Shetaut Neter on blogtalk radio

Temple of Shetaut Neter: Temple of Aset

Udja Greetings! Uben Nefer. Good Rising. NEHAST! Great Awakening!!!

Shetaut Neter
Shetaut Neter is the religion of Kemet, of the Ancient African Egyptians. Shetaut Neter means Hidden Divinity. Shetaut Neter is the ancient philosophy and spiritual culture that gave rise to the Ancient Egyptian civilization. All of the guest speakers are members of the Temple of Shetaut Neter and Sema Institute led by Dr. Muata Ashby, aka Sebai Maa.

I am a member of this Temple. I have been a follower since 2010, when I was initiated as a Shemsu, a Follower of Heru. The following summer, I made my first journey to Kemet (Egypt), but that is another story….

Every Sunday Rising, at 5:30am PST, that is 8:30am EST,
Join us for the Morning Devotional Program, my Self Shems Arit,
along with Asar Djehuty Se Hotep.
There are other programs on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings as well.

Check Out Spirituality Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Shetaut Neter on BlogTalkRadio


Listen to internet radio with Shetaut Neter on Blog Talk Radio

For more information, please visit Kemetic World

HETEP, Tchiya Amet El Maat/ Shems Arit

Blue Lotus Speaks: Sirius Culmination 2015 Reflections on 30 Years of Living with Trauma and Assault

Sirius CleaningGood Rising and Great Awakenings.
Today, It is
January 18, 2015

The journey home from yet another fabulous Shetaut Neter Temple of Aset Temple of Heru WINTER SOLSTICE CONFERENCE, RETREAT AND FESTIVAL, was almost as powerful as the retreat itself. In fact, the experience is ongoing…….

Shetaut Neter Winter Retreat 2014

Wanted to take a moment to share some of the profound healing and reflections that have recently illuminated my life. These are thoughts and realizations that are allowing me to move forward faster than ever.

1. I was deeply moved by the hekau Nuk Pu Nuk Asar Asar: I am That I am Asar, Asar. The Teachings tell us to see ourselves as Asar, and to identify with his experiences and transformation. I began to see, and to feel, how each one of us is in fact Asar, that each one of us has been “cut up into pieces” by our relatives, society, oppression, etc. And that it is the loving wisdom and compassion of the Divine Mother that heals and puts us back together makes us whole,. In this instant, I was able to feel forgiveness and compassion for myself, and for all those that were involved in my encounters with violation of any kind.


aset getting djed pillar



Violence and unrighteousness occur where there is ignorance of the Divine. Cannot blame someone for being ignorant because society is designed to perpetuate ignorance. However, it behooves us to speak out against ignorance, unrighteousness, violence, assault, abuse, etc, and to stand up and seek Justice. This is Living For Maat.

healing asar


2. Next I realized that when I feel doubt, fear, guilt, shame, etc. that is my Ego, that is Set. That anytime I believe that it is my own actions, thoughts, desires etc that alone cause a situation or person’s negativity into my space, that is my ego. Sometimes, I am being used by the Divine as a mirror. Sometimes, I am just in a place to serve as a witness. But no longer do I have to accept that I am “attracting things” just because I am shining light on certain issues. For instance, when people say the reason for the assault in August is because I started speaking out against rape in June, in honor of Tchiya Amet Day. Or because I finally spoke publicly about being raped by Neil deGrasse Tyson when I was a grad student at UT Austin in the 80’s.This is ludicrous!!! What I learned is that darkness is attracted to light, but that is no reason for light to stop shining. That is all the more reason to shine even more brightly! For awhile, I was trying to hide my light, to hide my truth. To hide from my Truth. But no more, thanks to a creep and a man that did nothing in August 2014, the end of my Chiron Return, I am determined to shine even more brightly than ever, to continue to speak up and sing out. Committed to End the Silence, End the Violence.

healing power


3. The third and probably most crucial realization follows:

Every single instance of trauma that I experienced happened at a time, place, or situation or relationship where I had received a “red flag” or intuitional hit that I should not be there, or not a good thing for me, but I ignored the message. Either I loved the person, place, thing, institution, message, ideal or potential, and was determined that I could endure no matter what.


Red Flag!



So, my intuition says, “Warning! Danger! Exit Stage Left Immediately!!” and I say things like,”Oh, it will be over soon. I don’t want to inconvenience them”, or “Well, they came all this way. It will be alright just this once”, “He will change and I can help”. “It’s not exactly what I am looking for, but she seems nice “, etc. The Universe does the only thing it can do, and I unconsciously help, because I KNOW it is not right for me: CREATE TRAUMA SO THAT IT WILL END, I HAVE TO END IT, OR SOMETHING TO THAT EFFECT.  Yes, each and every trauma that I have encountered is because of something like this.  Ignoring My Divine Intelligence, My Inner Guidance, My Intuition. I forget My Self and listen to Set, the toxic ego.



Heru and Set

Now, for the years that I was ignorant of the Divine, of my Higher Self, of my intuition, I must forgive myself 1000%. For the times that Set was in control. and I foolishly believed that I knew better than the Most High, I must also forgive myself. As well as the individuals that were involved.


Set Guiding the Barque of Ra


It is NOT about eliminating the Ego, or controlling Set, etc. It IS about PURIFYING the Ego, purification of Set, SUBLIMATING the Ego, so that the Ego serves you, rather than you serving the Ego,


The Correct Maatian Action for me to take is to continue to speak out and to help others to do the same, thereby seeking, and seeing, Justice in my own life, allowing me to see Justice in the World. This is my true desire: To see and experience Maat restored Upon the Earth in this lifetime.





Note Geb covered in feathers: Maat Restored Upon the Earth




Which brings me to the Empty Cabinet at the top of this page.

Speaking of Order:



When my daughters were young, we kept the Sabbath, we did major Spring Cleaning every year to be ready in time for Passover, the Full Moon after the Spring Equinox. When they moved away, I was unable to keep it up alone, especially the thorough spring cleaning in one month. So I stopped. After keeping this tradition for over 20 years, and then stopping for 10 years, I have decided to start again. There has been so much negative vibes that came in and out of my life in the years that I was NOT doing this! It is incredible to look back and reflect on what transpired during the ten years my family has been “cut into pieces”: 2005 is the year my oldest daughter, Monoah moved out, then Lluvia and I moved to Berkeley shortly after that. The rest will have to wait for the full length movie.


Sirius Cleaning

The most important thing is that I have decided to start again. And as you know, with HeruScopes, all the signs are off by about one month anyway, and it sure feels like the seasons are shifting, or that the magnetic poles have flipped. Therefore, instead of trying to get the entire house clean in one month, I begin with Sirius Culmination, January 1, and will see how far I can get, by myself, by the Full Moon after Spring Equinox. I began with this cabinet, taking out all of the dishes, washing the cabinet, washing all the dishes, then putting back the ones I am keeping. This will soon spread to every cabinet, every closet, every drawer, every wall, window and ceiling, every garden, until the entire house and the yards are cleansed and protected for another year.  I use lavender water, rose water, sage, sea salt, incense, sound like drums and sistrum. Again, it is about restoring order, setting boundaries, and maintaining them, paying attention to red flags, and leaving Set out of it, unless ready to serve the Divine.

The Story of how my spiritual practice, journey and culture have evolved from Rasta, to Hebrew Israelite, to Black Native, and presently to Kemetic (Cosmic) Sound Healer, Yogini and Priestess is yet another chapter, and we will get to that shortly….in the meantime,

If you listen to my music, you can experience this journey for yourself…
available at

or read “When Rocks Cry Out” by Horace Butler and you will get the idea….you might even understand!

After decades of NOT observing New Year’s Eve, I have come around to the Truth of this evening, and fully embrace Sirius Culmination, a grand time to reflect on past, present and future. A Moment in Time to Fully Align with the Cosmic Order of the Universe. A time to plan ahead for the strategy and implementation of Maat Restored On Earth: BALANCE, TRUTH ORDER, HARMONY, JUSTICE, RECIPROCITY AND RIGHTEOUSNESS .


Tchiya Amet El Maat, S.E.





HeruScope Wisdom Teachings: Khepera (Scarab) New Moon 2014 of Family & Transformation


This is so exciting! I am so grateful. I welcome into this space my Cosmic Guides and mentors in the realm of the Ancestors, Master Naba. Who continues to guide me daily on this Sirius Journey.


I LOVE it when Master Naba says that we have a name for every hour in the day. That is based on planetary realities, not some arbitrary unit of time that is approximate at best, and outright fraud the rest of the time….
(for more on this, please revisit: Hora Watch and also Living with Cosmic Forces of the Universe)


Goddess Sesheta





“She was also associated with the sacred Persea Tree on which the names of the kings were written at the time of coronation. She was the “Recorder of Deeds” “MIstress of Books” and “Reckoner of time”. The Perse Tree was associated with the goddess in the feline form, who resided in the city of Anu, City of God, )Heliopolis to the Greeks) and slew the demon serpent Apophis, who was the enemy of Ra and also of all souls.”



You can learn more about Goddess Sesheta at the Sirius Musical Goddess page at



BTW, Sesheta is also a Moon Goddess….

FREE Download LunarPhase v 1.0.4

On with The HeruScope for this Moonth.

In Ancient Kemet, the sign of Cancer was known as Scarabaeus, NOT THE CRAB. NOT CANCER. NOT AN ILLNESS THAT IS KILLING OUR FAMILY. That means that in Ancient Kemet, this time of year was known as KHEPERA!!! TRANSFORMATION! Not carrying our homes, our belongings, our baggage, our trauma around with us forever!

“In the Egyptian records of about 2000 B.C. the constellation of Cancer was described as a Scarabaeus, sacred, as its specific name sacer signifies (Scarabeus sacer are dung beetles), and an emblem of immortality. This was the Greek karabos (or Kharabos), with its nest-ball of earth in its claws, an idea which occurs again even as late as the 12th century, when an illuminated astronomical manuscript shows a Water-beetle” [Allen, Star Names].

Two details of the rectangular Dendera zodiac: (a) scarab; (b) crab.

The present temple at Dendera dates from the 1st century BCE, i.e. the late Ptolemaic period, and was completed by the Roman emperor Tiberius (reigned 14-37 CE), who added the portico containing the circular zodiac. However, the temple rests on the foundations of earlier buildings, which – according to an inscription – date back to predynastic times.1



Perhaps it was during this time that they just changed it from a scarab to a crab, thinking no one would notice….or maybe it was a pole shift.

Khepri and Asar

 from the lunar planner:

The Egyptian Scarabaeus articulates the theme of humanity’s emergence from darkness, dogma, and delusion and its reawakening back to light.The Scarab is an appropriate mythical figure here because the beetle emerges from its snuggle in its own dung, where it matures. This theme also applies to our individual emergence from the family nest or from the collective consciousness that we co-create. The Scarab is a symbol of regeneration, transformation and re-birth, of being self-created, or self-made, to rise from itself—hence humanity’s association with the beetle’s emergence. This area of the heavens imparts a nurturing, protective and cultivating quality, ultimately to support this emergence.




At the New Moon on July 26, there will be 3 Celestial Beings spending time in Khepera: Sesheta, Amun, and Ra.
The Moon, Jupiter, and the Sun.
The following week, after the Moon has left, Djehuti/ Mercury will be dropping by.




During this New Moontime, there might be some tension due to the proximity of the Sun to Jupiter. This can show up in family relations. Rather than retreating into a shell, like the traditional zodiac crab, awaken and utilize the Cosmic Force of Transformation, Khepri, that lives within YOU to bring about healing positive change and growth within our selves, our families and out communities. The Cosmic Force of Ra, the Sun, will bring Illumination and Clarity to all family confrontations and situations.  As Sirius Rises, the Sacred Hoop is Mended. Our Families are healed. YOU are HERU: You are the Hero in the Story of the Myth of YOUR family tree in this time and space. ASHE!

Sacred Hoop: Sirius is the Tail Lakota Star Knowledge


Sacred Hoop


Amun (Jupiter) calls forth expansion, gets us to try new things, Ra brings Illumination and Creativity, and Khepri IS Transformation. Travel, or moving to a new location might feel impulsive, but is actually right on time due to the influences of the New Moon. Time for New Beginnings, or New Locations! “Environment is the Parent of Creation”!

Let’s try  something new with our families:

jupiter cancer

By the end of the Moonth, July 31, Sesheta will be in the House of Ra, (the Moon will be in Leo), and Djehuti will become Transformative Khepri (Mercury will move into Cancer). Emotions could run hot, and Sekhmet might appear, however the soothing and lightening quick words of Djehuti will wash away all poison and egoistic thoughts and words, will lovingly throw cold pure water of consciousness in your face, and bring you back to reality. Transforming all poison into medicine, all ignorance into blessings, lessons, and wisdom that ultimately, lead to enlightenment.


from Star Signposts and EarthSky Oracle

Jupiter represents the faith to carry on. We must carry on in hopes that one day the tribe we primarily honor is the TRIBE OF OUR UNIFIED HUMANITY. This is my hope and the core of my mission, as it is for so many of us.


Also note: Saturn is now direct as of last Sunday, but Uranus goes retrograde Monday. This constitutes a tidal confluence of major shifts. As that metaphor implies, it can be hard to discern which way the tide is going. What is leaving your life and what is arriving?  Stay tuned and attuned. And the waning but still volatile square of Sun to Mars early this week  assures us that direct confrontation and honesty are still needed and necessary.



Sidereal Cosmic Forces at a Glance:

HetHeru (Venus) in Gemini the Twiins: watch out for indecision in affairs of the heart.

Set; Sekhmet residing in the House of Virgo the Virgin: Hmmmmmm gonna leave that one alone for the time being…..

Geb (Saturn) aligned with MAAT (Libra): Make peace with the Earth, Make Peace with ALL Relations. Maat Hetepu. May the Peace of Maat Be With You.

Neptune in Aquarius: Time to pay attention to the messages of the water. time to start taking better care of the water.

Uranus in Pisces: again, time to pay attention to what is happening to our water.

Asar (Pluto) and Chiron (the Wounded Healer) are both in Sagittarius: we have the widsom to heal our selves, and to clean up our home, Planet Earth,  and affect a massive transformation. We need to do this immediately, and put an end to the destruction our water sources. Especially with all the denial and cope up going on around Fukishima. and also, CEASE FRACKING GLOBALLY.

Sedna is in Aries. Surviving abuse and trauma at the hands of a loved one is tragic, And yet, in the end, when the event is but a memory, there is always something beautiful to be grateful for, a valuable lesson learned. Right now, Mother Earth and women around the world are suffering from abuse at the hands of loved ones. It is difficult to imagine what good can come from all of this violence, but we must keep this in mind somehow… of the most healing things we can do is to TAKE ACTION, SPEAK OUT AND STAND FOR JUSTICE. AT ALL COSTS. BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.


So how many Cosmic Forces are dealing with Water this month??? 6!!! Sun, Jupiter, Moon in Khepri (Cancer). Neptune in Aquarius, Uranus in Pisces (these two are ‘reversed”)  and Sedna is in Aries: always in water and trauma….Going to be wetter than usual. I know that most of you believe that we will soon enter the realm of FIRE: Leo, Ra, Sekhmet. But Siderally, we are in Cancer/Kheperi until August 10! This will be the next full moon as well.



Here is my post on Jupiter Cancer Transit. Amun Khepri Transit 


This is my song FireWater. It is about my favorite area of the Milky Way.

It kinda has a riddle in it:

Where is the Place Where the River Outshines the Sun?


Do you know where this place is? Please leave your answer in the comments section below. Here is a hint,  If you know this place, then you know me.


Planting Peace and Sending Love, Tchiya