The Blue Lotus Speaks: Reggae on the River 2014 Reflections UPDATE!

Good Rising. Great Awakenings. Great Sirius Rising!


What a difference one moment can make. can change a life for ever. end relationships. exposes truths and weaknesses. empower or ruin lives. I am choosing empowerment. I am choosing to end silence and end violence. Never once imagined that Reggae on the River would be connected to the Blue Lotus Speaks….


First, the Good News!   Had an amazing weekend. here are some photos….will have video very soon….

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Special Thanks to Gagan Hunter for photography, video, and help with booth operations and pyramid set up. Special Thanks to Andre Jonson for assistance with program concept and production. Special Thanks to Justin Crellin for such an amazing opportunity. Special Thanks for Pat and Eddie Lincoln for transportation.

Please read Reggae on the River Reflections part 1


now for the harsh realities. Not sure if my pondering about events following previous 2 appearances at Reggae had anything to do with this, but here goes….

Less than 2 months after Tchiya Amet Day, End the Silence, End the Violence, (June 7 2014), 2 days before my 53rd birthday, 2 days before the end of my Chiron Return, (August 5, 2014), at around 4pm pst, I was sexually molested/assaulted in broad daylight, in front of my boyfriend, in our booth at Reggae on the River 2014. Fortunatly, it only took me 3 days to file a police report as opposed to 30 years. (Read Blue Lotus Speaks Update)


Turns out, there were several instances of this during the course of the weekend. I even heard that the issue was addressed from on stage, that there needs to be more respect of women.   I am asking for your help right now. Help us to identify and nail this creep. Get him off the streets and away from Innocents. Women, Children. Elders, etc.  Help me get this disgusting image of his face out of my mind and onto paper. I completely froze, which is understandable based on my history. But now, I have the opportunity to turn things around. This pervert came to my booth 2 times before, so I know exactly what he looks like, how he sounds. etc,. why didm’t I scream? why didn’t I report to the authorities? why didn’t my boyfriend? TRAUMA.

His name is Mike or Kevin. He is short, dark skinned. Bald. wears glasses or sunglasses. Comes from Nigeria or Ghana, living in Boston with heavy British/Boston accent. was wearing a green t shirt and shorts. very cocky, arrogant bastard. Was volunteering at a friend’s booth, not sure if it was a non-profit booth. wanting to remember what kind of booth it was. came to my booth once in morning, and he even watched my booth while I went to get my cell phone that had been charging at press tent.

Then he came back while I was giving a woman a sound healing treatment. he put his hands on my back and his female friend told him to stop, to leave me alone because I had a client. he told her that he and I went way back (not true! only met him that morning!) and that it was cool??? Then I told him that I was busy and to come back in 20 minutes. He claimed he wanted to buy some oils and a cd.

When he returned a few hours later, he walked right past my boyfriend who was seated in front of merchandise , right behind me, and proceeded to place one hand on my left breast while other hand headed into my vagina.  I raised my hands up, said WHOA and stepped back. I froze for what seemed an eternity. Hands still raised, mouth dropped wide open, eyes bulging. heart pounding. When I was about to tell him to leave, still seated, my boyfriend calmly began to speak with him. This shocked me even more, and traumatized, turned to go work on next client. Kept silent, not wanting to make waves or embarrass boyfriend.

Next day, a friend told me that I need to speak with the boyfriend about what happened. We did, and this led to us breaking up. Some friend! when I called to him today for support, all he could do is tell me that his video had gotten up to 93,000 hits? Ironically, these are the same two people that helped me with my performance and booth operations over the weekend….

Anyhow, I am shocked, as usual, as how insensitive some folks can be. asking me what did I do to attract this? why didn’t I give a signal that I was in danger? That is like asking a car accident victim why they did not drive themselves to the hospital!

I had my first Tae Kwon do Class today. If this ever happens again, or if I see it happening, the pervert will end up in jail, hospital or the morgue. HOTEP.  I am grateful for this Reggae on the River Experience to guide me further along the path of healing self and entire planet. Let’s re-connect in November….



4 thoughts on “The Blue Lotus Speaks: Reggae on the River 2014 Reflections UPDATE!

  1. Greetings Sis, Peace be with you. I have never met you personally, but you actually look very familiar to me. Never the less, most importantly, I stumbled across your portal and signed up and been attentive to what you share. I just read your experience at festival and I’m truly sorry for any distress you had to endure and thankful for your courage. That bastard will be visited by Mother Nature so we have no worries of retribution. Just wanted to take time to write and let you know you have many who love you.


    On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 10:31 PM, Tchiya Amet Portal Entrance wrote:



    • Greetings. I am just now seeing your response, and thank you very much for reaching out. My Healing Journey has been most powerful and transformative, and have been able to transform this poison into healing medicine. I am hapi that you signed up, and look forward to meeting in the future, or meeting again. Are you from Chicago, or attended Oberlin College or UT Austin? or perhaps we met at a festival years ago, or lifetimes ago!

      Dua Em Hotep. Tchiya Amet


  2. Pingback: The Blue Lotus Speaks: ENDING THE SILENCE, ENDING THE VIOLENCE. Who’s Who of Violations | Tchiya Amet Portal Entrance

  3. Pingback: Blue Lotus Speaks: Sirius Culmination 2015 Reflections on 30 Years of Living with Trauma and Assault | Tchiya Amet Portal Entrance

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