May Full Moon 2014 Celestial Update: Mars Direct, Sedna, Mercury Retrograde, and Jupiter Cancer Transit!


Wow. There’s a lot going on to say the least…..


Well Right now is the Full Moon. I can see her coming up over the Redwood Trees on my street…..

here is the scoop from EarthWord SkyWord StarSignPosts from Lyn Dalebout

“Wed May 14
From the sidereal perspective (true galactic planetary alignments ~ you can read more on my website under Sidereal Astrology) today’s Full Moon takes place in the last degree of  Sun in Aries and Moon in Libra. The 29th degree, the last degree of a sign, promises that things we have hoped for, longed for, worked for often manifest at the very last minute, or as a friend once reminded me: “God’s on time at 11:59″.  Sidereal Aries is the sign of spiritual awakening, literally coming into your Mastery, and Sidereal Libra helps us discover how we share our individual gifts with others in healthy, harmonious partnerships.


It’s important to note that today’s Full Moon is activating and activated by the planetary Being called Sedna.  Here’s a brief description of Sedna and relevant themes that might be in play, taken from Nick Anthony Fiorenza’s Lunar Planner ( ): “Sedna articulates the ‘return of the exiled feminine principle’. Sedna’s message is that humanity must recognize the truth about the suppression, persecution, abduction and exploitation of the feminine force in the world (both of females and of the feminine principle); and the mentality perpetuating such must be addressed and changed. Although it is quite obvious of our need for this re-emergence and balanced reintegration with the overly dominant patriarchal world, there is still dire hesitancy for such participation of females due to the often awry, deceptive and exploitative use of creative power by the masculine force in the world. Sedna appears to motivate action from a mature social platform, from an open, honest and inclusive humanitarian focus, into an active focus in leadership in the world; to break trail along a new path of discovery by demonstrating that a more feminine humanitarian type of leadership can provide the answers to the challenges our world faces.”

And this good news, also from Nick: “Sedna enters the constellation of Taurus in 2014-2017, supporting a more physically active and prominent participation of females in world.””

Inuit Legend of Sedna

Sedna’s Mask: Great Ocean Mother of the Inuit

Sedna, Inuit  Goddess of the Animals of the Sea

 “Sedna in a reading indicates deep, buried anger and a feeling of powerlessness. Unacknowledged or disowned anger can lead to depression. However, this anger or buried emotion is in fact very powerful and needs to be accessed, acknowledged or released in a safe manner. Take your cue from the shaman’s journey and treat this inner angry person with compassion and soothing gestures. Above all, listen.”
Thalia Took

Sedna is one of the tuning fork vibrations in the acutonics © collection. Ren Chong Extraordinary vessels anyone????? That is where I am headed after this posting: Sedna, Full Moon 6th, and Ren; Chong….
contact Tchiya if you are interested in purchasing these
Sedna tuning forks: cosmic at

Back to the Oracle:
“Lastly, this intense sky dynamic is also happening today: Venus ~ principle of love, art, beauty ~  squares off with Pluto ~ ruler of power and control issues, death and rebirth. One can feel intensely obsessed or possessed, positively or negatively, with a creative project or relationship.

Thu May 15
We are still strongly feeling the effects of  yesterday’s Full Moon so re-read yesterday’s post for helpful clues as to what the heck is happening within and around you. In addition, this is wondrous event is happening: the annual Venus/Uranus conjunction. Any planetary aspect to Uranus indicates sudden breakthroughs, breakdowns or creative surges. Venus is the ruler of our physical heart, our heart’s longings and creative urges, and our personal money so expect surprising sudden shifts in any of those arenas.  Late tonight and into tomorrow morning, the driven, delving, investigative Scorpio Moon opposes Mercury in Taurus. The classic conundrum of one partner wanting to explore the underlying issues while the other party wants to see things at face value may emerge. Or one person values thinking things through while the other wants to honor intuition and feelings. These are also the astrological financial signs, so keep in mind those discussions might revolve around money or resources.: lyn dalebout

Scorpio Moon: Emotions and  Desires
Mercury Taurus: Djehuty and HetHeru. Intelligence and Beauty.

Mars Retrograde goes Direct on May 19: from


Since Mars is about sex as well as well as war, it will cause us to re-evaluate our sexual relationships. Our ambitions and goals also come under scrutiny. Mars retrograde may work very deep down below the surface, bringing things up very slowly, but surely. This gives it a chance to make daring decisions with a cool head and not in the usual Mars reactive way. In personal terms, warmongering could mean starting legal proceedings or initiating a new business venture. It is usually advised to wait till Mars is direct again. But if your intentions are honourable and for the greater good, then I think the universe should favourably take care of the outcome. Retrograde cycles are fated times, one must surrender to hidden forces. The problem with waiting to make a move until Mars is direct is Mars’s volcanic behaviour when it is suddenly released. It just depends how you want to play it. You might want to make use of this wild energy, so if you like playing with fire then go right ahead. If you have been unhappily celibate for a while or have been having problems reaching orgasm well…need I say more. Enjoy!”

I am interpreting Mars going back Direct as getting back in alignment with Sekhmet energy: Maat IS the Law; Sekhment UPHOLDS the law. I have been fighting several legal battles as of late, and it feel alike all my efforts are about to blossom in exponential goodness and righteousness…



The Sedna Activation is intensifying the whole Scorpio Moon Vibration with Emotions and Desires. Thankfully, we are coming back into alignment with Sekhmet in a few days, Mars Direct, which will help tremendously! Do what you gotta do, but remember to keep the  balance with HetHeru…

June 7: Mercury Retrograde until July 2. That seems like an awfully long time. That is more like a month than it s three weeks…. okay, well. remember new strategy: this is an opening for a breakthrough in order, organization, paperwork, finances, research, healing and communications thanks to Sesheta: the female counterpart to Djehuty, Goddess of Mathematics, Astrology, Astronomy, Architecture, the Sciences, books, all writings, finances, accounting, order and organization, etc. Also remember that we can awaken these cosmic forces within ourselves. We are truly Co-Creators with the Divine by the way that we direct our thoughts and emotions.


June 19: Jupiter transits into Cancer


Astrological Significance of Jupiter Transit 2014

The most momentous time of the year for you to change your destiny is almost here. It is the one planetary transit that Yogis have looked forward to for the past 12 years and coincidently it takes place on a Thursday, a day ruled by Jupiter. Because Thursday June 19th, is when the great benevolent planet Jupiter moves into the sign of Cancer and gets exalted. Jupiter is considered pure grace and is known for his providential help during times of utter hopelessness. The things that Jupiter brings into your life lasts a long time: children, knowledge, growth of consciousness, and lasting wealth. Since Jupiter will stay in Cancer until July 13th, 2015 his influence will have a great impact on your life and on the world.




On Thursday June 19th, 2014 at 8.00 AM IST, Jupiter will move into the zodiac sign of Cancer. The Day and the Moon are both ruled by Jupiter, as the Moon will be in Jupiter’s star Purvabhadra. This is a great coincidence, so the day will be totally filled with Jupiter’s energy. Jupiter is the planet that brings in luck,
money, reputation, the best in any matter.
 He is the divinity within you, your higher consciousness. A good Jupiter makes you very practical and will cause you to save money, to invest wisely, and to pursue higher education. And until November, not only is Jupiter exalted but so is Saturn.




The two outer planets being exalted together create the powerful yoga: RESCUERS FROM KALI YUGA (yuga means epoch). JUPITER and SATURN are the planets that rescue people from sin and reveals the correct way to attain wealth, prosperity and spiritual bliss. No other planets can give the yoga to overcome the obstacles and blockages of the Kali Yuga. This is a once in a lifetime event as the energy of these planets will not repeat in our lifetime. This is, this Yuga’s Yoga.

Every year, Jupiter, the lord of Fortune, moves from one sign to another and sets the stage of human consciousness for the resulting year. In 2014, Jupiter enters Cancer on June 19th and will remain there for one year.

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REMEMBER TO USE THE HORA WATCH, SO YOU CAN LIVE IN HARMONY WITH THE PLANETS, GODS AND GODDESSES, NETERU, ANCESTORS AND ORISHAS, HOUR BY HOUR, DAY BY DAY.  Know the best time to sign contracts, conduct business, spiritual work, gardening, creativity, etc. also from you can even download on your smart device!

WELL! As you can see, this Summer 2014 is going to be really hot starting RIGHT NOW! Stay tuned for more updates; like this page; join this blog, and sign the official mailing list! PEACE and Love! Tchiya