Ra, Sesheta, RaPhan, and Djehuty are all in Maat for the New Moon.


This month looks like it will be calm, peaceful balanced, and very healing.
Everything is Illuminated!


Hotep, Amet El Maat, S.E.




Sidereal Jupiter Transit into Cancer: June 19, 2014


Good Rising and Great Awakenings. Great Change is upon us! Favorable and Beneficial to ALL! Enjoy Lakota 4 Directions as you read…https://soundcloud.com/tchiya_amet/lakota-4-directions

Wisdom Teachings from the four directions…..

June 19: Jupiter makes the Transit into CANCER, where it is exalted and highly favorable.

jupiter cancer


I for one am very happy about this transition, because although in the Western Astrology System, I am a Leo, and in the Vedic (Hindu/Indian) Astrology System, I am a Taurus, in the True Sidereal Astrology System I am a Cancer! Saturn has been giving me quite a challenge and is expected to continue doing so until 2025! So, this upcoming cycle is much anticipated.

When Jupiter enters Cancer, it will be at the CENTER of the Sacred Hoop in the Lakota Tradition, from the
shamanic astrologer archives 2002
The Sacred Hoop

Starting at what is currently at positioned at the top of the Hoop moving clockwise, the stars comprising the Hoop are: Pollux, Castor, Capella, the Pleiades, the Hyades, Rigel, Sirius, and Procyon. The Ecliptic (plane of the solar system) and the Milky Way (plane of the galaxy) cross through and intersect near the middle of this configuration, actually forming a cross within a circle. The place of the intersection is between the feet of the Twins and the horns of the Bull. At this current time the exact placement of the summer solstice (0 degree Cancer) falls on this intersection. Also to be noted is that the location of the galactic anti-center (looking out into deep space from our vantage point as an outlier solar system in the Milky Way galaxy) lies very close to this grand intersection just slightly off the ecliptic.


The Lakota Sioux and some other Plains Indians called this region THE SACRED HOOP. It was considered to be extremely auspicious when the Moon and Planets moved through the Hoop.

Numerous myths and oral histories from Native American to Egyptian to Northern-European to Babylonian have referred to this intersection of the Milky way with the Zodiac as the place where souls enter into incarnation. This was sometimes known as the “gate of Cancer’. (Note that the opposite point of the sky, between the Scorpion and the Archer in the direction of the galactic center, known as the ‘gate of Capricorn’ was seen as an exit point, where souls leave upon death.) The soul was seen to be flowing down the Milky Way and then entering between the Bull and Twins in these tellings.

Inside the Hoop we also have the constellation most popularly known in the western world as Orion. The Mayans perceived the sword of Orion as a sacred fire of creation inside a fire pit. Amazingly, modern astronomers have discovered that this region of space is actually churning out new stars! As a last example, an Alaskan shamanic tradition perceived the great equilateral triangle in the Hoop formed by Sirius, Procyon, and Betelgeuse, as a ‘heavens gate’, another version of an entry point or entrance into incarnation.

The point of all this is to demonstrate how this region of the sky relates to beginnings and origins. Remember that the equinox based calendars all began whilst the Spring Equinox was located inside the Sacred Hoop. And the Egyptian “first time’ mythos was connected to these configurations inside the Hoop, when the Winter Solstice was located there. And now, 13,000 years later, the Summer Solstice is precisely there.” ShamanicAstrologer.com

Please Note: The Quechua Natives in Peru refer to the intersection of the Milky Way with the Ecliptic as the Great Cross. The Original Cross. In the Southern hemisphere, this is marked by a constellation with the same name.

The Gate to Capricorn is really pointing towards the center of the Milky Way, right through OPHIUCHUS!

from Shamanic Ascension Maps.com

The Green One and the Stars of the Sacred Hoop – Activation and Attunement


The Sacred Hoop in August 2013.

from Shamanic Ascension Maps.com


from The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, 

“The Behavioral Health Department will host a Sacred Hoop Ceremony at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 21, in the Tribal gym.

The four gifts of the Sacred Hoop are the power to forgive the unforgiveable, healing, hope and unity.

The Sacred Hoop will bring blessings and healing. The hoop brings healing for all recovering from different traumas (historical, intergenerational, addiction, etc.). It also strengthens sobriety and Wellbriety in the community.”
from The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde.



Remember, In Vedic Astrology, the Birth Sign is determined by the location of the Moon rather than the Sun.

From IndiaTimes AstroSpeak:
Jupiter Transits Cancer- 19.06.2014!


from astrocamp.com

Jupiter takes around 365 days to complete its transit in a zodiac sign. This is the reason that when astrologers foresee an incident happening in an year, they take the transit of Jupiter as its basis for calculating the timing of the event, many times.

Jupiter rules over expansion; thus, it makes a small tumour turn into Cancer (incurable disease). It controls lawyers, teachers, priests, rebirth, north direction, philosophy, spiritual gurus, new ideas, new constructions, and gods. In the body parts, it has control over liver, fat, thighs, and toes. In nature, it controls calmness, peace, and serenity. In business, it controls temples, trusts, schools, courts, foreign agencies, contracts, jail, navy, and hospitals. In manufacturing, it has control over oily foods, fatty foods, buttery items, cheese, sweets, rubber, and gold. In places, it has control over schools, colleges, courts, temples, big halls, churches, mosques, worship place in our homes, pictures of saints, and gods. It also has control over elephants, horses, oxen, peacocks, religious trees, cashew nuts, groundnuts, almonds, etc. in nutshell.


June 19: Jupiter transits into Cancer

from astroved.com


The most momentous time of the year for you to change your destiny is almost here. It is the one planetary transit that Yogis have looked forward to for the past 12 years and coincidently it takes place on a Thursday, a day ruled by Jupiter. Because Thursday June 19th, is when the great benevolent planet Jupiter moves into the sign of Cancer and gets exalted. Jupiter is considered pure grace and is known for his providential help during times of utter hopelessness. The things that Jupiter brings into your life lasts a long time: children, knowledge, growth of consciousness, and lasting wealth. Since Jupiter will stay in Cancer until July 13th, 2015 his influence will have a great impact on your life and on the world.




On Thursday June 19th, 2014 at 8.00 AM IST, Jupiter will move into the zodiac sign of Cancer. The Day and the Moon are both ruled by Jupiter, as the Moon will be in Jupiter’s star Purvabhadra. This is a great coincidence, so the day will be totally filled with Jupiter’s energy. Jupiter is the planet that brings in luck,
money, reputation, the best in any matter.
 He is the divinity within you, your higher consciousness. A good Jupiter makes you very practical and will cause you to save money, to invest wisely, and to pursue higher education. And until November, not only is Jupiter exalted but so is Saturn.




The two outer planets being exalted together create the powerful yoga: RESCUERS FROM KALI YUGA (yuga means epoch). JUPITER and SATURN are the planets that rescue people from sin and reveals the correct way to attain wealth, prosperity and spiritual bliss. No other planets can give the yoga to overcome the obstacles and blockages of the Kali Yuga. This is a once in a lifetime event as the energy of these planets will not repeat in our lifetime. This is, this Yuga’s Yoga.

Every year, Jupiter, the lord of Fortune, moves from one sign to another and sets the stage of human consciousness for the resulting year. In 2014, Jupiter enters Cancer on June 19th and will remain there for one year.


General Predictions: How Jupiter’s Move will Influence You? from astroved.com

When you are connected to Jupiter, he helps you to rise above a situation and to gain a bird’s eye view and consequently higher knowledge to improve a situation. Jupiter helps you aspire for things that you thought to be beyond your boundaries of imagination. He will also facilitate better development of sixth sense – good intuition power.

The transit of Jupiter is a time when you can seek and obtain the maximum benefits from Jupiter. It is very helpful to acquire Jupiter’s assistance in overriding any negative afflictions you have from any other planet. But, if Jupiter is unfavorably placed, i.e. when he cannot protect you, you are more prone to inner fears, distractions from others who could harm your reputation, and loss of opportunities for wealth. In some cases, without proper awareness and prevention, longer term problems could be created which requires much time and energy to reverse.

Read More



FREE: Exalted Jupiter Fire Ritual on June 19th, IST

Join us in celebrating Jupiter’s transit with poojas and fire rituals on Thursday, June 19th. Jupiter’s move into Cancer is your chance for a change of destiny. Jupiter is pure grace and is known for his providential help during times of utter hopelessness. Jupiter is pure grace and is known for his providential help during times of utter hopelessness. Everyone who wishes to connect with Jupiter can do so. You can participate for FREE in the Jupiter Transit Fire Lab which will take place at the AstroVed Fire Lab & Remedy Center in Chennai on June 19th IST.

Participate in FREE Jupiter Homa:
Free Fire Ritual



REMEMBER TO USE THE HORA WATCH, SO YOU CAN LIVE IN HARMONY WITH THE PLANETS, GODS AND GODDESSES, NETERU, ANCESTORS AND ORISHAS, HOUR BY HOUR, DAY BY DAY.  Know the best time to sign contracts, conduct business, spiritual work, gardening, creativity, etc. also from
astroved.com. you can even download on your smart device!


from astro.com

“For the archer, everything rests upon its capacity to aim well. Hitting the target is a metaphor that reveals a metaphysical attribute of the human mind. If one’s thought process remains fixed on a clear intention, then in the same way that the archer carefully directs his arrow, the mind obtains its prized goal; the target is reached. Jupiter prompts persons to think more deeply about what they aim at so that they can align their actions and intentions accordingly. Jupiter’s exaltation in Cancer appears to have blessed the United States, given its July 4 birth date. Many of America’s allies also fall under the cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. And it just so happens that these pivotal signs are where the cosmic action has been taking place since 2010. That emphasis remains in place for the next few years.

Given its 12-year orbit, Jupiter has transited the nation’s birth sign 8 times during the course of the 20th century. Only one of those previous transits holds striking parallels with our current era. If we turn back the pages of time to examine what took place when Uranus last transited Aries (1927-1935), we will find that Jupiter was also in Cancer from July 1930-July 1931. What historical evidence shows up? It was the onset of the Great Depression, massive citizen unrest reverberated throughout Europe (much of it based on inflamed ethnic rivalries), and a Dust Bowl was in its beginning stages. Interestingly enough, Pluto was then transiting Cancer (1914-1939), the sign that opposes its present position. That means that Pluto was forming a square to Uranus which is also currently the case. And the historical parallels speak for themselves.”

from astro.com



In Kemet, the Cosmic Force associated with Jupiter is AMUN. Also known as Ammon, Amen, Amin, etc.

Ramesses II smiting a group of prisoners before Amun-Re, copied from Abu Simbel, from Champollion’s “Monuments de l’Égypte et de la Nubie” (Public domain)


Hymn to Amun:

“O Amun, O Amun, who art in heaven, turn thy face upon the dead body of the child, and make your child sound and strong in the Netherworld.” O Amun, O Amun, O God, O God,O Amun, I adore thy name, grant thou to me that I may understand Thee; Grant thou that I may have peace in the Duat, and that I may possess all by members therein…” Hail, Amun, let me make supplication unto thee, for I know thy name, and thy transformations are in my mouth, and thy skin is before my eyes.” Come, I pray Thee, and place Thou heir and thine image, myself, in the everlasting netherworld…let my whole body become like that of a Neter, let me escape from the evil chamber and let me not be imprisoned therein; for I worship thy name..”



NOTE: The evil chamber is the Ego, negativity, self doubt, etc.

The objectives of Amun Meditation System (AMS) are to work on the unconscious mind, towards Enlightenment; Reprogramming or changing the negative impressions in the unconscious mind; Transforming or changing the image of the self from materialistic to Spiritual.


Om Amun Ra Ptah
The One Divine Self Manifesting as Witnessing Consciousness, Mind and the Physical Universe.

“Everything we do is sowing and all of our experiences are harvests” Egyptian Proverb
“Manifest plainness, embrace simplicity, reduce selfishness, have few desires” Lao Tzu
“We will either find a way, or make one…” Hannibal
Dua Uab Ra Tem